#elevated extras
fexalted · 2 years
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good omens + text posts (part 7)
oops all crowley
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so-i-did-this-thing · 4 months
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Went to the quarry again today. Between that and the watch tower, quite a bit of elevation. 😅
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fizzytoo · 11 months
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all that ear for what
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schnuffel-danny · 2 months
me: Thank god at least .TIFF is a normal guinea pig, since .Jpeg turned out to be such a little weirdo (affectionate) .TIFF: I need to sleep in the wettest spot of the entire cage, right under the dripping water bottle, because if I am not suspiciously moist the whole day I'll get grumpy me: Ah. Right.
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goldenwaves · 7 months
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fisheito · 6 months
wondering if there's a character who HASN'T done the Do in heels. ????
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adelaidedrubman · 8 months
also i think i am having a bad allergic reaction to the mold in my office. there’s mold in my office btw
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autosadist · 3 months
life is a lot easier when you aren't being fired from jobs every couple months, who would have thought
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clairaworlds · 3 months
Ok look, if a walrus showed up at my frount door, it'd be werid but, idk I've seen some werid stuff at collage. If some marine biology student somehow got a goddamn walrus into the apartment it would be confusing and werid but this might as well happen. The walrus is probably just as confused as I am, it has no idea how it got here its just a walrus. Now a fairy... that's a creature with intent. If there's a fairy knocking on my door it's doing it on purpose. A walrus probably just bumped into my door by acident the fairy is here with purpose, and I have no clue what it wants with me. I'm the last person to take on a whimsical adventure. I don't want to be a protagonist I have homework.
So yeah, the fairy is more confusing, bc what the hell dose it want with me?? Why knock on my door and not the ppl do the hall who party like every night.
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space-spring-art · 8 months
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Avlora x Maxwell from Triangle Strategy
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lesbiangiratina · 8 months
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Invested in a display case for my ggx tcg box cuz testament is on 1 side of it therefor it is a testament object so i want to put it with my testament stuff. But i dont want it to like fucking turn to dust. The reload boxes i have are on their own idgaf (as much) (i will still store them somewhere safe) (eventually)
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sodacowboy · 8 days
having ocs is the worst like wdym I have to be the one to draw them and write about them
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cowboyshit · 9 months
oh good at least they think adam is going to be healed up enough to wrestle by next sunday
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dinosaurcharcuterie · 2 months
I just realized I don't want gender neutral bathrooms and changing rooms just for gender reasons. I don't even want them just for practicality reasons, or just for economic reasons.
I want gender neutral hygiene spaces because, in my experience*, women who are bursting to get out of a sports bra and/or pee are wont to say unkind things and excuse it as "between us girls", and men do not wash properly if they think the bro code protects them.
#gender equality#equal rights#diversity#trans rights are human rights#chronic pain#chronic illness#*a shocking number of venues think having one bathroom per gender operational in an entire massive building is good enough#even if all the elevators are broken#this includes my own employer#and the one before that#on the upside#I've checked in five european countries#very very few people continue making a fuss about you being in the wrong bathroom if you say “I need to PEEEEEE” and keep walking#we're all human#we all get the urgency of the moment#including that one bathroom attendant in Amsterdam Main Station#thank you for not making me pee myself in public sir#yes I noticed the men's stalls were also all occupied#I've learned to work around such things on days my mobility is limited but thank you for your concern#that being said#transphobes have a lot of stuff they're weird about#them insisting we should strive to limit our options to piss-scented cave or grotto walls literally smeared with blood is just extra yikes#I don't care what silly fairy tales the cishets have dreamt up about you#you are in public and what you're doing is nasty#wipe your ass#think before you speak#meanwhile every unisex bathroom I've ever been to has been a haven of cleanliness and peace#every unisex changing room has been an oasis of pleasant conversation with a 70% reduction in noxious deodorant clouds#gender was invented by big bathroom to sell more bathrooms#and it made bathrooms worse for everyone
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aberooski · 6 months
Y'all are gonna get Sons of The Stars (Abby's version)(from the vault) like this week at this rate aksksks
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mika-you-nerd · 6 months
I came back from the dead to produce a dumb horror film idea let’s gooo
Ok so yk how werewolves get all werewolf-y when they see the full moon right? Ok so imagine the reason that they get all feral and attack ppl is because they’re out on a full moon and the werewolf in question wants the be the only one who witnesses it
So imagine like a survival horror film located in a house or apartment where someone who has survived this kind of attack before knows what to do and so they stay inside for the night close the curtains and they don’t show the werewolf on screen but rather it plays with the idea of not fighting the monster but being able to survive long enough until the night ends
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