#but imagine how much worse it would be if it was his best friend Inga who was just worried for him!
theartbymari · 5 years
Building a Backstory
Personal Details
What’s your name? 
Claudia Inga
Where were you born?
I was uhhh born in- well you probably wouldn’t really know since it’s more of a small town. It’s in a big city but it’s a smaller part of that. I was born in Burano Island but I was only there until I was three so I really don’t speak the language or anything.
When were you born?
I was born on April 24th so I’ll be 17 in a few months. I kind of wish I was born in the colder months or something that way there could be an excuse to stay in on my birthday. Sorry, that’s off-topic.
Where do you live?
I live in Potomac. Is that enough? Or do you need Maryland too?
What type of home do you have?
Well, it’s not really my home, it’s my parent's house. We have a two-story house. I actually have the whole top floor to myself. It's um a like a cottage type of thing but it's two floors. So imagine it with the outside with the old-timey decorations but it's bigger than what you would normally think of. We also have a garden outside, it's nothing impressive but it's there. We got a fence so I could stay outside with Cactus without him going too far.
How do you dress?
I don’t really know. It just depends on my mood I guess. I don't have a style. When I'm home I dress comfortably. If I go out I put on some effort. But if its an occasion I tend to overdress and then just feel uncomfortable about how much I stand out. 
Where do you shop?
Errr what type of shopping? Groceries? Or like clothes?
Do you have any family? Tell us about them.
My parents are my cat are my only family. My parents are really nice and we are all very close. I’ve had my cat for about three years and his name is Cactus. He is an orange tabby and he is such an amazing little guy. 
Do you have friends? Tell us about them.
That’s kinda a weird question, am I supposed to be a loner? I’m just kidding sorry if it came out as rude. I do have friends and they're all great. I have three close friends and then one close online friend. I have more friends but they are more distant but still great people.
Are you dating anyone?
Do you hate anyone?
...I don’t know
Do you have a job? Tell us about it, or why you don’t.
I know I probably should have a job to help prepare for college. I did have one but I started an internship for like experience. It might seem selfish but I thought it was more important for my future. I probably sound dumb but I’m not trying to be lazy I promise.
How many hours of sleep do you get per night?
Wellllll I get enough sleep to function.
Where do you sleep?
I sleep in my bed, where else?
Favorite Season?
The Winter is really pretty and allows me to stay in and wrapped in a blanket burrito.
Favorite time of day?
When the sun starts to set because it makes everything pretty.
What is your favorite beverage? Elaborate.
Favorite drink? I’m so indecisive this is going to be hard. I really like cinnamon tea and Hibiscus tea on a daily basis. Maybe Lemonade too. I can’t lie because I also really like Capri sun and some sodas too.
What is your favorite food? Elaborate.
This question is worse than the one before. There are a lot of good things in the world, why do we have to create limits about what we can like. Burgers are always good.
What is your favorite book or movie? Describe it, and why you love it. ( can be completely fictional)
There are so many amazing books out there. I can’t pick I would say any book or movie that really pulls me in and distracts me from reality.
What is your favorite music?
I really like all types of music but I guess I listen to calm music the most. 
Do you like to dance? Why / why not?
I can’t dance but I do like to when I’m alone.
Do you have any hidden talents? Special abilities?
I secretly play video games a lot. I’m actually really good and have won a ton of tournaments. If you want we can play together sometime. 
Are you tech-savvy?
I wouldn’t say I’m a professional but know more than average.
What do you treasure?
I treasure my family and moments when I can just have fun with no worries. 
What do you take for granted?
Time, I don’t value time enough as I should, I spend most of my free time playing games and staying inside. Each day my parents are growing and one day I won’t have them anymore. Cactus has even less time than me so I would be alone wishing I had more time with them. I should be doing more with them but I also want to play games to have a distraction. I’m sorry I really went on a rant. You see I just wasted your time.
What are your fears?
What happens when we die.
Being alone.
Andddd uhhh moths.
What are your hobbies?
Playing games, cooking, and reading. I have so many games that vary from Minecraft and Harvest moon type to Soul Calibur and Mortal Kombat. I also really like Smash Bros and the Pokemon games. Pokemon is kind of funny because it’s essentially the same game on repeat with new features but I still throw my money at Nintendo.
Do you have a passion?
I want a passion and I spent years trying to find one. I think I just really like playing games.
Are you a leader? Follower? Organizer? Maker? Etc?
I am a follower mainly. I tend to argue some of the actions the leader makes but in my mind. When I play games I become a leader.
Do you need the latest and greatest?
Yes, not out of the world but out of the people I know. I am very competitive. It shows when I play but if it’s at school or anything then it really doesn’t show much. I keep it in my head.
How often do you bathe?
I bathe probably every 3 days. I don’t worry about it too much.
Do you have any pets?
Do you believe in fortune telling? 
I think they are all scammers. But I stay away because they intimidate me.
Do you believe in a higher power?
I don’t know, there should be one but I doubt it. I think in a perfect world there would be.
Do you believe in science?
Do you believe in justice?
I do but justice isn’t often served.
Do you believe in aliens?
As much as science.
Do you believe in ghosts?
As much as aliens.
Do you believe in conspiracy theories?
Some of them are basically facts and others are shameful.
Do you believe in time travelers?
Not really but it messes with me how some people look the same as old photos.
Does belief affect your relationships?
Some simple ones not really but if someone tries to force their beliefs on me then yes.
What influences your beliefs?
Personal experience and knowledge 
What would a world be like without beliefs?
Scarier. People would be more panicked about the small time we have
If someone gives you credit for something that you didn’t do, how would you respond?
I would be really embarrassed and try to clarify as quickly as I can.
If given a task to complete, what is your strategy?
Get it done as soon as possible so you can move on to the next part
If you are attacked by a mob of robots, how would you respond?
I would just lay down and cry. Video games are different from real life.
If you were transported back to the time of the dinosaurs, in a cave, with access to freshwater, what would be the first thing that you would do, and how well would you survive?
I would look for a weapon and go to the safest part of the cave to cry it out. I don’t think I would survive alone, maybe if I had a dino dog I could.
If you were granted a single wish, what would it be and what would you do next?
To be happy, pure happiness so I can spread it to my family and friends. I was also thinking immortality but then I would watch everyone I love die.
If you were walking down the street and saw someone who needed help, how would you respond?
I would probably help them but not say anything the whole time.
Describe your ideal Friday night.
Eating taquitos from 711 and drinking strawberry kiwi Capri sun while playing games with my friends. Cactus would have to be there too.
What would you do in a fight?
Try to get out of it and if I only have the option of getting beat or protecting myself then I will protect myself. Or try to, I would probably cry because I haven’t physically fought before.
What would you do if you could hear everyone's thoughts?
I would listen as much as I could but never confront anyone.
How many pets would you have if you can have more?
All the pets.
Where would you like to die?
In my bed, with someone I love to comfort me. Anywhere that I’m not alone.
School or friends, what’s more important?
Both, I do my best to balance them out.
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