#but bitch there are so many ways to help people that don't involve getting goo on your skin and shoes. or getting yelled at by aunt kathy
visceravalentines · 2 months
Sorry if you’ve been asked this before or if you have the same question sitting in your inbox, but what made you want to pursue your career? Or is it something you just sort of “ended up” doing?
hello my friend!! has not been asked yet!
i knew i wanted a career that was worth my time. if i have to work 40 hours a week to live, i might as well spend that time on something that matters. alas i have picked something that matters SO MUCH and requires much more than 40 hours a week lmao
i kind of fell into it by accident bc there happened to be a mortuary school in my area at a time when i didn't have much of a direction. and it was a struggle--i passed out in my first embalming, i've struggled mightily with my mental health dealing with so much grief and trauma at times, i've absolutely failed at maintaining a work-life balance in the past. but i really don't like being told i can't do something. and all of that just made me determined to succeed even if it was hard and taxing.
and now, i'm still doing it for two reasons. #1 i promised myself i'd keep at it for five years, and i just hit my four year mark last month. and #2, i really love it a lot of the time. and i really hate it sometimes too. but there's nothing like it. it's kind of addicting, getting to be part of something society by and large ignores. you feel real cool sometimes.
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