#do i hyeon
heartofwolves · 1 year
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aratribow · 4 months
Warning: MCD (it will be that is)
It's supposed to for an angst au with one of the major chars being one of my frnd's oc! (I have ¼ custody of him as well)
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The jy over there is actually my frnd @kaviolli 's oc hyeon, who's a nekomata and a butler to the jy household (he was gifted to the hcq by teng xiao). So uhh the plot takes place quite a few centuries later with hyeon have stolen jy's skin (it was on jy's order though when he got mara struck). So now hyeon lives away in a faraway place, living as jy because it was an order, and it's definitely not out of pity and love (there's a lot of psychological horror conflict themes attached to it)
So this scene takes place around the end of the story, where jl being the only one to discover him (she raised jy after all, she knows) ends up granting him the peace he was seeking for so long
"When she was about delivers the final blow, she stares down at the body of her son apprentice's copycat. Hesitating, questioning, begging herself to snap out of it. That this is just an illusion made up in her mind. Lies that the mara spread so she has the heart to kill her own student.
Cat like eyes stares into her blood red one. This is not Jing Yuan. Her Jing Yuan never have those eyes. Her heart and soul howl over how wrong those eyes looks in his face. That's the only reassurance she needs to end this abomination, yet..
For just a second, she thought she saw Jing Yuan staring up at her with a soft smile gracing his tired face. He looks at her like she has hung the moon and back. Full of adoration and reassurance.
Silent tears path their way down her cheeks as she closes her eyes. Her sword plunging down right at the heart of the nekomata. Not daring to see her own sword penetrating his body.
A silent thank you can be heard from beneath her as Hyeon takes his last breath and Jingliu mourns."
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Listen I am on my rewatch of The Glory and aside from being madly in love with both the romantic and unhinged nature of Joo Yeo Jeong, The absolute disparity between the good and bad parents in this show is killing me.
Dong-Eun’s mom? Absolute piece of trash with no class.
Yeon-Jin’s mom? Karen who thinks money and power can buy you anything.
Yeo-Jeong’s mom? Absolutely 100% supportive, but not stupid and committed to doing the right thing.
Kang Hyeon-Nam? The baddest bitch alive, willing to do anything to save her daughter even if it means endangering herself.
And then you have the disparity between Jae Jun and Do-Hyeong, who both cared about Ye-Sol. Jae Jun only cared about her when it was convenient for him and wanted her not because he truly loved her but because he wanted to possess her. Meanwhile, you have Do-Hyeong who is constantly looking out for Ye-Sol’s best interests even though he isn’t biologically related to her.
NOT ONLY THAT, but you also have Yeo-Jeong’s Dad, who was murdered by a patient while doing what he thought was right by saving him, unintentionally starting his son on the path to revenge.
And like yeah The Glory’s main focus is revenge but it’s also an exquisite commentary on how we pass down, inherit, come to terms with, and outright prevent generational trauma from our parents. It also shows how we can choose to do better or worse than they did based on the relationships we create or take for granted.
Idk man, as a generational trauma cycle breaker myself and mom of an (adopted adult) daughter that also experienced so much of that, this show gets to me on a parenting level in a way I can’t even begin to describe.
(Also Do-Yeong’s relationship with Ye-Sol makes me cry in the best way 🥹)
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connorjesup · 2 years
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Yook Sung Jae as Lee Seung Cheon and Son Woo Hyeon as Jang Moon Gi in The Golden Spoon (2022) episode 2
Aren’t you too tired today to read? It’s for a school assignment.
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quillinhand · 11 months
ep 6 of bloodhounds was fucked up.
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goddessrisen · 5 months
good morning pookies and happy friday. i’ve been feeling a bit blah about my writing && my place in the community. so i’m thinking about taking a break from hyeon. just a mini one, enough that i come back from this burnout. i honestly might work on raph’s blog during my mini break… anyways, as always, i’m down to plot or do mini things on discord, so moots feel free to add me there. discord under the cut!
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dramarants · 2 years
one thing I can’t get out my head is that do joon was clearly murdered, some “accident” potentially caused by seong joon, and well before hyeon woo started working for the jin family. I suspect min young started going after soonyang after realizing the family was responsible for the death of her partner? crush? first love? whatever do joon becomes to her. and that begs the time travel questions of how much of the future hyeon woo knows is based off static, unchangeable events versus the impact of his own actions as do joon? given the inevitable death of his mother, we might question how much he can really change but even this traces back to a fight he hasn’t won yet. while the mechanics of rebirth-as-your-company’s-founder’s-youngest-grandson-35-years-prior-to-your-death is the least interesting part of this show, the resolution of hyeon woo’s revenge journey (and therefore the show’s message) is going to depend on how this issue plays out - will he tear down soonyang permanently and get killed for it, will he survive and fight long enough to join forces with present hyeon woo (mindfuck lmao), will he be do joon or hyeon woo in his final moments? if rebirth is not an opportunity but a miracle, can his vengeance breathe renewed life where it’s hopeless? 
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detectiveships · 3 months
I just finished watching flower of evil and boy it broke me 😭 I'm legit sobbing.
I was very silly expecting an easy all-is- well and solved now last episode but whoa
what a ride
I know I'm late to the train, and in all honesty it took me a while to decide to watch it because I thought it was gonna be super heavy, but no, whoa, what a show full of plot twists! And the truth being revealed bit by bit as the characters learn about what happened in the past, so you're always on the edge of your seat to know what happens next and try to understand what really happened back then.
and the unexpected deep romance/chemistry between the leads blended with police investigation and deceit!!
ugh i gobbled up the episodes in a few days but these two are already so precious to me 🥺
also baek eun ha you broke me even deeper; so adorable!! so young and acting so well 🥹
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giasonesdream · 2 years
Please tell me there's a gifset of Ji-won mentioning that Hyeon-su provides cold drinks to people he doesn't like and then the goddamn iced coffee they gave Jae-seop 🤣🤣🤣
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sunshineandviolets · 1 year
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alchemyofdramas · 1 year
reborn rich best drama of the year PERIODT.
What a great fucking way to end my Christmas 😭❤❤
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kdsburneraccount · 4 months
I think about this Australian Open run sometimes Video Source
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jipuragi · 2 years
Hearing Sang Hyeon calling Young Woo "noona" is literally why we all watch kdramas 😍😭🥰
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meherya · 1 year
Let’s talk Bloodhounds and how we need Netflix to lose the rights to stream kdramas
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Honestly, if it wasn’t for Woo Do Hwan I wouldn’t even be here... but we support princess peach lips so we were sat for the whole 8 episodes.
I feel like the show started off pretty strong, it was interesting to see how they incorporated COVID-19 to be an integral part of the story. The character introductions were decent and the pacing wasn’t too bad the first half of the show. The fight scenes were amazing I do have to say, whoever did the fight choreo outsold truly.
I think everything went downhill end of episode 5/start of episode 6, and that partly has to do with the fact that we only had like 3 episodes left to wrap everything up. After their homebase gets destroyed, and all the senior ex-loan sharks are killed, there was potential for the stakes to be even higher for Gun Woo and Co. but it felt like it fizzled out right after.
They spent a good portion of time showing how the Hyeon Ju, Gun Woo, Woo Jin trio developed and after Mr. Choi’s death they were like oop she’s leaving!!!! While I get that they show Hyeon Ju is averse to the violence required to do what needs to be done earlier in the show, I think it would’ve been a turning point for her character to see how Smile Capital destroyed her life making her willing to do whatever it takes to get revenge.... instead they had her run off like okay?
I know the focus of the show was always Gun Woo and his bromance with Woo Jin and boxing but I think they really did Hyeon Ju a disservice with that “It’s too painful to be here”... and after that the stakes just seemed non-existent? The ending was rushed, like okay we get obvious fan service scenes of the two guys training and deciding to take down Myeong Gil but at the same time it was like... Who cares about that annoying chaebol and his cop cousin... I didn’t care if the video got released, I had no attachment to this loser. Obviously, they were a stepping stone for Gun Woo/Woo Jin to use to take down Myeong Gil but it felt very lackluster...
The use of Mr. Oh and his granddaughter to give Gun Woo a moment of reflection like “I don’t want to repeat history” was so.... I don’t know how to put this eloquently but I think this Netflix formula of having less than 10 episodes really fucked with the writing bc most characters aren’t given time to process their thoughts and emotions after something huge happens.. at least that was how it felt like to me!! The episode restraint also seemed to really fuck with the writing with how everything wrapped up in the last third of the show, not to mention the last minute character introductions? The dirty cop? The granddaughter too, while she was cool... it was like once again idk her!!... The ending felt rushed, and the final fight scenes...... LAME!!!!!!! Do Hwan and Sang Yi looked slayful but other than that... what was the point...
I think it would’ve been cool to get an insight into Myeong Gil himself like why is he the way he is, how did he come across his little crew?? Not much character work was being done in this show :/
The time jump post-Mr. Choi also was kind of muddy, and I feel like it would’ve been a much more interesting turn if the jump was a few years and included the boys training while Hyeon Ju carefully builds up a network again... Instead we had a ??? time jump with Him and Himbo just doing cold calls with their old allies in hopes that someone bites....
I need Dramafever to come back to kdramas don’t have to rely on Netflix to reach an international audience because come on...
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goddessrisen · 5 months
something that's been breaking my heart is thinking about hyeon in the pjo universe. the only known daughter of a long-forgotten primordial goddess who's a lot older than she looks. just perpetually in her late 20s and trying her damndest to ensure that these younger demigods survive. someone who is utterly disillusioned with how the gods go about their business, claiming and then completely ignoring their children bc their wants/desires matter more than their children.
pack-mom hyeon going feral to protect these teenagers who have way too much weight on their shoulders. v v op hyeon tearing through scores of monsters and gods alike to make sure that these kids make it home. all because there was no one there to do that for her and other demigods when they were younger.
on the flip side, deity!hyeon absolutely being a menace to the greek/roman pantheons bc, of course, she's going to help these literal c h i l d r e n in their quests??? that's not even a question for her. hyeon being such an old deity that, like nyx, zeus is a lot bit terrified of incurring her wrath. she would absolutely level the playing field for any demigod.
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gillianthecat · 2 years
ok, I know that To My Star 2 is not universally beloved, and I can understand why. but i'm in the middle of the series now and i just have to stop and scream about it on here because i love it so much. maybe the second half will ruin it for me, who knows, but so far it's brilliant.
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