#but not right now bc i still need to make a mustache oc I wasn't joking about that
dxsole · 11 months
me like 8 years ago: i need to really really develop these new muse ideas...i would literally die if I drop new muses when I didn't know every single thing about them
me now, with missing muse bios, 60+ ocs on my roster, 5 new oc ideas in mi brain: huh I don't think I have enough muses with mustaches...well, better add one
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fawnnbinary · 2 years
Top 100 Jonny facts
he's Vietnamese
he's 110% gay
he collects stickers but only brand/logo stickers
he thinks pink lemonade is way way different than regular and refuses to drink lemonade if that shit ain't pink
would rather be too cold than too hot
deceptively strong, he's got twink strength
has a Taste in men, and that taste is loud and rambunctious
had a crush on Ace when they were younger, is very embarrassed about it now
had a crush on Theo when they were younger, is not at all embarrassed about it now
played gunk with the boys once and broke his arm, wasn't allowed to hang out with Tony for two weeks
he's 6'6"
bffs with Tony's gf Dove, they aren't involved given their gender/sexuality incompatibility but they still refer to each other as their gf/bf respectively as a joke
owns and wears skirts and makeup but usually dresses,,, akin to an eboy
doesn't understand smartphones but he IS pretty good with a computer, just only with a small selection of sites and applications
he's the only one of his siblings who actually wants to stay put and run the family business
he's got one older brother (Andrew) and twin younger siblings (Christian and Amanda)
he's an artist - primarily an illustrator and painter
his parents want him to at least TRY to do something else with his life, but he refuses to unless Tony gets to - it's not right to him that he should go to college when he DOEN'T want to when Tony can't and he DOES want to
has to wear socks in the house
depressed, stressed, but certainly well dressed
VERY afraid of horror movies, please hold him
makes soaps sometimes
monsterfucker.... both conceptually and because of Tony's status as werewolf
likes to watch long video essay youtube videos
also likes to watch youtube videos of people reviewing military rations and such
has never seen a star war movie
can't swim, doesn't intend to learn
fairly stoic most of the time, just not super emotive
likes to lay on the floor in the sun like a cat
wishes he could go on the bachelor bc he thinks it would be fun
very.... popular with the men ;)
sleeps better if Tony is in bed with him
prefers to sleep on the couch if he's sleeping alone
owns A LOT of candles
social battery drains real quick, needs to go wrap himself around Tony or Dove and take a nap to recharge it
enjoys white noise recordings like, in the middle of the day, they're relaxing
it's about the Mets, go Mets, yeah baby, let's go Mets
doesn't actually follow baseball but he does enjoy it - he's a fan of the Mets Like I'm a fan of The Bengals - we gotta be bc we got hometown pride kjhdkfjgh
owns and occasionally licks a salt lamp
his favorite thing to draw is his friends in his home - if they got guests and Jonny needs a minute, he's in the corner, sketching Lenan as he talks, or Dove as she has a drink of wine
his sketchbooks are full of Tony though - pages and pages of Tony sleeping or talking or eating or just... living
often thinks about going blonde - will not be going through the effort
one of my ocs who just... cannot grow a mustache
gets tiktok sounds stuck in his head bc of Tony and Dove and then has to force himself not to make reference to them at work
doesn't understand personal space sometimes, he just stands too close
has a great poker face unless you know him well and can pick up on very small gestures that he will do every single time he has something good/he's bluffing
was a ballet dancer from the ages of 5 to 8 and thought it was very fun to do shows, but very boring to do stretches and technique
occasionally takes selfies on his flip phone.....
allergic to avocado
hates photoshop, refuses to use it for digital art, if you suggest he do he will tell you to go fuck yourself
that's only 50 but I am running out and will simply have to continue tomorrow so I can think more up uwu
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