#dustin and theo have been 'okay' for a good chunk of time by now but still he doesnt trust him and i wouldnt either
theosconfessions · 9 months
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if youd like to read the stephens from the beginning you can over here :)
if youd like to read the stephens continued you can over here:)
Theo- Sugartits! good coffee date with marlee? Dustin- DUDE!!! dude.. i thought our problems were big? move over [kicks theo in the back a little] Theo- OW? im old and feeble. Dustin- fuck yourself. move over. Theo- [laughs] okay shit! what happened?? not like im arguing here but what was that for? Dustin- just happy to be away from the drama. Theo-okay but im me. im always drama. Dustin- [scoffs] you know what i mean . Theo- i dont because you havent told robin and i shit. Dustin- i mean. just the jami thing. we just so happened to be somewhere at the same time as jami and his new girlfriend and DUDE. the jealousy coming from her? Robin- Seriously? she totally knew he was going to be there. Dustin- I dont know, bobbi. Robin- NO. theo pulled that shit on you after he left and he was trying to come back. he would show up everywhere youd normally go. Theo- well dad and i own a bar. so. Robin- you know what i mean. Theo- yeah i know what you mean. and i was doing that. sort of. like i said we had to see eachother either way. BUT the thing with marlee and jami is drastically different because for one i never once called dustin stepmom unless he was into it that night. Robin- im going to vomit. seriously this is what i get for trying to bond with you,theo. last time. Theo-win!
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saturn-valleys · 2 years
A Goodbye
There's nothing like revamping an OC by writing her death scene first 😌✨
Anyway I wrote this because while I did like the season finale, there were some things that could have been better. So why not change a few things by adding an original character to add all that unnecessary angst too! Idk it was just a silly little thought. Anyway on to the fic!
TW:character death, mentions of blood
When Teresa thought of dying she always thought she'd die of old age or a car crash or from eating too much chocolate. Silly yet possible scenarios that would make sense and maybe even cause some people to giggle at how silly it was. 
But as her back hits the muck covered floor, an endless amount for bat monsters and a huge chunk of flesh missing on her side. It was getting hard to breathe. Blood oozed out of her mouth. The smelling hitting her nose and choking her.
Yeah. This really wasn't how she expected things to go.
She hears voices calling for…something. She hears the pounding of…shoes hitting the ground rapidly like….running?
"Teresa!" Oh right. Dustin and Eddie are here too, that's good. Or bad, the bats could wake up or something and they could get hurt. That's okay though, she'll protect them. She just needs to take a quick break.
"Teresa oh god oh god!" Dustin exclaimed as the two reached the woman on the ground. She tried to smile at them but all she could muster was a painful grimace. Eddie looked down at her wounds hoping, begging to any kind of god that they weren't as bad like Steve's. Harrington survived, why can't she? But one look down and the answer was clear and it showed on his stupid face.
"That bad huh?" She joked, a small choked chuckle escaped her, causing more blood to leak from her mouth.
"No no no! It's going to be okay, we're going to get you out of here and get you to a hospital or something okay?" Dustin said through tears. It hurts Teresa's slowly beating heart. 
"Okay" She says regardless, Dustin and Eddie work to pull her up, they manage but the screams of pain are unbearable. They rip out of her as the metallic taste returns to her mouth. Tears she's been holding are flowing with no restraints. "Please! Please stop please! It hurts!" She sobs out. Eddie and Dustin lower her back down with a whimper. The two look down at her with frustrated sorrow. Dustin's already sniffling, big blotchy tears rolling down his face, Eddie's just the same but tries to control himself as he sees his friend; his best friend, the one who he might have just met just recently but has meant alot to him regardless, bleeding out. And there's nothing he could do to help. He was useless once again.
"Guess Theo's going to be an only child after all." Teresa says softly, a wheeze escapes her at the silly thought. "Wish I could tell him goodbye."
"You won't have to, because we'll get you out of here." Dustin said tearfully, Teresa shook her head as much as she could. "I'm sorry kid, not this time." She whispered, a small barely there smile on her blood covered lips. Teresa moves a bloodied hand to Dustin's face. "It's going to be okay." She looked at Eddie then, her smile growing tighter, wanting to reassure them even if it was pointless. "You're going to have to help Harrington with the kids okay. God knows he'll need it." She choked. Tears rolling down her face, blurring her vision. Eddie tried to grin but his bottom lip trembled as he tried to prevent a sob from escaping. "Graduate for me will ya? This is your year remember?" It was getting harder to breathe now. 
Eddie lets out a tearful chuckle. Even as she's dying, Teresa Murphy decides to use her final breaths by joking around. " '86 baby." He replies. Teresa hums and grins, more tears blurring her vision. " '86 baby." She says quietly. 
She was getting sleepy. Could barely feel her muscles at all, all she could do was look at the two boys, gosh she's going to miss them. "I love you guys." She whimpers out, letting herself feel sad for herself. Sad that she won't see the party  grow up. Sad that she won't see Eddie's band play or babysit Dustin even though he is not a baby anymore. Sad she won't see any of Lucas' games anymore. Sad that she won't see the Byers again. Sad that she won't be able to hug El again or help Will with his drawings. Sad that she won't hear any of Robin's crazy but loveable rambles or Steve's complaints but endearments of being the babysitter again. Sad she won't be able to help Nancy with her journalism gigs. And sad she'll have to leave Theo alone. A twin without a twin. What a tragic tale.
Gosh she was going to miss them so much. But having at least two of her favorite people, her family here with her, made death…not that bad. 
"We love you too." Dustin said tearfully. Eddie nodded, too hurt to say anything.
Teresa's eyes glossed over. Letting out her final breath as she looked up at them. 
Yeah…it wasn't so bad.
Dustin felt her body become limp. His red rimmed eyes widening. "Teresa?" He said, looking at the girl, her eyes looking up but not at him. Not at anything. "Teresa please no!" He whimpered out. He shook her, hoping that she was just taking a nap with her eyes open like she always did. But nothing happened. She didn't move. "Teresa please!" His sobs getting louder. Eddie moved to bring the boy into his arms,he quickly wrapped his arms around him tightly, his face in his chest as he sobbed. Eddie;at that point let himself cry as well. 
Cause nothings going to change what happened.
A/N hope you guys like it! Comments and likes are really encouraged I want to know what you think!
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