#but that tumblr won't let me send because it's too long
jollin-yeowang · 1 year
Okay. Okay, I just properly listened to Indigo—I just had it in the background at work so although I got a general feel for the songs, I really wanted a moment to be able to go through the whole album with the lyrics in front of me to actually understand what I was listening to. And thank god I did because there's so much I missed!!
I think my favourite song is still Wild Flower; I loved it a lot when I originally heard it last week, and I love it even more after reading through the lyrics. Forg_tful is a close second right next to Change.
I watched a bit of Suchwita this morning (how do we feel about that btw?? I'm deceased, watching Yoongi like that should be a crime, jesus christ I'm sweating like a nun in a strip club) and Joon had mentioned that Indigo as a whole was like a diary for 2019-2022, and god I feel that? It really comes through in a lot of the themes; the looking back, the moving on, finally processing what's happening and where he's at. It's the kind of "glimpse into the mind of" that I'm always litterally foaming at the mouth for and god damn I love it.
I'm also really impressed by the choice of collaborating artists! Barring Yujin, I think all of them are also older artists? The sample from Yun Hyongkeun is also… personally it feels like it ties in very well with this image of Namjoon that we all have: pensive, introspective, an intelligence that lends itself well to philosophy. I was actually really pleasantly surprised to hear something like that on a track! I know there was a lot of talk about Jungian philosophy and psychology in the two MotS series, so this felt kind of like… a natural extension of that? Really loved it either way, because for those who want to dip their toes into it, those few quotes actually open up a door for dialogue about personal philosophy, moral and ethics. Which yeah of course Mr 148 IQ would have that in there.
After listening to everything I also understand why some people (did Joon say it himself?) say that Indigo as a whole is a little "all over the place", and honestly I fucking love it?? when artists do that?? When they have enough comfort and solidity in their fame and reputation that they take the chance/risk to wander outside of what they've done before. It's made even better knowing that Joon's actually confident in most if not all of the tracks this time around, as opposed to a lot of the uncertainty he admits having with mono. (Which is absurd that mixtape seems to be everyone's go-to therapeutic listen??)
Anyways sorry I'm all over the place I haven't slept much lately but I really wanted to throw this at you because. Because?
Because ilu basically and I like sharing what I think about things with you.
How are you?
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