#gallerian to that scherzer bitch in that one joc manga
tomboyjessie13 · 3 years
Gallerian Apologism? Speaking as a Galley fan.
I saw a tumblr post regarding Gallerian and I learned that there’s fans who are excusing or ignoring his horrendous actions because he’s a good dad and Ma’s a bitch. Some of those points are true but like...he’s not innocent either?
Like don't get me wrong, I love Gallerian as much as the next fan, he's one of my favorite sinners next to Nemesis and Margarita, he's a good Dad to Michelle, I ship him with Bruno(*cough* and @tomgonzo34 's OC because I'm trash *cough*), and I agree that Ma's a bitch who did awful things to him and Nemesis.
But like...he's no saint either? I mean he released criminals that are evil and dangerous, including that misogynistic pig Scherzer from that JOC short story Manga. There's even a good possibility that innocent people got thrown in the slammer to. Why? Because of money, he did awful things just like any other Demon contractor because of money, which is why he's "Greed". Adam even outright called him out as being naturally greedy, and Sickle called him scum because of his actions.
Again, I love this dude as much as some of you guys, and I understand the justifications, but he's just as guilty as the other Demon contractors. He's not the pure baby boi some of ya'll claim him to be, sorry if I sound rude, I’m just saying.
Also and this is just a me thing, but why do some of these fans keep saying Gallerian is "Gay"? Now I have nothing against gay men in fiction and I'm a die hard Galleruno fan as well, but if Gallerian was gay, why is he attracted to women as well? What happened to being Bi or Pans?
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