#darius' and liam's thirty days
veneataur · 6 years
Day 22 Liam finds something strange on the internet.
It happens because he’s bored. Darius is doing some of the final checks on the coding for the new AI and there’s not much he can do. So, he decides to surf the internet, after checking on the GT because he thinks there might be the small chance that something will happen to knock it off course again even though it’s been fine for the last couple weeks.
In the end, he knows he shouldn’t’ve gone online because if he thought the tabloids were bad, they had nothing on the internet. There he finds not just articles about Darius and himself, key figures in the asteroid conspiracy that’s enveloped the nation and the world but also theories and stories about them.
He clicks on one because the summary intrigues him and what else does he have to do. What he reads makes him laugh, gasp, and stop in horror but he still clicks on another because what else does he have to do and there’s something addicting.
So, he spends his afternoon, as Darius is typing and scrolling away on the computer, reading stories about how he and Darius and the others are spending their lives outside of their apparently episodic adventures. Gee, he thinks, the last three months certainly didn’t feel all that episodic. They were rather terrifying, actually.
It’s only when he reads something and can’t stop laughing that Darius stops his work to see what he’s doing.
“It…it’s…” Liam can’t speak for the steady laughing. “Look.” He finally hands the laptop to Darius, nearly shoving it into the confused man’s lap. Then there’s silence, save for Liam’s laughs which have started to dwindle as Darius reads. Unlike Liam, Darius makes no noise. Then, he sighs.
“I was afraid of this.”
“Nothing you need to be concerned with, but I don’t recommend continuing to read this stuff.” Darius hands back the laptop and turns to return to work.
“Wait. What’s so bad about this? I mean it’s just stories about us. What’s the harm?”
“I didn’t think much of it to begin with either, but those stories are dangerous, Liam. It’s best if you just stay away. That might save you yet.”
“Save me? Darius, what are you talking about?”
Darius sighs and sinks back into his chair. “Do you remember back when I was sick? Back when you first discovered Salvation.”
“Like a couple months ago?”
“So, what? How’s that connected to these stories?”
“I got this warning, though I thought it was a dream at the time. I was told to be wary of these stories, of people who write this stuff because they were dangerous. They pick on certain people, people like us.”
“People like us? Darius, I think you need a break from the computer screen.”
“Now a month ago, I would’ve agreed with you, but there’s more to this than you think. Promise me that you’ll stay away from those stories. You’ve been pretty safe so far. I’d rather you not get caught up in their machinations.”
“I’m not going to get caught up in their machinations, Darius. They’re just stories.” Liam tries not to sound dismissive, but he is starting to wonder if their seclusion was affecting Darius more than he thought. Maybe taking yesterday off wasn’t enough.
“Just stay away from them Liam. They’re dangerous. They’re not to be messed with. Okay,” Darius insists.
“Okay. I promise. I’ll stay away from them.”
“Good. Now, why don’t you help me check the last bit of this coding. I want to get started on testing it soon.”
Liam gives Darius a look as the man turns back to the computer, wondering how much he should be worrying about the man. It’s clear that for now Darius won’t be persuaded from his beliefs in the apparent dangerous force behind those stories, but he’s going to have to work on him. Perhaps he’ll get Harris and Grace to help when they’re back. Darius is more likely to listen to the two of them and, if not, then that’s at least three against one.
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hithelleth · 7 years
Salvation S1
Why do I keep getting into shows that are likely to be cancelled!? Oh, right, because I’m a masochist. So, I’ve finished Salvation and it was so good! I’ve been internally squeeing for days, so I’ll try to get things out of my system now so I can then maybe focus on other fannish (and non-fannish) things.
(This turned out long, so I put it under the cut and tried to make it more easily readable with some bolding. My apologies to those on mobile.) 
I’ve always had a thing for doomsday premises, so this was right up my alley with an impending extinction level event that must remain secret from the general populace to avoid panic while the big shots try to prevent it.
Except that unlike a number of cheesy movies where the world comes together to save humanity and/or help each other after the disaster, Salvation creators tackled it from the other end: the whole season is set before the disaster strikes and nobody is willing to cooperate.
I found the approach refreshing and really liked it. Probably because I’m what I call a pessimistic idealist. I mean, don’t get me wrong, obviously, if such a scenario happens in real life, I do hope (or want to) that humanity would come together to save itself/the Earth. But the pessimist in me thinks there is just as much chance for us to kill each other before the Earth/space/whatever gets to us.
Although, of course, with the current political atmosphere where the orange menace and the little dumpling (you know who I mean, they don’t deserve to be named) are throwing threats with nuclear war weapons around, the cold-war-era-like hostilities in the show gave me chills.
So, there’s political power play galore while the tech wiz and co. are trying to find the way to save the world while being obstructed on every step by politicians. I liked the suspense it all brought out, and how it made the show fast paced (but didn’t take anything from complexity). I also liked all the shadiness and there was a lot of it around, as basically everyone does at least something not quite right (even if with the best of intentions).
I liked that the focus of the show is sort-of evenly spread between science and politics as well as different age groups, as in the characters in their early to mid-twenties and those around/in their forties, which I’m more into the older I get (seriously, it’s one of the biggest reality checks as to age when I realise that the character/actor(ess) is only a few years older than me, or worse, younger!)
And while I’m at that… I have a new OT3!!!! Come on, you knew this was coming, I’m that weird person who can find more or less likely OT3s anywhere and I proudly own it.
But damn it, I wasn’t looking for it! Then again I never do, you know how it goes: I don’t choose my ships, they chose me. Those three fuckers! Why am I doing this to myself? Why? *high pitched pterodactyl screeching*
I’m talking about Harris/Grace/Darius (in all variations), just to be clear. Seriously, I have no idea how it happened, but around episode 5 or 6, I was like, “well maybe instead of squabbling and ‘slight’ signs of jealousy, you could, you know, work together?” and then one thought led to another and I was like, “yeah, I could ship it, provided Harris wasn’t evil…” (I mean, he was a very, very bad boy once or twice, but turned out not to be evil) and the rest is history. *insert more swearing* Yeah, episode 8 didn’t help at all. And then of course they did work together so well towards the end of the season. *sighs*
Anyway, look, I’m not asking for much, just a S2 where they can occasionally (well, the more often the better, but I’ll take what I get) share screen time and be the badass power world/country-saving trio they are. My imagination can do the rest. ;)
But of course, IAD was promoted to a regular on Hawaii 5-O, so I’m not sure what that would mean – although Salvation is a summer show, so I guess coordination could be possible – and the ratings seem to be shit and I don’t want to get my hopes up despite the articles floating around saying not all is lost for S2. *fingers crossed*
Which brings me to a bit of ranting about a plot hole or two and a few general observations and possible S2 speculations.
a) You want me to believe that the US Secretary of Defence can just simply drive around on his own, NBD, and nobody bats an eye? FFS, even in my itty bitty country where the cabinet members really aren’t in much danger of imminent assassination, they have drivers and security details, especially the Defence Minister. It did come very handy for the plot that Harris could just drive around like it’s nobody business, though.
b) How did they get the selected 160 on site so fast? Magic? Because they couldn’t have picked them solely from Tanz personnel, since that would be mostly scientists, and they did pick historians, artists, etc…  And those would be from all around the country, I’d say. (It’s shitty enough that they would be all only Americans, like the rest of the world has no smart people to offer. Also, for genetic diversity it would be better if people were from other countries, too.)
Unless they brought them into Tanz as they picked them, before the nuclear alarm. But didn’t they finish the selection process just a day or a couple before (my memory is a bit foggy, I’ll have to rewatch)?
And nobody seemed surprised at the sight of the space-ship, so I guess they were told the actual truth or at least the Mars colonisation version beforehand? I think the second is more likely.
But, never mind, that is not even my biggest problem with the 160 and I can easily let it pass, because time on TV can work in mysterious ways (plus, maybe they cut the scenes that were supposed to clear it up.)
c) No, my biggest problem is that if 160 people are the minimum viable population, I assume those people must be able to procreate (and have healthy and diverse enough genes.) 
And so there were mostly young people in their twenties (mostly women) and thirties in the Salvation bunker. So far so good.
Of course if we only look to the continuation of human species, choosing young people makes sense.
(I’m not going into the fact that if all those youth are the best and the brightest, there would be other issues with picking people who must have been child prodigies and could therefore lack the social skills that are just as important for humanity as science – but I guess the humanities studies part of the group can compensate for what others lack in that field.) 
It also makes perfect sense that some people would be chosen for qualities other than reproductive abilities, which is where Harris and Grace come in.
I mean, men don’t have that sort of a problem, but with Zoe about to start college, Grace must be at least in her early 40s (although Jennifer is younger) since she doesn’t strike me as a teen mom, and a woman of her age has a hard time having a healthy child even in the most optimal, peaceful conditions and with the best medical treatment available, so I think it’s safe to say Grace having any more kids, especially in a couple of years, is out of the question. But that’s okay.
My problem is with Darius being disqualified on grounds of carrying the Huntington’s gene. Sure, it served as a fantastic testimony of his character that he would work on the Mars project and then this saving the mankind thing knowing that he can’t go/save himself. That’s great, what a good person!
But since other people were picked for their leadership/wisdom/merit, then why not Darius?
Did the writers forget that contraception is a thing? You know, to prevent ‘accidentally’ spreading his bad genes around? And pre-natal screening also exists (okay, IDK if they can find out about the Huntington’s gene that way, but still) – and there are doctors (I assume a few actual MDs have been picked) around to do it and in case of a positive result an abortion is an option? (But god forbid we’d even think of the A-word on a national network in the US, of course.) Or you know, just have the guy have a vasectomy, the easiest sure-fire solution. (Yeah, now I’m being mean.)
My point in short: there is no logical reason (I know, looking for logic on TV; I never learn) for Darius not to be among the 160 apart from the writers’ need for characterisation through drama.
Anyway, I think that if we get S2, it might turn out the nukes were false alarm or something, because Santiago Cabrera is first-billed and I expect they wouldn’t kill him off, so this disqualification issue will be moot.
So, if we get S2:
d) The usurping VP (why TF does he have to be named Monroe Bennett? *wry smile* *cue reminiscing of a certain other show*) escaped and will be wreaking havoc, I assume.
e) I’d really like if Amanda somehow survived (I mean, it’s TV, anything is survivable on TV, a little chest/shoulder wound should be nothing), because I liked her.
f) I had to google the actor who played Grace’s dad (he was awesome!) because he looked familiar and look, he also played the substitute pressie who needed to be bullied into doing the right thing in TLS.
g) With the EM drive being magnetic (duh), I think Liam’s idea has something to do with trying to use the EM drive to pull the asteroid in off the impact course. I vote for partial success, because otherwise the show’s premise would go out of the window and they might as well just end it.
And I think that’s all I’ve got (for now).
I think I’ll go find some pretties to queue up for next week. Although, I’ve already been in the tags a little and as far as I could see, nobody ships my OT3 (I’m not surprised at all), so I might need to do some giffing myself. And maybe write fic. But after I finish my current fic exchange assignment, which I should be doing instead of writing this, but oh well. Maybe now I’ll be able to concentrate better.
Tagging @street-of-mercy, because you got me into this mess! ;) (You don’t have to respond or anything, but in case you’re interested in my thoughts and questionable shipping choices, here you go. :D) 
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veneataur · 6 years
Fandom: Salvation
A/N: This one turned out to be longer than I expected but hopefully it’s enjoyable. I’m not sure if all of the medical stuff is right.
On day 16 Liam notices something different about Darius.
By this point, Liam isn’t sure how many days they’ve worked on the new AI, but they are making progress. At least Liam thinks they are. He’s definitely learning more about programming.
This morning, however, he notices that something is off with Darius. The man is normally hard-working and obsessive, but there’s a frenziness to that’s not normal and instantly Liam knows that the man is trying not to think about something. If he were one of the grad school buddies, he’d know how to talk to them, but this is Darius. Liam would consider him friends with Darius but not the sort to talk about whatever’s on his mind.
So, he decides to let it go. Maybe Darius will work his way out of whatever’s on his mind. When Darius works through lunch without a word, Liam sneaks off to grab them both some food. Darius takes no notice of Liam’s disappearance or the food.
“Darius,” Liam says about mid-afternoon when he’s worked up the courage to speak. He’s not afraid of Darius; it’s how to talk to him about what’s on his mind.
“Darius,” he says louder when the man doesn’t answer.
“What?” Darius sound uncharacteristically startled and confused.
“Are you okay?”
“Just working. I’d like to get this part of the programming done today. We’re so close to finishing.” Darius turns his eyes back to the computer, typing as he speaks.
Liam lets him go for a few minutes, considering his next move. It’s true that they’re nearly done, but it’s nothing that can’t wait until tomorrow or for a few hours at the very least.
“Alright. That’s it, Darius. We’re done for a while,” Liam says.
“What? Liam, we still have much work to do.”
“Do you even know what time it is? Do you know that lunch was two hours ago?”
Darius is quiet as Liam sees his mind working to sort out the time and events.
“Come on, at least a few hours break. Maybe stare at something that’s not a computer screen and get something other than water and air to eat.”
“I’m fine here.”
“No, you’re not.” Liam pauses when Darius glares at him. “Look, I know that I haven’t known you all that long and I’m just your employee, but I think we’ve worked together enough that I can see when something’s not right. You don’t have to tell me, but you do need a break. Weren’t you ever told all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy?”
“Oh.” Liam almost takes a real step back at that. “Well, it’s true and you need a break.”
“I don’t need a break, Liam,” Darius says, frustration rising. “That’s the last thing I want. Need,” he adds quickly. “Last thing I need. And since, as you’ve said, you’re just my employee, you have no right to tell me when to stop working.”
Liam sighs as Darius goes back to work, angrily typing away at the keys and steadfastly ignoring him. Rather than continue arguing, Liam leaves, wandering downstairs to check on the asteroid. There haven’t been any further problems, but he likes to check it frequently.
Occasionally, he glances up at Darius, who is still working away as the sun sets. Liam himself finds some work to do down there, going to get dinner when he gets hungry. He takes a sandwich up to Darius, who still doesn’t acknowledge his presence.
How long this continues, Liam isn’t sure. He falls asleep at his workstation sometime in the late evening, having laid his head down while the computer ran through some simulations. He wakes to a thump. He jumps, looking around. For days it’s been just him and Darius, but people did get in before. There’s no one in sight though. He looks up to see Darius’ workroom light still on and sighs. It’s three in the morning and the man is still hard at work. This has to end, at least for the night. Liam realizes he has to make Darius at least pause for his health.
With a sigh, he pushes himself to his feet and trudges up the steps. Halfway up, he doesn’t see Darius’ head as he’s accustomed to. Maybe, he thinks, the man’s taken a break on his own. But he wouldn’t’ve left the light on, he realizes. It’s at the top that he realizes why he didn’t see Darius.
The man is lying in a heap on the floor. And he jogs the last few steps to get to the room.
“Darius,” he calls out. There’s no clear sign of injury but he is pale and doesn’t respond to Liam’s call. “Come on, wake up, Darius.” He shakes the man gently. Liam repeats this a couple more times until Darius starts to move on his own, slowly. His eyes open, only to shut them quickly, throwing a hand clumsily over his eyes and groan. Liam turns off the lights.
“Hey, Darius. What happened?” Liam keeps his voice quiet.
“Li’m? Wh’re?”
Liam’s stomach drops at the confusion. Had Darius hit his head?
“Li’m?” There’s a panicked edge to Darius’ voice. “’arris, ‘le’se st’p.” Darius swallows harshly. “Don’ kno’ an’th’ng. ‘ell ‘em, ‘arris. ‘le’se.”
Liam is confused. “Darius, it’s me, Liam. Harris isn’t here.”
“Li’m? Don’… don’ l’t them take you.”
“Darius, no one’s here. It’s just us. We’re in the AI room. Don’t you remember? You’ve been working all day.”
Liam checks him for a fever, finding him more clammy than hot. He doesn’t see any signs Darius hit his head and after carefully feeling around Darius’ head, he can’t find any bumps. Darius in the meantime has quieted down but doesn’t seem to be any more coherent. Without another thought, Liam pulls out his phone and dials a familiar number.
“Liam?” His mom’s voice is groggy, but she picks up on the third ring. “What’s wrong?”
“I’m not sure,” Liam blurts out.
“What happened?” He can see her sit up right away, alert at his tone.
“It’s not me. I’m fine. It’s my friend. I found him unconscious. He’s awake now, but he’s not really coherent. Keeps slurring and doesn’t know where he is.”
“It sounds like you should call an ambulance.”
“I can’t. He won’t like it. He’s really private.”
“His health is more important. I’m sure he’ll forgive you.”
“You don’t know Darius Tanz,” Liams retorts absently.
“Darius Tanz? The tech genius? That’s who your friend is? Liam, what have you gotten yourself into?”
“It’s nothing big, mom. Please, though, I need your help. What should I do? It’ll take forever for an ambulance to get here anyway.”
“Okay.” She sighs. “Tell me more about his symptoms.”
“Confused, slurring his words. He has a headache.”
“Does he have a fever?”
“No. He feels more clammy, chilled maybe. I thought it might’ve been from the floor,” Liam says. “Oh, and he’s pale.”
“Any injuries?”
“None that I could see or feel. I checked his head for any cuts or bumps.”
“Has he eaten anything he’s allergic to?”
“I don’t know if he’s allergic to anything.”
“Okay. Diabetic?”
“I don’t know.”
“He seems a big mystery for being your friend.”
“It’s complicated.”
“A friendship? Complicated?”
“Like I said, you don’t know Darius Tanz. He’s nothing like on TV.”
“I’m sure,” Evalyne says doubtfully. “If you don’t know that he’s eaten something he’s allergic to, then…”
“He hasn’t eaten anything today,” Liam interrupts absently.
“Not since the other day. I tried, but he was too focused on work. Something was on his mind, I think.”
“That’s probably your problem. He hasn’t eaten anything.”
“He’s not really alert right now. How’m I supposed to get him to eat something?”
“Find some orange juice and chocolate. That’ll be easy enough to get his blood sugar back up so he can function enough to eat something more. Once he’s more alert, go with light things and work your way up to a heavier meal.”
“Okay.” Liam tries to sound confident, but he can’t imagine Darius being patient long enough to steadily work back up to eating.
“You’ll do fine, Liam. I’m going to let you go take care of him but call back if you need.”
“And keep me updated. If he gets worse, then call an ambulance. He can get mad at you later. At least he’ll be alive to do so.”
“Sure.” Liam thanks his mom and hangs up. He runs down to the breakroom to grab some orange juice, water, and chocolate. When he gets back to Darius, the man is mumbling again but doesn’t seem any worse.
“Hey, Darius.” He tries getting the man’s attention. “You need to eat something.”
“Nuh. ‘ave to prot’ct Grace. Don’ ‘ell ‘em Li’m. Love ‘er, Li’m.”
“I know, Darius. She’s safe. She’s down in the bunker with Harris and Jillian. You need to eat something, though.” When Darius refuses again, Liam moves until he’s sitting cross-legged behind Darius’ head, back against the wall. He then pulls Darius towards until his head rests in his lap.
“Li’m?” Darius protests the move.
“Quiet, Darius. I have a small piece of chocolate here,” Liam says, breaking off a piece of chocolate half the size of a dime. It’s small enough, he hopes Darius won’t choke on it. “Open your mouth so you can eat this, okay?”
“Pois’n, Li’m?”
“No, it’s from the breakroom.” Liam tries not to sigh, wondering what is going on in Darius’ mind. “Come on, Darius. Please just eat this. I promise it’s safe. It’ll help you feel better. You trust me, don’t you?”
“Al’ays.” Darius takes the piece of chocolate, eating it slowly. “Loy’l, like a saint be’na’d.”
“Not sure I appreciate that analogy, but okay. Have another piece, Darius.” Liam patiently feeds Darius pieces of chocolate, coaxing him into eating more when he starts to wander. He doesn’t know how long it takes before he starts to see real coherency in Darius’ eyes, but he can’t help the smile when he hears Darius speak.
“Liam, what am I doing in your lap?” Darius’ voice is scratchy and weaker than normal, but it’s coherent.
“You passed out from low blood sugar. Are you feeling better?”
“You want to sit up?”
“Um… yeah.” Darius tries to get his arms under him to sit up, but he’s still feeling weak, so Liam helps him, positioning him so that he’s leaning against the wall, knees pulled up. The movement is enough to make Darius go paler and clamp his eyes shut. As soon as he’s settled, he leans forward to rest his head on his folded arms against his knees. Liam grabs the water and juice and sits next to him.
“How bad,” Liam asks quietly.
“Spinning. Sick.”
“Going to throw up?”
Darius swallows heavily. “No.” It’s several minutes later until Liam sees the tension in Darius’ shoulders ease.
“You should drink this juice too,” he says, twisting the top off and holding it out for the man.
“I should?”
“Yeah. Slowly though. It should help with the dizziness and nausea.”
Darius looks up wearily, nods slightly, and takes the juice. He sips it as he leans his head back on the wall.
“How’d you know to do this,” Darius asks after several moments of silence.
“I called my mom. She’s a nurse.”
“I know.”
“Of course.” Liam tries not to sound irritated.
“Thanks, Liam. And please tell your mother I said thanks.”
“You’re welcome.” Liam types out a quick text to his mom to let her know how Darius is doing.
“Everything okay,” Darius asks tiredly.
“Just letting my mom know how you’re doing. She was worried.”
“You feeling better?”
“Yes.” Darius pauses. “Though I suppose that’s not saying much.”
“Do you remember any of it?”
“Snatches mostly. Didn’t feel like I was here.”
“You weren’t entirely. I…,” Liam pauses, thinking. “I was worried.”
“I didn’t mean for it.”
“I find that hard to believe.” Liam looks at Darius, determined to not let the man off the hook.
“I get distracted, caught up in work. I didn’t realize what time it was. Ask Harris, it happens often. He used to set timers to remind me to take a break when he wasn’t around.”
“I know distracted, Darius. I’ve seen you too busy with work and you still manage to find time for a break, if nothing else because you can’t ignore your stomach any longer.”
“What do you want me to say, Liam?” Darius sighs.
“I don’t know, Darius. What was going on today? Yesterday?”
Darius is quiet for long enough that Liam thinks he’s not going to answer. Then…
“I miss her, Liam,” Darius says quietly. “More than I’ve missed anyone other than my mother. And I don’t like it.”
“Wait, why?”
“She deserves more, Liam. She deserves someone like Harris. He can offer her so much more than I can. What kind of future would she have with me?”
“Oh.” Liam feels at a loss for words.
Darius doesn’t say anything more, merely nodding.
“But she knows and she loves you still, doesn’t she?”
“She had moments to think about it. I doubt she’s really considered everything.”
“Don’t sell Grace short. She’s quick and fierce. I’m sure she’s thought about it and anyway, shouldn’t it be up to her to decide if she wants to be with you? She should have some say. Don’t you think that maybe love can conquer all?”
“I don’t know. I don’t have much proof of that being the case.”
Liam pauses, thinking about the few relationships that he knew of Darius’ and realizes that Darius probably never has seen love carry through any number of hardships.
“Look, you’re both clearly in love. I saw that on day one, no matter how much you’ve tried to tell yourself it wasn’t allowed.” Darius gives Liam a glare, lightened only by the lingering illness. “There’s nothing you can do about it for another two weeks, so just let it go. Let it be there and when the bunker’s open you two can talk and sort things out.”
Darius seems to be thinking about it.
“And consider this too, when she comes out of that bunker, how do you think she’s going to feel when she finds out you’ve worked yourself sick over this?”
“Harris told me about her angry side. I don’t think I want to have her mad at me.”
“So, you’ll take better care of yourself? Eat regular meals, take breaks?”
“Yes, Liam.”
“Good. Then finish up that juice and we’ll head to the Treehouse. You have some eating to make up for.”
“I’m not going to eat a day’s worth of food in a morning, Liam. I’ll be sick again.”
“You’re not going to. Mom said light meals building up to a heavier meal. But it’s pretty much bed rest for you for the day.”
“Oh. I didn’t realize.”
“You may be a superhuman to the public, but you’re very much human, I’m afraid.”
“I know,” Darius says quietly.
“I’m not sure that you always do. Drink the rest of the juice and then we’ll make our way back slowly, okay?”
“Can you check to make sure that everything’s saved,” Darius asks taking a sip of the juice. There’s not much left, but he’s still wanting to be careful.
“Sure.” While Liam takes care of the computer, Darius finishes the drink and tosses the bottle in recycling. “All done,” Liam asks.
“Yep. Let’s go to the Treehouse.” When Darius moves to stand, limbs shaking a little from the ordeal of the past few hours, Liam steps in without thought to help and Darius says nothing, letting the younger man help him. Liam doesn’t take all of his weight, but he does lend a steadying hand as they walk out of the room and down the stairs.
As they walk slowly to the Treehouse, Darius realizes that he trusts Liam as much, if not more, than he does Harris. Liam is more than an employee, a scientist to groom to help him run Tanz Industries. He’s a friend. Darius can count on one hand the number of people he trusts who would’ve taken the time to get him feeling better like Liam did this morning, especially after how he treated him yesterday.
He smiles, thinking about the young man who’d darted onto the elevator and blurted out that the world was coming to an end. The guts it took. That was the moment Darius knew he was giving Liam a job. But last night showed him Liam cared.
“What’s so funny,” Liam asks.
“Nothing, Liam. Just remembering something.”
“Oh. Well, you must be feeling better then.”
“I am, Liam. Thanks to you, I’m feeling much better.”
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veneataur · 6 years
Fandom: Salvation
Day 18 Liam gets an unexpected call.
Liam doesn’t recognize the number when it comes through right before he heads down for breakfast and he nearly doesn’t answer it, but his finger hits the answer button with little thought.
“Hello?” He’s hesitant in answering, which seems silly in comparison to everything he’s dealt with.
Hi. Is this Liam Cole,” a feminine voice asks.
“Who is this?” He’s never been one to give out his name, a byproduct of his childhood.
“Oh, I’m sorry. I probably should’ve started off with that. I know there’s all sorts of top secret stuff going on there. Probably have to be careful with everything. I’m Zoe Barrows, Grace Barrows’ daughter.”
“Zoe?” Liam tries to remember if he’s met her before, then he remembers the name from the DNA testing for the 160. “Right, Zoe Barrows. Sorry, it’s been a long couple weeks here. Yes, this is Liam.”
“Oh,” she sighs heavily. “I am so glad to have reached someone there. I’ve been trying to get a hold of my mom for days now. And then Darius Tanz and Harris Edwards. Well, anyone really. I heard about the missiles and…” she trails off, tears evident in her voice.
“The missiles…” Liam pauses, trying to place what she’s talking about. “Oh, the missiles. Sorry, it was so long ago it seems and we’ve been busy here, I kind of forgot.”
“Then you’re okay?”
“Well, if you count having Darius Tanz as your housemate and boss okay, then yeah.”
“But my mom?”
“Oh, she’s fine. She’s down in the ark, safe from everything not that anything did happen. Missiles were diverted and they weren’t nuclear anyway.”
“Oh. I’ve been trying to reach her.”
“No phone access in the ark.” Liam starts wandering to the Treehouse so Darius won’t start wondering where he is.
“And Darius? He’s not down there?”
“No, he’s not.”
“Why isn’t he answering his phone?”
“I don’t know. He’s Darius Tanz. He’s a mystery unto himself.”
“I don’t think I’m that big of a mystery,” Darius says, startling Liam and making him nearly drop the phone. “Where have you been, Liam? We have work to do. Breakfast can’t wait much longer.”
“It’s Zoe, Grace’s daughter.”
“Oh. Well, I’ll let you two talk. Come to the Treehouse when you’re done.” With that, Darius disappears down the hall, past the corner.
“Zoe?” Liam checks to see that she’s still there.
“Let me guess, that’s the great Darius Tanz?” Sarcasm drips from her voice.
“The one and only.”
“Well, thanks for answering your phone, Liam. I’m glad to know that my mom’s still alive.”
“Yeah. I’m sorry it took so long. I’ll keep you up to date.”
“Thanks. Email or texts are probably the best for now. We don’t have great reception out here and electricity can be spotty at best.”
“Okay. Text me your email and I’ll keep you up to date the best I can.”
She thanks him again and ends the call, leaving Liam to go find Darius, who’s sitting in the kitchen at the breakfast bar, breakfast untouched, staring at his phone.
“You know Zoe’s been trying to reach you,” Liam says. They’re past the point now of beating around the bush to start conversations.
“Yes, I know.” Darius’ answer is even.
“She was worried about her mother. The least you could’ve done is answered to let her know that Grace was okay.”
“I know.”
“So, why didn’t you?”
“I don’t know, Liam.” Darius sighs, leaning back and looking up at Liam for the first time in the conversation.
Liam studies Darius’ face, recognizing quickly an emotion he doesn’t often associate with Darius.
“You’re afraid,” Liam says.
“Why? Why are you afraid of talking to Zoe?” Then the realization hits Liam. “She knows you’re in love with her mom.”
“I think she knew before Grace.”
“And you think she’s going to be angry with you.”
“You would even have to admit that Harris is better partner potential than I am. He’s a far better man.”
“She just wanted to know about her mom.” Liam chooses to ignore Darius’ self-disparaging remarks because he’s not sure how to address it yet and he’s not sure he’s the best one to convince Darius of his worthiness as Grace’s partner.
“I know. I screwed up and now Zoe has even more reason to hate me.”
“Why don’t you try giving her more credit for being openminded after all it is the woman you love who raised her.”
“It’s a little different when it comes to one’s parent, Liam.”
“And don’t base this on your own experiences. Zoe’s experience is not the same as yours. If you’re going to pursue anything with Grace, you need to consider Zoe and let her get to know you. The real you, not the façade you put up.”
“Easier said than done.” Darius sighs. “But I understand. I’ll get in touch with her.”
“She said texts or emails are the best. I’m sure you have her email already, but to be less creepy than usual just text her back.”
“I know that, Liam.” Darius lets a little playful sarcasm slip into his voice. “I’m not completely socially inept.”
Liam gives him a questioning look.
“I’m not, but people are just so cumbersome.”
“Text her, Darius. Don’t email.”
“Of course. I’ll send something after breakfast before we head down to work.”
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veneataur · 6 years
Fandom: Salvation
A/N: This is a continuation of sorts from day 23. There’ll be at least one more follow up to this plot line.
On day 24 Darius and Liam wind up in bed together, but there’s nothing romantic about it.
When Darius finally manages to open his eyes it’s late and he’s not 100% sure what is going on, but that might be a result of his rolling stomach and fever-muddled mind. He goes to rub at the sleep in his eyes, hoping that might help and is stopped when an unfamiliar hand grabs onto his. He can’t help the jump because he knows it’s not Liam’s hand and no one else he trusts and besides, they’re all in the bunker for another week.
“It’s okay, Darius,” Liam says, no more strong sounding than him. “It’s just my mom.”
“Your mom?” Darius feels like he’s in a Twilight Zone episode. He remembers someone shoving him off to bed. Liam might’ve been there too. But mostly he remembers throwing up almost since sun-up, Liam waking concerned but too sick to help much. They both just laid on their respective couches, too ill to move, save for Darius to turn over to vomit in a bucket. When had Evelyn Cole arrived?
“Mid-afternoon,” Ms. Cole answers. “Liam texted me that you were both sick. It took some time to get here, but he said you had no one else to turn to.”
“How’d you get past security, Ms. Cole?”
“Call me Evelyn and security’s nothing compared to a mother’s worry for her son and friend.”
Friend? Darius startles at the word.
“How’re you feeling, Mr. Tanz?”
“I think,” Darius begins, taking stock of how he feels, including the IV in his arm that he hadn’t realized was there, “that considering how much you’ve done to look after us, you can call me Darius. I mean, I think your son lasted all of a few days before he ditched the Mr. Tanz and I’m his employer.” Darius gives her what he hopes is some semblance of his usual charming smile. By the way he feels, though, he doubts it’s anything close.
“Alright then, Darius, how’re you feeling?” Evelyn knows Darius better than he thinks. In her years as a nurse, she’s run into plenty like him and, as much as it worries her some, she sees traits in him that are so much like Liam. Darius is a good man. She knows this because Liam wouldn’t’ve stuck around, befriended someone who wasn’t. But she knows that Darius is not a happy man. She sees that every time he did a public appearance. He looks better now though, and that’s not in reference to the illness. Something had happened over the last few months, the last few months with little news of the tech genius.
“Better, I think,” Darius answers cautiously. “Liam, how’re you?” Darius turns his head to see Liam. His eyes are closed as though asleep.
“Fine.” The congestion is still clearly heard in Liam’s voice.
“No wonder you two got into such a state. You’re just as bad as the other,” Evelyn says, sighing.
“Huh?” Darius and Liam give her matching puzzled looks as they speak in near unison. Evelyn laughs, which makes them more confused.
“Neither of you can move from this bed and you think you’re fine.”
“We’re not that bad off, are we?” Darius looks at Liam. His eyes are open, but Darius sees the strain it causes.
“You’re not vomiting anymore because I’ve given you an anti-emetic and Liam’s still dealing with the last bit of a headache while the painkillers kick in. Not to mention, you both have fevers that are nicely north of 101.”
“But that you’re both awake and mostly coherent for the first time since I arrived, you are doing better.”
“Thanks for coming and staying.”
“I’d do anything for Liam and one of his friends, even one who’s taken him away from me for so many weeks.” Evelyn sees Darius pause. “He’s said a lot of good things about you, though. I know you’re his boss, but you’ve done more for him than any of his bosses or professors in grad school.”
“I’m right here, mom,” Liam moans.
“Get some more sleep, Liam,” Darius says, patting the younger man’s shoulder.
“Then stop talking about me.”
“Okay,” Evelyn says, smiling. “You should get some rest too, Darius.”
“I will, but first I need…” Darius hesitates, trying to find the words.
“Thanks to those fluids you’re hydrated again, and you need to go to the bathroom?”
“I’m a nurse, Darius. This is normal to me. Let’s get you up and see how steady you are.” Evelyn helps Darius to get to his feet. It’s slow with a number of pauses as his stomach starts acting up again and his head feels light, but Evelyn waits. On his feet, he sways enough that she sticks close by until he’s standing in front of the toilet, one hand on the counter to hold himself steady.
“You don’t strike me as the shy type, but I’ll wait outside with the door half shut,” Evelyn says. “Are you okay with that?”
“Yeah.” He doesn’t dare nod because he’s already feeling unsteady. Evelyn takes one last look before stepping outside to wait. She knows he’s not doing well, but she knows from Liam that Darius likes his privacy. When he calls for her after finishing and washing his hands, she’s glad that he’s not unreasonable either.
“I do appreciate you coming all this way and helping us both out,” Darius says quietly once he’s settled back on his side of the bed. Liam is finally asleep.
“As I said before, I’d do anything for Liam and his friends. Though, I would’ve rather met you under different circumstances.”
“My apologies for that. Another time, perhaps?”
“When you two are better.”
“And this crisis over.”
“Yes, this crisis,” Evelyn says wondering what her son has gotten himself into. “Now, get some sleep.”
“Are you staying much longer,” Darius asks after a pause.
“Through morning at least. You two are doing better, but you’re both still too sick to be left alone.”
“There’s a foldaway bed in the closet. Sheets and a pillow are there too. I can help you get it if you want.”
“No, I can manage. Thanks. Now, get some sleep.”
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veneataur · 6 years
Fandom: Salvation
A/N: This continues on from days 23 and 24.
On day 25 they’re allowed out of the bedroom but they’ve still some recovery left.
Evelyn stays the night and calls into work to take a rare day off when Liam and Darius aren’t back to anywhere close to 100% yet. She didn’t expect them to be, but she thought they might’ve been better than they are now. The night is spent sleeping in shifts as the two still have high fevers, nausea (Darius), and a headache (Liam). By evening, after a day of finally settling into a steady sleep, the two are feeling well enough to gripe about being stuck in bed. She holds back the chuckles as the two complain in near unison.
She helps them out to the living room and settles them on the couches she found them on yesterday, thankful that they’re doing better than then. She thought she was going to have to call an ambulance for them both. After their short trip from the bedroom to the living room, she can see that both are grateful to be laying down again.
“You don’t have to stay, mom,” Liam says. “We’re doing a lot better and you’ve already done a lot for us. And grandma must be wondering where you are.”
“If she got around better, your grandmother would’ve already been here helping,” Evelyn says. “She’s been texting me every hour for updates on the two of you.”
“The two of us,” Darius questions aloud unconsciously.
“Oh yes, she’s very curious about this man who’s stolen her grandson away,” Evelyn says with a smile.
“He hasn’t stolen me,” Liam counters.
“You haven’t been home in weeks. We hardly hear anything from you. No one at school knows where you are. And when you do show up, it’s to announce that you’re getting married!”
“You didn’t, Liam,” Darius admonishes lightly.
“I panicked,” Liam says.
“You’re going to have time. You should’ve talked to me.”
“You were busy. You were still fighting for your company. I didn’t want to bother you with it.”
“I would’ve made time, Liam.”
Evelyn watches the exchange with curiosity. This isn’t the Darius Tanz she knows from TV.
“Look, Liam,” Darius says after a pause, “I’m not saying that you have to come talk to me about things going on in your life. But I’m saying that you can. I don’t know that I can help all the much at times. Grace and Harris are probably much better at the advice and you should probably go to them before me, but you’re not just an employee anymore.”
“Thanks,” Liam says. He thinks he should say something more, but what else is there. He knows Darius isn’t fishing for reassurance that he’s good at advising. No one would say that Darius is the go-to for relationship advice, but he is learning and the offer, the concern, that means a lot.
“Would either of you like something to eat,” Evelyn asks after a long stretch of silence with just the TV as background noise.
“No, you’ve done far too much,” Darius says.
“You’re recovering. You need to eat to keep up your strength.”
“Seriously, mom, we’re good. You should get some rest. Grandma’s not going to be happy to see you run down,” Liam says.
“As if taking care of the two of you could run me down. Work is more demanding than the two of you,” she says, checking her phone. “Darius, you remember that offer for dinner you made last night?”
“Darius, what did you do?” Liam can’t help the threatening tone.
“Settle down, Liam. It wasn’t like you were thinking,” Evelyn says. “I merely told him I would’ve liked to get to know him under better circumstances. Find out who this mysterious man is who whisked my son away for weeks.”
“Oh.” Liam quickly settles back, sending a look of apology to Darius.
“How does dinner at my house a month from today sound? Mother wants to meet you as well,” Evelyn says.
“We don’t even know if we’ll have time then,” Liam says. “We’re in the middle of this crisis.”
“I’ll be there,” Darius says. “What time?”
“Six good?”
“Perfect. I’ll bring dessert.”
“You don’t have to bring anything.”
“Oh, you’ll want his dessert,” Liam says. “His oatmeal, dark chocolate chip, peanut butter cookies are divine. Me and Grace fought over the last half dozen.”
“Entrepreneur, inventor, billionaire, and a baker? You are a man of many surprises, Darius.”
“Is there a favorite dessert of yours or your mother’s,” Darius asks.
“Many but surprise us. You’ve done so well in surprising us so far, I don’t think you’ll misstep with dessert.”
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veneataur · 6 years
Fandom: Salvation
On day seven they celebrate.
It’s nearly midnight on the seventh day since the bunker was locked and Darius is trying to get caught up in their celebrations. A few hours ago, when they put their solution into play, averting disaster for now, hopefully forever, Darius broke out the good stuff for celebrating. He and Liam have spent the rest of the evening laying on the couches in the Treehouse drinking, chatting randomly, and relaxing. It’s been a long week, mentally, emotionally and this is their first victory.
But just as they’re hitting enter, high-fiving each other, and cheering as though they’ve won the championship game, Darius realizes this means nothing in the short term.
“What’s on your mind, Darius,” Liam asks when the older man is silent for too many minutes.
“Nothing.” Darius sighs, sitting up.
Liam turns his head to look at Darius. Nothing is most certainly a lie. Two months working with Darius, some number of weeks of that in fairly close quarters have taught him some of the signs and ticks Darius uses to distract.
“No, that’s not going to work. I’ve bared my soul for you. Now, it’s your turn.”
There’s an awkward pause where Liam wonders if he’s said the wrong thing. Darius fights his instinct to pull away. He’d like to leave, bury himself in work but he knows Liam. The young man won’t give this up. Then, without warning, he laughs, uncontrollably, falling onto his side on the couch and he doesn’t stop until his ribs and lungs ache from the effort.
When he finally does stop, laughs still lingering, he opens his eyes to see Liam kneeling in front of him with a worried look on his face.
“Darius?” Liam turns his head in a way that too easily mimics Darius, unconsciously mimics.
“I…I’m… fine.”
“You want to try again?”
Darius swallows, trying to regain composure. “You just reminded me of another conversation.”
“Good or bad?”
Darius takes a breath, licks his lips. “I’m not sure.” He repositions so that he’s on his back, knees bent upwards, head resting on a pillow. “It was when you were off in England being a hero. Grace asked about my Uncle and I bared my soul.” Darius chuckles.
“You bared your soul?”
Darius shrugs his shoulders. “I’ve been known to do it on occasion.”
Liam pauses. “You really love her, don’t you?”
Darius sighs and looks at the ceiling. “I shouldn’t. I don’t want to.”
“But you do.”
“More than I have loved anyone.” Darius takes a breath. “More than I thought possible.”
“She’ll be back in 23 days.”
“I know.”
“You’re not going to wallow around for the next three weeks, are you?”
“It feels like forever.” He doesn’t like sounding like a lovesick schoolboy.
Liam sighs. This is not the position he expected to find himself in. Darius is a well-known lover of women, experienced or so that’s what the media will have you believe. Darius too. But it seems that while Darius has had lovers, he has never truly been in love until now. Not even with Tess, Liam thinks.
“We need to stay busy,” Liam says. He forces himself to think positive because the longer Darius dwells, the more Liam knows he’ll miss Jillian.
“With what?”
“We have a new AI to build, right?”
“Yes, it’s not something I’ve dabbled in much and I’d like to learn from the master.”
“In the morning then?”
“Let’s try early afternoon. I think we deserve to sleep in for having saved the world.” Liam hands Darius a glass of the good stuff and holds up his own to toast to their success.
“Agreed.” Darius smiles, raising the glass he takes from Liam.
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veneataur · 6 years
Fandom: Salvation
A/N: This one’s a bit rough in writing but I can’t decide what else it needs right now so I thought I’d post it.
Day eight Liam gets a surprise while Darius conducts an experiment.
Liam doesn’t hear Darius come down from the Treehouse. It’s not until Darius has been looking over his shoulders for a couple minutes that he realizes the older man is there. Startled, Liam nearly falls out of his chair as he spins around to look at him.
“Afternoon, Liam.” Darius gives him an innocent smile. It’s too innocent and unsettles Liam.
“What? When?”
“How’s everything going? Is the GT still on track?”
Liam sputters for another few seconds before turning back to the computer.
“Yeah, everything’s good still.”
“Good.” Darius claps a hand on his shoulder and walks back up to the AI room. It’s then that Liam sees why he didn’t hear Darius coming.
“You’re not wearing shoes. Or socks even.”
“Yes. I’m doing an experiment.” Darius turns back, hands in his pockets, looking both thoughtful and mischievous.
“An experiment?”
“I was curious why you enjoy it so much.”
“How do you know I go barefoot?”
“Your footprint is easy to spot among the shoe prints.”
“And there were some complaints about a mad young man running without shoes.”
“I’ve always gotten better traction running without shoes.”
“Oh, believe me, I know. I saw you nearly wipe out last week.”
Liam fights an embarrassed grin at the memory.
“So, what are your results so far,” he asks.
“My feet are cold, which is rather annoying.”
“Try running.”
“Darius Tanz doesn’t run.”
“Haven’t run into a situation that’s made me yet.”
“That surprises me.”
“Liam, please. I’m a gentleman.”
“And a prick,” Liam says lightly.
Darius shrugs his shoulders. “When the situation warrants it.”
Liam pauses, thinks, and then takes off his shoes and socks. Darius raises an eyebrow.
“If you’re not wearing shoes, why should I?”
Darius nods. “Let’s get started on the AI, then.”
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veneataur · 6 years
Fandom: Salvation
A/N: It’s the last day of teaching for the semester, so I thought I’d celebrate with a new Darius and Liam story.
On day fifteen Liam discovers that for all his wealth, there are simple things Darius has never done.
They’re not drunk, but they are definitely buzzed when the question comes up about bucket lists. Liam expects Darius to list off grand adventures involving millions of dollars and five-star haunts.
“A super-soaker fight,” Darius says after a pause and another deep drink of his beer.
“My parents could never afford them and Nicholas didn’t find them valuable.”
“I thought…”
“That I’d dream of something bigger?”
“You are Darius Tanz. Of everything you have at your fingertips, you choose a super soaker.”
“I have money now, Liam. Back then, we lived paycheck to paycheck and sometimes even that wasn’t enough.”
“You haven’t thought to go out and buy them yourself?”
“By the time I had the money and freedom, there were other things that required my attention.”
They finish their drinks in silence. Liam mumbles some excuse, wandering off with clear purpose. All Darius can make out is that he’ll be back in a few minutes. Darius closes his eyes and sinks deeper into the couch. He doesn’t hear Liam return.
“You still awake.” Liam is looking straight down at him.
Darius opens his eyes in response.
“You up for a fight?” Liam holds out two, fully loaded super soakers.
Darius looks puzzled at first, but can’t hold back the grin that overcomes him.
“I thought we could use the breakroom and the lobby. That’ll keep us away from anything electronic. You game?” Liam holds out one of the super soakers.
In response, Darius stands and takes the offered toy weapon.
“Let’s go,” Darius adds with a playful smile.
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veneataur · 6 years
Fandom: Salvation
On day six Darius disappears for the afternoon and Liam gets worried.
Last night their plan to solve the iron core problem hit a major glitch. They tried to solve it this morning, but when they couldn’t get anywhere, Darius called an early lunch and left. Liam hasn’t seen him since then. Lately, they’ve eaten lunch together, but Liam had the sense that Darius wanted to be alone.
Now, however, it’s mid-afternoon and Darius hasn’t come back. He’s not answered his phone, either texts or phone calls. Now is one of those times when Liam really wishes they still had TESS. She always knew where Darius was.
Still, there are few places Liam can imagine Darius going to, to get away from their work and the first that comes to mind is the Treehouse. When he steps off the elevator, Darius isn’t in the living room, but he does hear a familiar noise coming from the kitchen.
In the kitchen, Liam finds Darius busy at work with something in the mixer. To the side, nearest to Liam are fresh cookies already stacked and stored in containers. On the island in front of him and behind Darius are cooling racks of cookies and a couple of cakes. This explains it, but Liam doesn’t understand why now.
“Darius,” he calls out, trying to be heard over the mixer. The older man is engaged in his work and unaware of his surroundings. He hesitates to touch him knowing that Darius has come to startle easily and jump away with a look of panic on his face that is far too quickly concealed. Liam muses that if he has to deal with anxiety over being chased, Darius will have to confront whatever’s made him skittish. In time, of course.
Liam decides to take a step closer and try again. It takes a few more tries, but he finally does get the man’s attention.
“What’s going on,” Darius asks, shutting off the mixer.
“It’s after 3. I was wondering where you were.”
“It’s that late?” Darius reaches for his phone, stashed safely in the corner of the counter. “Sorry,” he adds when he sees the number of missed calls and texts from Liam. “I got busy, I guess.” He looks around at his creations.
“Yeah but why now? We have a big problem to fix.” There’s no anger in Liam’s question.
“I don’t know.” Darius shrugs his shoulders. “Whenever I can’t think, I bake. Harris says I’m a stress baker.”
“I’d agree with him on that one,” Liam says, looking at how much Darius got done in about five hours. “Have you figured out a solution?”
“No, still stuck on it.”
“So, what we spend the rest of the day staring at the computer screen?”
“Would you like to learn to bake,” Darius asks after a pause, giving Liam a serious look. As much as he loves solving a problem, he doesn’t relish facing the computer screen again. Not for a little bit longer anyway.
Liam looks at Darius hesitantly.
“It’s like science,” Darius explains.
“I hated chemistry.”
“So did I, but this is better than chemistry. You can eat your experiments in this case.”
“If they come out right.” Liam huffs lightly.
“Well, that’s why we’ll start you off with something simple. Like chocolate chip cookies. You ready?”
“I don’t know.”
“Do you want to spend the rest of the afternoon staring at a computer screen hoping the answer will magically pop into your mind,” Darius asks.
“Then let’s make some chocolate chip cookies.”
“What about those dark chocolate peanut butter ones?”
“Later,” Darius says, glancing away. “Right now, the regular ones, then we’ll try some brownies and maybe a cake. We’ll see how you do.”
“That’s a lot of baking,” Liam says.
“And we have a bring problem to consider.” Darius raises an eyebrow.
“Okay. What do I need to do?”
“Get some a couple sticks of butter, take them out of their packaging, and drop them in the mixing bowl over there,” Darius explains. The afternoon continues on with Liam following Darius’ surprisingly patient instructions until near bedtime when they have their solution and more baked goods than they could hope to eat.
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veneataur · 6 years
Fandom: Salvation
On day five they nearly die and Liam remembers too many times in the past few months that he’s nearly died.
The day begins just like the previous few days. After getting ready for the day, Liam comes to the Treehouse for breakfast, a simple meal of cereal and fruit. Darius has a rule not to eat a meal while working. Snacking is fine, but meals must be kept separate. Even now, as desperate as they are for a solution, meals are not to be mixed with work.
Then they work. Long hours are spent looking at computer screens, jotting down notes, and making aborted calls to TESS for help.
The danger comes shortly after lunch, which, again, is a simple affair. Sandwiches, salad, and leftover cookies. Darius hasn’t baked anything since the sealing of the bunker. He gives Liam the dark chocolate chip peanut butter cookies, the ones Grace and Harris particularly enjoyed (enjoys, he reminds himself because they are alive and they will be back) and takes the cutouts (of spaceships, naturally) for himself.
Any other day and Darius would’ve known about the danger. TESS would’ve said something. But it’s only the bullet flying through a window that causes them to pause before running for cover. There’s a hail of bullets as they run, or that’s what it feels like is coming at them.
Darius pulls Liam into a small room with a door that opens out and no windows. In the dark it’s just their panicked breathing that disturbs the silence.
Liam feels Darius next to him. He can’t see the older man but he can feel him, both his body heat and shirt sleeve rubbing against his bare arm. Those alone keep him in the present, not a warehouse with Croft or running from random bad guys in a Boston neighborhood.
“You still here, Liam,” Darius asks.
Liam wonders if he means the dual meaning. He nods then realizes Darius can’t see that. Then again, he is Darius Tanz, he probably already knows.
“Liam?” There’s an unexpected edge of concern, worry in Darius’ voice. The shirt sleeve is gone and then, seconds that are more like minutes as he panics, a hand fumbling down from the wall to his neck then shoulder. “Talk to me, Liam.”
“I…” Liam takes a deep breath, steadying his voice, himself. “I’m fine. I’m here.”
“Good. Keep talking though.”
“What? Why? When they get in they’ll just be able to track us down then.”
“This is a safe room, Liam. If,” Darius emphasizes, “if they could get in, they won’t find us here.”
“So what, we just wait here until they get tired of waiting trying to find us? There’s a lot of important research out there. They’re probably ReSyst.”
“Yes, probably and I do have security. They will get the attackers.”
“Why didn’t they get them before they shot at us,” Liam asks.
“I don’t know, but I will have words with them when we’re done here.”
“Darius, you do know that doesn’t make me feel any better.”
“That’s why I told you to talk.”
“I am.”
“Not about the attackers.”
“It’s a little hard to think about anything else. I’ve spent too much of the last three months running from big scary men with guns. I can’t think about much else,” Liam says, voice rising as he starts panicking again.
“I know,” Darius says calmly, moving his hand back to Liam’s neck. “Just keep talking.”
“How’s that supposed to help me panicking?”
“It doesn’t.”
“Shut up and let me finish, Liam,” Darius snaps lightly. “It doesn’t really. It’ll calm you for now and later we’ll sort out the issues. But now, you need to have a calm head and talking will distract you enough to do that.”
“Sure.” Liam nods, not really believing Darius but he trusts the older man.
“So, talk. My men will let me know when it’s clear. How’s your mother doing?”
“She’s good, happy that Jillian and I are holding off on the wedding for a while,” Liam says. He keeps talking, answering the questions that Darius prompts him with.
A couple hours later Darius gets a text telling him all is clear. Liam is grateful because his throat is sore but as he walks back to the computers, he finds that he misses the simplicity of the safe room.
Before they settle back into work, Darius turns to Liam.
“After dinner, we’ll talk,” the older man says. “If you want.”
“You have a degree in engineering, not psychology,” Liam retorts easily.
“True, but I do have some experience in what you’re going through.” Darius doesn’t say anything more, returning to his calculations as if they didn’t almost die today.
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veneataur · 7 years
On day ten, Darius learns that he’s not the only talented one in the kitchen.
Darius has spent the entire day in the old TESS room. He has already put in the new hard drives. All that needs to be done now is to write the code. Liam has spent part of the day in with him and part of it monitoring the GT.
It’s only when Darius smells tomato and toasted cheese that he realizes Liam was gone and has now come back. In his hands, he has two plates of lasagna and garlic bread.
“Dinner time, Darius.”
“It can’t be.” But a quick look at the clock shows it’s well past seven.
“It’s been hours since lunch. You must be hungry. I certainly am.”
Darius might be hungry, but he’s too focused on the AI. He needs her back.
“I didn’t expect you to want to leave. I know you want TESS back.” Liam holds up the plates.
Darius sees how understanding Liam is trying to be and gives in without further debate. Standing is difficult thanks to the bruising from his fall yesterday and he’s grateful that Liam says nothing as he tries to hold back the winces while he stands and then sits on the floor, back against the glass. Once settled, Liam hands him a plate and sits down next to him. It’s become a customary setup for them the past few days, once the GT was fixed.
“This is delicious,” Darius says between bites.
“My grandma’s recipe. I couldn’t leave home without knowing it, she said. She and my mom insisted that I know more than how to microwave ramen.”
Darius quietly continues eating, enjoying the home-cooked meal.
“That settles it,” he says, finishing his last bite. “You’re cooking for the rest of the time.”
“What about you?”
“Oh, I don’t cook.”
“But you bake.”
“Baking and cooking are two different things. Baking is a science. Cooking is an art.”
“It’s not that difficult.”
“I’ve never been too good at it.” Darius gives a shrug. “Harris always says I go crazy with the spices, turn into a madman adding half the spice rack in.”
“I sent him running for the trash can more than once when we roomed together,” Darius says with a fond smile.
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veneataur · 7 years
Day two feels like day one because they don’t bother sleeping. They stay at their computers, working. Neither felt like going to bed nor being alone. In time, Liam dozes off at his desk, Darius holding back a chuckle as the drool begins almost immediately. The young man is tired.
Eventually, Darius too falls asleep because even though he doesn’t sleep, his body does.
They are both woken abruptly by Liam’s shout. Liam finds himself suddenly on the floor, chair tipped over. Darius stands, immediately at alert.
“What happened,” Darius asks, eyes darting about looking for danger.
“Nothing,” Liam swallows and forces himself into a sitting position. “Just a dream or nightmare, maybe.”
“A dream?” Darius gives him an incredulous look.
“Or a nightmare.”
“Well, which was it?”
“Why do you care?” Liam can’t help but fight back against Darius’ pushing. It’s too familiar of his early interactions with the man.
“It knocked you out of your chair. It must’ve upset you.” Darius shrugs his shoulders. Feelings like these are tricky for him, uncomfortable but he cares about Liam.
“I think it was about Salvation, about space. You were there.”
“I was?”
“You had longer hair and more of a beard and a sword, but it was electric.”
“Like a lightsaber?”
“Something like that. You pronounced yourself king, the space king and kept handing out really odd rulings.”
“I don’t know.” Liam shakes his head, still parsing through dream and reality. “I can’t remember. It’s kind of fuzzy. But then we got into a fight, a sword fight, and you nearly killed me. Then you said you were my father.”
“Really?” Darius raises an eyebrow.
“I never said it made sense.”
“I get the Star Wars bit. We did have it running in the background last night, but space king?”
“Oh, um…” Liam pauses. “When Grace and I found the Salvation I thought you built it to play space king.” Liam looks away.
“Space king?”
“We had no idea what was going on.” Liam gives a helpless shrug.
“I know but space king? Please, there’s no way I’d settle for anything less than master of the universe,” Darius adds with a smile.
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veneataur · 7 years
On day 9 Darius discovers that small things aren’t really aren’t that small anymore but he’s not alone.
Liam is working at one of the computer terminals, running checks on the GT. Their main problem is conditionally solved, but they expect more problems. He jumps when a crash shatters the silence of the room. Then he hears Darius curse.
Behind him he sees Darius lying in an annoyed heap at the base of the stairs. Last he knew the older man was working on a new AI in the old TESS room.
By the time he gets to Darius, the man is sitting up with a wince, stretching out bruised appendages.
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah.” The answer is a grumble. Liam knows the man well enough to know that he’s pissed.
“You sure? That was a loud crash.”
“Yes, Liam.” Darius wants him to leave it alone. He’s angry and embarrassed.
Darius gets to his feet, slowly, carefully, unsure of their ability to hold him upright even though they have for years. His body is changing and that is more terrifying than anything he’s faced. He shakes off Liam’s concern and makes for the Treehouse.
He’s halfway there when the part of him that doesn’t want to be alone, the part that he could never shake despite all of his efforts, blurts out the truth.
“I lost my balance, Liam. Couldn’t control where I stepped.” He makes a point not to look at the younger man because even though he said he would be there, Darius has learned the hard way there’s a difference between words and actions. It’s a difference greater than the distance to Mars.
“Oh.” Liam nods.
Darius starts walking again, fighting disappointment.
“How about some video games?”
Darius stops to give him a look.
“I know I saw a Playstation up there, so you must play.”
“Laz and I did. Not often.”
Darius sees the falter in Liam’s face.
“Come. We need a break from all of this science stuff,” Darius says with a smile. He knows what Liam is trying to do. He doesn’t know that he’ll ever be able to tell the young man, but he appreciates it. For now, Liam’s smile and company are enough to make him forget that his time is coming.
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veneataur · 7 years
On day thirty-two Darius makes a terrible discovery. It’s a day past when the Ark bunker should open and it hasn’t.
Darius has tripled checked that the door is unlocked. He and Liam are too busy dealing with calculations for the iron core to go down and find out what is wrong. It’s only that evening, when exhaustion has forced the both of them to take a break that they venture outside.
They walk, wanting to enjoy the last of the warm summer weather and not wanting to discover what they fear. It’s been days since they’ve been outside, so the sunlight is a shock to their eyes.
The walk is quiet and neither speaks about what they fear. Perhaps it was a grand experiment, but these were the best of the best and he left them with Harris and Grace. If those two couldn’t corral 158 people into some semblance of order, what hope did mankind really have?
When they arrive at the bunker, the door is open and the elevator easily, quickly takes them down. Darius still misses the comforting voice of Tess welcoming him.
The elevator doors open to silence.
They shiver in the cold, an unnatural cold.
Then they look around.
Each and every one of the 160 is lying, unmoving, unbreathing.
Still Darius and Liam check. They turn over bodies, looking both for a sign of life and a friend, a lover. Darius checks everyone, steadfastly putting off checking Grace and Harris. He knows where they are. He’s seen them, but he looks at 158 others before he checks them.
Liam does the same, except he waits for 159 before finding Jillian.
Then they check 160 together because maybe they were wrong. But when they together look at Grace’s body, laying eyes again on her cold, bloated body it’s clear.
Darius loses control. It’s worse than when Nicholas meddled with his company. That was his life’s work. This is everything. He screams and doesn’t stop until Liam wakes him.
He’s on the couch and that doesn’t make sense because the last thing he remembers is death and cold.
“Darius, you have to breathe.” Liam slaps a hand on his back. That’s enough to shock him into a harsh, ragged breath. It rakes his throat on its way in and nearly gets caught until he remembers (how) to breathe out.
“Darius, you okay?”
“Okay?” Darius rasps. He’s shocked at Liam’s calmness. It’s not what he expected out of the younger man. When had they reversed positions?
“You were screaming in your sleep. You must’ve had a nightmare.”
“Nightmare? They’re not dead?”
“Who? The 160? I don’t think so.”
Darius sighs heavily. He leans back against the couch, waiting for his heart rate to go back down.
It’s day thirteen and this is the thirteenth time he’s had this nightmare.
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veneataur · 7 years
Fandom: Salvation
A/N: This one might get edited later but I’m overall happy with it. I know these have been rather sparse lately but I haven’t forgotten about the story. Writing has been difficult the last couple weeks, but with my exam complete, I’m now able to focus on writing again.
On day four Darius has to figure out how to help Liam through a rough patch and finds he’s not as emotionally stunted as he feared.
The first three days are so chaotic neither Darius nor Liam have much time to think. They have some time to solve the iron core problem but why wait when they have so many enemies hoping for their failure. Not to mention, Darius really wants to win one over ReSyst for once.
Today is no different. They still have a lot of work ahead of them so it is surprising when Darius realizes that Liam has yet to come down to work. He sends the young man a couple texts and receives no reply. That worries him. Liam is never far from his phone.
When his third text receives no reply, he abandons his work and nearly jogs up to Liam’s apartment. Part of him is tempted to just walk in, after a polite knock, of course. He stops himself, though.
“Liam,” he calls out, knocking on the door. He hears a shuffling and some groaning. Perhaps Liam simply slept late. They have been working long hours and last night was the first night Liam spent back in his own apartment.
He expects the door to open any time but as more seconds pass and it doesn’t, he finds himself growing worried.
“Liam,” he calls out, louder this time, his knocking harder. He hears something muttered but can’t make it out. “Unless you come to the door in the next thirty seconds, I’m coming in, Liam.
Darius listens, waits, and counts.
At thirty-one, he knocks and opens the door. Inside the studio apartment, the lighting is dull and the air thick. In the midst of it all is Liam, lying flat on his back and still and quiet on the bed.
“Liam?” Darius moves quickly to the younger man’s side, mind going quickly to the worst of possibilities. When he looks at Liam, though, he sees the man wide awake, eyes wet with tears, and face red from spent tears.
“Liam,” Darius says, voice quieter, worry clear. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” Liam answers finally, voice empty. He hasn’t yet averted his gaze from the ceiling.
Darius stops himself from saying anything more, from saying the harsh words ingrained in him from his childhood. As he searches for how to respond, to help Liam he thinks of Harris and Grace. And then he sits on the edge of the bed and in a softer, more empathetic tone speaks.
“What happened, Liam?”
There’s a long pause and Darius wonders what to do next when Liam finally speaks.
“Jillian,” Liam says quietly, swallowing heavily. And then Darius sees what he wasn’t.
“She is safe, Liam. And you will see her again,” Darius says.
“How do you know that?” The words drip with emotion, worry.
“Because we’re nearly there on solving our iron core problem. Just a little bit more and we’ll have it solved.”
“And then ReSyst will try again or the government, or whoever it was. It doesn’t matter if we find a solution, Darius, they’ll just do it again.” Liam ends with a stifled cry, bringing his hands up to cover his eyes.
Darius sighs lightly.
“Liam,” he begins calmly, “you need to focus on what you’re doing, not on them. Liam, are you listening,” Darius asks when he hears Liam sniffle. When Liam doesn’t respond, he gently pulls the younger man’s hands away. There are fresh tears and a look of shame in his eyes.
“If you always think about what our enemies might do to stop us, then you’ll be stuck like you are now. Yes, they are likely to try to stop us again but we have to keep moving forward. We have to keep fighting them and not just for our own survival. This is for Jillian and Grace and Harris, for everyone.”
Liam takes a deep breath, blinking as he thinks. He understands what Darius is saying but it’s not that easy to follow, not when Darius is there, thinking steps ahead of everyone, oozing calmness. A model of planning and perception, always unperturbed.
“And Liam,” Darius says after a pause, looking directly at the younger man, voice quieter but still clear, “appearances are just that, appearances. Certain people, they learn to put up fronts because that’s what’s expected. It’s not the truth though.”
Liam finally looks at Darius, seeing the honesty in his face. He doesn’t say anything, he can’t think of what to say, but he does nod his understanding.
“We still have a lot to get done. You think you’ll be ready to start in again this afternoon? After lunch?”
“I just need a few minutes.” Liam sits up, pushing himself back to rest against the headboard.
“Take the rest of the morning. You’ve been working hard. I’ll send you a text when lunch is ready.” Darius stands, moving towards the door so Liam can have time to himself.
“Darius,” Liam says when the older man is nearly to the door. He stops, turning with a questioning look on his face. “Your pep talks are improving.”
Darius chuckles and Liam finds he can manage a smile himself.
“Anytime, Liam. Don’t sit around wallowing in your own misery. It gets you nowhere but miserable. You don’t have to be alright but don’t keep it to yourself,” Darius says and then leaves, closing the door behind him.
Even before Darius left, Liam resolved to not spend the rest of the morning alone in his apartment. He quickly gets himself showered, dressed, and heads down to the lab to keep Darius company because if he shouldn’t keep to himself right now, then neither should Darius.
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