#but why is that all u choose to put out there u knw
dojae-huh · 10 months
hi huh nim....I have a doubt..I am sure you have answered this question before...but it is different now....
As u knw jaedo is big ship in korea..just take it as a ship for now...then why dont the company use it as their adavantage..I knw earlier it was risk..coz they both are not matured and maybe they could slip up something infront of camera that could entirely damage their career and also sm's profit too...but now it is not the case....they knw how to act and do fan services..also we have dy as a manager too...still even djj they pushed jaewoo and dowoo than jaedo...the company is not scared to shipping and we knw they uses all possible ships make profit from their popularity...so why not from jaedo ?? Atleast now??...u knw zb1 the new boy group formed through veriety show even that boys started to shipping with each other..fans started to ship hanbin and hao even before their debut and the boys really doing the most of what they can to make believe the fans that they are a thing...they have to act for the smooth flow I knw that...but what I am saying is korea is not scared to shipping things and not the representative company too...and also fans want them....and do you think they still afraid the dating truth will known by the world?? There are lot of fans who believes taedo and jaewoo are dating...and that is not a problem? How is that works??? Why cant they use jaedo as a ship like how they use others....like jaewoo??...
SM not using JaeDo as a ship for profit was one of the arguments in favour of them dating.
There was some issue that made JaeDo go into panic and SM start to censor their moments out of 127 content. It is over. Currently, both JaeDo and the company are coming back to a normal portrayal of their relationship. Staff can choose the "just married" JaeDo picture to put on a wall with 127 neos photographs for a show now.
There was JaeDo paid content, JaeDo as a couple on a few latest 127 shows for YT (the advertisement company).
Debuting groups and those from smaller companies use shipping in earnest. 127 is a successful group, shipping trick is used from time to time only (well noticeable with MarkHyuk) or by the members themselves (YuMark).
In general, it is safe to use shipping full force when it is pretence. Business shipping for real couples can result in more people believing rumours. Look at how "Jaehyun is straight" solid image lets him get away with lots of stuff.
I do hope JaeDo will comeback to the official NCT representatives. Covis is over, the ban on their appearence together is over, they are in the same small unit now.
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letslive-hwaiting · 11 months
miss my bff of many yrs. decided to part ways too. LOL i know it sounds strange but yeah, it happens. i have delayed response so.. it's after a few yrs or after at least a year where i start missing the person n think of patching up... but to many people, too much time has passed i guess? and it's awkward.
sometimes, i rly didn't know it then. just like how i have memories from long ago which i dislike now. delayed response.
so since i don't have a bestfriend to talk about all things including silly things to, i am here.
sorry for being judge-y and stuff if i am pls do not mind me... (but i bet girls talk about stuff like that and even more tgt ok).
do not take what i say seriously. i may not mean it. i may change my opinion the next second.
heart signal 4
jimin!! ^^ the younger people are, the more "pure" their liking for someone is ? ☺️🤭
people r different when they r with diff ppl haha and i guess people aren't always more charming with who they like
i think shin min kyu liked ji min from the start. he just didn't know it when he chose ji young as who he'd like on instinct. he should have known he liked ji min instinctively. at first sight.
people do fall in love at 1st sight. it's more common than u think. (not physical appearance , just .. fateful encounters? spark?)
the guys are all charming imo, frm a 3rd perspective when they rly like a particular female ☺️ the more they like the female, the more charming they appear to me hehee
if i'm ji young, i would like gyeo re. if im jimin, i'd still like jiwon. for jumi , i can't rly tell her real feelings yet or she isnt rly having that much feelings invested... so idk but maybe i'd choose gyeo re? maybe ji won? or shin min kyu? idk? def the 4th female occupant idk yet. i cant put myself in her shoes bc not much airtime so idk abt her yet but maybeee if i m her i'd choose .. irdk
whoo i love how minkyu is so serious about liking only jimin 👏👏👏 even though the other girls showed interest in him n he even knows jimin is into another guy. a-ma-zinggg i like 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻pls stay that way till the end of the show (bc forever is not too possible, i guess)
i knw ive been mentioning minkyu the most but it's bc this is still a public space n so i talked abt the guy i personally wouldn't fall for most, haha.(as an outsider. not putting myself in anyone's shoes. so doesnt mean im saying he is bad in any way. he's def charming - obviously since 3/4 women there like him)
i think right, i might be least attracted to minkyu because we're a bit similar. out of the 8 people there, i'm most similar to him.
if people can develop romantic feelings for one another so easily, is that why people can't stay loyal? imagine in a world full of people... =0 nonono, let me stay out of such fragile useless game
gyeo re felt that he was being led on by ji young?? was he in his own world?
thats y i find it hard .. like i want to have friends and sometimes guy friends seem more comfortable to have . but how much of a distance should i keep?? like.. what if i feel comfortable with an attached guy totally as friends and i am totally definitely not want to break a couple up, but my church believes strongly in distancing from other females other than the gf/wife.
n if i feel confortable w an attached guy friend , last time i thought, great! we'll totally b friends nth to worry about having those feelings. but now it's even more worrisome like i feel cautious about the gf/wife like try to make sure the gf/wife is okay w our interaction.
if he's single i want to b the one hearing about his attraction with other girls instead. or if i hang out w single guys, what if ppl think im trying to find a bf? or if i hang out w a particular guy im comfortable with , ppl think we are dating. can i have friends pls.
at some point, i became not so nice n kinda cold bc i didnt want ppl to think im nice n then think im not nice n think im fake. or if im nice to guys ppl think i like them n trying to attract attention or whatever. and also im actually v v v v v shy = kind of cold/mean. also ppl should understand certain situations/circumstance can cause us to react/act in ways. but since u r not me n i am not u , ppl do not understand and come to bad conclusions/judgement of someone instead. if you do not have a gd judgement of someone be a decent human and DONT GOSSIP ABOUT THE PERSON OR VOICE IT OUT TO OTHERS LA! keep it in your stupid head.
u may say, be nice to everyone lorr. BUT i am a human who likes a few people more than others must i treat every1 the same??? im not a teacher here yknow. i prioritise loyalty too so i believe in being obviously better to ppl who matter n who im responsible for and obv i want to be better to someone i like more whattt.. n some ppl make me more comfortable so i can laugh more n stuff??
i dont get comfortable w a lot of ppl even if we appear as friends.. like out of all my girlfriends my whole life incl those ive talked to and all, ive only ever felt comfortable with 2?3? maybe 1?
are the girls who turn out well those who receive a lot of love and do not have very bad experiences that affect them toooo much? jiyoung seems like someone who had good experiences and received love growing up and through puberty and life.
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ji won said love is be happy together, not he will make her happy.
.. 😂 it makes sense but... i want a guy to make me happy, not tell me to be happy with him? totally my opinion.
ep 13
i'm actually rooting for yisoo. bc jiyoung has the other 3 guys liking her already... even if she likes minkyu that much, i hope minkyu likes yi soo or even ji min or jumi instead. gotta be fair yknow..(n not like im jy's fan or anyth. if i like sm1 a lot thn i would root for that person regardless)
but got to give it up to her for being so faithful in her feelings to minkyu!! she didn't even sway when other guys liked her so much! she must have another set of criteria/things she's attracted to =0
and minkyu. . ah.. he's too passive, (like me, i'm even worse) . how can like that.. a little frustrating to watch. i think he's someone who chose the easier route, maybe bc yi soo was more obvious with her feelings and maybe bc he didn't like feeling like he was taking away jy when other guys liked her. or maybe he just wasnt rly attracted to any1 so ge was trying to navigate based on what he thought. or maybe bc jy said she wanted to rest alone.if i were in the same situation as him, i would have made the same decisions as him too drk y...
i feel that yi soo is not as strong as ji young.. she's actually a softer person if u get what i mean. n got to applaud her for liking minkyu so much when he's not that nice to her
😂 when people think they showed their feelings to the person they like, the person doesn't get the signal. and when they behave normally or otherwise with someone else, the someone else might get the wrong signal and take it the wrong way . 😂😂
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