#fantasia war ; 01
horoffic · 8 months
👻 "So you are Kyrie. I wasn't sure since you were so green." The sun was setting which meant that Perona's bat instincts had told her it was fine to fly. She wanted to explore Diapool but had come across a familiar face on the town's outskirts instead.
Smirking from above has they had walked below her, Perona had been dangling upside down from a tree branch with her wings wrapped around her. If not for the ears and the hands and feet, you might've mistaken her for a vampire.
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"This situation is a little weird, don't you think? But I like your hair! Very pretty."
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hanabisays · 8 months
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Heart would have beat against her chest if she had it beating at least. She can't feel anything, but she is nervous. If there's one thing she'd like to avoid, it's fighting. She swallows thickly and Haru lands on the undead's shoulder, watching the unholy being in front of them.
"I-I'm just passing through." Hanabi manages to say through a rather timid voice. She even has her hands up to indicate she means no trouble.
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snowdaisied · 8 months
It's a relatively easy task, all things considered. Plucking out some pesky mushrooms to make some just as pesky wisps go away doesn't sound like it would be too difficult, only time consuming.
Jill looks thoughtfully at the dirt path before her, hand resting on her chin. At the moment there's no swarm, so she has time to think about the best way to do this.
"We need to fully discard the mushrooms," she muses aloud. "If we just uproot them and leave them somewhere else, then I worry the wisps will go there with them. The citizens will still get hurt in that case."
Perhaps they would have to quickly head back and acquire some sort of bag or crate to stuff them in. Or she could freeze them, long enough for someone with the proper experience to come take care of them without risk of being shocked. She shakes her head, looks to the young girl beside her.
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"Do you have any ideas? The wisps will be back soon."
@infinality | sounds faek quest!
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kindliar · 8 months
Oh, he's dead. He's so dead.
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Even as agile as he is, Ouma can only run so fast. Blessing had done little to dissuade the demon-faced chimera that now chases after him, and all he has to show for his efforts is a slash across his shoulder. He pants hard, feet slamming against the ground as he makes his way through the clearing. Of all times to be out of the forest...
This is it. This is it! He's going to die all over again. He shoots another Blessing at the beast, aiming for its eye. It growls and staggers back briefly, but it's not long before it's back on the hunt. His legs and lungs burn, but he keeps running. There's gotta be a way out of this...
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faechivalrous · 8 months
It had always struck her, even when she was alive. The Master of Chaldea was such a weak little creature on first glance; Barghest would have doubted that she could win a fistfight against the average human, never mind any of the fae that populated her land. When it came time to prove her strength, of course, her summoned phantoms always proved themselves up to the task, but the strength of her magecraft was not quite the most striking thing about her.
It was the strength inside of her that was most...intriguing. Even discounting the weight of terminating the other Lostbelts, the things she had gone through in Britain alone...and yet she kept going. Pushed on. Barghest wanted to ask about it one day, to see whether the way she did it was much different at all from her own.
Yet, today might not be the best time for it. Today, they had met while going to take up the same quest, and naturally enough decided to stick together for it; Barghest had no idea what strength had been taken from Fujimaru, but even without her own full power, she was certain she could handle some pissant bandits well enough to cover the both of them. Even if she had to resort to her bare hands, it probably wouldn't be much trouble.
Of course, there were no bandits at this very moment. Right now, it was just them and the road.
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"...Have you been here particularly long, Master?" Barghest asks as she walks, hefting the iron sword she'd procured over her shoulder; it didn't even merit comparison to the Fae Sword Galantine, of course, but for the likes of traveling bandits, it should suffice. "Within the city in general, I mean. I, ah...it feels like I've arrived late to the party, truthfully. Baobhan Sith and Melusine both arrived a good deal before I did, at least."
"And are you certain you want to carry the medicine?" She adds on after a second's thought, glancing down at the girl. "I assure you, it would barely weigh anything to me."
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pedaltothemegalodon · 8 months
Shiver hadn't felt so unsafe in a long time. First the entire weird world they'd been spirited off to had completely warped into something different, as well as they themselves having changed into some sort of weird ocean monster person. Somehow they innately knew how to change between that form and one that looked more like a human, which seemed to be less suspicious to the people around here, good for laying low while they figured out the whole deal of how to get out of here. They just wanted to wake up from this weird, bad dream and not be alone anymore.
And thus the sea monkey's paw curled a finger in, as within a week's time a very familiar face showed up: their own, trying to fight them and...merge? It's what it looked like, but they weren't going to allow it! Using some of the new weird magic gifts they'd discovered, Shiver managed to beat back their Mist Reaper and escape its clutches. But even as safety was assured, they kept running and running and running like hell. As if somehow it would help them escape.
But they couldn't run forever, certainly not in this human form. Their legs turned to jelly, their breath tore at their throat, and a very uncomfortable wall was their only support as they fell over, sliding down to their knees. Tears began to prick up at the corners of their eyes, blinked back furiously on instinct. As if there was anyone here to see them cry in the first place. But they couldn't help it. It was how they'd cultivated their own behavior. They only ever cried when they were alone, or when the only ones around were Big Man and-
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They'd brought their attention upward, looking around to make sure there was nobody to see them come so close to shedding tears. Only one other person- a Siren, like themselves, only she wasn't disguised. It was absolutely a form they hadn't seen before, but...the long ears, the way the tentacles atop her head fell...the way she carried herself...as Shiver brought themselves to their feet, the life they'd lived for many years with that fiery Inkling flashed in their mind, focused on cutting right through every skin-deep change. They could see this Siren for who they really were.
"Frye, that...that's you, isn't it? You're really here!!"
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stellarsurfer · 8 months
Seeing the poster calling for a last-minute contestant with the chance to win Stars and free fish, an idea sparked in Jim's mind. While he wouldn't normally cheat in a contest, especially not one as boring as fishing, he knew that the odds of honestly beating seasoned fishermen were low. That's why, wearing his most charming smile, he approached one of the humans hanging out in the Empire's busy streets.
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"Hey, you!" he called out as he approached the redhead who seemed to be closer to Jim's age than the usual shady humans in the area. Once he stood close enough to inspect the man from head to toe, he cocked his head and asked, "How'd you like to win a contest without really trying?"
@baddestdangerboy | women want me, fish fear me
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spiderstaff · 8 months
"Do you think if I run at a door without being invited in, I would just stop? Or would it be like running into glass?"
Kay's only been a vampire for a little while, but all of the new rules are exhausting. Can't cross running water, can't have garlic, can't go somewhere without being invited... this sucks! (no pun intended).
Standing outside of a building, her foot refuses to cross the threshold as she gently prods at the boundary. She's so wrapped up in this experiment, in fact, that she finally realizes she hasn't introduced herself to the human nearby.
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"Huh? Oh. Yeah, no, I'm not going to hurt you or anything. I'm new to the vampire thing, so I'm trying to test the rules. I don't know if you were different before, but getting used to these new forms is pretty weird, you know?"
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temporalmessenger · 8 months
A Moss-t Dangerous Task! - @moraypower
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"Y'know if you wanted my help, I would've done it without the threats." Adaman probably wasn't the most equipped for the job, but that didn't mean he wouldn't try.
"This looks like a sort of high risk, high reward thing..." Oh, Frye, sweetie, "Have you thought this all the way through?"
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mercurywitch · 8 months
☆ It didn't matter if she was a pilot or a beast, Suletta underlying desire to protect others would not change and she would risk her own safety to keep even a stranger safe. A bull beastkin had attacked an elven merchant traveling with her cart through the area Suletta had been napping in.
Neither parties had noticed her though, because she had managed to rush in and block an attack by the bull with her furred and clawed paw-like hands before jumping back to create some distance and block easy access to the merchant and their wares.
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"I... don't suppose you'll just leave?" She didn't want to fight if she didn't have to. On a fundamental level, but because she was afraid of her own instincts as a beast.
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inheritai · 8 months
It was pretty clear Mizuki was starting to get antsy. Hood drawn over her head to avoid drawing attention, her fingertips drummed the side of the wooden stein of slightly-too-murky water she'd gotten from the innkeeper. She'd pulled an eyepatch over her left socket, currently vacant as Aiba lazed about in her new fairy form, so the one remaining kept darting toward the door to see if their adversaries would be arriving at that second.
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"There's no need to be so anxious about their arrival, Mizuki," Aiba chided her partner, fluttering up to take a seat on the rim of her mug. Clearly she was enjoying this form a bit too much. "Something tells me they won't be silently slipping in if they intend to shake down the innkeeper. We'll be able to notice and react to them."
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"Yeah, I know. I'm just really wanting to teach these guys a lesson!" Fingers flexed tightly against the drinking vessel, causing its wood to give a high-pitched groan of stress. "Even if this isn't our world, letting bullies run around is something I'm not abiding by. That and, um...it'd be best if we could get this over with sooner rather than later."
A glance around at the current tavern patrons and the tense side-eyes they were giving her table caused her gaze to turn to the other who sat at their table. Her demeanor became softer as she considered him. She met him as he'd signed onto this job as well, but given this was in the Opalarian Empire and Draken like him weren't from here, the glances in their direction were...less than trustworthy. Aiba being a Faekin was from out of the Empire too, but Mizuki already knew she didn't mind such looks.
"Hey, are you sure you want to do this? Aiba and I could probably handle these jerks, and even if you do help out...I'm not sure everyone here'll be too grateful." Not to mention, even for a dragon-man, he looked more man than dragon- and a sorta scrawny one at that, even with some height going for him. If what she'd heard about these thieves was true, he could probably have a rough go at it. She spared any comments on that front, though.
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horoffic · 8 months
👻 The sound of rain pouring down outside had already stirred Perona from her slumber. Adjusting to being a beastman had been complicated, particularly when her bat side liked the dark and dangling upside down to sleep. She'd been doing just that in a small cave in Airaisal, essentially having made it her home.
Based on the light filtering in through the hole it was still late in the afternoon. It was too early to get up, so she'd planned on just leaving her wings wrapped around herself as she fell back asleep. But someone else had dragged their butt into her cave. Another beastman. A very large woman with canine traits.
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She dropped from the cavern ceiling and landed on her feet and winged hands on all fours in front of her, yawning. "Can I help you with something? This is where I'm sleeping."
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twohundredpower · 8 months
"Alright, one more time..! You've got this, Lloyd!"
In the middle of a seemingly quiet clearing in the woods, a rather tall elf stood; standing with his feet shoulder width apart as his right hand hovered in front of his chest. It looked like he was focusing on something with all of his might-- brown hues boring into the space between his fingers before he closed his eyes, releasing a long, drawn out breath.
What he was attempting to do wouldn't be obvious at first-- not until he shot his palm out forward, shouting a very quick incantation that sounded like some sort of spell.
And for a moment, flames would appear in his hand, forming into a sphere.. which immediately fired backwards into his face, exploding on impact.
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With that, Lloyd took a rather harsh tumble backwards-- landing on his back with a grunt as he laid there for a moment, silently staring up at the sky. Eventually, his hand raised; scrubbing the soot out of his eyes and off of his face as he grumbled, obviously very frustrated.
"Man, not again..! Why the heck is this so hard?!" At least no one was around to see that.. .. right?
  ❱❱ :   —   ( @curseshared​​ )
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snowdaisied · 8 months
It's good, Jill thinks, that this disguise doesn't require staying hidden like she's had to do in the past. She has no qualms with staying low and out of sight -- But with these rather large wings on her back, that would be much more difficult. Instead she can sit out in the open, slowly sip at a drink as she keeps an ear trained to listen for any confrontation.
It feels a bit strange taking on a mission like this without Clive, truthfully -- They had protected all sorts of people in trouble together back in Valisthea. But he was busy elsewhere, and the young girl in front of her still looked more than capable and eager to knock some bullies down a peg.
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"And you promise that you're not lying to me?" Jill asks, partially as her cover and partially as protective over Kugisaki. They are in a bar, after all, and if she's as young as she looks, then it's her responsibility to make sure that she's safe.
@wldrose | big bully beat down quest!
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hzaidan · 1 month
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"During their military exercises, which consist of riding their horses at full-speed and stopping them suddenly after firing a shot, it often happens that the horses carry away their riders and fight each other when they collide." ….
Please follow link for full post
Eugène Delacroix,Orientalist,Art,Paintings,Religion,Fine Art,History,Zaidan,FANTASIA,Biography,Mythology,footnotes,Artists,
01 Painting by Orientalist Artists, The Art of War, Eugène Delacroix's Collision of the Moorish Horsemen, with footnotes #98
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faechivalrous · 8 months
Many of the creatures this 'Demon King' had elected to send against them had been weaklings, little more than chaff--in other words, not particularly worth mentioning. That which presumably required little effort to spawn, required similarly little effort to dispatch, with each one disposed of being one less to threaten those her duty charged her to protect.
This current beast was not one of those weaklings; for one thing, it even stood a good few inches above her own height, cutting an imposing figure, but besides that, it seemed very much familiar with how to use the sickle-like blades comprising its arms, mounting an assault that had Barghest, for the moment, on the defensive.
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"This is a little more like it. Come!" She barked, deflecting another slice from the creature as she spoke. "The strong eat the strong--that is the way of nature! Perhaps you'll make a worthy foe yet!"
Brave words, but to act on them she would have to find a way out from under the monster's relentless blows.
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