#but i'm reserving judgement until i've got my head wrapped a little more firmly around the actual gamemode
quixlebug · 11 months
haven’t gotten to play all the new maps yet (can just one lobby i’m in vote Reckoner please please please) but i’ve gotten a chance to play most of the currently-functional ones, and i definitely already have some favorites :D
Sulfur is quite possibly my favorite of the new maps. it’s just SO cool. Once i figured out that last changes with each point capture, i just spent a whole round hanging around last watching each change happen (and dodging enemies, because I was on BLU for this.) Most of the games I’ve played also had BLU attacking the points in proper order, which is nice (i do NOT enjoy cp_steel.) And of course, it’s a GORGEOUS map! little confusing, but not so bad once I actually started paying attention to the signage lol. (there’s also so much detail??? just take a moment to look at the cubbies with everyone’s stuff)
Phoenix is absolutely gorgeous as well, and although i’ve only played on it once, I think I really like it. There’s some fun flanks for sure! I managed to survive and escape certain death surprisingly well as Scout despite not knowing the map at all, which I think points to a map that flows really well and rewards good movement. (take this with a grain of salt, i’ve only played the map once) Shark Bay is locked in as my final favorite, for obvious reasons. The first round I played, my team was spawncamping the other pretty hard, so I was mostly free to run around and explore. I was surprised by how easily accessible the plank/boardwalk/thing over the point is; even when I played a proper game, I rarely encountered anyone else trying to make use of it. I imagine this will change as people learn the map, but just something I found interesting. The sharks DO bite, 10/10
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