#btw I had my wisdom teeth out this morning and while I'm not on narcotics i am in a slightly strange headspace
neonphoenix · 2 years
Watching star trek tos for the first time and I'm being struck by all the things we've built that sci-fi writers in the sixties couldn't even dream up.
Sure, it's still all set 200 years in the future from now, and we certainly aren't moving at warp speed, but there's this one character who can't talk and they can only read his brain waves enough to tell if he's communicating "yes" or "no" and like. We can do more than that! Writers in the sixties, it's only been sixty years, but we understand the brain so much more than we though we ever could!
Medicine is advancing to and beyond medicine in star trek at lightning speeds! And I'm not even starting on current everyday technology, like touch screens!
We don't have flying cars but we might've stumbled across a chemical that can resurrect dead cells, and isn't that something? I'm literally so excited about this it's unreal.
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