#but eh‚ relatively minor stuff i suppose. sure i wish they did it more emotionally but it could've been done way worse
somelazyassartist · 1 year
I do have a few minor complaints about how they adapted the Sazed scene (don't know why they felt the need to change his name? But he's Sazed to me I don't care) but they're pretty hugely drowned out by how well they did Merle and Magnus' offers so I won't go into my very mild complaints now, maybe I'll talk about it later if I can ever get the time or energy to do my own version of that scene but eh, it was okay but nothing spectacular I don't think, very much drowned out by how good Magnus and Merle's were. That's pretty much my opinion on it, it was alright but didn't really stick out to me either way
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marimbistchick · 7 years
Ok if nobody else has asked yet, for the Voltron Ask Meme- all of them. Just, all of them, every single one. Please :)
*cracks knuckles* Alright, here we go.
Voltron: Which Lion do you think you would pilot? Why?
Ok, this one is probably obvious from my icon, but the black lion. If you'd asked me several months ago before I'd been forced to put actual thought into it (thanks guys) I'd probably have said green, but... no, black fits better. I'm the mom friend. I could be having a mental breakdown and I'd still make sure that everyone else was alright and help them when possible. Correction, I HAVE done that (PSA: don't do that, take care of yourself too folks). As much as I joke about wanting to fight people and probably would if ABSOLUTELY necessary, I'm a pretty level-headed person, and tend to consider all ideas and sides of a story before acting. I don't often actively seek out leadership, but I do tend to naturally fall into that roll for projects and stuff. If no one else is stepping up (which happens surprisingly often), I will.
Shiro: If you were given the chance to change the past, would you?
Hmmmmm... there are lots of things that I wish had gone differently, both in my own life and in history. But there's no way of knowing how far those ripples would spread, and my past has shaped me into me. So no, I wouldn't, though I'd probably always wonder what would happen if I did.
Keith: Do you consider yourself an aggressive or passive person?
I like to consider myself to be pretty balanced, but I suppose that I'm more on the passive side, though I was more aggressive when I was younger. I'm not passive in the way that I would let people walk all over me, but I don't seek out fights, and avoid them if possible. If it's something relatively minor (like a family member with some remarks that I'm not comfortable with), sometimes I'll keep my mouth shut to keep the peace. Though it might be worth mentioning that if someone ELSE is hurt by said comment, I'm absolutely calling the person out. Politely at first, but I have gotten rather confrontational on behalf of others before.
Lance: Are you a flirtatious person? Lance level flirting?
Oh god. No. I'm so emotionally constipated, sometimes I even have trouble flirting in the conventional sense with my boyfriend. However, I will absolutely play-flirt with my friends shamelessly if the situation arises.
Hunk: Do you know how to cook/bake?
YES! BOTH! I'm nowhere near Hunk level, because that boy could probably open a 5 star restaurant, but I am pretty good. When I'm living at home with my family I tend to bake more than I cook, just because I'm the only one in the house who's really any good at it in general. Through lots of practice my mom has gotten really good at baking bread, but we all know that my cookies and muffins always come out better (despite using the same recipe).
Pidge: Who are the people you value the most?
My friends and family, specifically my parents and brother. Well, my friends may as well be family. I'm big on the found-family trope, both in fiction and real life. I feel it worth a shout out that, like Pidge, my brother is named Matt, and I would ALSO do some crazy shit for him. We're twins, and I can't imagine life without him (even if we drive each other crazy sometimes).
Allura: What would be the first thing you do if you wake up after 10,000 years?
Honestly? Probably have a panic attack to end all panic attacks.
Coran: What was your worst “phase”?
Um. Probably when I was like 12 and discovered social media and texting for the first time. I'd use all the abbreviations when I texted people (through WiFi and an app on my iPod), and I remember playing that game on Facebook where you answer questions about your friends. Which might not sound too bad, but I didn't know what some of the terms meant and answered the questions anyway based on (wrong) assumptions of what was really being asked. I think back on all interactions I had and feel a tidal wave of embarrassment.
Zarkon: Do you think revenge is wrong?
To an extent. I think that a little bit might be fine (I can be mildly petty sometimes), but I also think that if you go for it then you need to watch yourself very carefully. It would be far too easy to cross a line that you really shouldn't.
Haggar: Are you obsessed over something? Someone?
I tend to switch between obsessing over works of fiction with no stop in between. Currently it's Voltron.
Lotor: What would you be exiled for?
As is? Even if I wanted to, I wouldn't really have the opportunity to do anything exile-worthy. Assuming that I'm living in an evil space empire? Treason.
Galra Empire: Who is your favorite Galra character?
Does Keith count? I'm assuming that he doesn't. Ooooh boy, this is tough. Acxa is a badass babe, and I'm really curious about Kolivan. But I guess going from what we've actually seen, I have to say Lotor. I wouldn't like him as an actual person, but so far I think that he's an amazing villain, and I'm excited to see more of him. Also he has a gorgeous voice
Blade of Marmora: Who has the best character design?
I haven't really thought about this much, to be honest. I guess I'll go with Honerva/Haggar, just because you can see the gradual shift over time and I thought that it was really well done.
Matt Holt: Do you more ���nerdy” or “sporty”?
I definitely have a sporty side, but "nerdy" wins by a long shot. I'll geek out over pretty much anything, but neuroscience and music are top subjects.
Balmerans: Are you good at reading at other peoples emotions?
YES. Too good sometimes, I think. I'm ridiculously empathetic, to the point that it can be painful. If I'm around people who are upset, I'll often either get angry myself, or incredibly anxious. It led to being called "too sensitive" quite a lot when I was younger.
Olkari: Do you have a close connection with nature?
Mmmmm, I wouldn't exactly say "close". I do enjoy it. I LOVE the feeling of wind on my face, and the smell after it rains. I like hiking and climbing rocks and waterfalls. The sun feels really nice when I'm not doing anything. But then we get to the things that I DON'T like. Bugs are NOT my thing at all, and I burn and overheat very easily. So I'd say that I have some mixed feelings when my appreciation of nature is actually put into practice.
Kuron: Would you want a clone of yourself? Why?
No. That would be way too weird. In theory it might be amusing or even useful, but... it brings up some existential questions that I'd rather not ponder.
Honerva: Do you have any pets?
My family has a dog, and I have a cat! His name is Legolas, but we call him "Lego" for short pretty often, since people keep mis-hearing his name as "Legless". He's a goofball, and I love him dearly. He likes to act tough around people (if he'll stop hiding from them), but he's a huge mama's boy and everyone knows it.
Alfor: What is your best friend like?
Um. I can't pick just one. But I have a group of friends who are very dear to me, and we're moving into an apartment a bit off campus in a couple of weeks. We're all huge queer nerds, and I wouldn't have it any other way. I could write an essay about them if I'd let myself.
Weblum: What is your favorite Voltron episode?
Before season 3, it was Blade of Marmora. But now it might just be The Legend Begins, because I'm always a slut for backstory.
Slav: What are your ships? No discourse allowed.
Eh, I'm a pretty neutral party/multi-shipper. I have come to actually really like Keith/Lance and Hunk/Pidge, but in general I tend to like pairings in the context of specific works.
Sven: Would you sacrifice your life for someone you barely know?
I'd like to be noble and say yes, but probably not. I would definitely try to help them, but I'd likely prioritize my own life.
Space Mice: What are your favorite animals?
Oh my god, asking the tough questions here. The answer flips a lot, but if I narrow it down to animals that I have experience with, then probably cats.
KALTENECKER: Who is your favorite Voltron character?
PIDGE!!! But Keith has been steadily squirming his way into my heart as well.
Paladin: When did you start watching Voltron?
I think it was around late September/Early October of 2016.
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