#edited to fix the typos 🫠
anarcho-smarmyism · 3 months
i have intelligent talented and creative friends who can't imagine any world outside of capitalism because "they don't read", so I can't even get them to read Ursula K. Le Guin or other speculative sci-fi that imagines a better world, much less any kind of theory. guys in IT making 6 figures who will listen to audiobooks in the background IF THEY MUST but wont crack a book open if they can possibly avoid it. often it's adhd and/or dyslexia related, trauma related, etc, and I know that's a bitch to deal with, but frankly, I have undiagnosed+untreated adhd w/ dyslexia too; i was traumatized by home life and school too. the only reason im able to read like I am is that I was so poor growing up that, tho i didnt get the help i needed for being ND, even when my classmates had ipads and smartphones in elementary, my main entertainment was always fiction books. ive had years of practice honing this skill, learning to find relevant information in dry texts and learn how a text could be manipulating me. so. this isn't about Classism and Elitism, and it isn't ableist to say reading is a fundamental skill that you need to work on if at all possible even if it's difficult, and it doesn't dismiss all oral tradition of any kind, either. I'm sorry but unless you want to become intellectually dependent on BreadTube youtubers and leftie streamers and Twitter blue check marks who DO actually read theory, history, philosophy, and fiction -usually because they had the benefit of a white middle-class upbringing and socioeconomic privilege!- you really, really do need to read, and read often, and eventually read nonfiction at least sometimes. it strengthens your discernment and your ability to think for yourself.
tl;dr: how are you gonna reblog that "no one is immune to propaganda" meme, but accuse anyone encouraging you to develop your "recognizing propaganda and manipulation" skills of being elitist? how is this anything but regular anti-intellectualism?
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