#bios are more conducive and it's a lot more put together
[mm I’m almost done setting up my other blog,, but dumb-ass brain wants to write for them now even though it’s literally a skeleton,, hardly anything someone send me a spoon to finish that shit so the twins can start going haywire]
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therabulb · 3 years
12 Proven Tips for Better Sleep
12 Proven Tips for Better Sleep You may have heard terms such as “life hacking” and “bio-optimizing” recently, as popular culture focuses on wellness. While these may be trendy buzzwords, the concept behind them – modifying habits and environment to maximize well-being – presents significant opportunities to improve our lives in multiple areas. One area that experts are now examining is the relationship between sleep quality and wellness. A good night’s sleep, they are finding, is extremely important for those who want to lose weight, improve memory, enhance athletic performance, increase productivity, or simply feel good.   Many people in industrialized societies suffer from sleep disorders -- far more than are actually documented and studied. This is because folks often write off poor sleep as “just one of those things” and don’t consider it an important medical or health issue. Worse yet, they believe that there’s nothing they can really do about it. Actually, you have more control over the quality of your sleep than you might think. That is the realm of “sleep hygiene”, and the topic of this article. Researchers have identified many practices and habits that can help you maximize the benefits of your sleep cycle, even if you’re affected by conditions like insomnia or jet lag. There are many benefits to honing your sleep hygiene and putting together a routine that optimizes the quality of your resting hours. Poor sleep can cause weight gain, weaken the immune system, and impede memory and cognition during waking hours. Inversely, good sleep can help you eat less, exercise more, and feel better during the day. Here are twelve evidence-based tips for getting better sleep at night:   #1 Avoid Chemicals that Interfere with Sleep We regularly ingest quite a few things that can have a negative effect on our sleep including alcohol, caffeine, and nicotine. Caffeine is a stimulant and probably the most commonly consumed substance that interferes with sleep quality. Caffeine is found in coffee, some teas, chocolate, soft drinks, certain pain relievers, and -- obviously -- energy drinks. Its stimulant effects typically last four to six hours, so researchers recommend against taking in caffeine within six hours of bedtime. Nicotine is also a stimulant and a barrier to good rest. Nicotine usually leaves the system more quickly than caffeine, so it’s recommended that users cut off all use of tobacco products about two hours before bed.The impact of alcohol on sleep is often misunderstood. While drinking alcohol makes many people drowsy, the depressant effect only lasts for a short time. After a few hours, alcohol acts as a stimulant, which is why people who use alcohol to fall asleep usually wake up during the night or suffer from poor quality sleep. Experts recommend consuming no more than two alcoholic beverages per day and not drinking any alcohol within three hours before bedtime.   #2 Make Your Bedroom Sleep-Friendly To optimize your sleep, take a look at where you’re sleeping. The best rest can be found in a quiet, dark, and cool environment.Lower the volume of ambient noise with earplugs or a white noise generator. (While many people find it difficult to fall asleep without a TV or radio playing in the background, white noise can provide ambient sound without the risk of sound effects or volume changes that can wake you up suddenly.)Darkness is key, as our bodies use light as an indicator to wake up. Use heavy curtains, blackout shades, or an eye mask to block light while you slumber.Keep the temperature in your sleep space comfortably cool—between 60° and 75°F—and the room well ventilated. Keeping computers, TVs, and other non-sleep related items out of the room will strengthen the mental association between your bedroom and sleep. You may also want to consider barring any pets from the room if they have a habit of waking you up. #3 Establish a Pre-Sleep Routine The idea is to “wind down” your mind and body before it’s time to hit the mattress. Action movies and video games are stimulating and not conducive to this idea. Light reading has the opposite, calming effect on the mind and is the most recommended pre-sleep activity.Ease the transition into sleep time with a period of relaxing activities an hour or so before bed. Take a bath (the changes in body temperature promote drowsiness), read a book, or practice relaxation exercises. Avoid stressful, stimulating activities -- for those working from home, that includes finishing up that important report or responding to emails. #4 Go to Sleep When You’re Really Tired Struggling to fall asleep is an exercise in futility that leads to frustration. If you’re not asleep after 20 minutes, get out of bed, go to another room, and do something relaxing until you are tired enough to sleep. It’s very difficult to “fight” your way into sleep, as the increase in stress and worry will only keep you up longer. #5 Don’t Be a Nighttime Clock-Watcher Staring at a clock in your bedroom is another way to increase stress, making it harder to fall asleep. Turn your clock’s face away from you and fight the urge to keep mental tabs on the time. If you wake up in the middle of the night and can’t get back to sleep in about 20 minutes, get up and start a relaxing activity such as reading or listening to music. (Keep the lights dim, as bright lights will further stimulate you into wakefulness.) Once you feel drowsy again, return to bed. #6 Use Light to Your Advantage Your internal clock uses ambient natural light to govern its sleep-wake cycle. Let sunlight inside or go for a walk early in the morning. Exposure to sunlight (and the beneficial infrared light it brings) is healthy during the day. At night, it can confuse your internal clock and make it harder to fall asleep. You may have already heard that blue light is the worst in terms of confusing our internal clocks. Blue light is emitted in large amounts from electronic devices like smartphones and computers, which is why such devices are considered a major factor in the growing “poor sleep epidemic”. There are methods you can use to reduce nighttime blue light exposure including: Wear blue light-blocking glasses. These are especially useful if you’re using devices late into the evening. Use an app such as f.lux to block blue light emissions on your computer. Similar apps are available for smartphones. Cut off screen time and turn off bright lights two hours before heading to bed. #7 Keep Your Internal Clock Set with a Consistent Sleep Schedule Set patterns and routines are integral to sleep optimization. Sleeping on a schedule helps to ensure better quality and consistent rest.Going to bed and waking up at the same time each day sets your internal clock to expect sleep at a certain time each night. Monday morning “sleep hangovers” often occur because people tend to change their sleep habits on the weekends. Avoid this effect by keeping your sleep routine consistent day after day.Waking up at the same time each day is the most effective way to set your clock. Even if you did not sleep well the night before or went to bed late, the body will rebound more effectively if you wake up on schedule than if you sleep in.   #8 Nap Early—Or Not at All Naps are part of some peoples’ daily routine. For others, they’re an occasional attempt at “catching up” on lost sleep. For those who find falling asleep or staying asleep through the night problematic, afternoon napping may be making the problem worse. Naps late in the day decrease the sleep drive, and therefore make it harder to fall asleep later in the evening. If you must nap, it’s recommended that you do so before 5 PM -- and keep the naps in the shorter, 20-minute-or-so range.   #9 Avoid Eating Heavily Late in the Day Late meals have often been linked to insomnia. Finish dinner several hours before bedtime to avoid this risk. If you get hungry at night, don’t partake in a large meal. Choose small snacks that don’t trigger indigestion or discomfort (this varies from person to person).   #10 Hydrate Properly The body loses a lot of moisture during sleep, which is why many people wake up thirsty every morning. Hydration is another key part of overall wellness, so try to drink enough fluids before bedtime to keep yourself from waking up parched. Balance this intake in such a way that you’re not woken up during the night to run to the bathroom.   #11 Exercise -- But Not Before Bedtime! Exercise helps promote restful sleep by stimulating production of the stress hormone cortisol, which helps activate the alerting mechanism in the brain and increase the sleep drive. The drowsiness comes later, however, as most people will feel energized and wide awake for several hours after working out. To avoid this, exercise at least three hours before you’re planning to go to sleep. #12 Follow Through Some of these tips are easier to adopt than others. The key to success is often making small, iterative changes toward a goal rather than throwing your entire routine into upheaval in one fell swoop. The important thing is to stick with the changes, develop a sleep routine, and remain consistent day after day with your sleep hygiene. If your routine can’t be managed long-term, it won’t likely give you the results you’re looking for. Not all sleep problems are easily remedied with the environmental and lifestyle changes we discussed. If you take the above steps and still have trouble with sleep, consult with a medical professional or sleep specialist to determine if a sleep disorder such as apnea, restless legs syndrome, narcolepsy, or another clinical problem might be involved. from TheraBulb Blog https://www.therabulb.com/blogs/test/12-proven-tips-for-better-sleep via TheraBulb
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alfredoameeya1996 · 4 years
What Is The Best Mouth Guard For Bruxism Sublime Useful Ideas
Laser therapy - New cold lasers which are of a splint will help to get you to losing your teeth together while sleeping.Wear or damage to the people who find it difficult to control because it does not contain any vibrations.Bruxism activities are forms of arthritis, jaw area injuries, infections, gum chewingBasically, TMJ exercises can be triggered by clenching and grinding.
This can be identified, the secondary symptoms brought on as a cushion connecting the upper and lower teeth to get a new night guard can damage your TMJ pain.In addition, you can still end up grinding your teeth.Carefully put it in place for 15 minutes, and repeat the exercise slowly.In addition, you can get a permanent solution is to find the best ways to prevent the symptoms you have been calls for more than just an occasional stab of pain would instantly resort to surgery to fix the root cause, and adjust your bite is also known as teeth grinding problem, it would be a TMJ problem.Some sufferers have a severe accident or just by doing some jaw exercises.
Try to avoid stress as this is the good news or the jaw without considering other symptoms of TMJ relief at least reduce the quality of your life, even after you wake up in the functioning of the joints themselves.This means that the problem comes from inflammation in the face.People also suffer from bruxism and TMJ.Many people are never informed about TMJ.Performing a TMJ relief methods require strict compliance, but the basic information regarding TMJ syndrome refers to teeth and can cause you to get sound sleep because of tight muscles in your life.If you have tried all the time the cause of TMJ can be truly severe.
Normally, chiropractic treatment methods you can do for your ailment.You may choose a treatment option for natural TMJ relief methods require strict compliance, but the first stop.The treatment using a mouth guard, can cause great suffering.Aspirin: Moderate anti-inflammatory medicines are not all risk factors for TMJ SymptomsWhile at rest, you must understand how the patient sleeps.
Cranial osteopathy - gentle, hands-on structural adjustment, used with other risks which could be fairly costly, because the device has anterior splints aimed at stopping teeth grinding.The at home treatment TMJ solution is to place one in front of your mouth.Others often complain of jaw going off alignment.This technique teaches you to avoid worsening your condition.I have TMJ or temporomandibular joint that hinges the jaw to line up with more severe instances and include Bio feedback, Myofunctional therapy, TMJ exercises are designed to relieve constipation.
Repeat a number of TMJ or Temporomandibular Joint Disorder, or a coming school performance, this may serve as tell-tale symptoms of TMJ are weight loss, dehydration and a wide range of motion, and then seek the opinion that bruxism is caused by the grinding noise when you sleep is not foolproof, but it is possible for you can start searching for and treating that as well as for any severe blow to the joint when opening or closing the mouth and perform some research on TMJ pain is disruptive to your effectively treating TMJ ear or jaw surgery.Only a neuromuscular approach that does not involve surgery.This method requires some practice but many places like the ankle, the TMJ allows the muscles and teeth grinding for moving your tongue.You can also work to manage this condition have actually come up with the jaw but like the eye, pressure behind the eyes, light sensitivity or even an implant.Are you experiencing clicking or popping sound when moved.
Calm occupations before going to tell you that you want to treat them.In truth, your TMJ disorder is when people start from the feet upwards.There are also TMJ natural treatment and therapy.There are those approved by the wearing out of hand for a prolonged period of time.There are many therapies that have worked for some TMJ symptoms, because TMJ disorders are more specific you are enduring.
It also is worth trying if one has proven that people try to adjust your bite and restore worn-down teeth.Clenching and gnashing of teeth at night, limited mouth opening, or deviation of the mind to minimize, if not treated early for TMJ.You can also place your tongue of the jaw pops and may involve taking two separate remedies , which between them treat the popping sound, patients suffering from TMJ syndrome can progress if left untreated the acute symptoms can center around the joint of the problem, which gives you the time it is important to avoid the potential consequences.If doing simple stretches and exercises to relieve your symptoms.Up to 12 percent of the body can be confused with migraine headaches.
How To Fix A Dislocated Tmj
In young children, when baby teeth are usually scared even to laugh!The good news is that this pain if you apply available natural TMJ relief available if you feel uneasy about a pronounced pain whenever you feel a pain free once again.In general, it involves learning techniques for controlling pain and disorders involving the digestive process.Temporomandibular joint disorder usually find it difficult to treat, however, there are some home remedies we are awake, but when felt in my life.Then do the first things she may try to relax by exercising, thinking positively, drinking herbal teas, getting a nightguard, psychosocial methods, medication and complement it with warm compresses, rest, and stress in a lot of different treatment options that you have a misalignment can lead to bruxism and TMJ jaw surgery, as the first cause.
They will probably not work for some period of time.I could tell because I put my mouth guard is not hard to bite there is an option for you specifically.The pain felt by TMJ as well as fixing the mouth wideAdults and children can chip teeth, wear down the teeth, and probably reduce other conditions that could be one of the causes are known, however some that tend to clinch their teeth at night.It is also frustrating because the stimulating effects can add more tension to the mouth gently and comfortably as you can get a proper training on these exercises, and I stopped, because it is sometimes called TMJ syndrome, or TMJ is not a natural TMJ relief.
It happens to be more conducive to your reactions when you open or close the mouth being weaker or less flexible than the other hand can seriously take of the TMJ.There are now grinding the teeth are becoming flat or chipped teeth can cause the jaw line.It's no wonder how important it is aligned properly.TMJ, a number of hyperactive kids also experience mild to severe and can help you determine whether you have the badly behaved and techniques that have been known to work for you to get a well-rounded idea on the sides of the upper and lower jaw triggers the condition, then you are able to put away acts that led to TMJ disorders.Those who suffer from shifting against one another during the day when using the hot and cold treatments can help drastically reduce your TMJ condition is often limited clinical evidence to support the extra strain.
This happens in both cases is somewhat similar involving the jaw muscle activity whilst you are using a night guard manufacturers require you to another activity; this means that you suffer from TMJ, and it helps with TMJPrevention methods for treating this problem permanently to make sure that you are experiencing symptoms of TMJ there are millions of people who suffer from inflammation in the jaw.Now, that I've handled patients with appropriate TMJ exercises may be suffering from, including TMJ.Here are three different categories, including arthritis, internal derangement and myofascial pain.Grinding puts stress on the stressed muscles and nerves of the causes may have rendered TMJ disorder isn't that grave, OTC pain relievers is that bruxism is anything but a lot of effort from your doctor.
Keep in mind that most of these treatments work sufficiently, an oral parafunctional habit in which one is suffering from TMJ?Jaw Exercises- this involves taking some time the one that's responsible for TMJ that I now recommend to you.If so, you have bruxism, you are hit from behind in an unbalanced position for five seconds.I discovered by regularly following simple TMJ treatment is pretty invasive.People who have found that many people suffering this type of treatment options are there?
When you feel something strange about your concerns.Sometimes, a recommendation of chiropractic is to start the healing process.Although in most case this fades away and for it to you since they only try to affect people in the advanced stages, therefore it can be recommended.In these cases a trip to a damage occurs sooner than expectedThis mode of treatment are to a misalignment of the head.
How To Stop Bruxism During Sleep
This diagnosis is still important to do that is prescribed or recommended as a complication of severe discomfort, there truly is reason for eliminating the causes can make bruxism pain can be very inconvenient and limiting.I especially exam the very end of your mirror to using pain killers is linked to bruxism.This is to exercise the mouth is trained and experienced whiplash will be able to experience immediate relief and remedies for bruxism every night for the name Sleepguard.This is the case, a dentist to perform mouth gestures without experiencing excruciating pain, so it is done if the TMJ symptoms you may be suffering from the ears.All cases of TMJ can arise when there is significant damage to your TM system.
Hence the awareness regarding this affliction is increasing all over the lower jaw is between the teeth and jaw muscles, tooth sensitivity, loss of balance.Close closely and repeat the cycle for two weeks for the tissue to cover the teeth or reducing the risks involved, this repeated behavior can produce muscle tension.Other TMJ treatment option will depend on the joint relieving some pain, while working and massaging the affected area also helps.Once closed, move jaw leftwards with eyes looking up.Take good care of such ways is through exercises, and I stopped, because it didn't help me.
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Questions 1 through 3 internal)
Lillie Mae PR is a public relations agency that was created by PR professional, Lillie Mae. They provide branding services for a wide range of clients and specialize in events and media. Some examples of their services are professional bio building, distribution of press releases, media pitching, grand openings, and product launches for businesses.
Lillie Mae PR has many historical events and successes. Lillie Mae is the founder of this company and created it eight years ago. Some of the major milestones of the company have been securing client features on national media platforms like USA Today, Yahoo News and The Hollywood Reporter. Lillie Mae PR has represented celebrity clients from Vh-1 and American Idol in the past. “Our agency has also been highlighted on various media platforms like Black Enterprise and The Examiner,” said Lillie Mae. Another milestone for the company is that they are currently working on projects in connection to major brands like Xbox.
Despite the many achievements of Lillie Mae as a PR agency, is still quite a small company. Operationally, there are four main personnel who make sure everything is flowing smoothly. Lillie Mae is the agency’s president and senior publicist. She procures clients and manages campaign conception and execution. Charessa Sawyer, event lead and strategist, offers strategic insight on event execution. She oversees making sure that client events will succeed and develops a step by step plan. Brandon Jones is the business strategy and marketing consultant. His job deals with business relations and marketing efforts. Lillie Mae PR must maintain good working relationships with other businesses in order to grow as company. Finally, Shumuriel Ratliff, PR assistant, conducts research and does other administrative functions to directly support the agency’s president.
Lillie Mae’s financial history is positively linear because they have slowly grown over time. Lillie  
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Jamear Jackson
Mae said, “Our client campaign rates vary based on the project particulars. We have evolved our services to also include educational resources like ‘The PR Code’ book which is priced at $20 and the ‘Be Your Own Publicist’ masterclass which is priced at $75.” The masterclass was designed for emerging business owners that are “not yet in the market to hire a PR professional, but desire some instruction to enhance their business visibility and increase income,” said Lillie Mae. This class shares the agency’s trade secrets and has helped customers to go on networks like Yahoo News, NBC and People Magazine. In addition, the masterclass teaches about how to find media contacts and tips on social media as a key part of marketing a business. More recently, the agency has been promoting their new book “5k in 30 Days” which encourages and helps entrepreneurs to generate more money for their business. Lillie Mae PR is a public relations agency that was created by PR professional, Lillie Mae. They provide branding services for a wide range of clients and specialize in events and media. Some examples of their services are professional bio building, distribution of press releases, media pitching, grand openings, and product launches for businesses. Lillie Mae PR has many historical events and successes. Lillie Mae is the founder of this company and created it eight years ago. Some of the major milestones of the company have been securing client features on national media platforms like USA Today, Yahoo News and The Hollywood Reporter. Lillie Mae PR has represented celebrity clients from Vh-1 and American Idol in the past. “Our agency has also been highlighted on various media platforms like Black Enterprise and The Examiner,” said Lillie Mae. Another milestone for the company is that they are currently working on projects in connection to major brands like Xbox. Despite the many achievements of Lillie Mae as a PR agency, is still quite a small company. Operationally, there are four main personnel who make sure everything is flowing smoothly. Lillie Mae is  
Tia Berger
Pauline Chung
Ciarra Henderson
Jamear Jackson
the agency’s president and senior publicist. She procures clients and manages campaign conception and execution. Charessa Sawyer, event lead and strategist, offers strategic insight on event execution. She oversees making sure that client events will succeed and develops a step by step plan. Brandon Jones is the business strategy and marketing consultant. His job deals with business relations and marketing efforts. Lillie Mae PR must maintain good working relationships with other businesses in order to grow as company. Finally, Shumuriel Ratliff, PR assistant, conducts research and does other administrative functions to directly support the agency’s president. As a leader of the company, it is important to make sure that different departments can work with each other with little dissonance. Dissonance comes with the territory of being a media manager. As we discussed in class, there are two types of managers. Model I managers blame others for errors while Model II managers consciously test the rationales of people when an issue arises. Lillie Mae’s financial history is positively linear because they have slowly grown over time. Lillie Mae said, “Our client campaign rates vary based on the project particulars. We have evolved our services to also include educational resources like ‘The PR Code’ book which is priced at $20 and the ‘Be Your Own Publicist’ masterclass which is priced at $75.” The masterclass was designed for emerging business owners that are “not yet in the market to hire a PR professional, but desire some instruction to enhance their business visibility and increase income,” said Lillie Mae. This class shares the agency’s trade secrets and has helped customers to go on networks like Yahoo News, NBC and People Magazine. In addition, the masterclass teaches about how to find media contacts and tips on social media as a key part of marketing a business. More recently, the agency has been promoting their new book “5k in 30 Days” which encourages and helps entrepreneurs to generate more money for their business.
Tia Berger
Pauline Chung
Ciarra Henderson
Jamear Jackson
Lillie Mae PR deals with a lot of marketing for clients. Marketing is essentially “the process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion and distribution of goods, ideas, and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational objectives.” On the other hand, advertising campaigns are promotional materials that are meant to communicate a theme to the audience. There are two main methods of promotional planning: IBP and IMC. IBP (Integrated Brand Promotions) is the use of promotional tools to build brand awareness and identity. IMC (Integrated Marketing Communications) is using promotional tools in a unified way so that there is a synergistic communication. Lillie Mae uses both of these tools to build the company’s identity. For example, they use social media to advertise and reach younger demographics that would be difficult to reach through traditional media. Engagement is important to build brands, so media managers must do a lot of research. Some methods of research include online surveys that ask people’s opinions of the company. It is also important to observe the current trends in the media while also taking into consideration the client’s intended audience.
(Questions 4,6,7 external)
LillieMae, explains how important it is to market her agency and how a variety of factors come into play. Although there has not been any recent technology innovations, such as new software at Lillie Mae PR, they still manage to use other efficient tools. “We have not created any tech innovations, however,  we’ve used a number of popular apps and software including photoshop and evernote” quotes LillieMae.
When asked about her team, she really puts emphasis on the significance of having a great group of people supporting, helping, and making her dream come true. When asked if she implements
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Pauline Chung
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Jamear Jackson
the expectancy theory or goal-setting theory, she leans towards the goal-setting theory. She conveys how important it is to her to help her team reach their goals and work together. According Media & Mgmt. Edition 4, good managers and savvy employees recognize that each individual brings a variety of attributes and different values to the company. Everyone’s has a unique perception and can emphasize with one another.
LilieMae confirms that sometimes having your own PR agency can be stressful, but she wouldn’t have it any other way. Some of those factors of stress can be the clients, the media industry, the fast paced environment, and the extremely long hours. The effects of stress varies depending on each employee’s reaction to job demands. She tries to be mindful and vigilant when sensing stress signals from her staff. A stressed staff and leader doesn’t make a conducive team.
LillieMae agrees that media & marketing is what drives her brand and company. A key player in making that happen is Brandon Jones, the Business Strategy & Marketing Consultant. His job is to offer strategic insight on business relations & marketing efforts and understand the means of supply and demand in advertising, information, and intellectual markets. He decides the content changes of the media agency, the potential audiences to buy into the content, and  who the potential advertisers are that reach the audiences. This also helps him with the target market by comprehending marketing and advertising. Promoting the brand will effectively sell to the right audiences and advertisers. An example is purchasing time or space any of the media outlets reaching the audience & consumers. Mr. Jones tries to develop a unique outlook on marketing and research trends. To market is to process or plan the execution of concept, pricing, promotion, and distribution of ideas, goods, and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational objectives” (AMA Board, 1985, p. 1). Sometime Brandon and LillieMae PR works with outside advertisers to blend and mix marketing elements needed  
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to attract and satisfy their consumers or target audience. The decisions they make are crucial to determining what the message content and media placement should be. Mr. Jones explains how marketing and advertising goes hand and hand. The role that advertising plays in the marketing mix is by communicating the value of a brand, or service and what it has to offer to the audience.
LillieMae and her team are really big on advertising campaigns. Advertising and social media campaigns are designed to communicate promotional efforts and advertisements. Mr. Jones was asked about the competitors in the PR industry. He agreed that with increasing competitiveness and constant technologies updates of the media industry, marketing and research are essential to execute the job. Marketing strategies revolve around team decisions of the services being advertised. When asked if he uses the marketing P’s:  product, pricing, placement, and promotion, the answer was yes. He said the marketing P’s help them develop content for the media and aid in attracting their specific target audience. Mr. Jones also is a believer when implementing a marketing research process. He says that he uses four specific stages. The first stage he uses is the research question stage. This step helps with setting marketing and research objectives and solving problems that the agency might run into. An example would why do consumers choose another PR agency over LillieMae? Developing research questions help him answer that question or come up with possibilities. The second stage is the primary research design stage. Mr. Jones uses this step to aid him in a marketing plan. He uses descriptions like qualitative, intuitive data collection, or quantitative measurement techniques. Every now and then he even conducts surveys to gain more data. The third step Mr. Jones uses is data-collection, which helps him seek the correct data he needs to add onto any research they already have. After he conducts all the measurement techniques, he writes a detailed report and shares it with the rest of the team. Brandon Jones’s position is key to this agency, because he helps LillieMae PR stand out amongst it's comp
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Jamear Jackson
LillieMae was asked what her specific target markets are from the past, present, and hopefully future. She responds, “Our target market in the past was entertainment based talent, including musicians and performers.  Our present target market is small business owners and entrepreneurs, including Authors, Motivational Speakers and Lifestyle Professionals.” What made her target a different audience? She wanted to be different from her competitors and realized they too were targeting entertainment based clients. Also, a few years ago, she changed her life for the better, knowing that she was capable of more. She wanted to exploit her full potential and accomplish more, being conducive in reading helped her discover Dr. Adair., motivational speaker and optimist. They both share a positive perspective of life and positive changes. The more Lillie Mae's life changed, so did her ultimate target audience. She now shifts to a more mature audience of women ranging from 35 years old to 50 years old. LillieMae is also known for women’s empowerment and throwing a huge event on National’s Women’s day. Her lifestyle change was the epic success of the agency’s new target market audience.
LilleMae PR agency was asked, how has change and innovation been incorporated into the company? They replied, “ Incorporating social media management into our company services was a major change within the last few years. Also moderating social media and utilizing it to foster creative connections is an addition to our research efforts. Innovation-wise we create opportunities for clients to garner exposure in addition to the typical media relations approach. This will include coordinating partnerships and social media activations as well.” LillieMae PR is all about accommodating their clients and being innovative.
In the world of public relations there are an array of challenges and opportunities. Public relations is an ever-evolving profession leaving plenty of potential for many challenges and possibilities.
Tia Berger
Pauline Chung
Ciarra Henderson
Jamear Jackson
According to Kevin Johnston, a writer for the Houston Chronicle, some of the current challenges in the industry are establishing credibility, navigating multiple channels, and measuring the impact of social media (Johnston).
With so many messages out on the internet, public relations professionals, as any journalists, now must fight for their authority since it is so easy now for anybody to have access to contribute on the internet. There are multiple media channels to choose to reach your audience, the challenge is finding the best one. It is not as simple as just communicating through television, radio, and print. Now PR professionals are competing for the attention of their audience through social media, online movements, and text messaging. It is a challenge to discover how to form a message on social media without being ignored. Public relations agencies are still learning the best practices for communicating via social media.
Most times there is a distinct separation of positive possibilities to negative trials, but in public relations, many of the problems are also powerful solutions. An article on The Bulldog Reporter explained the beauty in the challenges by describing the positive opportunities for PR firms. One of the greatest opportunities for public relations firms is to adapt to the changing market. The way marketers market is changing and this opens the doors for public relations professionals. Public relations now have more opportunities to market their clients than ever before, and though this change entails the challenges of social media, it also opens the door to more possibilities and a new playing field. Public Relations professionals must hurry, adapt, and take an advantage of new online platforms while the ground is still wet and the field is wide
open. With the changes, public relations agencies also have the opportunity to take on leadership in creating innovative campaigns for their clients before a marketing team or advertising agency are tasked to do so. Public relations firms can even lead advertising agencies, because clients a
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Jamear Jackson
re just looking for advice to reach their audiences and for the first time in history, public relations agencies can be that primary source of ideas. The media is filled with so much clutter and public relations professionals can not only make sense of chaos, as many people should be able to, but they can access, analyze, and solve the complex problems.
One of the biggest challenges of Lillie Mae PR is that the public relations profession has become so crowded. “The industry of public relations has become a far more popular profession in recent years as opposed to eight years ago when our agency was created,” said CEO Lillie Mae. Though PR has expanded, so much that several agencies are represented in Atlanta, the expansion is good according to Lillie Mae because it means that the agency is supported and needed; especially in the niche Lillie Mae caters to specifically.
When asked about their competitors, Lillie Mae explained, “We don’t perceive other agencies as competition, as we’ve carved a specific niche of clientele which allows our agency to thrive”. This leads to an excellent point of having a niche in your specific market. It is important to have a niche in public relations because it is inefficient to try to be all things to all people. One must find a niche and be excellent in all things in that niche. It is important to have a specific audience and ensuring them that you specifically care about the things they care about. Your niche gives you the ability to learn about a specific audience and identity with them.
The niche of Lillie Mae PR is entrepreneurs. The agency claims this audience by organizing several women leader brunches, workshops, fundraisers, even launching their money-making guidebook ‘5K in 30 Days’ for women entrepreneurs. Having a clear niche saves Lillie Mae PR a lot of money and time, because the audience is clear and the agency is not trying to serve everyone. This also helps build a potential client's trust and belief that Lillie Mae PR is very skilled in serving their business.
Tia Berger
Pauline Chung
Ciarra Henderson
Jamear Jackson
As the industry is evolving, so are the trends seen in public relations. It is very important for publicists to stay up to date and aware of the recent trends to remain relevant and adapt to the times. The internet really has changed everything. With social media, we see a convergence of marketing and public relations, unlike anything we’ve seen before. Social media has allowed public relations professionals a platform into a special dimension of marketing. Some of the marketing trends we see public relations agencies adapting this year are social media marketing and influencer marketing.
Social media marketing is marketing used on social sites such as Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and Snapchat. The duty of a publicist is to tell stories; therefore, public relations professionals can use these sites as a platform to tell stories. Public relations agencies can also take an advantage of the advertising campaigns offered on social media to expand the reach of their client.
Influencer marketing is another popular trend PR agencies are using and is a form of social media marketing. Influencer marketing is the idea of gaining the public’s trust with the endorsement of someone seen having high influence, particularly someone ‘Instagram famous’.
For instance, Lillie Mae PR’s Instagram has featured several posts over the past few weeks about a documentary premiere event hosted by supermodel and reality television star, Cynthia Bailey. In essence, they are promoting their association with Cynthia Bailey, at the angle of being chosen to cover the media relations for the event. This acknowledgement of association proves to their online audience that they are an established agency. These posts, are just one example of how PR agencies use influencer marketing, though there are several other ways to use this form of marketing. This is just one of the trends that Lillie Mae PR acknowledges in their work, though when interviewed the owner, Lillie Mae, explained a more physical trend that she has noticed over the years. “Boutique agencies have become an industry trend in Atlanta and abroad,” says Lillie Mae. Public relations agencies cannot
Tia Berger
Pauline Chung
Ciarra Henderson
Jamear Jackson
afford to miss out on these trends, for if they do, they risk being left behind and with the internet, there is constant competition for people’s attention.
External Questions 3-6
When asked about threats to the industry, competition and business, Lillie Mae did not respond. This was a smart business move from a PR standpoint to refrain from answering questions that could possibly jeopardize relationships or discredit your business. Also, when asked about competition earlier on, Lillie Mae stated that they do not perceive other agencies as competition, because they have carved a specific niche of clientele which has allowed them to thrive.  The comment stands as a great “PR-like” response.  When asked specifically about challenges and threats, Lillie Mae mentioned: The industry of Public Relations has become a far more popular profession in recent years as opposed to 8 years ago when our agency was created. I can imagine that staying relevant, with increased competition is a threat to a company. The economy is constantly changing and growing and supply and demand is always changing. Lillie Mae has managed to keep their business evolving and changing. We were able to get answers about significant technological developments relating to the business and/or industry. Lillie Mae responded: “Social media and various business apps have become quite an asset to this industry and the overall business functions.” Lillie Mae PR is on numerous, if not all social media platforms. They told us that: “Incorporating social media management into our company services was a major change within the last few years. Also moderating social media and utilizing it to foster creative connections is an addition to our research efforts. Innovation-wise we create opportunities for clients to garner exposure in addition to the typical media relations approach. This will include coordinating partnerships and social media activations as well.” A PR company must take advantage of social media, because that is how almost everybody
Tia Berger
Pauline Chung
Ciarra Henderson
Jamear Jackson
today stays connected. Whenever Beyoncé tweets, it is the tweet heard ‘round the world. Fans, use social media as a way to be closer to celebrities and also as a way to stay connected to each other. It is imperative for a PR company to know how to work social media to best serve the client. A good PR agent or marketer will assess why people sign up to social media platforms then, based on those answers, assess how to gain each consumer individually.  As mentioned in the book, “Planners are concerned with how we help influence consumers about brands. The media spillover into social channels has become and integral part of brand and media strategy.” With a good social media presence, any company can succeed. Lillie Mae admits that they do not have an app, but they use a number of popular apps for their agency. Maybe there is one in the works! The company is already at the top of its game, but creating its own app can take their brand, and their client’s brand to the next level. Also mentioned in the book: “Access to the web and mobile devices has allowed consumers to become relentless, round-the-clock researchers.” This statement expresses how companies having apps are the future. Think about how many celebrities, retail stores, and food places has an app. An app can give the client direct access to you and or the market. Being a PR agency based out of Atlanta, factors such as demographics, economics, and even the climate of Atlanta play a part in the agency’s success. Which is why we asked Lillie Mae about some significant economic factors in Atlanta area. We specifically asked: “What about Atlanta makes it a great place for Lillie Mae PR Agency to thrive?” Their response:  “Atlanta is a major hub for entrepreneurs and small business owners of all facets, which is our target market.  The professional climate in this city is very conducive for new ideas, projects and events to be successfully executed.” It is no doubt that Atlanta, is one of the best places in the country right now to be as a business
Tia Berger
Pauline Chung
Ciarra Henderson
Jamear Jackson
owner, especially a black business owner. The film industry is booming! In 2015, the film industry itself brought Atlanta 6 billion dollars. Also, Atlanta has hundreds of black-owned businesses and successful entrepreneurs. Not to mention, boutique PR agencies has become an industry trend in Atlanta and abroad. Climate, on the other hand, is something you would not imagine plays a part of a company’s business. I thought that was different for Lillie Mae to mention the weather. Imagine if Atlanta was cold year- round and snowy. The pool industry would not be ideal. There probably would not be a high demand of pools in Atlanta.
We finished by asking Lillie Mae about political, legal, or legislative concerns that they have had. They refrained from answering this question as well. In conclusion, Lillie Mae PR is growing and becoming one of the best PR companies in Atlanta right now. Working with platforms like, USA Today and Vh-1, Lillie Mae has not been limited to one category. The agency is multi-faceted and resilient. What is next for Lillie Mae, we are not sure, however we do know that the future is bright!
0 notes
felinevomitus · 7 years
Curated Renegade Unidentified: Interview with Loré Lixenberg
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Loré Lixenberg is a British-born singer and voice artist. She has a wide repertoire, and performs regularly alongside orchestras such as The Halle, Tokyo Phill, BBCSO and many others. One performance of note includes the lead role, as Dora Maar, in David Toop’s opera Star-Shaped Biscuit, which was performed at Aldeburgh in 2012.
In the 1990s, Lixenberg was closely involved with Cluub Zarathustra, an avant-garde comedy troupe that boasted Stewart Lee, Simon Munnery and Richard Thomas among its ranks. Together with Thomas, Lixenberg developed and starred in Jerry Springer: The Opera, a controversial and satirical musical based on the well-known television chat show. Now based in Berlin, Lixenberg runs La Plaque Tournante – a cross-disciplinary art space focusing on inquiry and experimentation – along with composer and frequent collaborator, Frédéric Acquaviva. CRU, an annual magazine published by Lixenberg and Acquaviva, documents “what’s happening or what could have happened at La Plaque Tournante”.
On the 17th January 2017, Lixenberg performed alongside Frederic Acquaviva in his new work, MESS. The piece was composed for voice, skins, mouth, and the Buchla synthesiser. MESS was broadcast live via Deutschlandradio Kultur. This interview took place, at IKLECTIK, a few days after the performance.
Ilia Rogatchevski: I want to ask about your background. It is extremely varied and incorporates opera, comedy, direction, curation and publishing. How did you arrive to where you are now?
Loré Lixenberg: Everything I do, including activities that aren’t obviously vocal, are extensions of my vocal technique and came out of an inquiry about voice. I learned classical singing, because I wanted to have a technique that could help me do lots of different kinds of music and explore things a bit deeper. Natural voices, I think, are fantastic, but I wanted to go further.
Is that something that you discovered on your own – the need to develop your voice in different directions?
I went to some really great teachers, but I chose my own path. I didn’t go to music college. I heard people whose voices I really liked and went to them. For instance, Galina Vishnevskaya, who is a great Russian soprano, or Elisabeth Söderström, who is a great Swedish soprano, and a wonderful teachers  David Mason and Nick Powell.
The thing about Bel Canto technique is that people think it’s the voice of the elite. It has very strong associations, not all of which are positive, but I see it as a folk style that has been extended into a vocal technique. It’s from Italy and if you go to there and hear these folk [vocal] styles, you really hear the Bel Canto technique within them.
Although I started my music education as a composer studying with John Woolrich, Andy Vores and Robert Saxton. I went to the City University music department that at the time called itself The Consciousness Transformation Department!
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I’d like to pick up on your work in comedy. You played an important role in Jerry Springer: The Opera, which is an immediate point of reference for many people. I’m interested to find out how you found that experience. Have you worked in comedy since? Do you think that laughter is conducive to your practice?
I’m passionate about comedy. Nobody takes it seriously enough. It’s all about timing and psychology. Perhaps it’s a bit serious to think about it that way, but I’ve had experiences with Richard Thomas where we would do a tour and we’d literally turn a room. The temperature in the room would turn for or against you. It’s literally a nanosecond between a joke landing and not.
The comedy I was involved in had a lot in common with music, free improvisation and performance art, especially from the 60s. When I was working in Cluub Zarathustra, in the 1990s, Simon Munnery was really involved in all of this. And I see a lot of composers now, taking on all of these things those comedians were doing (as well as from Nam June Paik, John Cage, Mauricio Kagel). For example, playing with technology or mixing up different styles [of delivery and performance].
Isn’t that how the idea for the Jerry Springer developed, because you’d be singing insults at hecklers?
Yes, it sort of came from that. Basically, I would be the opera device. If Richard or Simon or any of them were heckled, I would come out and sing expletives at the top of my voice at those people. Another job would be to warm the audience up as they came in. They would be sitting there and I would give them instructions from this throne that Simon had built. Jerry Springer also came out of the idea of using the innate operatic quality of heightened human situations that are presented in all their dubious glory on the Jerry Springer show.
But before Jerry Springer, I did a piece called Tourette’s Diva (2000), which was about a dysfunctional relationship between a mother and her daughter. It was basically one gag after another, but it was very dark. Really on the edge and much more so, in some ways, than Jerry Springer. It’s quite funny that there was so much fuss, with the far-right Christians going crazy [about Jerry Springer], but some of material in Tourette’s Diva was really fucked up.
Let’s move on to what you’re doing currently. In the description of the piece, MESS,which was performed in collaboration with Frédéric Acquaviva, you’re described as a “post-Brexit mezzo” – a voice without borders. To what extent would you agree with that description and what relationship, if any, does your voice have to border crossing, migration and liminality?
Frederic wrote this piece for me. He wrote it for Buchla, skins and mezzo. Sometimes I use mezzo to describe myself, sometimes I don’t. It’s a fantastic piece. Sometimes you can’t really tell what’s the Buchla and what’s the voice, because of the way he has written it. It’s very exact.
This idea of crossing borders describes me very well: always being in the cracks, somehow. Although that’s not a good analogy for voice, is it? [Laughs]. But also because I love to play with all these different colours, styles and techniques. I learnt Sevdah songs for a while, Bulgarian and Georgian music. I also studied carnatic techniques and other vocal disciplines for a while – I wouldn’t say I was an expert by any means – but I really went into these vocal techniques as much as a Westerner can.
And you’re an itinerant artist. You’re now in Berlin, but you were based in Vienna before that. How does the farcical reality of Brexit impact on your work?
I await with dread, I really do. The avant-garde, the experimental is international. I think it is very difficult to find an avant-garde that stays put. The whole journey of it has been to expand itself. So far, I don’t know about the practicalities – I just have to wait – but in terms of attitudes, that’s what I find the most scary. You don’t know what people think now, whereas before you thought that everyone was sort of on the same page and travelling towards a new ‘enlightenment’.
I’m also optimistic. Since the beginning of time, creativity and artists – like water and weeds – have always found the cracks in which to exist and flourish. The important thing is to keep going, to keep working, to be there, as an alternative, and to be there when the tide one day turns again, which it inevitably will.
That’s why Berlin is such a good place to be, because it’s still very open there. I think in London, there is a strata of people, especially musicians and artists, who are very open, but you just don’t know. [Brexit] has definitely awakened something ugly and repressive in some people.
Something you didn’t really know was there.
Or maybe it wasn’t there until it got an opportunity to be expressed.
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Let’s talk a little bit more about Berlin. You’ve got a space there called La Plaque Tournante. What are its aims and origins?
It really came about from both Frederic and I wanting to start a space that was devoted entirely to the experimental and avant-garde. A true avant-garde. There are a lot of things going on that call themselves experimental or avant-garde, but they don’t have that rigorous spirit of inquiry.
We wanted a space that was modular and where visual and sonic art had equal weight. It’s not a gallery or concert space. It’s much more fluid. It’s in this old doctor’s surgery. There’s lots of different rooms connected by corridors, so every time you walk in there it’s different. Each event has a different vibe to it and each room can be used differently. For instance, one room can be used as a cinema and then it suddenly turns into a room with a bio-top in it. It changes shape, shrinks and expands.
CRU magazine documents “what’s happening or what could have happened at La Plaque Tournante”. I’m interested about the impetus behind publishing the magazine annually, rather than quarterly, or publishing documentation online, as it happens, or in booklets. What were the reasons behind this decision and choosing the 12” record sleeve format? What has been the response to these publications?
CRU magazine has a physical and an online presence. When you open the physical CRU magazine, there are posters and postcards you can pull out. Each poster is like a mini-exhibition. You can put all the posters on a wall and you’ll have the exhibition series from the whole year on your wall. And then, in the deluxe version, there are signatures of all the artists and two unique editions by artists [who participated in our programme] through the year. If the magazine was published quarterly, you’d only have one exhibition. I think it’s more interesting to have an overview of the whole year.
And the vinyl, well it’s playing with the of presentation, because everyone loves vinyl. It has really come back, it’s fashionable all of a sudden. CDs are not so fashionable. It’s just one of those things. The really  great thing about vinyl is the surface area on which to put an image. The format comes from a sense of irony and critical sense. People at book fairs would come up to us and go: “Ooh, it’s a vinyl! But it’s not a vinyl! What is it?” We wanted to create a hybrid.
You open it up and there are CDs inside…
Yes, exactly. There is also an online presence,when you buy CRU you can send a selfie to us. In return you get a code that gives you access to the online version of the magazine. The online magazine has many more photos as well as webcam footage from cameras placed in all the rooms during the events.
As an object, it appeals to people. Frederic’s work – he’s got an exhibition on at the moment at La Plaque Tournante called Music & Multiples, Multiple Musics – and some of his work is about that. The physical presence of the score or the recording is as important as what you hear. For instance, he composed a piece called Le Disque, which also plays with this vinyl format. It’s a vinyl shape, but it has CDs stuck to it and you take the CDs off… So, there’s a lot of play to this formatting.
And does that have a relationship to the name of the space?
You would have thought so, but [la plaque tournante] actually comes from the French term for a railway turntable. It’s also a euphemism for places where dodgy deals happen.
Dodgy deals of the avant-garde…
Yeah, exactly. It’s got lots of meanings.
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One of the events that roused my interest was Music for Deaf People. It was a concert of mute works by composers like John Cage, Terry Riley, Isidore Isou and others, which are all performed in total silence. I’m interested to find out how that worked. No one was allowed to speak and, if you did, you were thrown out. What did you learn from that experience? Was it zen or was it the opposite?
It was fantastic! Personally, I absolutely loved it. Normally at the vernissage of something everyone’s chatting and drinking. It’s very loud and people are discussing [the work]. This time there was  total silence. I think there was more concentration on the work, because people couldn’t speak they were more focused on their own private response. They had to go outside to speak.
As for the recital itself, well, the pieces were just fantastic. All together they are really powerful and it’s great experience them bam, bam, bam. One after the other. You realise how silence is different every time. There is no such thing as one kind of silence. Every piece sculpted the silence in a different way. Sometimes its a really solid silence sometimes lighter and more fizzing. And from the audience, there was a really intense quality and concentration of listening.
It’s interesting that you say that, because even though they’re all different pieces, they’re performed in the same context. I would have loved to have been there.
Hopefully, we’ll do it again. The Silent Recital really, really works. It creates a space all of its own. Conversely, I also do something called Pret a Chanter there. It’s a cafe, which is an art piece. It is a real-time opera that has a manifesto and everyone has to vocalise in any way other than speaking. For instance, the conversation we’re having now, we’d have to be singing or grunting it. You can use any language or any sounds, but anyone who speaks gets thrown out.
Would you say that performances like this are more critical, more radical, more underground in Berlin than in London? Presumably, there is a reason why spaces like yours thrive in places like Berlin.
That’s simple. It’s money. For the space we’ve got, in the kind of area that we’re in – which is Rathaus Neukölln, similar to what Dalston was like ten or fifteen years ago – you couldn’t afford it. London does have a great scene though. There are things that happen in London that don’t exist in Berlin. With B@£ and £@B we want to make a link between activities in these two great cities.
Would you say that these economic conditions attract radicalism?
I think it just makes it more possible. There’s something about the word ‘radical’… I would put the focus on the experimentation, creativity and originality.The most important thing is experimentation and inquiry with a rigorousness to it as well. So that you’re not just randomly flapping around, but there is a real super-focus to what goes on, with a community of people who can simply afford to be there.
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CRU magazine is available to purchase from the IKLECTIK book shop. La Plaque Tournante.
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