#but it kisees steven is all i can say!
cycyno · 7 years
I was tagged by @trshlrd (thanks bae quq)
1. How many works in progress do you have?
bOI. Okay, here we go.
I have around 6 fanfictions that I’m currently working on. And I should really update all of them or rather, finish the first chapter of those that haven’t been uploaded yet! Boy, I’m just so lazy atm.
“Lullaby” -- Dream Daddy -- Pablo X Lucien
“Shattered” -- Hetalia Human AU -- Hong Kong X Iceland / Denmark X Norway
“Hidden In The Shadows” -- Thief/Dishonored -- Corvo X Garrett
“Cold Hands” -- Hetalia Zombie AU -- Hong Kong X Iceland / Denmark X Norway (Not translated to English yet)
“Wrong Direction -- October & April” -- Kuroko No Basuke -- Aomine X Kise
“NO TITLE YET” -- Yuuri!!! On Ice Panem AU -- Yuuri X Viktor
Oh and there are - of course - the things I’m still PLANNING to do! So here you go:
Borderlands -- Rhack FF w/ Siren!Rhys
Borderlands -- AxZer0 FF
Yuuri!!! On Ice -- Viktuuri FF -- Hogwarts AU
Haikyuu!! -- (oh boi) DaiSuga, TsukkiYama, KageHina, AsaNoya, KuroKen, BokuAka Partner-FF w/ my girlfriend -- Zombie AU
Own Story -- Superhero Universe
Own Story -- Medieval Time
Like 3000 Dragon Age Stories and OS
... (moaaar)
So yeah, I have a lot to do!
Also, I do write a lot of Drabbles to practice.
2. Do you/would you write fan fiction?
Considering my loooong list of things to do, Yeah, I would write fanfiction. I would also like to finish them, but it’s hard. I’m doing what I can tho!
3. Do you prefer paper books or ebooks?
Actually, I do prefer books over ebooks. But, for example, I also read comics on my computer so.. yeah. (But “real” books are something different.
4. When did you start writing?
I started writing around 7 years ago. Back then, I was on a german website called fanfiktion.de and there I met two of my longest friends. That kind of inspired me to also write fanfiction.
5. Do you have someone you trust that you share your work with?
The only one I’m mainly showing my works to first - before I upload them - is my girlfriend (trshlrd). She always gives the best advice and it gives me the kind of encouragement that I need.
Other than that, there are two friends of mine that I show my fanfictions to before and after uploading them. But that depends on the fandom.
6. Where is your favorite place to write?
On the couch and on my laptop. Comfortable cuddled into a blanket maybe with some tea. Also, I write on my phone in bed sometimes. That also works.
7. Favorite book as a child?
Oh boy, I don’t know. Right now I would say: Warrior Cats Series, Labyrinth and Running Man from Steven King. Also Hobbit etc. 
8. Writing for fun or publication?
Both. I mainly write for fun and because I want to challenge myself. I want my work to be out there and I want people to see it. And since I’m currently planning two rather big stories that don’t belong to any fandom, I would really much like to publish them at some point.
9. Have you taken any writing classes?
10. What inspired you to write?
I started writing, as I mentioned before, as I met two of my friends online. They were writing fanfiction and they were creating OC’s and me, as the 13 year old I was, wanted to do that too!
After that, I didn’t write for a whole long time, until I met my girlfriend. You could say that she inspired me to write again and I enjoy it more than ever before. 
What inspires me in general are usually songs. Or fanarts. But mostly songs. Or my.. own thoughts? Like, I like to think of scenarios in my head and if one of them just randomly pops up and I like the idea, I already start planning. Even though it’s just a little scene of like 2 seconds. 
Thanks for tagging me!
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