#boar in study / Kimetsu Gakuen AU
whirling-fangs · 1 year
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@calamxty / @fallesto
"Y'all weird old men mind plotting evil shit on someone else's post? I'm trying to get cookies here."
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demonslayedher · 3 years
In Kimetsu Gakuen, is there any basis as to why each Hashira teaches their respective class? Like why Giyu is the PE teacher, while Rengoku is the history teacher, and Sanemi is the math teacher.
Rather than linking their respective subjects to skills or passions they show in the series, I think some of it may had been chosen based on what feels applicable, or in the reverse, a role needed to be filled and someone was chosen. Honestly I need to go to bed soon so instead of looking up every Kimetsu Gakuen role, let's see how far my brain cells dedicated to remembering KnY trivia takes me~~ (ノ´ω`)ノ*: ・゚ (Throw things at me if I'm wrong. Soft things, please.)
Rengoku-san: A good! History! Teacher!! Takes!! PASSION!!!!!! And he's a very successful teacher because he's so passionate about!! History!!! Glorious!! Battles! Worth! Reenacting! In canon, when he info dumps at Tanjiro about the origins of different Breaths, this makes me think he does take a keen interest in the Demon Slayer's proud history. With how well the Rengoku-clan retains their ancestors' teachings and writings (Rengoku-san has studied the sword manuals, but does not seem to have read the diary Shinjuro was always mulling over), I think it may have been instilled in him from a young age.
Giyuu: He's not necessarily more physically fit or a better trainer than other Pillar characters, I think this is just playing on a subtle stereotype that gym teachers can be overly harsh and aren't always liked because of that. (Very wide generalization, I don't feel it's that strong of a stereotype.)
Sanemi: Besides there being no reason to think he wouldn't be good at math, I think this stems more from the school setting conflict it creates between him and Genya. Without the tension of Genya's life on the line and Sanemi belittling him to try to make him quit the Corp, you can get the same gut-wrenching tension from an impatient mathy parents or older sibling doing their best to help a kid with math anxiety. It often just makes everyone feel horrible.
Kanae as the biology teacher: The chemistry teacher role was taken by Iguro because he looks good in a lab coat. Kanae's parents were pharmacists so she's got the health-oriented science background. Plus, biology includes botany. Do not know where the use of magic talismans came from, but I am all for it. Shinobu as a student: I keep forgetting how young she is. Let her be a teacher. Let her try to be hiding her age all the time and letting people assume she's older.
Mitsuri: Again, for age reasons, she gets to be a college student. It's funny that in this AU she's Tengen's protege instead of Rengoku's. Tengen: Art? Not music? Okay, sure, fine, Kyogai took that role and I am totally fine with this because I love Kyogai. Tengen works well with something self-expressive. I find his hoodie look hilarious. Himejima: Home room teacher, and... uh... what he anything else??? Anyway, yes, put him in a position to be a primary caretaker for a big group of needy children. Tokito Twins: Shogi champs. Yes. Excellent. Geniuses. Let them be geniuses as something war-inspired. Rock Band Brother Sister Duo Gyutaro & Daki: The modern music scene is full of unsightly stuff they'd have encountered in their upbringing, which makes people in that world seem a little scary if you're looking in from the outside, but there's still a glamorous side to it that people admire Kamado family: carefully tending the natural ingredients, tending the fire, making sure to warm the community with a daily necessity. BREAD. Go ahead, Haganezuka, give him a bread-themed sword. And Nezuko's French Bread spin on the classic shoujo-heroine-who-slept-in-and-goes-to-school-with-bread-in-her-mouth trope? Yes, excellent, love it, you keep it up, girl.
Inosuke, raised by boars, old lady foster mother who pretends everything is fine. Inosuke needs these good calm old-people influences in his life. Really sad that Kotoha and Tanjuro are still dead in an otherwise happy AU. Glad that Hisa seems to enjoy having him around despite all the media attention. It's fun to see so much of Inosuke's wild expressions instead of having them be covered by the boar head.
Zenitsu: I think this role was written for him purely for the sake of writing jokes at his expense. I haven't been following the new/extra Kimetsu Gakuen content because I don't think most of the jokes about him being his worst are funny, but I do find his failures when he's actually trying to do his job quite hilarious. He's like the straight man in a circus. A circus of caffeinated monkeys.
Girls: Flower arranging. Are they all in flower arranging? At least Kanao is. I like the illustration of her arranging a fall display for the harvest moon, but that illustration came out long after she appeared in the Kimetsu Gakuen AU. This therefore does not answer Anon's original question whatsoever. I've taken Anon's initial question and slapped my fingers across the keyboard to run away with it. /I/ am the caffeinated monkey around here.
Ozaki-san plays spots, doesn't she? Good for her. A good healthy hobby for a good alive background character. Good for you, Ozaki. May you never ever ever need to touch a sword in this happy as ever AU. Murata, I'm sorry you're not popular. That must feel just as bad in a school setting as being only okay with a sword must feel in a life-or-death setting. Susa Maru-chan, focus your energy on spots. That is a constructive use of your bent up energy. I'll bet she'd be gotten an ADHD diagnosis when she was little. Yahaba and tofu, right? Ok. I like tofu. Point the way, Yahaba, I shall try your family's tofu. To-fu-to-fu-to-fu-to-fu--IS TOFU GONNA BE ON MY NERD TEST!!!??? OH MY GOODNESS, IT REALLY MIGHT, SUDDENLY I MUST KNOW EVERYTHING ABOUT YUDOFU AND YUBA, time to make like the walls of an art room and explode my way outta here
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whirling-fangs · 7 months
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Someone's rather enjoying this unofficial holiday.
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whirling-fangs · 10 months
Just watched Princess Mononoke for the first time.
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"All the boars are deaaaaad....."
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whirling-fangs · 11 months
@deathly-toxins ♥'ed for a Gakuen!verse starter!
Inosuke could feel the weight a glare punching holes through the back of his skull. He was enjoying a hard-earned slice of pizza, which he definitely did not snatch from a poor terrified delivery person at whom her tossed all the coins in his possession... And he wasn't willing to share.
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"Show yourself! If it's my pizza you're after, you're gonna have to fight me for it!" He yelled at the bushes behind him, a hand protectively set over the cardboard box.
To think that even amongst the humans, he would still have to fight to protect his food...
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whirling-fangs · 7 months
She gives Inosuke fake lashes.
Give my muse an item and see how they react! // accepting
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Poke, poke. What an odd insect. A really thin body, too many legs on one side... Unless these are two halves of the same thing? Inosuke tried to put them back together, but no could do.
"Dude... I don't think your caterpillars are gonna turn into butterflies. I'm pretty sure they're dead."
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whirling-fangs · 8 months
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[[ Kimetsu gakuen back at it with the iconic Inosuke lines ]]
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whirling-fangs · 10 months
"A DENTIST!" Sigfrid was shaking like a maracas as he ran into a tree.
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whirling-fangs · 1 year
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"Who the hell is Valentine? And why do they get a wholeday to themselves? If I kick their ass, can it be Inosuke's day instead?!"
"Take me to that Valentine bastard! I'm gonna end this once and for all!!"
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whirling-fangs · 4 months
“that's not fair! you cheated!” (From Nezuko :>!!! Maybe for Kimetsu Gakuen verse?)
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"That wasn't cheating! You never said I couldn't eat the pieces when you're not looking! This game is too boring!"
She may have been a little too optimistic when she offered to teach him in the first place, although Inosuke had been the one to ask, anxious to find new ways he could bond with his grandma. He heard her mention that she played board games at the community center, and his goal was to learn the game himself, before he gifted her a board and new pieces for her next birthday.
He had completely failed to consider this very obvious outcome: he wasn't a good fit for shogi.
He cast the board a disgruntled look, brow twitching under the conscious effort he made to try and focus up again.
"... tell me their names again. The pieces' names."
He could only hope that she had replacement pieces for the ones he swallowed.
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whirling-fangs · 1 year
@timelostobserver ♥'ed for a starter!
Hearing his howahowahowa mumbles as you compliment him
Inosuke was far from being entirely stupid. His intelligence lay in ways that school life didn't quite help bring to light.
He couldn't sit in place for hours without causing a ruckus or falling asleep, he couldn't focus on something he had no interest in, he lacked the most basic knowledge in most subjects... School simply wasn't made for him.
But he wasn't stupid. With the correct guidance, with the appropriate methods, Inosuke was plenty capable of learning and understanding difficult concepts. One simply had to be patient enough to figure out how his attention could be caught.
When he heard that all from the book-loving old man... Inosuke felt a great warmth fill his chest. He remained still for a moment, a low hum escaping his lips. The poor boar was overwhelmed with emotion.
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"You... you really mean it? You don't think I'm an idiot?" He could hardly believe it. All the other teachers didn't quite insult him to his face, but he had only ever read disappointment and annoyance in their eyes. This old man was different.
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whirling-fangs · 1 year
♬ : My muse and music.
Headcanon meme // accepting!!
( thanks @manneatcr / @luminescent-radiance for asking the same question ♥ )
Canon Inosuke has never been exposed to music before, if you don't count Kotoha's singing. He has never seen an instrument, and never heard any kind of music played by one.
His first encounter with music came at the Entertainment District, though he only heard it from afar. He was too focused on his mission to mind the odd sound.
Inosuke being naturally curious, he would for certain want to know more about the odd sounds and the odd machines producing them. He would probably go entirely silent, mesmerized by the sound of a flute or a shamisen, or even a drum. He will probably want to try them himself, with relative patience. Drums would for certain be his favorite instrument to play.
Gakuen!Inosuke has only had late exposure to music as well. He doesn't own a smartphone, and rarely listens to music on his own. His grandmother listens mostly to traditional japanese music, notably enka, which tends to calm Inosuke down. He's especially sensible to quiet tunes with low instruments and lyrical voices.
Amongst modern genres, Inosuke is especially fond of rock/hard rock music. He enjoys the idea of violent drums and screaming voices being an acceptable way of expressing one's creativity.
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whirling-fangs · 8 months
“………..did you even look at the gift before you ate it stupid boar?”
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"I DID NOT! But what's it matter to you, kelp head?! That gift wasn't for you anyway!! It was for everyone to share together, that's what the old hag said!"
...oh. He was seized with a sudden realisation.
"... it was delicious. I'll help her make more next time... so there's some left by the time I get to the party."
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whirling-fangs · 11 months
@frailpetals ♥'ed for a Gakuen!verse starter!
What a fun idea this had been. Inosuke ignored the screams and calls he could hear below his feet, as he clambered higher across the school building's facade. It was easier than he'd first thought, too.
It wasn't too long before he reached the rooftop. He slipped over the railing, and landed safe on his two feet, rather proud of his little feat. He was blissfully unaware of the teachers dashing inside the building, rushing up the steps, ready to capture and ground him on the spot.
As he turned around, he did not expect to find a fellow student there. Confusion tugged at his traits as he strode over to her.
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"Oi. Did you climb all the way here too?"
The existence of staircases had been temporarily wiped from his brain, it seemed.
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whirling-fangs · 1 year
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Just broke his bottle of ramune trying to push the glass pebble in with forehead. Who could've guessed it would be a bad idea?
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whirling-fangs · 9 months
[[ Gakuen Inosuke's first/ possibly favorite anime is... Pokémon! It has adventure, fights, and tons of extremely cool creatures. He probably became a little less attached to it as he grew up, but it holds a special place in his heart. ]]
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