#esp when i'm trying to make an amv
abysslll · 1 year
does anyone know of a site where i can download anime without a watermark 😭
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natade-art · 7 months
Hey do you have any tips when it comes to amv's? I'm a big fan of your stuff so i'd love to hear any suggestions you might have! also if you have any tips on software as well
hmm well i guess first of all re: software i don't have any particular suggestions because ill be honest i use a cracked version of some like $300 program and tbh its not worth it i just don't want to change my ways LOL it freezes and crashes a looot and the autosave is only sort of helpful. i used imovie on my phone before that and i figure thats probably totally acceptable. i don't do any really fancy transitions or anything else, so.
Otherwise ummmm well this is advice i myself am bad at consistently following but its nice to follow the beat of the song in a clear pattern, like following the pattern and tempo of the music itself. sometimes the instrumentals overpower the lyrics in controlling the flow of the song, sometimes its the other way around, so i usually like to go with whichever element seems most dominant. like my jjba name of love amv i followed the example of the amv with the same song which inspired me and went almost completely off the sounds in the music because it has some pretty prominent ones which guide the pace a lot more than the vocals do. but in my kh against me amv i MOSTLY followed the vocals. if that makes sense. and i think it depends on how u think about the song. like i dont remember an inch of my elementary school music class and cant really focus on instrumentals AND vocals at once so i struggle with that part.
most of all im just fucking around and doing what feels right per song and source material lol. id be cautious with transitions esp like the zoom type because they make ME motion sick. but thats just me. umm personally i try to be conservative with using sounds from the show/game/whatever in the amv like i like this jjba amv but this person looooves using sound effects and dialogue from the show and this ones pushing the line for me. i developed a lot of strong opinions in what i like or dislike in an amv from spending too long watching too many one piece amvs so i go a lot off personal taste. i prefer revolutionary girl utena bet on it and mortal kombat theme amvs to like 100 one piece everybody wants to rule the world or imagine dragons trying to be really cool and dramatic and actiony amvs myself even though i am not immune to well done actiony amvs either. most of all i think u just need a vision and to go for it! hope this helps :]
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zirkkun · 3 years
you don't have to post this if you don't want, i just wanted to let you know I support you. maybe I'm just not in the right headspace to understand, but i truly don't get the mentality that you not wanting to create 18+ content for an au you love, even one that's specifically 18+, is somehow censuring. you are the owner of your blog and you create for you and how you're comfortable doing it? just because you personally aren't publicly making nsfw content doesn't mean other people can't/you don't like them. the only thing I sorta understand is the name thing and how, out of context, it could seem you weren't happy with the original, but even then that's a valid perspective. not everybody has to like an AU, and if someone wants to do their own version there is literally no excuse for sending them hate. this is a fandom of AUs and derivative content, to get mad at someone else for following suit is hypocritical. you aren't in the wrong here, and the people spreading misinformation about you with the intention to hurt (even if they feel thReAtEnED by your PERSONAL AU INTERPRETATION THAT RHEY ARE FREE TO CURATE OUT OF THEIR FEED SHOULD THEY NOT LIKE IT ...) are absolutely being horrendous. I'm here for you if you wanna talk, you can DM on discord or here. I hope you're okay.
I mean, in a way I can understand taking it as censoring, especially after talking to a few people about it directly, since it was a bit of a combination between both the interpretation of the name misunderstanding as well as ULR not being 18+ leading to the conclusion that it was censoring Underlust. But after I explained it, the couple of people who approached me about that specific issue understood pretty quickly, too.
And, in all honesty, if I don't really like something, I wouldn't go through the effort of trying to make anything based off of it. The closest example that I can think of where I did something akin to that is when I once tried like, writing an AU for Fire Emblem Fates, because I love the concept of the games, but thought the execution couldn't have been worse. (I've done insane amounts of research on how it truly was so bad, and honestly, the dev team was a complete mess, so I don't really blame them for how it turned out despite them being the ones that made it lol. They barely could come to a midway point for it, so the fact they released it was a miracle.) Sure, there's points of Underlust I don't like, but as I've said before I could say that about everything I like. Except maybe Promare /j (but it is a good movie)
It's also probably really weird, but like, even with things I know I don't like, I'm willing to read or look into sometimes. Like, I don't like Dreamtale at all, but I've gotten myself fairly invested in More than one fic about it and do like some people's works based on it. I'm between unable to handle and yet can tolerate yandere fics nowadays thanks to Alch's fics and them just being a generally wonderful human being, but like, before that they just sent me into a panic attack lol. Ragnartale is also a weird one I am somehow invested in, since it's like, on the surface, it looks like something I wouldn't enjoy, esp since. None of the ships showcased I'm really into at all. But I'm very invested in it ;w;.
Anyway, my point with this part lol is like, I love seeing different interpretations of the same thing, and it's absolutely wild to me walking into this fandom from every other fandom I've been in where like, and AU is just the same characters in a different scenario, while here an AU is literally a whole separate world based off of either Undertale itself or a different AU entirely and the cast is really varied and even if characters are of the same origin from one AU to another, they're so distinctly different that some of them are unlinkable to the character they originate from. And y'all made a multiverse out of it!! With consistent lore between said multiverse!! Wh?? Like I said I've been on the internet a long time but this is genuinely the only instance I've seen this happen, and while I've been told it used to be worse, y'all are super respectful about stuff here too (and like, notably on YouTube with AMVs and MEPs, people actually credit where they got the fanart from in the description?? It's not all of them, and some may be without permission, but this is still the ONLY fandom I've seen do that and that's one hell of a leg up on everyone else.) It's like weirdly, to me, like... an ideal way art should be? Like, a world where anyone can make whatever they want, and people work with each other and from different things, taking inspiration from each other with credit and care and love and not slamming people in the face with a big copyright button for so much as thinking about making something off of their content (coughnintendocough). Obviously Toby's a chill guy too, for not only allowing this to all happen, but based on that message he left in i think the 5th anniversary vinyls, adores it just as much.
So yeah, definitely being slapped in the face when I step in with my idea after all of that openness before me definitely kinda hurt LMAO. It does feel nice to finally like. Actually talk about it instead of holding it in though. Even if it's actually almost two months later now (cause this happened on like December 5th and i was like already having an awful week with a real bad birthday so that was fun avdbwvsn)
I don't know that the original intent was to spread misinformation, because from what it seemed like, they merely read one post, blocked me, and then told everyone about the information they got from said post, but from there it became misinformation, because that one post is probably the oldest post about ULR and doesn't properly summarize anything about it at all it just has character faces and rules for the ask box lol. And frankly, before I updated it, it was out-of-date and inaccurate as well, cause i never thought it would be necessary to change. But that info that i have is also from like one or two posts my friend snagged off of twitter (cause, well, they blocked me lol), so I'm not really 100% certain.
But even so, thank you for the support man, I think I'm good for now, but I really appreciate your offer and checking in on me like this, it really does mean a lot💕💕
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