#for clarity i havent seen anyone bashing anyone else for their opinions *here* but i've seen people talking about others doing it elsewhere
khihi ยท 3 months
i reckon Everybody's Waiting is gonna be a marmite song for most of us, so just want to remind everyone to try not to take anyone else's opinion on it too personally ๐Ÿฉท you can disagree with someone over their thoughts on a song without it being a problem, and i promise there will be loads of people with the same or similar opinion to you!!
don't be afraid to talk about your own feelings on it, whatever they are, but don't dunk on others for having different feelings โ€“ and if you feel like you can't discuss it without it hurting you somehow then look after your mental health and stay away from those discussions ๐Ÿฉท
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