#but didn't use the exact leftist terms cause he wanted to pull in more liberals
Why did we (general, non-specific "we") decide that the liberals are the real enemy of leftism, and that the left should make common cause with the far right to destroy them? it just seems like a huge strategic error, and i was hoping that we all got that shit out of our system by now after seeing that it always leads to worse outcomes
Because when you're in an echo chamber, the enemy becomes the people slightly different to you and you forget that outside are people who deeply hate your guts and that democracy requires convincing the most amount of people to support your causes, not subdividing into the most ideologically pure factions.
e.g. The people complaining that I tagged a post with "israel hamas conflict" because they've spent most of their time on Tumblr with people who tag it "gaza genocide". Meanwhile, outside of Tumblr, more than half the country sees it as a war where we need to support Israel unconditionally and any civilian casualties are Hamas' fault and necessary sacrifices.
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