#but yeah play viva la vida by coldplay let's goooooo
vonlipvig · 1 month
And so the story of King Romus Toras have ended with a bang with his defiance on not surrendering the throne he have doomed himself on the glint of the guillotine from a doomed romance between him and his childhood best friend to a doomed kingdom who's progressive doesn't rest well with the other houses. May the Blood God and Prime bless his fighting soul for fighting what he think is right. What a marvelous ending with the suspicious of a coup coming, to his mother begging him to leave the kingdom for the safety of his son. God i love tragic stories...
what can i say, i love me a good tragedy. what, you want me to escape the country? leave my kingdom like the sinking ship it is and flee to an hidden, inconspicious life somewhere beyond? that's not a satisfying ending!
but you know what is? a man cursed from birth to be extraordinary, doomed from the start to be what others expect him to be, never what he wants. he tries, again and again, but at every turn they stop him--countries, and corporations, and the vultures disguised as friends--, so what's the point. he stops fighting for love, so love leaves him, and it's the worst thing that's ever happened to him. so when the walls come crumbling down he doesn't run. he's done enough running already.
that? that's what i'm talking about! sweet, sweet tragedy!
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