#can't wait for all the mentions of my name by the salvatore brothers
elenadoeslife · 8 months
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What's the thing you're most excited about for each wip? :D
Welp, it's time for a list, and it's gonna be a long one. You have been warned.
Cotton Mendings: I am absolutely hype about like. Literally Everything. Right now I am especially excited about 1) exploring the relationship between Willie and Edward (they're side characters, Willie is Salvatore's elder brother) even though I know it is going to make me cry so much 2) literally everything about Percy but especially his backstory, which is also going to make me cry so much and already has and 3) this one side character who is a close friend of Percy's - their name is Kaspar and they're a magician. Also they're nonbinary and German. I would die for them. OH and! I think I'm gonna make a (much more in depth) Power Point Comic Sans reintroduction, which is also really exciting <3
Putting the rest under a cut!!
Clarity Is Blood On A Murder Weapon: COMMUNISM. A CHAOTIC WHOLESOME QUEER FRIEND GROUP. VERY SAD BACKSTORIES. ROCK MUSIC REFERENCES. WACKY 1960S FASHION. MURDERRRRRRRRR- also like there's several scenes that happen in bathrooms and they range from wholesome and cute to so fucking gay and tender they make me want to break down sobbing on my bedroom floor. And I can't wait to write said scenes. And everyone's dynamics??? I am just. Obsessed with these stupid queers.
Tuned Teeth And Sour Symphonies: well for one thing I get to cowrite something with the most darling person in the world (@writing-is-a-martial-art <3)- and. Our characters are so interesting and I would like to put them under a microscope. And hurt them, mentally and physically. OH OH and the PLOT is SO FUN and our prose and the themes are so >>>>>> and the BACKSTORIES!! Oh lord the backstories. They are very sad but. Writing about them is so >>>>>>>>>> AND THE SYMBOLISM *screams*
Okay okay now WIPs that I haven't really talked about-
The Art Of Devouring: this is actually a short story/prose poetry collection and I've posted three of said stories/poems!! The Moon Was Eaten Last Night – Whatever Will Happen To The Tides, What To Dream At World's End, and How To Lose Your Corpse To The Sea (they're all linked in my pinned post!). AND. I am very excited about the other ideas I have for it. I started a story about lesbians and consensual??? cannibalism a while ago. The first line is "you are my apple of Eden", which I think is quite cool. There's probably also gonna be a story about dramatic eating of a peach because I feel like I am devouring god whenever I eat peaches so.
And Bleed, Like Hydrangea: it's about three queer theatre kids who find the memoir of a gay man from the Victorian era and the things that happen in the memoir parallel the stories of these kids and it switches between a) epistolary (the memoir) b) third p present tense narration of the teens' narrative and c) a screenplay based on the memoir. LIKE WHAT'S THERE NOT TO BE HYPE ABOUT. (This is my most ambitious project and it terrifies me.)
Earl/Edith WIP: it's literally a story about a bisexual genderfluid criminal mastermind. Like what's more exciting than that. Also there's moth and butterfly symbolism and two borzois named Frankie and Lola.
Claude WIP: TRANSGENDERISM AND SCIENCE AND FEMINISM AND HOMOSEXUALITY, NEED I SAY MORE. Need or not I will because I want to. It's set in the 1840s and the protagonist, Claude, is a trans guy (but he doesn't know that yet) and he adores science and wants to be a scientist but he gets arranged married with a (very gay) scientist dude who's pining for his best friend from college. Also Claude's sister is a raging lesbian scientist and her shitty husband died of mYstEriOuS cAusEs a while before the main plot. And did I mention everyone loves science.
The Kraken WIP: it's set in the 18th century and there's pirates in it. The imagery is probably gonna be rather fucking ethereal. Also I think there's a fucked up little sopping wet cat scientist guy. And it's historical magical realism which is >>>>>>>>
She's A Femme Fatale (???): (female) detective falls in love with a femme fatale who murdered her husband. And it's got strong noir vibes. That is very fucking exciting I think.
Alright my unhinged ranting is over now. Have a good day, my dear Inara!!
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asvterias · 2 years
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏 | 𝐓𝐫𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐝 𝐈𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝
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Chapter Pairings: Black!Girlfriend Witch Reader X Girlfriend!Bonnie, Younger!Sister Witch Reader X The Parker Siblings, Black!Fem Witch Reader X The Scooby Doo Gang + Rebekah (all platonic)
Chapter Warnings: mentions of suicide, suicidal thoughts & mentions of child murder
Chapter Summary: [Name] finds out that damon escaped the prison world without bonnie so she became worried thinking that bonnie was in any kind of danger. Little did [name] know how completely right she was.
Series Masterlist || The OC’s || Next Chapter
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“Where's bonnie, damon?” You questioned the 100-year old vampire, concern laced in your voice. Damon had just returned to the real world by a blinding flashing light but there was no sign of your girlfriend, bonnie.
Of course, you were scared, this is your girlfriend that we're talking about and she was currently nowhere in sight - well in yours anyway. Remaining silent, his gaze planted on the ground as if he was scared of your reaction. Coming to realization, your eyes widened in fear at the thought of never seeing your beloved girlfriend again.
Just when things were going right between you two, this shit happens. Life is a mega pain in the ass.
“God damnit, bonnie. Why do you have to be so selfless?” You mumbled to yourself, sitting down on a nearby couch. Damon began to talk again but you held your hand up to silence him and he did as a golden retriever would.
“Damon, do you even realize who bonnie is stuck with?” You questioned the older salvatore brother, fury within your tone. Damon sensed the anger in your tone and winced, too afraid to answer back.
“Who is she stuck with?” Elena asked, folding her arms in curiosity and fear.
“She's stuck with my family murdering half brother, kai. There's no doubt that he wouldn't torture her especially if he knows that bonnie is dating me. I mean he killed my twin brother and two younger siblings without remorse.” You said, trying to control your breathing.
Sometimes you wish that Bonnie wasn't a good friend and actually stood up to elena and said no for once to think about her well-being and mental health. Talking to yourself, rubbing your fingers on your temple trying to sequence the negative thoughts. Your mind was racing with the thoughts of that she could be in danger, badly hurt or worst, she could be dead.
Overthinking was also a pain in the ass but sometimes it can pretty helpful. But now, it was extremely worse because the love of your life is now stuck in a prison world with a physcopath. Getting up from the couch, you walked back over to damon, “Well, we can bring her back right.” Too say that you were protective of the witch was an understatement.
Nodding his head no, his eyes filled with regret, “No we can't, [name]. We need the ascendant and the blood of a bennett witch.” You felt like breaking down right in the middle of the room.
There was no chance of getting bonnie back into the real world unless....wait that's it. You needed blood from a bennett witch and her cousin Lucy was 2 towns over. All you needed to do was to reach out to her and hopefully she does what you pleaded with her to do.
“Don't worry, [name]. We'll bring bonnie back because out of all of us. She deserves best.” Matt reassured you with Rebekah and Caroline agreeing with him. Giving them a small smile, the mikaelson blonde pulled you into a hug, “We won't stop until, bonnie's here where she rightfully belongs.”
Breaking from the hug and the blonde turned her body to the rest of the group, “Come on now, chop. Chop! We've got a girlfriend to bring back.” Everyone quickly obeyed and went to go looking in grimoires from bonnie's ancestors for answers.
Bonnie who was now in the prison world, prayed that you would get her out of there. She just wished that she would have listened to you and for once to be selfish. Since she was a loyal friend being selfish was never in her vocabulary. You were only looking out for her as a loving girlfriend but I mean, who wouldn't stress about the well being of their lover.
Thinking about how worried and stressed that you are about her made her felt like she disappointed you. In reality, you were disappointed in yourself because you couldn't bring her back. Eye bags were starting to form beneath your eyes, many spell books sprawled out on your bedroom floor and you were basically overworked.
Luckily, Lucy understood the situation and sympathized with you, giving you her blood which was just enough to bring her back. Now all you needed was the ascendant and you were good to go.
Caroline, Stefan, Matt and Rebekah would often take turns to spend the night with you, making sure that you ate, bathed and at least had a few hours of sleep. Their hearts broke when they heard your endless nights of crying, wishing that god would send a sign to help you to in this desperate time of need in hopes of finding your girlfriend.
The vampires and human so desperately wished to soothe you but they couldn't, no matter what they say, it wasn't equivalent to bonnie's positive remarks. What could they even say? That, 'it would get better' , it wasn't going to get better if your bennett witch wasn't by your side.
There were times that you slept like a log, bonnie present in your dreams. Sometimes you would reach out to feel her – maybe just one tiny touch only would mean the world but you awoken to the thin air. When kai was abusing her in the prison world, she kept thinking of you for those 4 months. Dreaming to touch your body, attacking you with kisses and receiving your hugs that provided her with comfort.
All she was thinking about was you, which made her to stop herself from committing suicide - not like it would change anything. Bonnie prayed and prayed, hoping that you would come rescue her like some lady in shining armor.
Only you kept her going for those 4 horrible months. Only for you she was still struggling to survive but you gave her the strength to attack kai enough to leave a few bruises. Kai wasn't helping her either, he kept talking badly about you saying that you don't care enough about her or how she's never getting out of here.
He didn't even know that it was his favorite baby sister that he was trash talking about. His words of discouragement shot her down for a while but it arose back up when she knew that you wouldn't betray her because she knows that you truly love her.
Not for her being a witch and definitely not for her powers because underneath all of that was a human girl who went through so much at a young age. Bonnie Bennett deserved best and you always gave it to her, no matter the circumstance.
Your siblings, Josette, Olivia and Luke were worried about your mental health. They've never seen their baby sister so down like this.
Since your siblings couldn't take much of your depressed mood, they offered to help, just wanting to see their baby sister happy for once. They were all coupled up so they couldn't imagine losing their significant other in a prison world with their physcotic brother.
Who knew that kai would betray the family and kill most of you, he was your role model but now...he just scared you. Every good memory that you had with kai had turned to poison, growing up your with father, he had fueled your mind with hatred for your brother kai. You were used as a ploy to trap kai in the prison world, about the age between 2-4 years old.
Too be honest, kai didn't want to hurt or kill you because you saw the good in him but just like the rest of the family, you turned against him. You wanted to believe that Kai wouldn't do that but your younger siblings dead bodies proved that he was capable of killing his own blood.
You didn't even know who he was anymore, he was the one who taught you your first spell, spent the most time with you teaching you how to bake and cook.
Since the massacre in your family in 1994, you changed your name to [Name] Celeste Palmer and before it was [Name] Charlotte Parker. You still had a hint of your real name and you only told bonnie since you trusted her enough.
It was a blessed day when your sister found something that was actually useful to operation 'get bonnie back to her moody girlfriend'.
“[Name], I think I found something.” Your older sister, liv announced, making you get up fast and speedily running to her. Your other siblings gathered around as well, “I think the ascendant is fixed. We can bring bonnie back.”
Josette smiled at you, wiping the incoming tears from your eyes and placed a chaste kiss on your temple. That was the first time that they saw you smiled in months, and, god it truly was a sight.
Smiling in relief, knowing that your mourning days are over but it quickly fades away as you come in realization. You would have to visit kai there and your heart broke knowing that you would have to leave him there all over again.
Luke noticed your change in behavior and frowned at this, “[Name], what's wrong?”
“I have to face kai.” You spoke as your guts started to turn inside out at the thought of seeing your murderous brother.
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xxwritemeastoryxx · 4 years
These Violent Delights Ch. 4
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The Black Card
Author: xxwritemeastoryxx
Pairings: Elijah Mikaelson x OC
Word Count: 2.4K
Warnings: Talk of murder, that’s pretty much it in this one. The next few chapters will have more warnings. 
Author’s Note: Smaller chapter than the last two, but it’s definitely needed to help progress the storyline. I do hope you guys enjoy this one!
Feedback gives me life and motivation for future things. ♥
<< Chapter 3 || Series Masterlist || Chapter 5 >>
Elijah quickly walked into the conference room. "What do we have?" He asked as he looked over at the other officers in the room. 
He had gotten a call moments ago that he was needed down at the station asap. Without hesitating, he was there at the station in record time. All he knew was the information coming in was about Damon Salvatore. 
"We got word that Damon will be making a few calls today." One officer said, looking over at Elijah. "No doubt calling Rosa to confirm that she got the black card. "
"We've got a direct line to overhear the conversation, courtesy of Rebekah." Another officer added before handing Elijah a case file.
Elijah's eyes scanned the file. The only thing that was considered noteworthy was that Damon had already called Elena minutes before he arrived.  Closing the file, he tossed it on the nearest desk. 
"Alright, all ears in this room need to be open." He said as he addressed the room. "Whatever piece of information you think might be of use, write it down. If Damon is making this call to Rosa I want to know where she is in this city.  If I catch anyone that so much as yawns during this call, you'll have me to deal with."
A throat cleared, getting Elijah's attention. "Sir, he just made the call."
"Bring it up." Elijah said with a nod. 
The officer connected the call to the speakers in the room. The ringing played through the speakers, and it seemed as if everyone held their breath for a second. A moment later, the call connected. A distorted voice answered. 
"Are you fucking nuts, Damon?" The distorted voice asked, earning a chuckle from Damon. 
 "I take it you've picked up the kitten." His voice clear over the line. 
"Obviously. You know I don't mix business with personal affairs." The voice said, causing Elijah's eyebrow to rise.  "This is definitely crossing my line of mixing the two."
"Take note of that." Elijah said as he snapped his fingers, wanting someone to take down that as a note. If Rosa didn't entangle herself in personal affairs, there might not be a hit after all. At least Elijah was hopeful about that thought. "Rosa isn't happy with who is on the hit list." he noted. "She might actually have a heart."
"Come on, Rosa." Damon said, not missing a beat. "You know this type of kitten a lot more than anyone else. You can train it in your favor until you get it to Elena."
"You're missing the point-"
"I get the point, Rosa. I get how attached you used to be. But things changed from the last time we were all in the sandbox and I need this done."
That was enough for everyone in the room to know Rosa had known her target intimately. This hit wasn't just some random person that Damon needed to be handled. It was someone who they both knew. 
"Run a list of known associates to Damon." Elijah said, looking over at an officer. "Go far as back as you can. Including classmates. There's a connection in there somewhere."
"Don't expect me to do the works on this. I'm changing it to a drop and run."
The chuckle that came through the line from Damon was dark. "Just think of all the fun you'll have beforehand. You might hate dropping it off later but at least you'll enjoy it while you can. While dropping and running would be easier, you know you've been waiting a while for this."
"Fuck off, Damon."
"Has anyone ever found out what 'the works' meant?" Rebekah asked as she entered the room. 
"Still working on that." Elijah mumbled as he listened to the next part of the call.
"It seems I've struck a nerve."
"No shit. I've got half a mind to back out of this and return it to sender."
"But no one does it as good as you do. Come on, Rosa. You promised if I called, you'd answer. Plus it'd be a shame if I had to have a talk with V about this."
"I dare you Salvatore. It'd be an eye for an eye and there's only one of them that's currently a sitting duck. While a personal visit would be fun, I have friends in low places that would be willing to help a girl out."
"There it is." Elijah said with a small smirk. "Our list can be narrowed by anyone with a name starting with a V or even their nickname. That's where our ticket to Rosa will be."
"As much as Rosa has been a pain in my side since taking this position, I do enjoy her threats against the Salvatores." Rebekah said with a smirk pulling at her lips. "We'll need a list of anyone who has access to both Salvatore brothers."
Damon sighed. "Look, I want this taken care of, and you're the best I've got. It's a bad one to you, and I get that. But name your price, and I'd gladly pay it if you don't walk away from it. We don't need anyone else being involved."
There was a brief pause in the conversation. It was as if Rosa was debating on whether or not she wanted to do this. Both Elijah and Rebekah held their breath. They hoped it would be easier for them all if Rosa just opted out. 
"Triple the payment, upfront." The voice said a moment later. "And I'm cleared from your database."
"That is one hell of a payout." Elijah noted as he looked towards his sister. 
Rebekah nodded her head in agreement. "He's got enough to do just that."
"I'm serious, D. After this, I'm out. Our contract will be over and I expect you to find someone else."
"Deal. We won't discuss business at the dinner table anymore." 
Without another word from Rosa, the line went dead. 
A thought crossed Rebekah's mind as the call came to an end. "That payout is so she can completely disappear after she makes the hit."
"Looks like we'll just have to catch her before she does." Elijah said with a small smirk pulling at his lips.
Adriana threw the phone across the room the moment she ended the call. She wanted nothing more than to strangle Damon for this black card. Damon knew all of her reasoning for why Adriana never wanted to mix business with personal dealings. And yet here she was. 
After seeing Elijah's name at the bottom of the tablet's screen, Adriana couldn't get herself to go to dinner. She couldn't face the girls knowing that Elijah was her intended target. She couldn't sit there and pretend that everything would be okay. That she wasn't having an internal panic attack because she was supposed to kill the only positive best friend she had. 
She hadn't even bothered to look at the complete file. The initial shock of it all forced her to shut down the tablet and put it away until now. She couldn't bring herself to look at any of the details just yet. Her heart wasn't ready for it. 
It wasn't ready to find the traces of her past inside of it. Or learn the new things Elijah had gone through while she was gone. But this was a part of the job that she usually would breeze through. And with every passing second, it was a reminder that she was about to cross a line. 
Part of her believed that she would already know a lot of the information contained in it. Even though it had been years since she last spent more than a few hours with Elijah, she still knew a lot of the details of their past.  And that alone is what made her the right person for the job, just as Damon mentioned. 
What she wasn't ready for at all were the plans Damon had forced on her. "The works" was a term that she and Damon used when Damon wanted Adriana to weasel her way into the target's life. Once she was in and they were least expecting, Adriana would make her kill. 
But this was Elijah Mikaelson. The very guy that she had known for the majority of her life. He was the one that could easily tell when there was something wrong with her. And now, she was going to have to put on a brave face if she went through with this. 
Now it was a matter if she could do it or not. She may have demanded triple the payment, but she didn't believe Damon would give it to her. But when Damon wanted something, he usually got it. What made it worse was Adriana never failed at her assignments. It's what made her the best on the market. 
Elijah Mikaelson was going to either break her streak or make it so she could disappear from her life as Rosa. Adriana just didn't know which one she wanted to go with yet. She knew from the moment she left home that her life as Adriana Vega was a distant memory. Her life as Rosa was about to end if she completed this job.  But it was the ghost of her past that was about to make or break everything. 
"What happened at Dinner last night?" Bonnie asked as she handed Adriana a cup of coffee. 
Taking the cup, Adriana led her down the street. "I took a look at the travel arrangements after I left the bar last night." 
"And?" Bonnie asked as she walked right beside her. She brought the cup up to her lips, taking a drink. 
"I couldn't face the three of you after I found out who it was." She admitted. "This was never a life you were a part of-"
"That's bullshit." Bonnie said, cutting her off. "While we may not have known the life you were in, we were still a part of the same crowd."
Adriana's tongue clicked against the roof of her mouth. "Same crowd or not, I am stuck between a rock and a hard place when it comes to this hit. Damon crossed a line with this." Her words had barely been above a whisper. 
Bonnie sighed. "How close is this person?" 
"We were all in the sandbox together." Adriana said with a nod. "But I can't give you more than that." She shook her head. 
Bonnie nodded her head in understanding. "You obviously care for this person. I know this is going to be hard for you to take care of."
"Taking care of it is the easy part. It's getting my emotions in check that will be the hardest." Adriana's voice was emotionless as she spoke about it. 
"What happens if you don't go through with this?" Bonnie asked curiously. She probably shouldn't have asked, but she couldn't help it with how Adriana was looking at the moment. 
Adriana thought about her answer. All she could think about was Greta's voice in her mind at that moment. 
"You are not to fail." Greta said as she circled Adriana. 
Adriana stood tall as Greta took her steps around her. After all the training Greta had put her through, Adriana was the perfect killing machine. Everything Greta knew, she taught Adriana, and she made it better. 
"And if I fail?" Adriana asked the moment Greta was back in front of her. 
The woman took a few steps towards her until she was right in her face. "You may as well as turn that pistol on you before the buyer finds out. It's never pretty, Rosa. Cause once they get a hold of you, you're gonna wish you had done it yourself."
Sighing, Adriana brought the cup up to her lips and took a drink of the hot liquid. "It's either them or me. And I kind of like having the air in my lungs."
"Damon wouldn't-" Bonnie began, but Adriana stopped her. 
"This is a business." Adriana stopped in her tracks and looked over at Bonnie. "I knew what I was getting myself into the moment I left. Salvatore is no different from his father, and I've seen what is done to those who go against Damon's orders."
Adriana didn't miss the way Bonnie's eyes widened at her words. As much as Bonnie had been learning from Elena and Caroline, they were blind to what went on behind closed doors.  It is evident to Adriana that this wasn't the world Bonnie belonged in. 
"Are you going to go through with it?" Bonnie asked a moment later. 
Adriana shrugged. "We'll see how deep down the rabbit hole I go tonight."
Marcel's eyes scanned the list of connections to Damon Salvatore that started with a V. The list still held a decent amount of people on it. Most of them had a record. While a part of the list was still locked away and a few others were six feet under, two names were sticking out to him the most. 
Shaking his head slightly, he sighed. The names were going to make things harder. Getting up from his seat and grabbing the paper, he headed over towards Rebekah and Elijah, who had been talking away about the case. 
"You guys might want to see this." He said as he approached them and held out the paper. 
Rebekah took the paper, and her eyes scanned the list. "Is this the known associates of Salvatore?"
"Yes." Marcel said with a nod. "Going back as far as the sandbox."
It was as her eyes landed on the same names Marcel had taken notice of that they widened. "That doesn't mean anything." 
Elijah took the list away from his sister as she spoke. He went through the list quickly, trying to figure out what they had been talking about. His heart dropped at the names. 
"We knew this." He said, shaking his head.  "Vega and Salvatore were always tied together."
"You heard Rosa, though." Marcel said, looking at Elijah. "Only one of them was a sitting duck."
"It might be time to go speak with them and see what they know." Rebekah said, placing her hand on her brother's shoulder. "Victor is the only one who is still out in the open, and he might just be the connection to Rosa we need."
Elijah sighed. "Adriana isn't going to like this."
“The Mikaelsons to come and question a Vega isn’t going to sit well with either of them.” Marcel added. 
“It might be better to give her a call as a heads up.” Rebekah said as she turned to grab her things.
Marcel grimaced. “She’ll still give us hell.”
Elijah shook his head. “Better to have before than after we get there.” He pulled his phone out and dialed her number. 
The phone rang a few times before Adriana answered. 
“Adri, I hate to be the barer of bad news, but we are going to be heading over to speak with your father.” Elijah said as watched Marcel grab his things. 
“Is there a reason, Mikaelson?” Elijah hadn’t missed the venom in her words. 
“We believe he may be able to help us out in a case.” He wanted to give her as much information as possible without actually discussing the case. 
“What case? The same one you questioned Caroline for?”
“Yes.” He said with a nod, even though she couldn’t see it. “Just a couple questions. If you’d like someone to be there, we’ll wait.”
“If my father leaves in cuffs from the house after you are done asking your questions, you won’t like what comes next.”
A small smirk pulled at Elijah’s lips. “Is that a threat, Adri?”
Adriana’s chuckle came through the line before she hung up.
Always & Forever Tag:
@taylordrunkonwhiskey​ @thewolf-and-thesheep​ @wayward-dan​ @neeadinghugs​ @kenmen02​ @elizamonet​ @dora-the-grownup​ @mschellehitt​ @xanderling​ @fandom-princess-forevermore​ @buckysarm4​ @hi-my-name-is-riley​ @helenasingers​ @alka16555​
These Violent Delights:
@asiaaisa77​ @kpopgirlbtssvt​ @winchestert101​ @deni-gonzalez​
Stag Tag:  
@elejah-wonderland​  @xxsovereignsarayaxx​ @asiaaisa77​ @astudyoftimeywimeystuff​
The Originals Tag:
@zillahvathek​ @obsessedwithvampires​ @alien-sida
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elejah-wonderland · 5 years
The Sun and The Moon Curse /1
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Part 1 -How could she kill Elijah
Elijah Mikaelson x Elena Gilbert
AU TVD story
Set after tvd 3x15
a/n: This is the first tvd fanfiction I wrote. And I thought I share it with you.
Elijah asked Elena at the Ball to tell him what Esther was up to- will she tell him, and what will then happen if she does...
Thanks so much for reading and supporting all my stories. I hope you like this one. 😘💕
tags @rissyrapp20 @dendrite-lover @cassienoble2000 @captainshurley @goddessofthunder112 @idkhaylijah @hides2000
if you don’t wish to be tagged please let me know xoxo
Gilbert House
Elena sat down on the bed and toyed with her phone nervously. She looked at the clock- it was 2:00 a.m. After Stefan had left earlier, the only thought in her head was the meeting with Esther.
She looked at her phone in her hands like it was something that would explode. She drew a deep breath and looked at the dress hanging on the wardrobe.
She knew that she had the power to change everything, but she also thought of all the effort that had been put to finally get Klaus out of her life.
But how could she kill Elijah, the one that actually cared that she lived, and, although he had broken his promise to her, she could not see him gone. It wasn't that simple, like she had told Stefan earlier. She gulped and then, resolved scrolled down Elijah's number and simply wrote a message and pressed the send button without any further ado.
Like in a flash her phone made a beeping sound and she looked at the received message.   
                   Nervously, she put some warm clothes on and walked down to the living room. She walked up and down like an animal in the cage. Her heart was pounding and she tried to calm herself down. She flashed back in her mind to months before when she decided to undagger him, the same rush of anxiety came over her. Soon she heard the car pull up. It was her cue to open the door.
"Elena- "- Elijah said with a mellow voice.
"Elijah-" she uttered with a little gulp, trying hard to hide her nervousness and she motioned with her hand to him to enter the house.
"I must say I was slightly surprised to receive a message so late- is something in the matter?"- he followed her into the living room.
She sighed a little and then looking straight into his eyes said- "I never wanted any of this to happen?"
"What, Elena-?"- he said- still quite composed, but she could see the change in the shade of his eyes that he was not happy.
She continued -"We were told that what ever was in that coffin will help us kill Klaus- but we didn't know it was going to be your mother!"
"Yes-??"- he looked at her seriously wanting to hear more.
Elena gulped a bit, although trying hard to keep her cool-
"When she asked to see me- I though that maybe she would help- found a way how to kill Klaus- but- it's not only Klaus that she wants to kill-"- she said and stood frozen waiting for his reaction.
For a moment he just looked at her, and she felt like the earth would open and swallow her. He moved slightly aside and then with a stern face concluded-
"She wants to kill us all! She wants to undo the evil she has created-"
Elena moved forward and instinctively touching his arm simply said: " I'm sorry, Elijah- I-"
He tried hard to compose his anger that charged like a thousand suns blazing turning to her saying-
"I admire you, Elena. You remind me of qualities I valued long before our mother turned us. When I asked you about the meeting with my mother at the Ball- you "- suddenly he stopped there.  
" I wish - I could- I"- Elena said in a half voice, her heart thumping wildly.
She could see that he was very displeased- and yet he still kept his calm that made her completely restless now. Then he said- "Come!"
He took her coat and held it out for her to put it on, which she did.
"Where are we going?"- she said slightly  tremble but still showing courage.  
"We need to pay your witch friend Bonnie a visit!"- he said not amused.
Elena worried slightly not knowing what he had in mind, but she had no choice but to follow him. It was clear to her from the moment she sent that message that there was no going back  and she would have to face all that is coming to her. Strangely, deep inside, she was at ease with it. It was like a heavy burden had lifted off  of her shoulders.
Bonnie was not happy seeing Elijah with Elena so early in the morning at her door. Elena went straight to the point and explained to her friend what Esther was planning on doing.
"You see- "-Elijah started- " Elena did the right thing... killing all of us means ridding the world of all vampires, but  that includes all your friends. So, I suggest we get to work finding a way to stop this, there's not much time left."
Both Elena and Bonnie now looked startled at the revelation Elijah had just sprang on them.
"Esther is a very powerful witch. I can't  just override her magic"- Bonnie said defensively- " I haven't got that kind of knowledge!"
"Whatever resources you need I will provide"- Elijah offered- " in order for this to succeed, I have to have your word that you will keep this to yourself, if my mother finds out that we are trying to stop her, she will not hesitate to stop you."
"All right... but I am only doing this for Caroline- otherwise I would be glad to see you all gone!"- she looked him straight in the eyes not flinching for a moment. Elijah nodded slightly in agreement and didn’t say anything to it. It was clear that his betraying Elena didn't sit well with her friends, but now he had more pressing matters to deal with. Bonnie went to the computer browsing sites that Luka had given her to find out how they could revert the magic that was to be used.
Elena asked Elijah to follow her to the kitchen.  
"What if we don't find a way?"- Elena said- " and it's true, Bonnie is no match for Esther!"
He could see that Elena was nervous again. To calm her said -" it's the same as with poison- there is always an antidote- there is always a weakness! -I will have to go now back to the mansion, no one must suspect that you have told me what is going on. You can send me a message and I will be available at any time " - he was ready to leave when he stopped before he opened the door, turned around to face her once more and simply said- "Thank you."
Elena nodded slightly acknowledging his appreciation for disclosing the truth about Esther's plan. He then left and Elena made some coffee and went back to Bonnie's room.
At the Mikaelson Mansion
"As always creeping around, brother"- Klaus greeted Elijah as he walked into the mansion.-" Hungry, were you?"
Elijah gave him a cold look disregarding his comment. Yet Klaus would not let go.
"Is this about fair Elena? Rebekah cannot keep her mouth shut. I couldn't care less-even better, as my blood bank that I need will be very close to the family, but you are stepping on Salvatore territory, and those two will kill for this doppelganger....you've seen what Stefan has put me through!"
Elijah felt the need to charged at him, but decided to let it go and just passed by him, exercising such restrain as he knew that it was not wise getting into a brawl.  
"This one you can have brother"- Klaus shouted after him smirking.
Elijah got into his room, and stood still for a moment re-channeling his emotions, those of rage, and then those that ripple whenever her name is mentioned. Ever since she had undaggered him, he battled with notion that she matters more than he cared to admit. One thing was true, Elena would have to battle Klaus forever, and yet, given the opportunity to end it all, she chooses to stop it, and it was clearly on his account. His undead heart fluttered like it hadn't done for a thousand year.  
But now he had to concentrate on his mother's whereabouts. He changed and as he was putting a tie on, he thought of how much he hated the fact that his doubts came true. He straightened his sleeves and went out of the room. 
In the Boarding house
Stefan found Rebekah coming down to the lounge from Damon's room. He just gave her a glance without saying anything, she spat a 'what' back at him, but he only shook his head, sat on the sofa disregarding her presence. She walked out of the house. Damon appeared not long after, wishing his brother a good morning knowing a comment  about his indiscretion would follow, so he poured himself a drink of Bourbon.
"I see, you are back to your true self- "- Stefan remarked.
" It's early, Stefan, and I am still not in the mood to discuss any of my affairs with you or anybody else. I guessed you would still be at Elena's anyway."- Damon snarked.
"You guessed wrong. I did see her home, though. And that is all that I did or will do."- Stefan stood up, ready to leave the lounge.
"Come on, Stefan, let's put all this bickering aside, we know what this is... shall I spell it out for you?!- She only ever wanted you, didn't you know that?! -And truly, I tried to win her over- fair and square, but she didn't want me, she was clear last night ! Anyway, who really cares!  I can go back to being the bad guy, which suits me perfectly!"
Stefan was not surprised at his brother's little speech. He knew his brother very well and all his weaknesses and insecurities, and the way he hid them under the bad boy facade, but he was not in the mood to get into it at present, so he simply replied calmly-
" Keep telling yourself that."- and walked away.
Damon raised the glass after him, and sipped the whole drink down, then poured himself another one.
At Bonnie's house, there was no real progress.
"Nothing,"- Bonnie was  frustrated" -just a strange link for a witch in Romania, but it's really interesting though"- she got quiet and continued reading for a second, then she turned to Elena and said-" there is a spell that is probably the most similar to the one Esther has used. You said she bound them with your blood- "  
"Romania?! Well, that is sort of vampire central, right?- Yes, she has bound them with my blood "- Elena said-.
Bonnie continued reading. Elena could see from Bonnie that nothing good is coming out of it-
" Bonnie, what's going on?"
"There is nothing that we can really do, but break a link when Esther starts channeling the magic for the ritual.- we need to find out who she is going to use., as she herself doesn't have the power along to do this, it says here."
Elena sighed. Then she quickly wrote a message to Elijah updating him on the result of their research. 
"I guess you don't want to talk about why you have actually changed your mind about this and told Elijah about the ritual taking place, I mean it's good that you did, but -?!"-  
Elena looked at her friend and sighed again, then she sat down on the chair and said- " Before the sun and moon ritual, Elijah found the way to keep me alive, and now I am in the exact same position, and I couldn't let him die. It didn't feel right."-
"And that's all?"- Bonnie wouldn't let her wriggle out of this one easily, as it was clear now that there is more than Elena was letting on.
"Yes"- Elena said shortly. Then her phone beeped - she read  the message out loud - "Esther is on her way to see you."-
"What?"- Bonnie said, but then added- " she will use my ancestral line- I should have guessed."
"Elijah said to go with whatever Esther suggests, she must not suspect anything."
"All right"- Bonnie agreed- " You have to go now!"
"Ok. Are you going to be all right?"-Elena worried about her friend.
"Yes Elena, you go. I will call you."- Bonnie was reassuring her. The witch always gave out that she could take on whatever came her way.
Elena left, making her way back to her house, where Elijah had been waiting for her in the car. She wasn't surprised to see him there, and without any question got into the car.
"Where are we going?"- she said, as he started driving.  
"To a special place in the woods. We cannot stay here to talk. I suspect also that Finn is in on with mother. Klaus still doesn't suspect anything, I guess he leaves all to me still, and Kol, as usual is carefree, ready only to cause uneccessary havoc and trouble. And as for Rebekah,... it doesn't matter.- Mother will use Bonnie to channel her whole ancestral line to fulfill the ritual, and it is easy then to break the link, it's a done deal then, hoping she does not change her mind."
" She won't. We care about Caroline."
"Good."- Elijah said simply.
They came to the woodland area unknown to Elena.  They stepped out of the car and started walking and Elijah started explaining why they were in this particular area- evoking memories of his childhood, where he and his brothers and sister played long time gone. Elena tried to imagine that once they were happy and carefree, before all changed, and they became these volatile creatures. 
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                       "Underneath is a labyrinth of tunnels, caves, where we used to hide in the nights when the moon gave them power-"  
He looked at her, her chestnut-like eyes beaming up at his as he shared something about his past so fondly. It changed his demeanour.
"I owe you more than an apology Elena"- he uttered then.
"Apology?!- she repeated.
"I have not lived up to my word- and my brother has not lived up to his-"- he looked down and then again at her continuing - "it was all because of my other siblings. You see,- he kept them hidden- I thought them all dead" - he had the need to explain why he went back on his word.
"You don't have to explain anything to me- "Elena then said-
"Maybe not. You have the right to hold this against me forever, but I have the need of disclosing my reasons for failing you-"
Elena was quiet.
"I also recognize that I have to keep Klaus away from you - that's the least I can do- I owe you that much."
Then her phone rang and she looked at the display, saying that it was Bonnie. She answered. -
"What happened?"
"Esther wants to draw the power from my whole ancestral line through me for the ritual. I agreed, of course. But she will not be happy when she finds out that I have double crossed her."
"Let me deal with this."- Elijah then said.
Elena finished the conversation, adding that she will soon be back at her house and they could meet to discuss details.
"What are you going to do?"- Elena said worried.
"When it all fails, you can imagine what Klaus and Kol will be like- they would want Mother dead. I have to make sure that she leaves. But this failed attempt will not stop her. Same as Father, she will be on the mission to get rid of us one way or the other.- so we will have to flee again- and Klaus will take you with him."-  
Elena's heart stopped a beat as she did not think about the repercussions.  
"You can come with me?!"- Elijah then suggested.
He now waited for her reaction, and her heart jumped up, she knew that his proposition was serious. Her startled eyes questioned this anyway.
"Mother will need blood to try again to conjure up something. Also, my brother has a supply of your blood, that actually I have removed, so he will not be happy when he finds out about this either."
Elena now felt like she was cornered and for her there was no other way but accept Elijah's offer.  
Tears now welled up in her eyes somewhat unexpectedly no matter how hard she tried to control it. He wanted to embrace her, and as he stepped towards her, she moved away from him, turning her back, ashamed of her tears, that she wiped off quickly. She turned to face him again and then said:
"There is no other way out of this?!" - she stated with a little sigh.
"You can stay, Elena. Klaus will kill Mother, as he will not give her a chance to try anything like this again. You know he is capable of that. At this very moment I see that you leaving M. Falls is the only option to keep you away from Klaus, till I find a way to stop him."
"Why should I believe you?"- she said daringly.
"I know that my word means nothing to you now - but I owe you my life- and you have this as leverage."
Elena nodded slightly, and was quiet for a moment, thinking about how her life kept changing from one minute to another, how certain decisions have already affected her, and those close to her. And again there was another one in front of her.She dreamed often about leaving this place, but never under these circumstances. And then there it was again, the feeling of strange kind of anxiety coming over and with a heavy heart she said- "I will go with you".
Elijah knew this was not an easy decision to make, and that he put her on the spot.  
On the ride back to her house, she looked through he window, pictures of all her life in Mystic Fall rolling in her head.  
He left her at the house. Bonnie was already there waiting for her.
"Where did you go, Elena, what did he do?"- Bonnie could see that Elena looked very miserable. In the house Elena told her friend what had happened in the woods.
"You are leaving?"- Bonnie was shocked.
"I have to, really, what do I have here? I won't be able to get rid of Klaus- and now Esther will also make sure she thinks of something else to kill them. I am the doppelganger and it's my responsibility- look what happened to all of you guys- and Stefan- it all comes down to me- when I leave, at least you can all have some kind of normal life."
"Elena, we will find a way to stop Klaus, some other way - toss him somewhere down the bottom of the ocean, or dump him in some cave where no one will find him- if he had all his family put to sleep, well, then surely, Elijah can put him to sleep."
"You know that the dagger doesn't work on him."- Elena said.
 "He will go after you- is this the life that you want?" - Bonnie tried to reason with her friend.
"What I want I can't have. I am born as a doppelganger and - I also can't have Klaus or any of them kill Esther- oh.. I don't want any of that- "
"But how can you really trust Elijah?"- Bonnie asked.
"I don't - I don't know, part of me says to be really careful, and then the other part says it is going to be all right and that he is the one who can help me."
"Elena, Klaus is his brother, he betrayed you once, he can do it again."
"Do you think that I haven't thought of that- but what have I got? Stefan and Damon, who are fighting over me, I am so tired of it, look how Damon behaved after I told him that I don't feel the same way he does. He lashes out- he always lashes out when things don't go his way. I know he helped me a lot, but, I just don't want to do that anymore- have the emotional attachment of any kind"-the doppelganger paused and then continued-"and with Elijah-it's easy, I can't explain it- but I know it, I just know that it is ok."
"Elena-" Bonnie said with sadness in her voice and two friends embraced one another, Bonnie trying to keep her tears at bay now. 
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