#can ovec
magicspace114 · 11 months
Old Shadows - Bedtime
You'd just convinced your family to leave, all of them being reluctant with Tillen still acting aggressive but you were confident that Lovik and Toby wouldn't let her kill you and there was the added incentive for her that your family would surely retaliate if she did something.
"I have one spare room and that is for the child," you declared.
"Adolescent," Toby bleated, annoyed.
You just chuckled before pushing your brother's back towards the door. "Now go home, you can see us tomorrow." You pushed as hard as you could but James leaned back against you, putting all his weight on you. "Get out."
"Is that any way to treat a guest?" James leaned his head back to look at you, ultimately applying more weight as his head leaned on top of yours.
"You picked the lock to get in here, you are NOT a guest!" You yelled back, shoving harder before giving up and collapsing under his weight.
Your mother just shook her head at both of you then looked at your father, "he gets that from you, you know." She said.
"I think I started him late actually, my father gave me my first lock picks at 5." Your father said back.
"I'm not talking about that."
"Get OFF ME!!!" You struggled under your brother.
"James, get off your sister," your mother sighed, tiredly. James groaned and stood up. Your mother helped you up and pulled you into a hug, "we'll be around tomorrow. Get some sleep, Flower." She kissed your cheek.
"I'll try," you smiled, hugging her back.
Your mother stepped away and your dad hugged you, kissing your forehead. "If you need us at all, just call us."
"I will," you smiled as your family left and you were finally able to close and lock your door again. You loved your family but some interactions could just be tiring and you were ready to sleep.
On turning back, Toby was yawning and leaning against Tillen, ears drooped and eyes slowly closing. Tillen twittered melodically at the Ovec kid. "It's ok to sleep. I'll keep watch."
"You can use my bed if you want, or you can share with Toby." You offered, already guessing their answer when Tillen shot you a look.
"I think we'd all like to stay together," Lovik said politely, hovering in front of you, "thank you."
"Sure, let me get you some more blankets." You said, heading to a small linen cupboard that you used to just store all your blankets and cushions. "You want to lead them to your room, Tobs?" You called over your shoulder.
Toby let out a squeak when he yawned before standing up and pulling on Tillen's arm. You smiled, picking out a variety of blankets. Though Toby needed a lot of heat, you weren't sure about Tillen or Lovik. Tillen was covered in feathers so she might overheat though Lovik was very lizard-like so he might prefer the heat.
On getting to your guest room, quickly becoming Toby's room, you saw Toby standing away from the bed with Lovik on his shoulder and Tillen messing with the blankets.
You knocked to announce your presence. "I got more blankets and pillows for you." You held them out.
Tillen looked back at you, pupils wide and dilated. She didn't speak to you but she also wasn't hissing or growling. She prowled closer to you, feathers puffed out and clawed hands reaching slowly. It was almost mildly threatening with her slow pace but you kept still, not giving eye contact.
Tillen took the blankets, letting out a bird trill before turning back to the bed, curling the blankets up in some weirdly organised mess. It was a mess, there was no doubt about it but it was purposeful and watching her make it, she was focusing on making each detail.
She jumped onto the bed, circling her mess as if inspecting it before jumping off and picking Toby up under the armpits. Toby had been falling asleep standing up so he let out a bleat on being picked up, half opening his eyes with his legs instinctively curling up when he was being held. Tillen placed him gently down in the mess, jumping onto the bed again and fussing over his position, nudging him into a position she was happy with. Lovik was also curling close in the mess.
Toby let out a moan and shivered a little so Tillen covered him with her wing, pulling blankets over him. You also reached over to turn the electric heater on. It was right next to the bed though and Tillen wasn't happy that you reached so close.
She got up, stepping in between you and Toby, puffing her feathers up and spreading her wings. You backed off to the doorway again and she hissed lowly. Toby grumbled at her tiredly when she did. She still wasn't talking again but she blinked as if she'd just come out of a trance and hurriedly looked around the room until she saw Toby in the bed.
"It's a nest," you mumbled to yourself.
Tillen hissed. "So what if it is?" She asked. "Are you going to leave or what?"
You sat down in the doorway, looking up at her. Tillen snapped her beak, looking down at you. You just shrugged, "I want to gain your trust," you said, "I can't do that if we continue to ignore each other."
"And why should I trust you?" Tillen asked, also crouching down now to be at your level.
"To improve your quality of life," you said, "we don't know how long you'll be here. If you'll make it back into space or if you'll stay here for the rest of your lives. It can't be easy keeping up this aggression all the time."
"Oh what would you know about my life?" Tillen sneered.
"Let me tell you something about my family. They have a hold over a large portion of our city and they're feared as a result. Every decision we make, every interaction we have, it's all based on this reputation."
"Are you trying to scare me?"
"No. I'm trying to empathise," you said, "putting up this tough act, it's exhausting but if we ever showed any weakness, someone would use it. There was always someone who wanted us dead."
Tillen shook her head and feathers out, stress was obvious in her shoulders as she looked behind her at Toby and Lovik in her nest. "What do you want with us?" She asked.
"Toby's just a kid, he doesn't deserve any of this. I don't know why you and Lovik were in prison either, I don't really care." You said, "I just don't want him to suffer any more than he already has."
In his sleep, Toby whimpered and curled up tighter. Tillen got up to fuss over him, pulling more blankets around him and leaning her body on him to settle him down.
"How old are you?" You asked.
"Why does it matter? I'm an adult if that's what you want. So is Lovik." Tillen said, not looking up from settling Toby. You supposed it was a good sign that she was able to keep her back to you.
"Are you a mother, Tillen?" You watched her freeze at that, straightening up and turning to you.
"No," she said.
"Have you ever been a mother?" You asked slowly, watching her tail start to swish at the questioning.
Tillen sighed, "Flene are an altruistic race. At least for our first few breeding cycles, we help our parents raise our siblings instead of starting our own family. It teaches us how to care for chicks. I never got to the point of having my own brood."
"What happened?"
Tillen growled as she stared at the wall beside you.
A noise from outside the room made both of you perk up. You poked your head out to see the noise was coming from your front door. Someone was trying to pick at your lock and they weren't as quick or quiet as James was about it.
You put your finger to your lips to signal to Tillen as you stood up, heading to a cupboard in your living room where you had a gun. You didn't have to worry about young children finding these so you had a gun in a few places in your home.
Tillen poked her head out to see you loading your weapon and see the front door slowly opening. The chain stopped it from fully opening but they could reach in to undo it.
You just watched them do it, pointing your gun at the door a safe distance away. Once the door opened, you watched your ex walk though, not even armed adequately. He had a crowbar.
"Really?" You asked, still aiming at him.
Freddy froze and stared at you, "I didn't realise you were still up." He chuckled nervously, "you were always the first to go to bed."
"I didn't give you my address. How did you find me?"
"Come on, May, you think I can't find out on my own?"
"This is, by far, the dumbest thing I've seen you do. By all means, use that crowbar and give me a reason to put you down right now."
"Listen," Freddy put the crowbar down on a table next to the front door, "in my defence, you've not been answering my calls or giving me a chance to explain myself."
"So this is you wanting to 'talk'?" You raised an eyebrow, "how about you take that backpack off." You gestured with the gun to the backpack on his back.
"What for?" He asked.
"To see what tools you brought to help with your 'talk'. Put it on the ground, slowly."
Freddy sighed, taking his backpack off and putting it on the ground. He went to open it when you stepped forward, raising your gun more.
"Don't open it. Shove it over here," you said and Freddy did as you instructed, holding his hands where you could see them. You took one hand away to grab the bag, keeping an eye on him the whole time.
Tillen was standing in the guest room doorway, just out of sight from the front door. She was still watching you as you picked out duct tape and a gun from the bag.
"I figured you didn't just come with a crowbar," you said, putting the gun back in his bag.
"I know how many guns you have around here. I just wanted to protect myself."
"Protect yourself? While you broke into my home? That sounds like a smart idea. If you had led with that, I'd have put a bullet between your eyes immediately." You sighed, "unfortunately, I have guests over so I don't want to deal with cops." You pulled out your phone and called up your family.
"What? Who are you calling?" Freddy asked nervously.
"Hey, dad, sorry to call so late." You said. Freddy immediately dipped out of your apartment, running down the hall and ditching all his tools. You sighed, closing the door and locking it again.
"Is something wrong?" Your dad asked immediately.
"Freddy broke into my apartment," you said.
"Are you hurt?" Your father asked, all tiredness in his voice gone.
"I'm fine, he ran as soon as I called you. He didn't even get two steps into the apartment." You sat down on the sofa now, staring at the doorway. "He harassed me a couple days ago too so this is a final straw. Can you send some people to pick him up?"
"Oh yeah, I'll do that. I'm sure your brother would like a face-to-face too."
"Thanks," you smiled tiredly, "love you."
"I'll send a couple guys to keep watch on your place tonight too in case he comes back."
"Ok, I'll see you tomorrow, dad."
"Get some sleep. I'll have Johnny keep you safe."
You hung up with a smile while Tillen crept out of her room, first looking at you then at the bag Freddy left. She picked out duct tape and rope and looked at you somewhat horrified.
"What was he planning to do?" She asked.
"It's not worth thinking about," you said, "he didn't succeed."
Tillen sat down on a smaller couch across from you, "that was the same human you protected Totobyc from."
"He's an ex-partner of mine," you said, "he's very unpredictable."
"Unpredictable?" Tillen tilted her head.
You rubbed at your eyes, putting your gun on a table beside you. "Well, I thought he was a nice guy at first but after we started dating, he completely changed. He was prone to explosive anger and didn't like being told no. He won't be a problem now. My dad's sending guys after him, he'll be found within a couple days."
"What if he comes back tonight?" Tillen asked, "you'll have to sleep at some point."
"There'll be guards stationed outside the apartment, they'll know not to come in in case I shoot them." Your eyes started closing, "we'll be safe tonight... just..." you yawned, "get some sleep. It's all being taken care of." You were too tired to go to your own room so you just laid on the sofa and quickly fell asleep.
When you woke up, it was morning and there was a blanket over you that you were sure you'd given to Tillen to make her nest.
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demcnsinmymind · 1 year
most important headcanons/char beats for my blog nav/pinned post and easier understanding
another master post? why?
after working on my blog nav  I’ve realized that my blog is filled to the brim with wordvomits upon wordvomits about Lance and my ideas for him, so I figured that next to my very lengthy headcanon masterlist, I’d make another shorter-ish post with the most important bullet points that I consider essential for possible threads and interactions with the boy.
Two most important headcanons
The lore is somewhat canon divergent on my blog. The building was alive and sentient with an agenda just like in canon, but my most important headcanon is that the entity possessing and distorting it has been H.P. L/ovec/raft’s demonic outer god Azathoth instead of just some nameless invisible thing. (see detailed possession lore and azathoth info)
Azathoth is bound to Lance on a physical and emotional level and it’s the only thing keeping him from turning into this - a severely impaired, insane and numb shell. (more here)
- The cut him being trapped in 1948 plotline is canon on my blog and I will die on this hill because it’s so awesome!!!!!!!!!!!! =(
- Lance is not a villain character. He’s not a hero either. He is a grey character and very flipfloppy. He can be the most loyal and protective friend, but he can also be the most selfish, vain, outright asshole. He’s very complicated, but I cannot stress it enough that he’s not a bad guy. (Best said by Sean (the actor who plays him) in this gifset. See more detailed HC posts about it here or here or here) Read: there is no need for excessive hostility towards him. When Azathoth’s in charge? Totally fair game. But him? Consider him more of a victim, please.
- Pre-canon, he did not believe in the paranormal. He wasn’t an outright denier, but pretty much a skeptic in need of some serious convincing. So even though he’s making an entire show about ghosts and the paranormal, off camera and out of character, he’ll tell others it’s all bullshit and think they’re bullshitting as well if they start talking about it being real, or reveal that they themselves are in fact supernatural. That is pretty much canon (see more here) Read: Pre-canon, he’ll react surprisingly douchy and somewhat naive to anything involving his own genre. However, a part of him wants to believe, so he’ll need little convincing :)
- Lance has Stockholm’s syndrome and is trauma bonded to the building/thing possessing him aka Azathoth. (See more here) Read: There will be questionable reactions on this blog that might sound defensive of the thing/trauma, might even play it down. But that is on purpose. Not me condoning what happened to him. The opposite. He’ll work his way through this and learn sooner or later that it’s bad to defend it. However, be prepared to see him get angry with the helper instead of the abuser at first, which might be perplexing at first. He’ll need a lot of convincing on that front.
- He’s filled to the brim with charisma and fake friendliness and he does have a silver tongue, but he does not have many friends be that before or after canon, pretty much none post canon after losing his team inside Collingwood and losing 13 years to his ordeal. Read: He’s all talk and no bite. Expect a lot of bitter sarcasm and a lot of pushing back. He isn’t used to the idea of people caring about him. He’ll get there.
- I headcanon him to be aromantic. Couple that with his lack of interest in deep and lasting relationships, and you got someone who is very prone to casual hook ups and what not. He has no interest in anything romantic, and neither will he ever pursue the family/marriage life. (See more here) Read: I won’t write romantic plots. Smut and regular booty calls with very tight friendships behind them are more than fair game, I love them. But there won’t be any exclusive monogamous ships here.
- He’s incredibly guarded. I don’t know the right word/explanation for it and “emotionally unavailable” doesn’t quite match how I portray him, but basically one of the most important aspects about my portrayal of him post canon is that it will take a lot to break down his barriers. It’ll take a lot of patience and time until he starts trusting people, and even more of it until he opens up to them and accepts help. This is due to his obvious trauma, not due to toxic masculinity or the fact that he’s incapable of emotions or empathy. He has a whole palette of both, but he keeps that under very tight wraps. (see more here or here or here) Read: He’ll react like an asshole when it gets down to people offering their help and comfort at first. This is not because he is one and wants to hurt anyone, but because he’s very afraid of being vulnerable and getting hurt. But it is a fact that  he very much wants help and needs help and that you’ll get him there eventually. It just takes some time and trust. Kind of like a kicked wet cat in an alley.
- Azathoth is an it. Please do not refer to it as “he”. It’s a thing that looks and acts like however it wants to be. It is called the nuclear chaos. It is so beyond our human comprehension and most certainly beyond the idea of genders. Read: Azzy isn’t male. It’s a chaotic wildcard. It won’t ever be refered to as “he” by me and I’d very much appreciate it if you kept that in mind =)
- As stated up above, the most important thing to keep in mind is that Azathoth is like a plug in Lance’s brain. If you pull it, he’s a goner. They both know it. Thus, they’ll react harshly and negatively to any attempts of banishing it from his body. (read more here) Read: Unlike most other depictions of possession in media with the possessed being helpless victims horrified by the ordeal and more than grateful to see their possessor gone, Lance won’t react the same way to the prospect of getting rid of it.
- Azathoth is a demonic outer god that was once exiled beyond time and space. It more or less adheres to some of L/ovecraft’s lore and canon, not to any Supernatural or biblical canon. It has no weaknesses and cannot be exorcised. It can only be bound to other buildings/universes/places beyond time or put back to sleep with ancient flutes. (read more here, also see cool videos like this) Read: Azathoth is an overpowered Mary Sue. Please do not assume it can be put in demon traps or hurt with holy water/hex bags and what not. That’ll just get Lance’s clothes wet and dirty and piss the both of them off. Fear not though, I very very rarely write out its OP powers and am more than happy to piss it off.
- It has a lot of cool powers. Though it technically isn’t canon that it’s what did all the things, whatever is possessing Collingwood did do a lot of cool things. See here. Read: Just me wanting to share my fav gifset hehe
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isoraqathedh · 11 months
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Continuing with the Serina theme, an ovecs for the thing that would most likely have a graphical group identification device, which I can translate into an ovecs.
Technically, this is not a difficult flag. However, it is really hard to construct, because I basically invented "squeezing" flags right here to show that they are three but one like some kind of trinity. Nevertheless, the result is pleasant and though it breaks some colouring rules, it's pretty good regardless.
The fact that it is not too far away from an unsqueezed flag (especially if you remove the squeeze borders) is a bonus that I didn't expect.
Also yes those are topic symbols over there on the right.
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obsessiveshayme · 4 years
With Mackinnon's Assist on Makar's goal, Nathan Makinnon has now scored 50 points in 37 playoff games tieing with Crosby and Ovechkin for Fastest Active Players - https://www.reddit.com/r/hockey/comments/ijne78/with_mackinnons_assist_on_makars_goal_nathan/
Gross. I can imagine the ass licking he'll get it when he does. 🙄
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Ohio Electricity Customers to Pay More for HB6?
New Post has been published on http://www.ohenergyratings.com/blog/2019/05/31/ohio-electricity-customers-pay-more-hb6/
Ohio Electricity Customers to Pay More for HB6?
HB6, the “Ohio Clean Air Program”, might lower Ohio electricity bills by $3.39. But how much will Ohio energy consumers ultimately be forced to pay?
Electricity Bill Generating Worry for Ohio Renewables
Generating company First Energy Solutions is in the midst of Chapter 11 reorganization. The company told state lawmakers that if doesn’t find a buyer for both Ohio nuclear plants or a way for them to generate a profit within Ohio’s competitive electricity market it will start closing them in 2020.
Ohio House Bill 6, “Ohio Clean Air Program”,was originally designed to incentivize reduced/zero carbon output from power plants by creating the Ohio Clean Air Program. The program would incentivize generator companies to build power plants with reduced/zero carbon output. Ideally, that all would lead to less pollution, better air quality, less green house gasses affecting climate, and cheap Ohio electric rates.
But since the beginning, the devil has been in the details.
Ohio Renewable Energy Price
HB6 originally created an annual fund of $300 million that would benefit carbon dioxide-free electric generators. Carbon-free generators could get a $9 credit per megawatt hour for the electricity they generate.  First Energy’s Davis-Besse and Perry nuclear power stations were expected to qualify for at least half of a $300 million fund and continue to employ about 1,400 people in Oak Harbor and Perry, Ohio. Wind and solar projects around the state would have naturally shared in the $9 credit per megawatt hour. However, this credit would only come about by eliminating a $4.39 per month fee that currently funds energy efficiency and renewable energy programs that have saved Ohio utility customers $5.1 billion on utility bills  since 2009.
Nuclear plants must pay million of dollars for  fuel rods at refueling time. Perry nuclear power station has already completed its 27 day refueling shut down. However, Davis-Besse is scheduled for refueling in 2020. Consequently, First Energy Solutions would really like a decision about HB6 soon so it can begin planning to buy new fuel rods for Davis-Besse by June.
That behooved House Republicans to get the bill to Governor Mike DeWine’s desk in time.
Ohio Apples to Apples Cost
Unfortunately, the two parties stayed split over support for the state’s renewable energy standards. Davis-Besse and Perry make up roughly 2,150 MW (about 12%) of the state’s utility-scale net electricity generation. Renewable energy in Ohio contributes around 3.2%. However, the state’s present renewable energy portfolio standard requires renewable sources to generate 12.5% by 2027. So local utilities are supposed to purchase renewable energy to meet that goal. Renewable energy standard backers worry that utilities will no longer need to follow renewable energy compliance rules. As a result, Ohio may see slower development and job growth in its renewable energy sector. One 2018 research project suggested Ohio could see 10,500 jobs created through investments in wind and solar power along with energy efficiency.
Those who backed HB6 argued that closing the nuclear plants would increase carbon emissions as more natural gas generators took over the load.  Carbon emission debates have split environmental groups over nuclear power station closures in both Ohio and Pennsylvania. Natural gas generators are far more profitable in competitive markets. They are cheaper to operate, respond faster to changing demand, and more economical to build. While they are cleaner than coal plants, natural gas plants still put out lots of carbon.
Governor Mike DeWine came out in support of saving the nuclear plants, saying, “You cannot dramatically reduce carbon or keep those numbers down without using nuclear.”
Electric Bill Down to the Wire, Poles Apart
Both parties struggled with negotiations. Republicans argued the bill ensured low priced Ohio electricity and protected jobs. The Democrats argued the bill is a bail out that would cripple the growing Ohio renewable energy job sector and increase customer prices.
On May 22, Republicans on the House Energy and Natural Resources Committee stripped out the renewable energy portfolio standard from the bill all together. Ironically, they added subsidies for two 1950s-era coal-fired power plants that will last until 2030. Ohio Valley Electric (OVEC) owns both coal-fired plants. OVEC is in turn owned by several of the state’s major utilities.
On May 29, the Ohio House passed HB6, the “Ohio Clean Air Program” by 53- 43 with a handful of Democrats voting for it and nearly the same number of Republicans voting against it. The bill now goes to the Senate.
Future Electricity Rates in Ohio?
HB 6 demonstrates the challenges in crafting an energy program for Ohio. The state needs a program that addresses both the demand for affordable energy and problems from increasing carbon emissions.
In its current form, all Ohio electricity customers will pay $1 on their monthly utility bill. The money will go into a state “clean air fund” worth about $190 million annually. Six current solar projects will receive some subsidy. However, most of the money would go to the Davis-Besse and Perry nuclear plants until 2026.  Meanwhile, OVEC could charge its customers $2.50 per month to keep the two coal plants operating, one of which is located in Indiana. In addition, the bill also allows residents of unincorporated areas to demand a referendum to block construction of wind farm projects in their area, even if the project has already begun.
Your Ohio Energy Bill
Adopting HB6 would replace the $4.39 per month renewable energy fee with a $1 subsidy surcharge for the nuclear plants. While that sounds like Ohioans can look forward to lower utility bills, it’s not certain. The bill’s amendments permit blocking of existing wind projects as well the repealing of the renewable energy portfolio standard and these could stifle renewable energy in Ohio.  Unmet demand could possibly lead to higher prices in the near future. Higher prices would trigger a cap on subsidies to the nuclear plants. Higher prices would also lure more cheap-to-build natural gas generation plants into the state. In the end, the “Ohio Clean Air Program” might wind up increasing both consumer prices and carbon emissions.
HB6 is a very thorny proposal. It’s not entirely clear what will happen to Ohio electric rates if it is signed into law. As the measure currently stands, consumers and Ohio electricity companies may see benefits in some areas but also may face losses in others. What is really at stake is how Ohio will keep electricity prices affordable while reducing carbon emissions for the future.
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Ultrasonic Safety Sensors to Monitor Liquid Levels
Chemicals as liquid and liquefied gases are a standout amongst the most utilized things in the whole world. Due it various methods of usage such as in various industrial and domestic purposes, it is constantly utilized on different levels. The businesses and industries dealing in these chemicals and gases are one of the greatest enterprises display on this planet today due to its remarkable contribution to modern methods of living. As chemical and gases are dependably in fluid form, taking care of it is not a simple assignment and while being produced, it is kept and handled inside immense tanks which are for the most part fixed from all corners or are single cleaned. This makes them simple to contain substantial amounts of liquid inside without giving it a chance to go to any damage. When preparing the chemicals and liquefied gases especially for transportation, the staff at the manufacturing plants is required to be ready at all circumstances. At the point when the liquid is being delivered it is being filled in the tremendous tanks which are perfectly secured and tightened up. To ensure that it does not flood out from them, the ultrasonic liquid level indicator is being observed and attached at all circumstances to avoid future loss. When managing liquids of any sort and particularly inflammable liquids, a considerable measure of care is required amid the whole procedure for which FM 200 or NOVEC 1230 fire suppression system should be there on the board to avoid if there comes any unwanted situation. Any spill can bring about the place to be splotchy and it would likewise have the capacity to burst into flames in future. Regardless of cleaning the place altogether, the place would even now be risky and skilled to burst into flames in a moment. The security safeguards are enormous in the businesses dealing in liquids of every sort even ones dealing in oil. Since it is a delicate industrial setup that is at danger of getting exploded in flame from the littlest fire, the whole place is a no smoking zone extended up to numerous miles from the extraction point. Uncommon holders are intended to put the liquids in. These holders are colossal in size as well as made of an exceptional amalgam. The amalgam is created to abstain from being overheated which can likewise bring about the liquid to burst into flames. The additional warmth can likewise deplete the numerous properties of the liquids making it pointless and useless whereas overheating can cause fire as far as inflammable liquids are concerned such as oil. To stay away from any incident accompanied by the pumping procedure of the liquid, an uncommon individual is sent to screen to check the capacity of tanks at all circumstances loaded with liquids. While he stands watching out for the dials and meters, someone else is given with a liquid level indicator who gets the report of the levels on his gadget. This ensures the tank levels to be impeccably in the learning of the staff and they would know when to close down the pumps and have the liquid transported to the capacity compartments.
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