#but heehoo I'm enjoynig it. fma please stay with my for 7-8 months. I need this.
saturnaous · 2 months
I realize I'm not sure I saw, and I haven't asked: what got you into the FMA kick? Did you watch it for the first time recently, or was it a rewatch? What made you want to watch it? Gimme all the context of your obsession.
OKAY OKAY. so actually what made me BE like "holy shit fma? ohhhhh" was. uuhhhh one, one of my mooties (red-r0ver thank you) like not often posting about it but agreeeing when things about it happened or something. there's a media axis thing somewhere on this website that like was like :"well made art-udder dogshit" on Y and "ok.-I will never be the same again/made me eat glass" and ON THAT. in "wellmade art-neverbe the same/made me eat glass" side of it was Fullmetal alchemist. and like it got agreed with or something idk. anyways that's how it fell on my radar. as a like "hmm I don't know anything about it but I wouldn't be opposed to this. it seems like it'd be enjoyable." and yeah. also I should feel I should mention that in the vauge void of it not quite existing in this time period it conisitantly connected in my head with Doctor Stone for some reason. I've literally only seen doctor stone or whatever through crunchyroll adds when I was wtaching that time I got rencarnated as a slime but it somehow got mixed up with fma. wirse crossed or something. idk.
but what ACTUALLY made me watch it was a video that was talking about Disabilities and Queerness in the Owl House. and DURING that. The person who had made the video brought up FMA and Izumi and was going through scenes of stuff of it. I'm pretty sure they were talking about Izumi with her organ damage and not being able ot have kids(how having disability rep can become related in points of your life), but it was going through some scenes of the show.
BASICALLY. I've seen Alphonse around very vaugely. I knew that he existed to an extent. I knew he was a lot of armor or a robot or something. But I had no clue where he was from and who he was. but he existed in a vague void of "cool character design that I want to kiss SO BAD" but nothing else really. did not know jack about him. not even his name. So I saw HIM in the scenes they were playing and I basically went
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so. knowing me. an absolute sucker for armor and robots and things of that sort.(stares at ultrakill longingly). I went into a gc with my friends(it's called monster fucker faggot central btw. mffc. it's great) and I. WAIT I can actually get my exact words hold on. FUCK my screenshots are broken on my computer hold on. I will remedy this.
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LIVE SPENXER REACTION.anyways. that's how my friend told me before his account got hacked that fullmetal alchemist is supposed ot be like thr greatest anime of all time. and then he told me to watch brotherhood and I DID and then I became OBSESSED and then I read the manga and now I'm watching 03. from literally the first 5 minutes I became obsessed with Alphonse. Alphonse. . . save me alphonse elric. . . alphonse elric saveme. . . anyways. yeah. I also have uerhmmmmm liveblogs somewhere skewed abount my servers and stuff of when I first watched it and when I read the manga. there's actually an image of me bawling my eyes out when I finished bh that my friend saved bc it's his favorite photo of me ever. teehee.
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