#casual curiosity about british royalty in the 1930s somehowww led me to a couple of memoirs by queen elizabeth's contemporaries
stannisbaratheon · 1 year
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Coverage of the wedding of the then Duke of York (later KING GEORGE V) to Princess Mary of Teck (later QUEEN MARY) by the The Illustrated London News, July 1893. (1) Cover on 10 July 1893. (2) The wedding breakfast at Buckingham Palace: the royal table. (3) The congratulations after the wedding ceremony. (4) The royal party at the opera, Tuesday, July 4. Left to Right: Duke of York, Princess May, Grand Duke of Hesse (ERNEST LOUIS), Grand Duchess of Mecklenburg-Strelitz (PRINCESS AUGUSTA OF CAMBRIDGE), The Czarevitch (later NICHOLAS II OF RUSSIA), Queen of Denmark (LOUISE OF HESSE-KASSEL), Princess of Wales (later QUEEN ALEXANDRA), King of Denmark (CHRISTIAN IX). (5) The presents on view at the Imperial Institute. (6) Departure of the Duke of York and his bride from Buckingham Palace. (7) The marriage of HRH the Duke of York, K.G., and HSH the Princess Victoria Mary of Teck: the wedding ceremony in St. James’s Chapel. (8) The Duke of York receiving an Address from the Lord Mayor at the Mansion House. (9) The Bridegroom’s procession to the Chapel. (10) The marriage ceremony in the Chapel Royal, St. James’s.
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