#bullying sucks sure but i mean yeah Some people deserve it so that they'll become more neuroconforming
unproduciblesmackdown · 11 months
thinking of [thinking & talking of the rian & winston dynamic] while reading the short study article "“This Was Just How This Friendship Worked”: Experiences of Interpersonal Victimization Among Autistic Adults" as thinking & talking abt things re: winston billions has Been something of a framework / touchstone for doing so re: [autistic experiences] more broadly....from going "dare i say winston is Autistic" (yes) to "sure he's established as being in a duo with this coworker who's insulated as he's vulnerable & supported as he's undermined as an already unfavorable foundation to the dynamic, & then as it plays out we see it's unilateral, with winston being hurt on purpose onesidedly for fun or to push him to do (or not do) something, left to 'just roll with it' onesidedly after such treatment, put down including around other people, Only getting less hostile, more constructive treatment when & while that's what happens to be what rian feels like, Not when he feels like it, b/c that's what he feels like all the time & only gets sometimes just out of frame laughing too, all while the basis of this is rian doing what she wants at any point while winston can only respond "accordingly" and Put Up With It and be disappointed while having no real recourse but to possibly give up on the relationship entirely, which doesn't even necessarily extricate him from being used / bullied here....but what about 'i mean is it That Bad(tm)' and 'i mean but did the victim respond with perfect strategy' and 'i mean but does the person hurting/using them feel like they're justified & normal actually' (ofc they can & do any/all thee time" lol like. yes.
anyways and some fun banger quotes in general, as stated re: [of course this is also like, talking about Anything irl too]
Forster and Pearson5 asked autistic adults about their experiences of relationships and understanding of mate crime, which is a form of interpersonal victimization perpetrated by those considered friends (“mate” is a British slang term for friend).1,2 Participants outlined the challenges that they faced building genuine, reciprocal relationships and their experiences of victimization. They also spoke about their difficulties identifying unreasonable behavior from others, and heightened social compliance. These findings were consistent with previous research into relationships16–20 and peer victimization among autistic adults.6,21
Participants in this study also explicitly suggested that a personal relationship between the perpetrator and victim was more insidious than bullying alone, as it could make it harder to spot disingenuous behavior. This aligns with the suggestion made by disabled scholars that terming interpersonal victimization as “bullying” can make it appear “low level” in nature.22–24
The difficulty in identifying manipulative and implicit social intentions can be explained through the lens of the double empathy problem.25 The double empathy problem posits that differences in communication style can lead to mutual difficulties in understanding between interlocutors. Autistic adults have self-identified how these bidirectional breakdowns can lead to problems with reading below surface-level social intentions in other people, and have shared concerns over their potential for being manipulated.20,26 The double empathy problem helps to frame these concerns as an interaction between the person and context, as opposed to an innate vulnerability.27
Theme 2 drew together three subthemes, centered around how the participants perceived what had happened to them. They focused on their difficulty in trusting their instincts around what is acceptable social behavior, often giving others the benefit of the doubt at a detriment to their own needs. They also highlighted how difficult it could be to recognize victimization, and how they felt when they did not recognize it. Finally, the third theme focused on the notion of compliance and how it had pervaded their situation.
Questioning their own input had meant it had taken them time and support from others to process a situation, only recognizing later what had happened to them: “otherwise having peace and time to focus on myself and my other friends (as well as support from a few close friends), I soon recognised that both ‘friends' had been abusive towards me from nearly the beginning of our friendship” (P.15, man, 26).
Some participants said that they struggled to spot negative social intentions and identify abusive behavior (theme 2.2), or trust their own judgment about other people (theme 2.1), which is consistent with some previous research.26,51 Some of the participants seemed to blame themselves for not “spotting” the abuse while it occurred, labeling themselves as oblivious, however, a participant who did recognize that they were being manipulated during the situation itself also said it made them feel naive. It is worth noting that the ability to retrospectively identify abuse and the ability to spot abuse “in situ” are not the same, but that they may lead to the same emotional response.
Some participants said that they struggled to spot negative social intentions and identify abusive behavior (theme 2.2), or trust their own judgment about other people (theme 2.1), which is consistent with some previous research.26,51 Some of the participants seemed to blame themselves for not “spotting” the abuse while it occurred, labeling themselves as oblivious, however, a participant who did recognize that they were being manipulated during the situation itself also said it made them feel naive. It is worth noting that the ability to retrospectively identify abuse and the ability to spot abuse “in situ” are not the same, but that they may lead to the same emotional response.
There are also multiple factors that can affect both identifying abuse and knowing how to deal with it. First, the ability to pick up on often subtle signals exhibited by abusers, particularly in situations where coercion is used, requires knowledge about what a good healthy relationship looks like. Comments from some of our participants were indicative of victimization beginning early in childhood, perpetrated by parents and caregivers. Abuse from those who are meant to care for us and “know better” can impact on the ability to recognize unacceptable behavior in others later in life.52
Spotting these signals can also rely on not taking people at “face value,” and engaging in continuing reflection on what someone has said or done. For an autistic person who tends to be straightforward in their communication style and who says what they mean, it might not occur that someone they are interacting with is being disingenuous. This can be explained through the lens of the “double empathy problem.”25 The double empathy problem recognizes that difficulties in inferring the intentions of others do not need to be labeled as a social “deficit” or “one sided” to recognize its impact. It is important that we draw upon the double empathy problem to find ways of supporting people who feel they struggle with understanding social intentions without pathologizing this difficulty.
Second, identifying abuse can also be impacted by our perceptions of our own contribution to the situation. Several participants highlighted the experience of gaslighting and invalidation from perpetrators, and this had led some people to question their perception of the situation and blame themselves. This made it harder for them to recognize that what was happening was abusive, and to put a stop to it or leave the situation. Our findings did suggest that a good support network and time/guidance to introspect could be helpful in recognizing abuse.53 This is consistent with research showing the importance of peer support systems47,54 and suggests that it is important to support autistic people in developing good-quality relationships.18
Third, even if someone can identify abusive behavior, this does not always result in knowing what to do about it, or feeling like you have a choice to change the situation, which our findings around compliance (theme 2.3) highlighted. Some participants discussed feeling like they needed to appease perpetrators, or avoid confrontation, which is consistent with previous literature.5,21 However, this was not the only reason for compliance, and the circumstances that contributed toward it were often complex. Some participants complied out of recognition that it was the only way to maintain a semblance of safety within risky situations, for example, having to comply with the demands of others to avoid physical harm. For other participants, power dynamics were present that made the situation they were in more complicated, for example, the perpetrator was a family member.
A recent study examined the experience of trauma and PTSD symptoms in autistic adults, finding that the experience of “bullying” was one of the common traumatic life events reported by autistic people who had increased PTSD symptoms.48 The authors argue that autistic people may be more likely to experience trauma from events outside of current PTSD diagnostic criteria, which is not unlikely given the sustained stigma that many autistic people experience.63,64 Some of the acts that our participants described as “bullying” and being “taken advantage of” included domestic and sexual abuse, and financial exploitation.
There may be considerations to be made here about the way in which we ask questions about negative life experiences, and how different questions may elicit different responses. The line between abuse, bullying, and more nebulous concepts such as “being taken advantage of” is not particularly clear, and we know that bullying can have incredibly negative effects on an individual.14 However, it is important that future research acknowledges that despite autistic people being labeled as “literal” in their communication, they may downplay their experiences through the terminology they use.
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waokevale · 4 years
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Porcelain Face - Chapter 3
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WARNING: Sexual Harrassment
Bullying, F-Girls....
(At least brain-bleatching, not detailed, no touching. Just cringy words)
Two weeks later Logan was about to walk past the corner when he noticed Virgil with a bunch of the "dressed up" girls.
He hid himself quickly inspecting the scene before further investigation.
The girls were all laughing at the poor cardboard boy and pulling by his hair and clothes.
Some of them called him names like:
-"Stupid fag" or "freak" 
All of these were very rude and unacceptable.
He pulled out his phone real quick and recorded the rest of the scene.
He wasn't planning on showing it to the principal yet.
The girls had to pay a bigger price than just detention or calling their parents.
It was clear it wasn't something rare to happen to Virgil from his poor state.
Logan started to form a plan until he heard the girls talking about him and he froze.
Maybe that's another way to get rid of them?
-"Hey Jess, what do you think about the new hot teacher?"
Said one of the girls which made usually emotionless Logan cringe on the inside with only the thought.
-"Same as you Diana. I bet I could smash him till Monday comes, Miller passed, Jenkins passed, so how could this be harder? Just look at me, he won't resist it when I pull out my lipstick."
Now Logan was sick. What the hell was wrong with these girls?! Having affairs with their teachers?! Clearly not seeing the fact that he was gay.
 Now they NEEDED to be thrown out.
Logan already had experience with it, since he didn't really care about people much do to his emotionless state.
 He got rid of some students in his high school easily for yet unknown reasons.
Now was the time to return to the old bad habits...He thought.
But this was worth it.
This boy needed to be at least a little bit happier.
Logan knew that there were a lot more bullies but he had easily spotted the "real" bullies.
Some had pretty bad issues from what he could see, some were doing this because of a bribe and the other ones....they did it for fun, they had no issues at all, these were the ones that deserved it the most. The sadistic people.
The girls belonged to the last type of bullies.
They clearly made him sick.
He had evidence now, but he had to set up something greater.
'So Jessica says she wants to "smash me"? I wonder how does she even do that.... She probably tells the teacher to meet him in some class after school from what I've heard.
He started thinking of a new plan this time, but in  that moment Diana and Jessica had started talking about where and when is Jessica going to meet him at.
It was all in whispers, but Logan had "good ears." Class 24, 3.20 PM 
-"So be it" Logan said to himself.
He had just the perfect equipment prepared for things like that.
Later on Jessica asked Logan to meet him in the same exact place  and time she mentioned before.
He agreed obviously...
For a reason.
When the clock had finally shown 3.20 PM, Logan was already in the class, waiting.
When Jessica came into the classroom he honestly wanted to puke. She looked like a hoe bag or some sort of prostitute, he would've described it if it wasn't so....disturbing and slutty.
-"May I ask you, what on earth are you wearing, Jessica?" - Logan said with an annoyed look.
-"Awww, come on Mr.Berry you know you like it~"
Stay calm Logan... He said to himself
 it usually was easy, probably becuase he didn't have to deal with girls like this all the time.
Then he reminded himself of the plan. 
Act and ask the questions.
-"I'm not sure, Jessica. What are you even trying to do...?" He obviously was waiting for the cringiest answer
-"You~" - She said in a lustful voice
-"Wait a minute. Would you mind answering my questions first? Because I have three."
She signed with a bored expression and replied: -"ugh...Fine. Shoot."
-"Am I the first one that you're willing to....ugh...you know...?" He stuttered a bit but it was clear that she knew what he meant.
-"Depends, do you want it to be?"
She smirked.
-"Answer, honestly. Please? "
-"Nope you're not the first one, I've fucked Miller, Jenkins and even that one substitute teacher....what was his...Oh! Yeah, Rayens and a bunch of other high school guys, if that's what you wanted to hear."
First one, check. Logan thought.
-"Ummm....May I ask about your honest opinion about one certain student? I won't get mad as long as you answer honestly."
-"Kay'..Which one is it?" She asked.
-"Virgil, the cardboard boy."
-"Pffffff...Haha! That loser? I think he's a useless fag honestly. And- uhhh...Sorry teach' for swearing I guess...?"
-Mhm" Logan nodded.
As he thought, a horrible person, really.
-"Jess? May I ask you that third question and get this over with."
-"Sure~ I thought the same." She replied.
-"What the hell did you have had in your mind to even think of such a pathetic way!? People are not dolls, why do you "score them" ?
-"Just because your wifey says so, doesn't mean I can't play."
-"First of, I don't have a wife and i'm not willing to have one"
"Ohhh, So you're si-" 
-"Please just shut up.
I will never have an affair with you, young miss.
You are definitely too young for my liking and I'm not foolish enough for this.
Second, I'm really sorry you haven't noticed yet but I do not feel attraction to women."
-"In other words, yes I'm one of these "stupid fags" that you've been calling homosexual people."
-"If I could I would laugh in that moment, you are clearly missing something. Nothing of what you have just said will become true, because the principal has already heard about this."
-"W-what are you talking about?! You must be joking! Hahaha! Very funny." the girl laughed nervously.
The door suddenly swung open as the very angry principal has came into the room.
-"N-Nothing! I swear! He tried to molest me and forced me to wear these clothes!" She faked crying but no one could believe her.
-"I don't think I would be able to, you know? Since well, I've already told you I'm homosexual."
-"Quit the act, Miss Willow. You've violated the most important rules in this school and ruined it's reputation. I'm very sorry, but I'll have to kick you out and apparently a bunch of your friends, including some teachers as well..."
-"W-what?! No! No! My parents won't let you- they won't believe you!"
-"I have enough evidence that I think they will, Jessica." Logan said plainly showing her the videos.
Before the "act" Logan had set up a microphone and a small camera that was hidden in one of the paintings like in the thriller movies.
That was the the fall of one of the most popular girls and the worst bullies of their Academy High. 
Logan had her in his little finger. 
It was as simple as a chess game.
She was really naive, huh? She thought everyone was going to serve her and that was her Achilles's foot.
-"Pssst what happened to Jess and a bunch of other people??" - One kid asked in whisper.
-"I heard that someone has recorded her while trying to seduce one of the teachers, he somehow made her  reveal her dark secrets and she got caught and kicked out!" Someone else replied.
-"That's good that she and her squad are gone. I hated them anyways." - Roman said simply.
-"Yeah, she sucked. She was a total slut." Remus added with a squimish expression at the uncomfortable thought..
Logan saw as everyone reacted to Jessica's and her friends fall as he turned to the twins.
He thought:
'Such mean words, yet such fragile hearts,       
I wonder when they'll finally drop they act...'
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