#general summary of my thoughts on the things i didn't just rant paragraphs about haha
bugsbenefit · 7 months
more tfs thoughts, really just trying to recontextualize some show lore with what seems to be established in the play
yada yada you know
1.) so with Henry getting his powers from his encounter in dimension X this could potentially explain the "Will has powers" angle - with a: no one expect the lab kids (that were created via Henry's ?blood?, so via the help of someone who already had powers) was actually born with them, with Henry only having powers post his encounter and acting differently, presumably possessed/influenced by the MF to some degree. which Will was as well in the UD and up to the end of s2. it's possible that with the MF particles being expelled by the end of s2 impacted him to some degree, but he still seems to have some sort of connection remaining at least, in form of the neck thing
2.) also the "vecnaing" powers coming from the MF is interesting because now there's at least the possibility that Will in s2 could have killed people that way too, with having parts of the MF literally inside him. which is honestly, really horrifying but also kind of funny. maybe it was really Really good they knocked him out and didn't find out after all. also raises the question to me if Vecna himself also/still has parts of the MF in himself (and if that's even a requirement to "vecna" someone or if that just works via letting the MF do it's thing or asking it really nicely, or maybe it just really Gave Vecna that power to do it whenever he wants who knows
3.) also with Patty being almost guaranteed to come back, i'd say she's most likely Mrs Kelley. introducing a whole new character would be a questionable move, especially with Patty's caliber. and there have been theories about Mrs Kelley being somehow connected to Vecna since July 2022. with all the Vecna victims visiting her, them trying to find literal keys in her home, and her weird clock-key necklace that's SO specific in the season about the "wizard obsessed with clocks" guy
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i think the most interesting place to take that though is if she's Patty and she has been helping/watching what's been up with Vecna instead of just being out of the loop and then being filled in in s5 and swooping in to help. if she's just used in s5 to help save the day and appeal to Vecna's humanity... i don't know how well that would work, especially with Patty and their whole backstory only existing in the play. it would feel weird at best, to me at least. if they made her more morally gray and didn't use her as, essentially, a tool, there would be something interesting there. but. hm, idk if they'll go there
4.) also, the whole boat backstory is kind of cool to me in a way. the original show bible mentions spontaneous vanishings so that turning up in the canon lore now is fun to me. also seems like something that will play into s5. with s4s main tag line about "Hawkins will fall" and the whole concept about the UD becoming a stronger influence over Hakwins (via Nancy's vision, bts interviews, the show bible as well) the idea of the whole town or bigger sections of the town or buildings/people could literally being at risk of "falling into" or merging with the UD in some form is something i was expecting for for s5. which seems backed up with where the play is taking the UD lore. could also be a potential source for cool sets/visuals for s5 if we get merged areas with a desolate UD and a building that's definitely not supposed to be there, or the other way around. i feel like they could do some interesting things with that
5.) and that coming with the by-product of apparently giving Brenner dead-daddy issues is kind of funny. no comment there. the guy who calls himself Papa and is defined in the show by his freakish relationship to his "kids" having daddy issues IS just funny
6.) also, small point, but Allan Munson apparently not having a big role and being very similar to Eddie... i'm shaking my fist, will these people ever stop riding the Eddie Munson wave 😭
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