#figured I'd share OGs and favorite covers
servin-up-surveys · 10 months
survey #178
What was the last big change through which you went? Do you deal well with change, typically? Have you always? The very obvious answer is how much my legs have improved. Walking is usually more uncomfortable than fucking agony nowadays, and after being so used to the extreme weakness in my legs, I've come leaps and bounds. Change can still stress me out, but I've definitely gotten friendlier towards it.
What is something fun you have done within the past week? I watched Girt finish Nier; it's his all-time favorite game so I loved watching him be all enthusiastic about it and share interesting stuff. I'd actually already seen him play it once, MANY years ago, but I completely didn't remember the plot (he finished the game when I was so done and VERY much barely conscious lol), and this time he played the "Replicant" remake, so the quality of everything was improved. I thought it was great, its soundtrack is especially astounding.
Have you ever read any self-help books? Nah, I'm not nearly interested enough in the genre to get past a couple pages.
Do you thank the bus driver? Yes, you should thank any person that serves the public; bus drivers, waiters, everything. That's just common sense to me, like it's so rude to not show appreciation for someone serving YOUR needs. "But it's their job to ____," I don't give a fuck say thank you you ungrateful shit.
Are you scared of needles? Only very long needles that penetrate very deeply.
Do you know anyone who is/was a drug addict? Yes.
Do you tend to cave into peer pressure? No.
Do you still talk to the person you last made out with? Yes.
Who was the last person you went to the movies with? Girt. I'm TRYING to talk him into seeing Barbie now lmfao, I don't think it's happening though. It kinda surprised me how unwilling he is, and I do kiiiinda worry he's fallen into the "it shits on men too hard" crowd, but I don't know.
Do you ever fear falling asleep? Well yes, for some reason no doctor has been able to confidently figure out, I have severe nightmares/terrors nearly any time I fall asleep. This has been going on for years though so by THIS point it's not so much fear, but annoyance.
What do you think is the youngest age someone should lose their virginity? I'd personally be very nervous if I knew my kid was having sex before 16, but I'm completely aware that it's not very realistic; teens developing a genuine libido is gonna happen and they're gonna do what teens do. I feel like this would, for the most part, vary with the person and their level of maturity and self-discipline, but what do I know.
Do you believe in abstaining from sex until marriage? That's a personal choice that isn't mine to make for anyone but me, HOWEVER I do see how waiting until you're legally bound to see how sexually compatible you are may not be a great idea. That's very important to some people so you should know this before you get married, in my own personal opinion.
What is your sexual orientation? Pansexual.
What is something you have acquired with age? TOLERANCE, open-mindedness, the ability to see what's right and wrong is almost never black and white and those also aren't the same thing for every single person, and that's okay. I've definitely learned to see that the world isn't experienced only through my own eyes and my moral compass.
Do you enjoy history? I really don't, I do believe it's important to know history to be aware of what's been tried and failed + why, but I'm just not interested, man. I also was so bad at dates and names and I just found it all boring.
Have you ever changed religions? Haha three times I guess; OG was Roman Catholic just because I was raised that way from birth, but it quickly turned to Christianity, in my earlier 20s I felt the most connection to Neo-Paganism, now I'm an agnostic/atheist of sorts. Got very high doubts that's ever changing.
Have you ever lied about your gender? Nah.
Have you ever designed your own Facebook timeline cover? I've EDITED pictures for that purpose, but I've never like, made some sort of collage or anything for this purpose.
What is one site that closed down that you wish would come back? Give me back my kabam.com Dragons of Atlantis game please I want it back the app is not the same
Are you a fan of the Saw movies? I've never really watched them, honestly, and I'm not very interested just because of the SHEER level of "you don't want to picture this" the traps are. It's not the gore that gets me, I just don't want to imagine going through that stuff; physically seeing it in movie form is anxiety-inducing.
Do you ever forget how old your siblings are? Only my half-siblings; I have none of their ages memorized. It's not that I care less because they're "just half," instead it's that they're not regulars in my life, like I see them once every good few years for a few days at most.
Who last talked about kissing you? Girt, I'm sure.
Did you speak to your father today? No, I haven't for a while. And I'm sure I won't until my nephew's birthday party on the 19th.
Would you ever get gauged ears? The first holes in my earlobes are; they're only 4mm and I don't plan on going any larger because one ear in particular will almost certainly tear if I push it any further.
Do you believe in moving in together before engagement or marriage? That's MY preference, like I definitely think it's wise to see how you exist in the same home before you tie the knot.
Did you ever give a hickey to the last person you kissed or you guys didn’t go that far? Yes.
List five of your favorite YouTubers. Markiplier (I don't really watch his content anymore but he as a person I still adore), GameGrumps, Rhett & Link (I haven't watched their stuff in many years now, but like Mark, I still adore them as individuals), John Wolfe, and Snake Discovery are all up there, but I definitely love more than five.
What pet names do you use with your significant other? All the usual ones I can think of, some far more than others.
Who is your best online friend? Mazzy and Tez aren't just my best online friends, they're my closest friends out of anyone if you're not counting my boyfriend and mother.
Who knows more about you: online friends or offline? HAHAHAHA ONLINE, I have ALWAYS been WAY more open about myself online, especially in terms of hobbies and interests and artistic stuff I do.
What’s something you find unconventionally romantic? Someone teaching you about something they're passionate about. Like how sweet is it that they wanna share that joy with you. YES you can overdo this and be overbearing about it, but in willing doses, I think this is very cute to share your passions.
List 3-10 things in nature you find amazing. Sentient existence itself (hell, even non-aware organisms are fucking fascinating), outer space, evolution, life and death and how it goes back into life in an everlasting cycle, mountains and volcanoes, canyons where you can see time right in front of your face in the layers of rock, fossils, really clear water, love and affection being exhibited beyond just the human species, and the deep ocean. I could go on for a LONG time, nature is endlessly fascinating.
What is one song that you've been listening to on repeat lately? "Platz Eins" by Lindemann is one.
Do you enjoy creative writing? Yes, very much.
Do you sleep with just a sheet in summer when it's hot? No, I change out blankets. Thicker comforter in the cold months, a thin blanket when it's hot.
Do you get bursts of creative energy or is it more consistent? I feel like I definitely have this baseline creativity going on, like I get especially artistic ideas so regularly (I have ongoing lists of a variety of art-based projects I wanna get to some day), however I absolutely do have bursts of increased creative drive. I fucking love those.
Have you ever been chased by a dog? Not by one that had any intention of hurting me; just pets chasing while playing.
Is your voice high, low, or somewhere in the middle? It's definitely lower than your average woman's.
What's the next friend or family birthday coming up? Will you buy them a present? Mom's is the 5th. And no, I have literally no source of income so I physically can't even buy her a candy bar or some shit, and it's fucking embarrassing and honestly agonizing to be That Person who goes into her bday empty-handed. I could write or draw something, but I haven't been able to think of what yet...
What was the last book you read? I'm currently reading Wings of Fire: Darkness of Dragons by Tui T. Sutherland. I've gotten into the habit of reading before bed and I'm enjoying it.
What are your plans for tomorrow? Nothing.
Is there a gang problem in your area? Not in my very specific area, but this city absolutely does, no one likes this place.
Do you make your Starbucks order more complicated if it isn't busy? I don't even go to Starbucks.
Would you date an already attached person? Hell no. In MY romantic relationships, you're picking me or them, and there's no in-between.
When you marry, will you wear white? I doubt it, I think I'm probably gonna wear black. But white is still possible.
Is there anything significant happening this month? Mom's and Ryder's birthdays, and I know Ryder will have a party. This weekend I'm going to Girt's sister's new place for the first time; I know that's not really "significant," but dude, anything that breaks my daily routine is worthwhile to mention in my world lol.
What are your grandfathers’ names? I only remember my mom's dad's name, which was William.
Have you ever seen a snake in real life? Living to 27 and not seeing a single snake, at least here, would be extremely odd. Yeah, I've seen plenty, I have a pet snake in my own house.
Do you know anyone that has been held hostage before? Oh yikes, not that I know of.
Can you ever hear dogs barking from your house? Does it annoy you? Yes, and admittedly yeah, it does. Our next-door neighbor particularly has a big dog named Kira, and she is CONSTANTLY barking, and she's not an indoor dog (she's behind a proper fence, calm down), so you certainly hear her. It doesn't annoy me to the point I'm gonna go bitch about it, but dogs barking is a noise I just do not like.
What's your main reason for booking taxis? I've never been in a legit taxi; they're not really a thing around here. I've taken an Uber with my mother literally once in my entire life, because of car problems.
When was the last time you saw your partner (or your best friend)? He was here yesterday; we finished Silent Hill 2 finally and that was fun, I was glad he liked it. It was nice, the last visit we played his favorite game of all time, and this time we closed off mine.
How did you sleep last night? Surprisingly very good.
Do you like candy corn? No, it's disgusting to me.
Are you bored right now? Yes; my anhedonia has been VERY severe the past few weeks. We're in the process of adjusting meds because I'm pretty sure I've reached the point of developing an immunity to something. It's happened with my psych meds many times before, so I expected it to happen again.
Do your grandparents speak English as a first language? Yeah, to my knowledge they all only spoke English.
Do you remember to turn lights off in the rooms you're not actively using? Yes, when you live in a family that actually has to worry about their bills you learn this shit quick lmfao.
Do you have many snacks in your house right now? No, Mom and I avoid that because we're very "out of sight, out of mind" with food, and if unhealthy shit is here, we're gonna eat it. It's just healthier for us to not have stuff available to us.
Do you keep alcohol in your house? Not regularly, no. I uh, think. Maybe Mom has alcohol somewhere, but I doubt it; both of us only drink usually for holidays, and never a lot.
Did you have a bunk bed when you were a kid? Yes, for me and my younger sister. I started off in the top bunk, but in my pre-teen years before Ashley moved out and I got her room, I preferred the bottom bunk.
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honeysucklepink · 3 years
A Very Darren Crissmas... my full review
So I have listened to the entire album four times now, and yes that includes the song I swore I'd skip. I recognized some songs, others I had to look up for the composers, and I think I am ready to make a full assessment, track-by-track. Note, I haven't received my CD yet and there may be liner notes that can give me further insight, but for now this is just me and the audio. Without further ado...
1. Happy Holidays/The Holiday Season I mean, I've already listened to this one plenty because this was the first single and the one we got with the pre-order. It's a great classic bop, a Michael Buble, big band jazz number, that would fit comfortably in the background of a luxury car ad featuring a sedan with a giant red bow in a snowy driveway. Great way to open the album, yet doesn't really prepare you for what's next. Which considering the self-professed genre-phile Darren is...it fits.
2. I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas I don't quite know how to describe this one, just that I really, really dig it? It's got sort a groove to it, an alternative indie swag, that makes it sound way different than the traditional kids version.
3. (Everybody's Waiting for) The Man With the Bag The version I'm mainly familiar with is by Kay Starr, from a compilation of Christmas jazz songs I got from Pier One about 20-25 years ago (fun fact, that album gave me my first version of "Baby It's Cold Outside" from Dean Martin). I encourage you to give it a listen. I really enjoyed this cover from Darren and I do love to hear Adam Lambert's jazz voice, which he doesn't utilize often. I still don't like spoken word intros...they just always sound fake and cringey to me...and this is not one that surpasses the Kay Starr version, but I still really like it. Love it when Darren can riff off someone!
4. St. Patrick's Day When I saw this on the track listing, I blanked out... "huh?" Well, Darren is half-Irish after all. It totally slipped my mind that this was a John Mayer song, much less off his Room for Squares album, one of my favorites. But yeah, it's been a while since I've listened and I think the pandemic has done a number on all our memories. When I heard the opening chords it smacked me upside the head and I went "SHUT! UP!" And then the song went on and to quote Angelica Schuyler, I realized three fundamental truths at the exact same time: 1) in spite of the title this really is a Christmas song, in the same vein that Die Hard is a Christmas movie, 2) Nashville has the finest session musicians in all the land, and 3) I need Darren to cover all of John Mayer's songs.
5. River So, after the wonder and amazement of the previous track, I see that "River" is next, and we all know the original Joni Mitchell version, the Sarah McLachlan version (which was my introduction to the song, courtesy of an ER episode), and of course for us Gleeks, the Rachel Berry version. So when I say that my response to the opening horns and chimes out of a Ronnie Spector number was a combo of the memes of "blonde woman staring into space confusedly as mathematical equations float around her head" and "angry Karen ripping down her curtains," not to mention I was DRIVING at the time, I'm sure there were many concerned drivers wondering why this woman was screaming WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS? and afraid I would skid off the road. "River" is full of heartache, and melancholy, and loss, and you turned it into a 60's mod bop? I sat there, trying to keep the car on the road, thinking it has to, HAS to get better. I was sitting through it like the 15 minutes you have to wait after a Covid shot, like driving past where a skunk was run over, like holding your breath after someone farts on the elevator. And it ended with a weird Warblers-does-the-Beach-Boys finish.
This makes it sound like the worst thing ever. Well, it's not. Not like Will Schuester leading a bunch of teenagers singing "Blurred Lines." But I've listened to it each time since, knowing what's coming, approaching it in a different light. But honestly? It still doesn't really work for me. I can ignore the lyrics, but even then, the melancholy I spoke of is right there in the melody and the key. I won't skip it, but I'll turn it down and engage in family conversation more when this track is on.
6. Welcome Home I did not recognize this song when I first heard it, and it took me a while to research it, but I see it has special significance to Darren! "Welcome Home" is from the 1954 Broadway musical Fanny, which in 1997 was produced by 42nd Street Moon in San Francisco and was his first professional role. The song has about as much to do with Christmas as "My Favorite Things," but since a recurring theme around the holidays is one of homecoming and reunion, the song actually fits. I was wondering why he was singing to the floor and the lamp and the chair, but I'm guessing it makes more sense in the musical.
7. All Those Christmas Cliches Another song that's new to me, maybe not to you, but I can relate. As he points out, he's spent Christmas in a lot of unconventional locations, but sometimes craves the conventional, Hallmark-card traditions. I've lived in the South all my life. I think I have literally had TWO white Christmases in all my life, and in both cases most of the snow had melted off by the afternoon.The last several years, thanks to climate change, has been short sleeve and flip flop weather, but even before that, we sang songs containing snow with more than a hint of irony. And to be honest it goes past that. Ever had a Christmas where your family decides "hey, let's do gumbo instead! Or spaghetti!" and all you want is turkey and stuffing and cranberry sauce and fruitcake? Okay, I've gone on a tangent... back to the song, which is swinging and fun and everything you want in a Christmas song AND season.
8. The Christmas Song This was the song I was really excited about. It's one of my two all time favorite Christmas songs, and the Nat King Cole version is a classic (adding this other video because the animation is cute and made me cry). I do have a warm spot in my heart for Kris Allen's cover and the Vince Guaraldi Trio version from A Charlie Brown Christmas. But after the debacle of "River," was Darren about to disappoint me again? Very happily and relievedly, he did not. This version is gorgeous, the guitar is warm, the strings as they come in feel like an embrace, the vocals are lovely. This is sitting by the fire with warm cider and snuggled with the person you love, and is now in my top three (sorry, Kris).
9. Somewhere In My Memory Okay, confession time. I don't think I've ever seen Home Alone all the way through. I know, it was the biggest movie that year but to be fair, I've still never seen Titanic and only just saw The Princess Bride two years ago. Yet as this song played I sat there thinking "this is totally from a movie, probably a 90s movie," and I was right. The incomparable King of Movie Scores, John Williams composed this, and I'm betting Darren and guest vocalist Evan Rachel Wood, as middle Millennials, were heavily influenced by Home Alone as a childhood movie the way us Gen Xers hold Rankin-Bass specials in our hearts. Their voices are sweet and lovely and blend nicely together. While I don't have the same emotional connection to the film or the song, you can hear the connection they have. Somewhere in their memories, I'm guessing *wink*.
10. Drunk On Christmas I know Darren can sing country because I've heard him cover Tim McGraw. And I will forever be sour that Glee didn't do more country in general (oh the Blam duets we could have had with a little twang to them). I absolutely LOVE this song! Darren wrote a great one that could easily have been on country radio (in my DJing days, before 9/11 ushered in the awful jingoist "bro country" era). Who knows, it could still be on the playlist when the radio stations switch over to holiday playlists after Thanksgiving. Now the one thing some may complain about is that he's not truly front and center on the song. That honor goes to Lainey Wilson (I'm a terrible country music fan because I'm not familiar with her work). But she's just awesome and she and Darren's chemistry is as sweet as hot cocoa spiked with schnapps. I will definitely be playing this alongside Dolly Parton's "Hard Candy Christmas," Willie Nelson's "Pretty Paper," and Robert Earl Keen's "Merry Christmas From the Family" this season.
11. Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas This was the other one I was excited about, just not quite as much as "The Christmas Song" only because we've heard him do a little of this song, albeit as Blaine. This is my other favorite Christmas song. My favorite version is from Chrissie Hynde and The Pretenders, with an honorable mention to John Denver and the Muppets. I'm adding Darren's version to the pantheon. This is simple, classic, just him and the guitar. It's all the song really needs. And thank you Darren for keeping "we'll have to muddle through somehow," from when Judy Garland sung it in Meet Me in St. Louis, because the whole point of the song is the hope that it will be merry, even through hard circumstances (see: my review of "New Year").
12. New Year Another song I was unfamiliar with, written by Regina Spektor, I'll cut to it... this made me cry. I don't think this was the reason he covered it, but I couldn't help but think of his mom, and how last year was the first without her husband, Darren and Chuck's dad. The second time I heard it I was in the car with my Mom, after visiting Dad at the skilled nursing unit, wondering if he'll be home for the holidays or ever again. I tried to keep the tears back for her. The third I was driving back to my house, and thinking of all the needless loss over the last two years, how many people's new years will be like that. Trying to think of the good things brought to us and not the things and people taken away. Even when you hear of the roar across the island from Times Square, you also think of the bells, pots and pans that would ring out as tributes to the medical personnel and essential workers at the start of the pandemic. "She sets her alarm" could easily be a doc or nurse, not wanting to miss the NYE countdown but also exhausted from another shift. Every year feels worse, and yet we go into every new one hoping it will be better. The eternal foolish optimist in all of us. I can't imagine a better way for Darren to close out a holiday album released in 2021.
Overall This is a solid holiday album, one that as Darren described is very him, and while yes I pray for the day we get a full album of all his own music not tied to a holiday, this at least has some tracks that span the year, and I look forward to having this in my regular rotation along with my Christmas music from John Denver and the Muppets, Charlie Brown, Emmitt Otter, Glee, A Very Special Christmas, and others.
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crue6xx · 5 years
Unexpected........soft but not
You love motley crue, you always get tickets to shows and go to whiskey a go go and clubs, vinces voice was so mesmerising, you loved it.
Although one night your grandmother stumbled upon a book of yours, of course it had to be your old diary just from a couple years back when you and your prime time of obsession with Motley Crue, you still are but this one was in depth about Vince and your love for him, you know your grandma also likes Motley Crue so as a birthday gift because as it was coming up soon, about a month or so but she decided to buy you backstage passes to a Motley Crue show.
You obviously had no idea about it which wasn't a bad thing also wasn't exactly a good thing the reason happened to be unexpected but it surely happened, skip to last night well you had a couple drinks the rainbow Bar and Grill it was pretty nice you were getting a bit more Tipsy then you planned but you could still see just a bit blurry, a guy with white blonde sort of bushy hair walked up to you introduce himself is Vince, you weren't drinking a bit more now getting a bit more Tipsy things a bit harder to remember or kind of getting blurrier.
You played it off like he was just some guy trying to get your number that you didn't want to go home with, but you didn't want your grandma to see you come home drunk it kind of out of your mind last time that happened you messed up big-time and almost burned the house down but let's not talk about that, back to what was really happening at the bar. " hey I'm Vince nice to meet you how do you do?", looking over from your drink, you " hi I'm doing just fine".
" no-name huh, looks like you're hard to get but me being the guy am I'm pretty sure I don't need to do much explaining do I?".
Still pretty drunk unable to recognize who the hell you're talking to you're blurred out these words a bit loudly " what the hell do you mean, I have never met you in my entire life what makes you think I want to go home with you".
" well then I guess I'll have to try harder" a smug smile exhibited his face " you heard the song Kickstart My Heart?", " fuck yea, who the hell hasn't".
" does the name Vince ring a bell?" He was clearly hinting, still he the hell do you not notice your idol, love of your life? " nah, I don't think so if you say you're trying hard you're not doing too good buddy" you said sipping your iced Martin, Vince clearly cringed at the fact that you called him "Buddy".
" without you in my life I'd slowly Wilt and die but with you by my side you're the reason I'm alive" Vince sung.
Your eyes and now just realizing exactly who you're talking to you yell these three words "HOLY FUCKING SHIT" Vince's smug face happily and easily turned into a smile that you finally noticed who the fuck you're talking to.
" well now that you know, I'm pretty sure you came here alone for number one and number two you're drunk out your mind if you didn't notice me number three you can't drive a car right now so I could take you home unless you don't want anyone to see this crazy drunk but your choice just offering" vince said in a manner knowing he scored .
" oh my God, you Vince Neil. Just ask me. Some random crazy ass girl. To go home with you!?!?!?!"
" what do you fucking think?" He smirked.
" well he'll fucking yeah, Nikki Tommy and Mick with you?" Hooing fir a yes and a no at the same time
" not tonight, that's weird but not tonight".
After reading go home with him to the apartment you thought it was just going to be a quick hookup and then you leave which you didn't mind cuz it's Vince fucking Neil but at the same time you wish it was more because it's not just I want to have sex with him you want to fall in love it's clearly you know will never happen which is the sad part and makes you want to crumble up into a ball and die but fear not I guess you never know Vince is surprising but at the same time groupies is his ultimate favorite, just like a princess who needs a prince but this is not the way it goes cuz we know how the story goes.
When Vince finally parked at the apartment you weren't dazzled it definitely wasn't as nice as your house for a heavy metal star but it was nice enough they were still kind of struggling and didn't feel like buying a new place plus it's OG Motley house the band grew up here, after walking up the rickety stairs you walked in, the smell of alcohol cigarettes and small burn marks on the carpet made Vince want to clean for once in his life.
He told you to wait on the couch just walked into his room you had no fucking idea what he was doing he told you to wait on the couch if he walked into his room you add note walking idea what you was doing but you said couch he told you to wait on the couch if he walked into his room you add note walking idea what you was doing but you said couch waited he told you to wait on the couch if he walked into his room you add note walking idea what you was doing but you waiting on the couch.
Vince walked out with a robe, expecting him to take it off you're a bit preppy, because secretly no one really knows but you're a virgin you don't like saying it makes you sound so basic you don't know how but it just does you don't want to ruin the moment.
" follow me" Vince culling his finger with a smirk you got up at demand you don't know why but it was very attractive even though people found it a bit rude specially to treat a woman like that who gave a damn is Vince goddamn Neil he was hot and you already there you can't do anything about it anyway so, getting up from the couch he followed him slowly into his room, he shares a room with Tommy they both have one side of the room which is split by sheet hung up from the ceiling pinned up by Staples, you walk past the sheets and sea candles aligned around the bed just for some decoration.
You expecting them to immediately push you onto the bed instead he told you to lay down your stomach flat on the bed, you removed your shirt without him even asking you to do so , now faced down on your stomach on the bed Vince crabs some essential oils and put it onto your back it was warm he started to massage your back they give you hickeys on your neck the trails of kisses behind your ear and tight friction oh, he has no shirt but he's wearing a sort of Speedo type underwear that's pretty tight but also flexible.
" you know I know you, you're always in the front row at every show in this town, you're always on some fan page about Motley Crue mostly me though oh, why is that?" Vince sais calmly.
" I've always love Motley Crue, but the first time I saw a picture of you I literally died at the site love your rocking body".
" I'm going to take this slow, I'm not going to give you what you want you're not a groupie you got some girl just looking for a quick hookup, your girl looking for something more, I don't get that alot, so we're going to take things not my way not your way just away from what you expected, maybe next time" he said in a rough scrappy hot voice while massaging your back.
" I'm perfectly fine with that, you know I really do enjoy this more than just a quick hookup" you say fully satisfied with the feeling of vinces hands and the oil rubbing on your back.
After you were fully satisfied what's the massage he lied beside you shirtless, after a quick breath of relief you sit up on the head of the bed propped up on a pillow half under the covers, Vince blows out the candles.
Vince doesn't know exactly what to do neither do you you both are really know what exactly taking it slow is but first step is already done but you don't know what to do afterwards so you just sitting in bed both silent trying to figure out what to talk about what to do and how to do it wow still going slow.
" do you want to spoon?" You say offering to be the small spoon, " already a step ahead of you guess you just said it first" Vince said wrapping his arma around you.
" I know we just met feels like I've known you for a while I'm not sure why this just feels right if this is what love feels like I'm in for a long happy ride".
Those words melted your heart, he kissed you play with your hair left hickeys almost everywhere but not below your waist because as you both agreed you were going slow but you wondered how long you were going to keep it slow because to be honest you were a bit impatient cuz I mean you've had a crush on Vince for so long not that it's an issue that you got a massage from him get to come to his apartment and snuggle and Spoon but still you didn't want to keep it slow for too long.
" I think well.... I sound crazy I know I do but... I think I love you" Vince forced himself to blurt.
" I've always wanted to hear that but that's only because I had a crush on you for how you looked, got even more now you sound nowhere near crazy to me...... I think I love you too"
" man me and you so crazy ass motherfuckers, I guess taking it slow as the right way finally met someone that I can connect with been a while since that".
" it's funny, you were never this emotional whenever I saw you in interviews and such wow it's truly a soft guy"
" well you'd be surprised, I truly am soft guy it's hard to admit although I am pretty rough around the edges I am soft guy a little bit on the inside"
" well it was very unexpected, I thought you just wanted a quickie I was wrong we're taking it slow I guess I don't mind as much but I'm still a little bit impatient to be honest"
" I think when I said taking it slow I didn't mean we had to wait days he'll it could have been 15 minutes I wouldn't mind" vince smirked moving his hand up your thigh still while spooning you.
" well then I guess tonight have some more unexpected territories to explore I say you've done enough of the slow what do you say?"
" what do you fucking think?'
" still unexpected hot soft but not"
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