#cas be nice miri isn't THAT bad
solheimisms · 2 years
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@waywardfeathered asked:
"I do not report to you”
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Miranda raised an eyebrow, crossing her arms as Castiel regarded her... rather rudely, she might add. Unfortunately for him, she was Shepard's second-in-command around here; it was her job, as the ranking officer of the Lazarus cell. It was a Cerberus vessel, and that was that. She did understand his anger at the incident on Akuze; even she believed that had been a mistake on Cerberus' part, though she still firmly believed what they stood for.
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"No, but you do report to Shepard. And when Shepard leaves me in charge while she's groundside, you do report to me in the interim." Did he think he could outsmart her? Outmuscle her? He'd be sorely mistaken if he tried. She'd have him pinned down with her biotics in seconds if he tried... and despite her stature, she was certainly capable of physically outmatching him.
"My job here, Castiel, is to ensure that Shepard succeeds. Shepard is an asset to Cerberus, and it is my job to ensure that Cerberus' assets are effective. And if I believe that you are liable to jeopardize that, I can and will see fit to do something about that fact." She wouldn't hesitate. If Shepard wanted to be angry about it, then so be it; she could be as angry as she liked about it.
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"I am not about to make excuses for what happened on Akuze; it is not my place. But you do need to respect me in the context of our mission."
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