#for you uninformed fuckers who just want the common people to rekt Ril's shit
vixlenxe · 2 years
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Lesson time for the people who aren’t aware of the Story Of Evil, the Lucifenian Revolution was a lot more then just some angry, hungry peasants storming the palace. It took two other countries joining the resistance & a genocide of green haired women for it to actually be a success.
A bunch of starving, non-combat trained peasants wouldn’t have been enough best the Lucifenian army, they needed more men & for the Lucifenian military to have exhausted themselves so they would not have the same amount of solders, energy, or supplies to fight back. With Marlon & Elphegort proving more men, & the Green Hunting having just happened, thus, exhausting the Lucifenia troops & their supplies, it made the prefect grounds for this to happen.
I generally believe that without these three things, the Revolution wouldn’t have succussed. Lucifenia was the strongest country in Evillious at the time because of it’s military, that’s not a status you earn easily.
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