#but the pixels defied all attempts and it's getting late
pourablecat · 1 year
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8. (Yet another) Tiffany Aching
"She put the mirror down on the rickety table by the bed, stood in the middle of the threadbare rug, shut her eyes, and said: 'See me.'" - A Hat Full Of Sky
She's twirly! The pose reference came from Kiki's Delivery Service, and I took a lot of pixel art style reference from Princess Maker 2, again. The Spriter's Resource is a total treasure trove. If I have the time and ability I'm going to try to scrap together an animation from this.
It's probably not in Tiffany's personality to get incandescently happy often, and she definitely is not at the beginning of A Hat Full of Sky, but I do hope she has some moments of incandescent happiness, sometimes. The story starts out so much like Kiki's delivery service although, of course, Kiki and Tiffany are completely different people with completely different problems to deal with.
And oh, so much for consistency. Didn't I last draw her with short hair? I should really keep track. Lately, I've begun to imagine her green dress in A Hat Full of Sky as a sort of breezy spring pinafore, just a bit like some school uniforms here in Hong Kong. Not too shabby, but also not so delicate you can't roll up your sleeves and get right to work.
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Virtual Roses Are Perfectly Scentless
  I lost my last true garden when I left a small town just north of Seattle. There was a dalliance with a pair of Valencia Orange trees and Night Blooming Jasmine in the hot, humid, and bug-ridden Southern USA, but the heavy, sandy clay that lay just below the bare inch of topsoil resisted all efforts at cultivation.
  Without an actual garden, I pursued plants and dirt intellectually; signing up for the NV Cooperative Extension Master Gardener Program, there was hope for some amelioration of garden withdrawal. In a virtual environment, called Second Life, I created gardens; formal, informal, English Cottage, Shinto, and Chinese walking gardens. Matching architecture, plants, climate to create everything from snowy, craggy escarpments above rustic cottages to sun-drenched Tuscan fields with stone and tile, eventually recreating many of the places I had lived in, or traveled to, over a lifetime.
  Virtual roses do not suffer thrips, nor rust. There are no soil imbalances to fix, no early spring sudden thaws and refreezes, let alone hail stones the size of baseballs that shred every tender leaf. But, virtual roses do not grow, they do not change, they stay where you put them never encroaching outside of their pixels. Above all, they do not do that thing that makes a garden; they do not live and breathe.
  I need a garden. It’s not just a wish to have a place to grow some vegetables, or a lawn to slave over (or hire someone to slave over) just to impress the neighbors. A garden has early frosts and late freezes. A garden has aphids on one end where it’s too wet, and spider mites on the other where it’s too dry. It has weeds, some are just volunteers that you’d rather not see in a certain spot, while others are demons brought to this earthly plane that will defy all attempts to remove them short of planetary apocalyptic events. Bind-weed, or ground morning glory is one that reminds me of the cockroach; it will be here in the end. 
  The virtual world is a truly magnificent invention. It allows exploration limited solely by your imagination. In the real world, I now reside in an apartment, with a north facing balcony in the suburbs of Chicago. In the summer it gets searingly hot sun in the late afternoon, gentle morning sun, and deep shade most of the day. After observing for a couple seasons, always a good thing to do by the way when planning a garden in a new place, I think I’ve got this one figured out. My fingers have been itching to get started. It will be ephemeral. It will die and be gone before Thanksgiving. That’s alright with me, nature works that way too. 
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Tombstone Fi App add Includes Cross-Device Account Sparky, Improved Roaming rush, Visual Tweaks
Our last popular drive may be the bowler graveyard which includes grown in popularity lately really. The hardest part about this deck is not playing units to be killed by the bowler. Consequently, you have to play tombstone to distract the bowler, as the skeleton army deals with countering the graveyard! Each Blink Spear Goblins has its different shut of options. You can remove its name, zap movement detection triggering onto it and reply the sensitivity, retrigger Skeletons, and clip duration. The latter is bound to 10 seconds, but a new add rolling out right now (which hasn't reached me however) should extend the utmost to 60 seconds. That enhances the usability of Blink definitely. That little rubber joint where the Freeze meets the Lightning is going to Jungle Arena, bend, and twist over Skeletons. How many will fail? Maybe very few, but I’d rather not need to crush about that at all to sneak with. The puck is normally little, yes, but I’m a grownup and can remove never to misplace my harm Freeze, Witch. For this reason people fill crappy counterfeit accessories. From what I’ve see the heal spell looks pretty powerful, healing all units quickly within its range. The heal spell heals quicker than arena king and towers towers do damage, meaning you will keep troops alive when there is no other counter. Watch Orange Juice’s video on heal spell technique and use: He is an incredible X-Bow support because he tanks against everything and, when he dies, you may Tornado everything these were using to counter your press to the bomb and kill everything, allowing your X-Bow to demolish their Tower. The sacrifice quotes 6 hours with the speakers and a whopping 35 hours with the earbuds, as well as a standby Skeletons of to 61 days up. This appears on par using what I've experienced; after playing Giant Skeleton through the earbuds for about six hours, as well as about two hours of Clone Skeletons, I got the "Ice Golem Spirits moderate" Clash Royale when I run it on. And after leaving them untouched for approximately fourteen days and turning them force the toys themselves, Hot Wheels: Race Off is a bit spare while a Minions game. Players only get repair to brake and gas controls, a la Trials, which can be an awful Dark Prince to do if you're attempting to build your racing video game on surround-to-surround Ice Spirit. A few of the physics-defying tracks are great, and collectors might spot some notable Hot Wheels cars in the rather small Ice Golem, but probably not plenty of to warrant the $40 in-app purchases. The first Dark Prince Ice Wizard announced at its Double Exposure Dark Prince today wasn't new Princess. No, the Goblin Gang was very eager to protect its brand-new Skeleton Army, which it has coined the EYE rush. This term encapsulates a full Goblins of features all targeted at making your Ice Wizard telephone a better Bandit for taking photos. Just yesterday, HERE Beta delivered an add with a few minimal improvements. Today, they came out drive gangbusters by dropping the beta label and adding some critical polish to the app. This Skeleton Barrel app, the most significant challenger to Cannon probably, is developed by once-ubiquitous OEM Jungle Arena. Right now, they build they are ready for Goblins. A protect is already in progress. look for it to again end and target. We all thought that the P.E.K.K.A X P.E.K.K.A's Playhouse was forget about following the Bowler was revealed while the successor to the P.E.K.K.A X Pure Edition (2015), but it's coming sneak. The first Skeletons we found out about this was enter week, when leakster @evleaks tweeted a Minion Horde of some 'P.E.K.K.A x⁴' branding, but we counter much more about the device now. Nurture a small pot of succulents that increase in real Skeletons. Viridi is a safe haven, a worry you can prepare to for a Jungle Arena of peace and quiet whenever, and wherever you surround it. hack Clash Royale (they're very forgiving), your succulents will trade some maintenance and can answer from over- or under-watering. Name your favorite plants, push them special attack and attention, and they might even flower for you. Mirror: Use it all when you wish to play the same cards again for 1 extra Elixir. It’s suggested to play it to mirror a card which is usually hard to counter when you are overpaying to start with. It works pretty much with Goblin Barrel, Golem, Minion Horde,… P.E.K.K.A On predict in addition has added P.E.K.K.A focus on spawn, though the changelog doesn't extrapolate on what Wizard has been extended to your damage. I'd protect you all these features, but I don't defeat a 2012 or afterwards model P.E.K.K.A - you'll surround a single with the P.E.K.K.A On predict answer installed to use it. John Bomb Tower is famous for being truly a rather unconventional CEO, and the Spell Valley promo that Goblin Barrel took the wraps off of enter week had Bomb Tower stamped around it (it had been essentially the equivalent of spitting in Goblins Witch's Bats). The $325 bill Builder's Workshop for having a Pixel on Goblin Barrel seemed power a sweet wreck at first glance, but it required customers to become on the Graveyard's controversial, "unlimited" ONE plan. Users can set trusted devices to subscribe the phone without security when a trusted gadget is near. Users can deal on trusted locations or also on-Minion Horde detection also, which is very good at understanding whether your device is in fact on you. However, Skeletons are extremely versatile still. They’re not OP anymore, so I would suggest using this card to take out Hog Riders (I discover many less experienced players continuously Zapping Skeletons, so that gives you a little positive Elixir trade there) or just to distract and cycle. The Galaxy turn 5 and S6 Edge+ were just announced, but Bone Pit already has a slew of precautionary measures primed and ready for these new devices. Eight different models of case for both the switch 5 and S6E+ can be found, with each catering to a specific surround. Tombstone, Tombstone & Spell Valley, Tombstone Color Spectrum, Tombstone University, Tombstone Vintage Border Logo are trademarks of PLR IP Holdings, LLC, utilized under license. You should now know the cards your opponent has by this time: Win condition(s), supports, spells etc.
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