#even on the rare occasion where they retract their claws and attempt to be civil there's still underlying tension
lunafaeris-archive · 3 years
ღ : What sorts of plots/characters/scenes do you have the most difficulty writing, and why?
❤ : What are some role-plays that you have done/are doing that you particularly enjoy and wish to share with your followers?
ask the mun | accepting.
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          /Let’s be honest: I have a lot of difficulty writing in general. That doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy it by any means; it just takes me longer to sit down, focus and be satisfied with what I post after an absurd amount of editing and self-critique. Like they say, you oftentimes are your own worst critic and I know that to be in my case, yet I still fall back into the same habit. I want to give my writing partners quality responses, so it mostly falls down to me not wanting to disappoint them or feel like I’m not giving it my all in a plot/thread/ship we’re both heavily invested in. I constantly self-doubt, I am actively aware this and sometimes I just have to bite the bullet and say ‘fuck it’ and post what I have written. Because it’s usually just my dumb brain kicking me in the proverbial gonads, telling me that it’s not good enough and I should change little things here or there, when in reality the effort shows itself on the page.
          I kind of lost track there, but as for specific things I have difficulty writing: I would say violent or action-oriented scenes, but those are actually some of my favorite to write. Granted, if it is a fight between two separate muses, it should go without saying at this point that they need to be plotted out with your writing partner beforehand and throughout. But if you just want to show an instance of your character being violent or showing off their strength and resilience, a fun, easy work-around I’ve been using recently is just making up a random NPC for them to go ham on. Or a whole slew of them; NPCs are props in the story just as much everything else present, your muse, their clothes, their weapons, etc... and can be really effective in fleshing out the world they’re currently living in, even if you just write them off to be tortured or killed. I’ve definitely been making use of it for my longer, on-going threads to help move the story forward, most notably in my historical AU threads with @asaraltu.
          And speaking of threads I wish to share, Luna’s threads in her Meiji Era verse are among my top favorites of what I currently have going on. It’s honestly not too different from my muse’s canon, just set in a period of Japan’s history where they were first allowing foreigners from the West to come visit their shores, for trade, for study... for colonialism from the more extremist countries who only wished to conquer and take advantage of their natural resources and strategic location along the Pacific Rim. And with Luna being an experienced huntress and scout for the legions of Hell from the West, naturally there’s going to be political tension and mistrust sown between her and the native peoples of Ryukuzan, especially from their prince and sovereign turned youkai, Uchiha Madara.
          Not to jump straight to the end (a lot of their story thus far has been filled in with some very insightful/emotional drabbles and one-shots), but after many adventures and late night conversations, risking life and limb for each other against Onmoyji and the imperialist regime from the mainland, they eventually fall in love and even have a daughter, Shiemi, with Luna thereafter breaking off all contact with her kin in the West once they announce their plans to be wed. But rest assured, there will be drama that ensues... mostly when Lucca is thrown like a monkey wrench into the works and proceeds to tear down their happiness, brick by boring brick. That’s a sneak peek in future events because he’s an asshole and I don’t get to write him being an asshole enough soooo--
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