#can't even pretend to be remotely normal about it on twitter
radiantaerynsvn · 10 months
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this came to me in a vision
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smol-nevi · 2 years
Locked my NSFW Twitter because I got exhausted of people being fucking weird about it. I'm not a lalafell. I'm a human being. "Lalafells DNI" is fucking brainrot nonsense because they don't exist therefore can't interact anyway. I'm also not cool with people blocking me then sending their friends to stalk and screenshot me after I block them so they can post it and continue to laugh at everything I say behind my back. And for fuck's sake I don't want to fuck children, what is wrong with people. Why would you even imagine someone doing that?! And I especially don't need absolute random people (who run an IRL porn selfie account! And who looks fucking 15 in their pictures!!) DMing me with harassment that Twitter won't do anything about.
Why is this on this account and not my (nominally but obviously not really) NSFW Tumblr, you probably ask? Because more people should know what it's like when you're an adult and you just want to RP a normal adult character and she happens to be short. That's literally the only difference. I don't like the ingame model, I don't like the childish appearance, I don't like the people that do like the childlike appearance for sexual reasons. I don't draw her as anything remotely like a child. I don't imagine her as anything remotely like a child.
"B-b-bu-buh-but the ingame description says other races mistake them for children—" Oh, fuck off. Nobody cares if you make something that's totally contrary to the ingame description. If you go by the ingame description and unmodded models only, there are no Au Ra with opal scales, there are no Mi'qote with giant tails, there are no tall Mi'qote or female Au Ra or short male Au Ra, there's no old characters, there's no fat characters, there's no body hair, there weren't even male Viera until recently. I think it's LESS weird to say, "hey, this Lalafell should look her age and not like a freaky bobble-headed chibi," but people will go to any fucking length to say, "NO, you can't do that, if you make this character look completely in her mid-40s and you find that attractive, you actually wanted to fuck a baby!" Because that totally follows, somehow! Obviously the definition of "pedophile" means "someone who is solely attracted to adults and likes height difference" right?
And like, she's not even "an ERP character," she's a character on which I don't mind ERPing. I have a character who's actually an older teen. I will absolutely not do ERP-related stuff with her because that's gross to me. If I wanted to be gross about minors, I could literally go do that and I never have and I never will.
Shit, I didn't even have RP of any kind in mind when I designed Nevivi. I picked her race because she had the same general body shape as me, and I gave her traits about myself I didn't like. She's fat, she's loud, she's got no internal filter, she's female. And then I said, she's also confident and attractive, and she doesn't need to change anything about herself for that to be true. I was reclaiming things about myself that I hated. How the hell in any universe is it possibly pedophilia to look at your own adult body and say, "you know, this isn't so bad actually"? But you try explaining that in 240 characters to people who don't even want to hear you out, they just want to roast you for a little bit of self-righteousness because the rest of their life is miserable and they don't care who they have to drag to their level to get out of their crab bucket.
But the fucking kicker is that I'm asexual and don't actually want to fuck anything, really. So...yeah. Again, how the hell. Like what kind of leap in reasoning does it take. The most that's going on is that I like the concept of sex, necessarily between adults or else I don't like it anymore, and that's it, but who wants to listen to that when you can brigade someone instead and pretend you're "protecting the community from predators"? There's no reason to it. But, spoilers: reasoning is not the thing they're doing, here. They're reacting emotionally and believing that it's justified because they felt gross so the thing they saw must have been gross.
And honestly it's cool if people don't want to see or know about whatever I'm drawing or writing. That's fine. That's good actually. Have boundaries, enforce them, don't look at things that make you feel gross. Seriously! I've always kept my shit segregated because I know it's squicky to some people and I respect that! But I'm doing literally zero harm to anyone, I'm going out of my way to make sure I don't, and I do not deserve to be treated this way.
So yeah. If you want to follow my NSFW Twitter, you still can, but it's approval-only because I'm fucking tired of being treated like garbage by strangers who don't even know who I am or what I'm doing and just want to project their own obsession with pedophilia and child pornography onto any convenient surface they can find. I can't have a curiouscat, I can't have DMs open, I can't even be publicly searchable because the FFXIV community, especially on Twitter, is pathologically hellbent on harassing every single person they see doing something they don't immediately approve of. And yet it's also the only place I have a following anymore too. I hate it.
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wakgaes · 5 months
W akgaes on Reddit because of KV
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Lol I randomly found this post where OP posted a (now deleted) deranged rant about how BJH is useless and should leave RV all triggered bc…she was the centre for Killing Voice 😭😭😭 It was so dumb even kpop redditors shut it down. Yesterday’s events aren’t remotely surprising. Actual post: https://reddit.com/r/unpopularkpopopinions/comments/17wi62m/except_for_visuals_irene_brings_absolutely/ 'https://twitter.com/serenerenes/status/1735583652564685166 'https://twitter.com/serenerenes/status/1735583654363939276
💬You guys need to just start ignoring the trolls. I saw this tweet https://x.com/serenerenes/status/1735583652564685166?s=20 so I clicked through to the post and it seems like the OP wrote a super crazy rant comparing her to a 7th grader singing karaoke, saying she can’t dance and that Seulgi carried monster, that she’s not any prettier than the other girls etc etc and it was all prompted by the fact that Irene stood in the center for Killing Voice which we know #they threw a tantrum over a few months ago. After seeing that and the indo fan report, I am more convinced than ever that we are dealing with a species of rabid, incurable people that need to be treated like the crazies that they are. There’s no point reasoning with them, taking them seriously, anything. They’re just so far gone you have to pretend they don’t exist. | I don’t agree with pretending they don’t exist. Keep calling them out that’s why they still can’t get control over this board the way they did the last boards. If reveluvs keep calling them out on twitter instead of the usual “oh you know wakgaes that’s how they are just ignore and block” the fandom wouldn’t be how it is right now 1702633092 post/11406
💬Wow, they are really forming a crusade and went to different social media platforms just to stir up a hate train towards Irene, Seulgi, and Aseul!
Oddly familiar, some wluv anons pretended to seulmates and even baetokkis in the old thread especially last year and now they can't control the discussions here because of the rules set. 1702633256 post/11407
💬Why are they using Seulgi to shit on Irene as if they like Seulgi? No one carried Aseul alone, they both did and it was superior because of both of them. Their chemistry, their skills, their hard work, their voices complementing each other, their harmony and synchronisation everything. Why do they keep trying to start drama between baetokkis and seulmates when most of them like the other? You'd be hard pressed to find a fan who stans Seulgi or Irene and doesn't like the other as the next bias. It's a shame how these idiots keep doing this, Aseul was the two of them. These people are actually unhinged, it's not normal and i'm sorry but we're way past ignoring them. 1702632705 post/11405
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