#but now i think i'm in the fandom by pure osmosis
spessolus · 10 months
so clearly i need to watch good omens
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hunter-sylvester · 6 months
Fic Writing Questions Tag
Thank you so much to @if-not-now-tell-me-when for tagging me 🤘
1. How many fics do you have on AO3? If we're excluding notfic/character analysis: 7 (otherwise 13)
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 49,925 (52,689 if we're including notfic/character analysis)
3. What fandoms do you write for? -Metal Lords (primarily) -Stranger Things
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? (1) Infinitesimally small and unforgivably burdensome (Metal Lords) T (2) Does it get better? (Metal Lords/Stranger Things) M (3) Metal Things (Metal Lords/Stranger Things) M (4) Freak Doesn't Cut It (Stranger Things) M (5) Left Behind (Metal Lords) T
5. Do you respond to comments? I try to! I'm just really fucking bad at responding to compliments/kind words. I just freeze up & don't know what to say a lot of the time so it can take a lot of energy to write out a very mid response to a lovely comment 😔 but I do try.
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Err...that's between Left Behind and Candy Apples & Razor Blades. The former is a ficlet/minific and it's just sorta sad. The latter has an angstier ending depending on how you interpret it, it's a little ambiguous in my mind but I don't think everybody even reads it as ambiguous so idk ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (unless we're counting the unpublished alternate ending I have written for Freak Doesn't Cut It because THEN IT'S THAT- but I'd only maybe publish that after the actual ending & I'm really fucking stuck with that fic so that's ages away if it ever gets posted)
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Probably Infinitesimally small and unforgivably burdensome. It's just pretty light overall. Altho I want to at least mention that I think Does it get better? ultimately ending on hope and healing is also a very happy ending in my book 🖤
8. Do you get hate on fics? Haven't so far, but maybe someday lol (hopefully not soon tho)
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? No, not really. Vaguely heated make-out is as far as I tend to go.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? I do, I've only really written Metal Lords/Stranger Things so I guess the "craziest" one would be Metal Things purely because of the crossover pairing nobody asked for (Hunter Sylvester x Steve Harrington.) But none of it's very crazy.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I'm aware of and I kinda doubt anyone would want to lol (If someone ever did it's on sight tho 🔪)
12. Have you ever cowritten a fic before? No, and I honestly don't think that would work for me.
13. What’s your all time favourite ship? I'm not 100% sure, it's either Steddie or Spuffy. (I don't think I would ever write about the latter tho)
14. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? I'm far too stubborn to accept defeat like that. I have a lot of WIPs that feel like behemoths to me but I'm going to finish them.
15. What are your writing strengths? UHM...I'm really not good at being positive about myself but I guesss I think in my opinion I'm decent at capturing the character's voices????????? maybe
16. What are your writing weaknesses? I think I sometimes over-assume that people will understand my intention behind a scene. Also if there's too many characters I can't keep track of them anymore. And the fact that I dropped out of school at 14/15 occasionally becomes an issue. Having learned English almost entirely on feeling/by osmosis and thus not always knowing the actual rules. Of...yaknow...grammar.
17. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? I'd shy away from it if I didn't speak the language fluently and I can't think of a reason I would ever want to involve my native language in a fic. Besides that I only speak English so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
18. First fandom you wrote for? Publicly it's Metal Lords/Stranger Things. Privately it's actually the infamous [REDACTED]
19. Favourite fic you’ve written? It HAS to be Does it get better? DIGB was my baby for the better part of this past year and it contains a lot of my favorite headcanons about the featured characters. Some examples: - FtM Hunter Sylvester - Eddie Munson gives the BEST hugs - Hunter is a walking ball of anxiety (altho that is practically canon)
As well as a lot of moments/scenes that I hold very very dear. Some examples: - Kev & Hunter laying on Hunter's bed and just talking in ch5 - Eddie helping Drunk!Hunter take his jewelry & shoes off and just talking to him in ch8 (altho I could just list ch8 as a whole tbh) - The entirety of ch3 basically lmao
There's stuff I can and do criticize about DIGB in retrospect but ultimately it's still very precious to me.
No pressure tag: @itsfreakingbats, @anything-thats-rock-and-roll, @ghostcaterwaul, @allmoshnobrain, @nemobeatrice + anyone who wants to. Just do it. Be free.
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1010lilfoot · 23 days
On a whim I rewatched all the homestuck flashes (nothing to see here folks...) and now I'm unhinged. Anyway the comic ended in 2016 and that's when TDL is set so here's what all my OCs think about it!
Max: Also Unhinged. One of those kids who picked it up around 2011-2013 and was so into the tumblr fandom. (Homestuck turned him trans. /j) He was a bit young to be reading it at the time so many of the jokes and nuances flew over his head but BOY did he have character opinions. Tracked updates till the very end. (HATED Vriska.)
Cathy: Max begged her to read it so she did (not a huge fan but she enjoys his rants). Skipped the first intermission to Max's fury, so she went back and skimmed it. Likes Act 6 for the relationship drama; it's like reality TV. Likes the dancestors for the same reason.
Sam: Also read it bc Max begged her to (in 2016). Skims every long block of text and doesn't get much of the plot because of it. Saw that Vriska was spider themed and likes that; bc she skimmed she doesn't know any of the horrors so Vriska is her fav and Max has never been so mad.
Cameron: Read it bc Max asked him to (in 2016), actually tries to be invested. Not a huge fan but he understands enough. Didn't know how to watch the flash pages so he missed every [S] in the first 3-4 acts (watch how hard I can project) and had to go back and watch them later. Got less invested in Act 6 bc of the relationship drama, but he finishes the whole thing eventually.
Abby: Was told not to read it yet bc she's too young. She started reading anyway on her own (intending to catch up for the finale), but got distracted enjoying the early acts and now she's reading slowly but VERY in-depth.
Ben: Was reading in 2011 at 14 y/o, PRIME TIME! Read it with his sister (the middle child, 10 at the time, too young) and had a lot of fun. Not a super fan but was invested. They both went to one con in cosplay and enjoyed it, to Max's incredible envy. Fell off the wagon during the hiatuses, but both caught back up in 2016 for the ending.
Murmur and Salvo: Both were on board in 2011; when they met in 2013 it was one of the things they bonded over. When it goes on hiatus at the end of the year they get SO involved with theorizing together and have lots of fun for years. Read every update as it came out together and both enjoyed the ending.
Amily: Tried to read it bc Murmur and Salvo liked it but stopped after Act 1. Knows stuff from later on through osmosis.
Sarah: Invested from the beginning in 2009 (computer science nerd, 20 y/o). Stayed interested once it got more character-focused/less CS-jokey. Wrote some big legendary fanfic in 2011-2012 (poured liters of personal emotional upheaval into this thing, yes it was a blackrom, you will see why) that went unfinished. Fell off the train at the megapause due to said emotional upheaval and just skimmed to catch up for the finale in 2016.
Penwood: Has never read it because he thinks it's too long and childish. He would like it SO MUCH if he read it.
Ambre: Doesn't know what it is. Has heard the name before but forgot. Don't even try to recommend it to her, she'd be an even worse reader than Sam.
Jupiter: Due to Max's prompting, has read a bit (also watched parts of the Let's Read on youtube). Knows she'd get hyperfixated if she read it in full so she stopped. Too busy to be that invested.
Aidyn: Stopped before finishing Act 1. Not interested.
Eight: Has read/skimmed up to Act 5. Thinks it's entertaining but is not that invested. Likes the trolls. Says they like Vriska purely to mess with Max.
Fae: Hasn't read it or heard of it.
Big 3
Kilo (Blizzard): Hasn't read it. Heard of it super briefly from Yuma. Thinks she has weird taste.
Yuma (Firestorm): Heard of it briefly thanks to [spoiler]. Knows character/plot details that [spoiler] told her, but has never read it. Likes every red flag character... :(
Coda: Hasn't read it or heard of it.
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kaydeefalls · 3 years
Aaaaand I'm back. Ok less random more fandom! What do you consider the defining characteristic or dynamic of each of the following ships:
Joe X Nicky
Kirk X Spock (TOS)
Kirk X Spock (AOS)
Finn X Poe
Jack X Ianto <- this is a stab in the dark, replace if you don't ship them
Ooooh, this I need to give thinky-thoughts to. (Also, seriously, to @fadagaski and everyone else who has been sending me random asks, this has been EXACTLY what I needed to distract myself tonight so thank you all so much.)
1. Joe/Nicky - caring. They just care so much, about each other and the rest of their family and the world at large, it spills over into everything they do and say. We so rarely see fictional couples presented as so openly kind and loving toward their partner, at all times; it’s a breath of fresh air to watch. And it’s both of them! Joe gets the Van Speech, of course, and it’s gorgeous in every way, but Nicky drops the “love of my life” line so matter-of-factly, and they both show so much kindness to all the other immortals as well, from the very beginning. UGH I LOVE THEM.
2. Kirk/Spock (TOS) - okay. So. Here’s the thing. I am Trekkie-adjacent; I’m not a true Trekkie. I am vastly more interested in the fandom than in the source material, and Star Trek is the ONLY fandom for which this is true for me, I can’t explain it. So, I. Uh. Have only seen a handful of TOS (episodes or movies), and mostly absorb info via fannish osmosis. (I’ve also seen a full season and change of TNG and a couple of those movies, scattered episodes of DS9, and the first season of Disco though I intend to watch the rest of it eventually. And all the AOS movies.) So my impressions of TOS Kirk/Spock are mostly of mutual respect and admiration based on long years of growing familiarity. And the occasional sex pollen or Pon Farr, obvs.
3. Kirk/Spock (AOS) - this one I can comment intelligently on! For me, this ship is about undeniable chemistry, the kind where if you put these two in a room together, sparks WILL fly, and not always the good kind. They just...spark off each other in unpredictable ways, and have this weird magnetic attraction/repulsion effect, because they’re both just so SHARP and deeply intelligent but express it in polar opposite ways, and envy/admire/hate the aspects of the other that reflect themselves. Spock can’t stand the way Kirk just follows his gut in every situation, partly because he so badly wishes he could let loose like that; Kirk finds Spock’s emotional reserve both off-putting and extremely calming/appealing. It’s a mess. They’re great.
4. Finn/Poe -  camaraderie and just this rush of instantaneous you, you’re my person, I didn’t even know I could have one but now it’s absolutely you. Which I do think also works as a platonic friendship, but come on, why would you NOT want to add the romantic element? It’s just pure comfort and ease in each other’s company, which is why the parts of TROS when they’re snippier feel so very wrong (not actually a criticism of TROS, for once; to me, it’s a good way to show how fucked up the external circumstances are, that they’re both being thrown off their natural rhythms so badly).
5. Jack/Ianto - I love that you think this is a stab in the dark for me, this is one of my past primary OTPs and I’ve written many thousands of words of fic for them. Defining characteristic...hmmm. Second chances. Unexpected love, the kind that catches you off guard. The lust was always a given -- come on, it’s Jack Harkness -- but that it slowly evolved and shifted into something softer, something more genuine, took both of them by surprise. And neither of them trusted that feeling for a very long time (probably too long), and buried their feelings in sex and banter, but...yeah. That was there. That was real.
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gaygay--astronaut · 4 years
Hi, never seen Supernatural, only seeing memes of it on my dash. What was homophobic about this Destiel revelation? Is that just a meme? I'm so lost
Oh I haven’t watched spn in ages I think I stopped at like, season 3 or 4.
I was a wholock tho so bc of the whole superwholock thing I do know some stuff later bc cultural osmosis, and I like watching videos on internet culture (I recommend Sarah Z on YouTube) so I’m not totally oblivious.
I have watched the scene where Cas confesses to Dean.
So basically, spn has been high key queer-baiting (intentionality hinting that a character or a pair of characters are LGBTQ+ and may have feelings for one another) Destiel since pretty much Cas’s introduction in season 3 (if I remember correctly?). Obviously this lead to lots of shipping and it’s been the spn fandom’s fave ship forever.
So two episodes ago, during this final season, some type of creature was hurting lots of people and the only way they could get rid of it was for Castiel to feel, like, pure happiness or something. But it would like send him to basically super hell (bc obviously they’ve already been to hell so they keep it with the power crawl). So to feel this moment of ~pure bliss~ Cas confesses to Dean that he loves him, while Dean looks like he’s on the verge to commit a hate-crime, and then before he can get a response he’s dragged to hell.
So that’s homophobic for two reasons: 1) they’ve been queer-baiting this shit since forever, and in the leaked (or posted idk) script it’s made very clear Dean just views Cas as a friend, which after him flirting back for like 12 seasons is... a Choice. Jensen’s disgusted facial expression doesn’t help either lmao.
2) it does the “bury your gays” trope on cocaine! Burry your gays originate during the era of cinematic censorship — all “immoral behavior” had to be punished on screen, and homosexuality (and any gender play at all!) was one of those things. So the only way filmmakers could include gay characters, or even characters that could be mistaken to be gay, was to kill them. This trope is still alive and well in film and television even though the days of the cinematic censorship are over, and many shows and movies will have exactly one (1) gay character (or if you’re lucky, 2) but they will almost always get killed. Now, killing gay characters aren’t inherently bad, but if you only have 1 or 2, that’s 50-100% of your gay cast. In shows like Orange Is The New Black, where a majority of characters are queer, it’s not the same issue.
So what spn did was basically a bury your gays speedrun where not only did they kill the character, but they did so immediately after, and because of, his love confession.
I’m still not super up to date on the finale that just aired but what I got so far is 1) it’s bad, 2) Dean is killed by a nail???? 3) Jared wears a bad wig, and 4) Cas does come back to life but they immediately kill Dean so they don’t have to adress the confession.
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