#bill shorten and labor
dadsinsuits · 7 months
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Bill Shorten
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richo1915 · 1 year
Bill was a Union man.
Bill fought the Good Fight.
Bill got politically active.
And Bill still fights the good fight.
Be like Bill.
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leetrevenaphd · 2 years
An important area the New Australian Disability Minister should pay attention to, is research relating to how effective VR training is.
There has been countless people in the disability community feeling that the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) has deviated from its initial design. With 2022 seeing a much-needed change in Australian governments, a change from liberal to labor, and the introduction of Bill Shorten as the new Disability Minister, it is hoped, that the NDIS and the disability sector gets back on track. One important area that the new minister should pay attention to, is research relating to how effective VR training is, in particular, research relating to VR as an empathy enhancing tool for training in support services. It is certainly apparent that the literature is revealing promising results.
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beardedmrbean · 6 months
France's President Macron wants to reform immigration law with stricter deportation measures. Migrants and refugees protesting against the reform say its severity is unprecedented.Thousands of people were marching in the streets near Montparnasse train station in southern Paris on a recent Sunday afternoon. They were holding signs proclaiming their opposition to the "Darmanin law," named after France's interior minister. Other placards said "Immigration is not a problem ― racism is."
Right at the front of the group, a megaphone in hand, was Ahmada Siby.
The 33-year-old Malian arrived in France almost five years ago. Benefiting from a legal loophole, he has been using other people's papers to work as a cleaner, a chambermaid and, lately, a dishwasher.
'We are doing all the dirty work'
"Most of us undocumented immigrants are using this method, but it means we are paying social insurance fees and taxes without benefitting from services such as regular public healthcare like French citizens," he told DW.
"President Emmanuel Macron's government treats us as if we were nothing, although we're doing all the dirty work ― at construction sites, including the ones for the Paris Olympics next summer, in restaurants and as cleaners," he added.
That's why Siby and others have banded together to protest the bill, which France's government said is a compromise including left-wing and right-wing measures.
Deportations easier, family reunifications harder
The draft law is set to be discussed in the National Assembly, France's lower house of parliament, starting on Monday, December 11, 2023, and could enter into force early next year.
The final version of the immigration bill still needs to be pinned down, but some details are already known.
The new bill is likely to fast-track asylum procedures and shorten delays for appeals, make family reunifications more complicated and restrict the possibility to come to France for medical treatment. Changes also include the option of deporting people who were younger than 13 when they came to France, and deporting foreign parents whose children have French citizenship.
Paris was planning to create a one-year green card for people working in sectors with a labor shortage. But as it stands now, the decisions on these one-year permits are left up to local authorities.
French Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin brought the immigration reform bill into the Senate. But France's upper house of parliament, which has a center-right majority, recently considerably toughened the draft. And the government is expected to keep some of these changes to get the bill through the National Assembly. Macron's Renaissance party and its allies don't have an absolute majority there and need the conservative Republicans' support.
Since a recent terror attack by a Russian immigrant on French teacher Dominique Bernard in the northern town of Arras, the government presents the law mostly as a safeguard against unwanted immigration and terrorism. Migrants, refugees and aid organizations are worried the new rules could lead to more stigmatization and discrimination.
France 'passing a new threshold of toughness'
Lisa Faron from Paris-based Cimade, an NGO providing support for refugees and migrants, is one of those who is deeply concerned.
"The government had promised a balanced bill, and yet, the new rules will almost exclusively restrict immigrants' rights and make it more complicated for them to get legalized, which will result in even more undocumented migrants," she told DW.
"France has voted through many immigration bills, but it feels like we are passing a new threshold of toughness with this one ― for example by making it easier to expel foreign parents of French children, which was beforehand only possible if they had committed serious crimes," Faron added.
For Vincent Tiberj, professor for political sociology at University Sciences Po Bordeaux, the draft law is reflecting a general shift to the right in the political debate.
"Most French politicians are depicting immigrants as a burden and a threat. They completely forget that many migrants, also of later generations, are contributing a whole lot to our society," he told DW.
The sociologist thinks mainstream politicians are out to grab right-wing votes. Far-right party Rassemblement National is predicted to come first in next June's European Parliament elections according to polls.
"And yet, parties such as Renaissance should know this strategy doesn't work ― it only legitimizes far-right movements and helps them gain even more ground," Tiberj said.
Will new immigration rules have an impact?
Alexis Izard, Renaissance parliamentarian for the department of Essonne just south of Paris, says the final bill will still be balanced.
"Every year, we need to expel about 4,000 illegal immigrants who have committed crimes, and that will be possible with this new law," he told DW, adding that deportation procedures would take one instead of two years after the changes.
"At the same time, we want to attract those who come here and work. This will be a highly efficient law," Izard said.
Herve Le Bras, historian and demographer at the Paris-based School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences EHESS, begs to differ on that last point.
He says none of the more than 100 other immigration laws since 1945 have been effective.
"The bill is completely useless and will have practically no impact on the number of migrants coming in per year. It only gives politicians, from the far-right to the far-left, a platform to express their stance," he stated in an interview with DW.
"If you look at the immigration figures under past governments, you'll see that they are uncorrelated to politics," he said.
Alain Fontaine, owner of the restaurant Le Mesturet in central Paris and head of France's Association of Restaurant Owners, is still hoping the initially planned one-year green card will be put back in and even extended.
"Bars and restaurants won't be able to function without foreign workers who represent about a quarter of our work force," he told DW.
Some 12 out of his own 27 employees are foreigners.
"We need immigrants ― also since our own youth prefer to work in the digital sector or jobs linked to the protection of the environment," he said. "They no longer want to do the tough jobs."
Fight for a better future continues
Malian immigrant Ahmada Siby doesn't think the automatic one-year green card, even if prolonged, would be the right way forward.
"It would enshrine modern slavery into law, as we would need to work in that one sector to keep it. You'd still be at the boss's mercy," he said, sitting on his bed in a 15 square meter (161 square feet) room in the suburb of Montreuil east of Paris, a studio flat he's sharing with an uncle and a cousin.
"We want the government to legalize all of us, so that we can choose the job we'd like to do," he added.
Then, Siby looked at pictures of himself five years ago, after he had reached Spain from Morocco on a small inflatable boat.
He thinks of the crossing, which took almost a whole day, as "the most difficult moment in my life."
Everyone on board almost died.
"Once you've survived this, you don't just give up," Siby said. "I'm determined to fight for a better future."
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Coercing drug users to get sterilized, rounding them up into labor camps, and executing dealers are just some of the more extreme policy ideas being floated by politicians to address the U.S.’ overdose crisis.
But experts say the proposed solutions violate human rights and won’t solve the problem.
During a recent meeting with Mineral County residents, West Virginia state Sen. Randy Smith, a Republican, said he wants to draft a bill that would give people convicted of drug crimes the option to sterilize themselves in order to receive shortened prison sentences.
“If you get caught with drugs—and it’s all voluntary, you don’t have to—but if you want to lessen your prison sentence, if you’re a man, you can get a vasectomy so you can’t produce anymore,” Smith said, according to the Cumberland Times-News.
“If you’re a woman, then you get your tubes tied, so you don’t bring any more drug babies into the system. Now, you don’t have to. If you don’t you’re going to jail for a very long time. If you volunteer for the program, then you get a lesser sentence.”
More than 107,000 Americans died of a fatal overdose in 2021, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, with fentanyl and other synthetic opioids claiming the lives of over 70,000 people. West Virginia has the highest fatal drug overdose rate in the U.S. with 81.4 deaths per 100,000 people.
Smith’s suggestion is a form of eugenics—a practice of controlling the human population by reproducing “desirable” traits and breeding out those considered undesirable, often based on racist and prejudiced assumptions. As VICE News previously reported, the non-profit Project Prevention gives drug users money to get sterilized. Government-funded sterilization programs have also taken aim at people with mental illness, poor people, incarcerated people, and people of color.
“This is part of a broader trend for some people to say that certain people aren't worthy of becoming parents and that they could pass on— genetically or environmentally—certain traits that are undesirable,” said Sheila Vakharia, deputy director of research and academic engagement at the Drug Policy Alliance.
Vakharia said a eugenics-based solution writes off people with addictions as having problems that they can never overcome. It also ignores the fact that people who use drugs can be good parents, she added.
However, she thinks Smith’s suggestion is mostly “political theater.”
“A lot of politicians are grasping at straws and want to look like they're doing something, but also want to look like they're proposing new solutions,” she said.
Hostility has also been ramping up toward drug dealers. Former President Donald Trump, for example, said he wants the death penalty for everyone caught selling drugs—a position shared by House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy. At a Nov. 7 rally, Trump also expressed admiration for the idea of having a “quick trial” for drug sellers, that he dubiously claimed came from China.
“If they’re guilty, they are executed,” he said. “The bullet is sent to their families… It’s pretty tough stuff. There’s no games. So they have no drug problem whatsoever.”
While there has been an increase in states passing drug-induced homicide laws, through which dealers are charged with murder if they sell drugs to someone who dies, there’s no evidence that those prosecutions make a dent in the overdose crisis.
In fact, media coverage about such cases have led to spikes in overdoses because people get scared to call the authorities if someone needs help, according to a 2021 report from the Health in Justice Action Lab at Northeastern University.
Vakharia said this is an example of “individualizing the problem,” rather than addressing systemic issues.
“Many people's analysis is that we’ve got to blame individual dealers, drug transporters, and distributors because that's what the problem is, rather than actually seeing that the reason why the drug supply is so unpredictable is because of broader social, structural, and policy factors, namely prohibition, which by its definition leads to an unregulated and adulterated drug supply,” she said.
Hiawatha Collins, community and capacity building manager at National Harm Reduction Coalition, said this rhetoric ignores the fact that a lot of drug dealers are selling drugs to manage their own addictions.
“Nobody's really making a whole lot of money and getting rich doing that,” said Collins, a former marine who has used heroin in the past.
“If people had jobs, if people had education, if people had good health care, if people were able to pay their rent If he was able to pay their rent and keep food on the table—nobody wants to sell drugs.”
As the pandemic has exacerbated societal inequities, large homeless encampments have become another political flashpoint in the War on Drugs. Some policymakers have even suggested forcibly removing them as a solution—or started the process.
New York City Mayor Eric Adams recently launched an initiative that directs city employees, including the police, to hospitalize mentally ill people who are in public against their will, “even when there is no recent dangerous act,” per state guidelines. In Spring, the mayor also directed the city to start clearing homeless encampments, and some people who refused to leave were arrested.
Many of the encampments are most visible on the West Coast. California had cleared more than 1,250 homeless encampments between September 2021 and August 2022, according to Gov. Gavin Newsom’s office. In a recent op-ed in the California Globe, Edward Ring, founder of the conservative think tank California Policy Center, wrote that people addicted to drugs “could be removed to regional camps set up in inexpensive parts of California’s urban counties.”
“To help earn their keep, they could participate in conservation projects and other character building work, and recover their sobriety, their dignity, and eventually their freedom. The truly mentally ill would have to be placed, involuntarily, in psychiatric hospitals,” Ring said, which drew comparisons to concentration camps on Twitter.
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Vakharia said sending people to far-off locations will likely make it harder for those who are overdosing to get medical attention. The appeal of these proposals is that people won’t have to come face to face with visible poverty, she said.
“A lot of this is because of out of sight, out of mind. Some people just don't understand how some people struggled and we don't want to see it.”
Leo Beletsky, a Northeastern University professor of law and health sciences who leads the Health in Justice Action Lab, said a lot of these “fringe ideas” have been previously discredited.
“First of all, they're ineffective. Second of all, there are human rights abuses and ethical issues and moral problems with these kinds of approaches.”
But he said they’re also an indictment of mainstream political leaders who have failed to get a grip on the overdose crisis by implementing more widespread treatment and harm reduction measures, including access to methadone and safe consumption sites.
He pointed to President Joe Biden’s administration backtracking on providing funding for crack pipes as one example. New York Gov. Kathy Hochul, a Democrat, recently rejected the idea of using any of the $2 billion the state has received in opioid settlement money from pharmaceutical companies to fund safe injection sites after widespread condemnation from the right.
In Philadelphia, harm reductionists have been trying for years to open a safe injection site but they were sued by former U.S. Attorney William McSwain because the sites are federally illegal. The case has since escalated, with the Department of Justice asking for more time to come to a “possible amicable resolution to continue” earlier this month.
“The rhetoric goes, ‘Well, what we're doing isn't working like, the scientific and quote unquote humane approach, isn't working. We need something else,’” Beletsky said. “But we never tried it, really.”
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ainews · 12 days
In today's society, we often associate chokers with fashion trends and as a statement piece for various outfits. However, during the 1480s, it was a vastly different story. Chokers were seen as outdated and even inappropriate. So, what led to this shift in perception?
First, it's important to understand what chokers were and how they were worn in the 1480s. Chokers were typically made of a narrow band of fabric, lace, or velvet, and were worn tightly around the neck. They were popular during the Middle Ages and were often adorned with jewels or embroidery. While they were worn by both men and women, they were more commonly associated with women and were often seen as a symbol of their femininity.
However, as fashion trends evolved, chokers started to fall out of favor. One of the main reasons for this was the ever-changing ideals of beauty. During the Renaissance period, the ideal female figure was one with a long, elegant neck. Chokers, with their tight-fitting design, were seen as unflattering and even unnatural. As a result, women began to opt for more open-necked dresses and necklaces that would elongate their necks rather than shorten them.
Furthermore, chokers were also associated with the old-fashioned, conservative ways of dressing. As society moved away from the strict social norms and customs of the Middle Ages, people began to embrace more daring and revealing fashion choices. Chokers, with their constricting design, were seen as constricting and restrictive, and were no longer in line with the changing attitudes towards fashion and individual expression.
The rise of the printing press also played a role in the downfall of chokers. As books became more widely available, jokes and satirical content also gained popularity. And what better target for a joke than the outdated fashion trends of the past? Chokers, with their adherence to traditional beauty standards, quickly became the subject of ridicule and were even used as a symbol of backwardness.
Finally, there was also a practical reason for the decline of chokers. As society became more industrialized and people's occupations moved away from farming and manual labor, tight and uncomfortable clothing was no longer necessary. People preferred more comfortable and practical clothing, and chokers simply didn't fit the bill.
In conclusion, the 1480s marked a turning point for chokers in fashion. Changing beauty standards, evolving social attitudes, and practicality all played a part in their decline. So, next time you see someone rocking a choker, remember that its history goes way back, but it wasn't always as trendy as it is today.
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tonymattblog · 5 months
Revolutionize Your Manufacturing Business with Robotic Process Automation
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In the fast-paced realm of manufacturing, keeping your business at the forefront demands a commitment to cutting-edge technologies. Robotic Process Automation (RPA) has emerged as a pivotal tool for optimizing processes, fostering product innovation, and automating mundane tasks. Sparsh stands as your partner, offering bespoke RPA solutions that propel manufacturing companies towards heightened efficiency and revenue across the entire value chain.
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Manufacturers can leverage RPA to automate rule-based operations, significantly enhancing accuracy and speed in various business processes. Our tailor-made RPA solutions seamlessly integrate with existing legacy systems in real-time, automating time-consuming and repetitive tasks. This transformative technology drives efficiency and cost reduction across crucial areas such as inventory management, invoice processing, supply chain automation, customer service, and purchase order management.
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Nationalism isn't a curse word
I can preface this by stating one very specific thing. People in general should care about the wellbeing of our country. To be a Patriot, is actual Nationalism. Fact of the matter is, caring about your country over every other country on earth is how you vote for people and policies that make your country a better place in the long run.
However, people, especially those tending to be on the left, have turned it into a curse word. And they want you to view it as a bad thing. Reason being, is because on a fundamental level, they are Globalists. But there seems to be misunderstandings of what Globalism is. So let's review.
Globalism, is a fundamental idea that supersedes all other things. Is a nation struggling? Help it no matter what. Even at the cost of your own. Is there a war? Support the more "oppressed side" and flatten the other. Who cares how many die. It's a belief that you can have every country with boarders wide open and people can come and go as they please. It's also the idea that all cultures should be erased and replaced with neo progressive ideology.
THIS is Globalism. Now some people will argue that this isn't the case and that it's more simple, but the reality is how I stated it. Anyone telling you otherwise is trying to sell you something. And often that something is the erasure of your people, cultures, and of you. A gateway to tyranny if you will. People who are Globalists don't actually care about people. Even if they claim that they do. THEY WANT to be like Bill Gates. A man so rich he couldn't spend all his money if he wanted to. A man that is potentially trying to design strains of bacteria he can weaponize to make people allergic to meat. (Yeah I thought it was fake to. Turns out, not so far fetched. Link 1 Link 2 Link 3 *Also for the sake of clarity. In the last link the AP says it's a false claim. However if you read what they have said, the people who claim it false ARE funded by the Gates Foundation. Which is very much a 'We investigated ourselves and found we did nothing wrong' situation.* Does that mean something was happening? No. It means that we have to speculate based no the actions of Mr. Gates. Who seems fine to think he's better than literally everyone else.) A man who thinks HE as a wealthy person, knows BETTER than you, and knows what's best for you.
People who are Globalists? They envy this man. Because they want to BE him. They want to be a tyrant where they have control. They want people like the WEF to actually succeed. Why? Because they want to find a way to join the powerful class of people, and use the rest of us peasant class as slave labor and amusement.
In short? They want to be the people in the Capital in Hunger Games. Nothing but constant indulgence.
Globalists lie to you over and over and over because they want you divided. Have you ever seen the attacks on the American Flag? I certainly have. I've seen them be replaced with Pride Flags. Which in my opinion is disgusting. Because the American Flag? It represents ALL Americans. The Pride Flag, and especially the Progress Pride Flag, are NOT representative of all Americans. It's not even representative of all LGBT people. What's more, the Progress Pride Flag (Shortened to PPF) is a symbol of anti white hate and anti American hate. Hell I'd go so far as to say they hate AIDS victims too since the Black stripe now represents "Black LGBT" and not the victims of AIDS.
Nationalism isn't bad. And the only people that want you to believe that are people who want you under their thumbs. They might sell you pretty lies, but they are very much still lies at the end of the day.
Do not be afraid to love your country. Instead focus your attention on the people that tell you that loving your country isn't a good thing. Because they have motive.
Before I wrap this up, let me make one thing clear though.
Nationalism, and Hyper Nationalism are NOT the same. One is love for your country. The other is a form of obsession and is often paired with tyrannical ideals.
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brexiiton · 7 months
Senator Lidia Thorpe accuses police of failing to protect her after Neo-Nazi racist abuse
By Georgia Roberts, Thu 5 Oct, 2:29pm
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Senator Lidia Thorpe has been the target of racist far-right extremist abuse. (AAP: Joel Carrett)
Independent senator Lidia Thorpe has said the Australian Federal Police (AFP) have failed to protect her after becoming the target of far-right extremist racist abuse.
A warning that this story contains offensive images that may cause distress to our audience.
The Indigenous senator was tagged in a video of a masked Neo-Nazi burning an Aboriginal flag while performing a Nazi salute this week.
In Melbourne on Thursday, she stood in front of the Royal Exhibition Building and described the upcoming Voice to Parliament referendum as an "act of genocide against my people". 
Senator Thorpe made allegations that Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and the AFP are not doing enough to protect her from the far right.
"His violent force that he has sent to protect me can't even protect me, refuse to protect the Blak sovereign woman because the police are part of the problem in this country," she said.
"You want to paint me as an angry black woman, well you are about to see an angry black woman.
"Four months I wasn't allowed to be in my own home, because people want to kill me out there."
The AFP said it did not provide specific details on protection matters "involving Australian High Office Holders and Parliamentarians" however took their protection very seriously, and "significantly" invested in their safety.
The AFP said it was made aware of a video posted to X, formerly Twitter, referencing Senator Thorpe on October 3 and it immediately engaged with the social media platform to have the video removed. 
The post has since been deleted and the account that posted it deactivated. 
The video contains extremely offensive material but the ABC has chosen to use still images from it because we have reason to believe that this was not an isolated action by one individual.
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The AFP is investigating the video of a Neo-Nazi burning an Aboriginal flag.(Supplied)
The ABC has found that Senator Thorpe has been the target of a sustained harassment campaign by members of an Australian Neo-Nazi network.
Several members of this network, particularly in Melbourne where the senator is based, have bragged on their social media channels about harassing and sending her racist and abusive messages.
It is understood they have encouraged their followers to attend events where she was scheduled to speak.
13YARN, a national crisis support line for First Nations peoples who are feeling overwhelmed or having difficulty coping, reported a 108 per cent increase in callers reporting abuse, racism, and trauma between March and June.
'Man-baby Nazis': Government 
When asked about the video, the prime minister said people need to be "respectful" during the Voice to Parliament referendum debate. 
"I've seen the video that is referred to, that is threatening towards Senator Thorpe and towards the government — and the sort of Nazi rhetoric in that video has no place in discourse in Australian life," he said. 
Mr Albanese declined to respond to Senator Thorpe's comments as he had not yet seen them.
"Senator Thorpe contacted me directly. I responded to her at the first opportunity on the same day, spoke to the AFP," he said.
"I don't talk about what AFP support is being given for obvious reasons. That would be quite counterproductive."
Labor frontbencher Bill Shorten also condemned the video as "cowardly and gutless".
"It's cowardly and disgusting, I don't know what it is with these man-baby Nazis, wearing a hood so no-one can see you. They think they're so tough," he told Channel Nine.
"Sending it and trying to pressure one of our senators and abuse them, I think it's cowardly and gutless and I just wish that bloke would take his hood off so people can see what sort of real joker he is."
The AFP had previously charged a man in a separate incident for making violent threats against Senator Thorpe.
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apitoprintgeocodes · 1 year
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awesomeforever · 1 year
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flitemechanical · 1 year
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tastydregs · 1 year
This Bill Would Make the Four-Day Workweek a Federal Law in the US
32 Hours
California Congressman Mark Takano has reintroduced a bill that would make four-day workweeks a federal mandate, something that would bring about "a significant change which will increase the happiness of humankind," as Takano told CNBC.
"Workers across the nation are collectively reimagining their relationship to labor — and our laws need to follow suit," Takano said in March 1 statement. "We have before us the opportunity to make common sense changes to work standards passed down from a different era."
If the bill were to pass, employers would be required to start paying overtime the second that the hour log hits 33, which would not only ensure that workers are fairly paid for longer hours, but would also incentivize employers to hire more people.
White Collars Rejoice
The four-day workweek has been a buzzy topic for several years now, with its proponents claiming that shortening weekly work hours promotes focus and productivity while meanwhile helping workers maintain a healthier work-life balance.
And there's proof it does just that. Earlier this year, scientists concluded the largest four-day workweek trial, and found it to be a resounding success.
But one central criticism of the idea has emerged: that the movement is mostly helpful for salaried white-collar workers, while those who work hourly and blue-collar jobs in industries like service and manufacturing get woefully left behind.
While Takano did admit to The Washington Post that ensuring equal compensation for fewer hours — especially for hourly laborers — is the 32-hour workweek's biggest hurdle, his bill does include non-exempt workers, and according to the WaPo has garnered the support of labor organizations like the American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO), Service Employees International Union, and the United Food and Commercial Workers Union.
In other words: the bill's provisions aren't 100 percent airtight, but it's a step in the right direction.
"The serious conversations about the reduced workweek are happening for white-collar professions," Takano told CNBC's Make it. "What my bill will do is spur conversation about how we democratize this norm to other sectors of the workforce so everybody benefits."
"That's a very big statement," he added. "But it was a big deal 100 years ago when we gave people the weekend by passing the Fair Labor Standards Act," referring to the law that, among other things, cemented the 40-hour workweek as standard in the US.
"These," Takano continued, "are all part of the social justice discourse."
READ MORE: This bill could make the four-day workweek a reality [The Washington Post]
More on the four-day workweek: The World's Largest Four Day Work Week Trial a Huge Success
The post This Bill Would Make the Four-Day Workweek a Federal Law in the US appeared first on Futurism.
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jerry618 · 1 year
The Advantage of LED Display Rental
1. Portable and ultra-thin
Cabinets of traditional LED screens are mainly made of SPCC (common & general use of cold-rolled carbon steel sheet and strip), commonly known as "iron box". It is made of plates through bending, soldering, spraying and other processes. It has low costs but also a disadvantage: too heavy. 
The weight per square meter after it being made into a screen reaches over 60kg. Cabinets used in LED screens rental for the stage performance industry are basically made from aluminum. It weighs about 30-50kg/m2. Its characteristics include lightweight and fine thermal conductance, etc.
2. Small deviation and seamless splicing
Traditional cabinets of LED screens adopt the manufacturing pattern of sheet metal, being processed through manufacturing techniques like bending and soldering. Due to the large deviation of such manufacturing techniques and its frequent deformation after processing, the deviation of screens exists in the millimeter level. 
It is difficult to meet the requirements of seamless splicing. Due to the module forming machine applied in the manufacturing of aluminum cabinets of LED screens rental, the deviation can be limited within 0.1 millimeter, which completely meets the requirement of seamless splicing.
3. Quick installation
As the cabinet is made of aluminum, it is lighter with higher precision, ensuring the disassembly to be convenient and quick. Technicians can splice cabinets within a few minutes, thereby greatly shortening the time for installation and disassembly and saving the labor cost.
4. Long service life
The main part that affects the service life of LED screens is the light-emitting diode (bulb). High temperature is the major killer of the light-emitting diode. Aluminum cabinets with the fine cooling capability and thermal conductance can stabilize the temperature of the service environment, thus greatly increasing the service life of screens.
5. Affordable price
Outdoor LED screens rental is an ideal choice for event organizers who have limited budgets but want to present excellent functions. The fact that outdoor LED screens are easy to install means that you can hire experts to set up screens without paying. In addition, its brightness and clear visibility mean that you do not need to employ a lot of displays to meet the needs of the audience. 
A single screen is enough to attract a lot of audiences. LED screens rental is also energy efficient, which means that your electricity bill will not be too high. What you need to look for is an installment rental company that can provide you with high-quality LED screens. There are a lot of such experts. All you need is to study carefully and find a company that can provide you with high-quality LED screens at an affordable price.
6. Reliability
Outdoor LED screens are sturdy and durable. It can withstand harsh weather such as heavy rain and strong winds. It means that renting a high-quality outdoor LED screen can display clear pictures and voices for the audience to appreciate, regardless of the weather. It is applied with new technologies and can withstand severe weather as well.     
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tonymattblog · 6 months
Revolutionizing Manufacturing Through Robotic Process Automation
In the fast-paced world of manufacturing, success hinges on the ability to adopt cutting-edge technologies. Robotic Process Automation (RPA) has emerged as a game-changer, offering a strategic advantage for businesses aiming to optimize processes, foster innovation, and automate routine tasks. At Sparsh, our bespoke RPA solutions are tailored to empower manufacturing companies, enhancing efficiency and unlocking revenue streams across the entire value chain.
Elevating Efficiency and Cutting Costs in Manufacturing with RPA
RPA empowers manufacturers to automate rule-based operations, injecting precision and speed into their workflows. Our specialized RPA offerings seamlessly integrate with existing legacy systems, automating labor-intensive and repetitive tasks in real-time. The result? Substantial cost reductions and heightened efficiency across critical areas such as inventory management, invoice processing, supply chain automation, customer service, and purchase order management.
FAQs: Unleashing the Potential of Robotic Process Automation in Manufacturing
What is Robotic Process Automation (RPA) in manufacturing?
RPA in manufacturing involves employing software robots or bots to automate rule-based tasks, streamlining business processes to enhance efficiency and reduce errors. The goal is to free up human resources for more strategic and value-added activities.
What are the benefits of implementing RPA in manufacturing?
Implementing RPA yields benefits such as increased control over business processes, optimized employee performance, reduced errors, cost savings, and an exceptional return on investment (ROI) through the automation of routine tasks.
What are some common use cases of RPA in manufacturing?
RPA finds application in various manufacturing domains, including inventory management, invoice processing, customer service, purchase order management, Bill of Materials (BOM), supply chain management, and data migration.
What steps should manufacture companies follow for successful RPA implementation?
Successful RPA implementation involves outlining objectives, analyzing current processes, researching RPA tools, implementing chosen software, and continuously monitoring and optimizing performance.
Why choose Sparsh for RPA implementation in manufacturing?
Sparsh provides tailored RPA services, leveraging expertise in streamlining manufacturing processes, optimizing efficiency, and delivering a comprehensive support system from strategy creation to deployment and maintenance.
Advantages of RPA in the Manufacturing Industry:
Increased Efficiency: RPA accelerates processes, enhancing operational efficiency and productivity for manufacturing companies.
Cost Savings: Automation reduces labor expenses and errors, resulting in significant cost savings and minimized rework.
Improved Accuracy: RPA bots perform tasks with precision, minimizing errors and enhancing product quality in manufacturing processes.
Enhanced Scalability: Bots offer scalability, allowing manufacturers to adapt to fluctuating production demands efficiently.
Real-time Data Insights: RPA systems process data in real-time, enabling better decision-making and proactive problem-solving in manufacturing operations.
Integration with Legacy Systems: Seamless integration with existing systems ensures a smooth transition without extensive IT modifications.
Regulatory Compliance: RPA automates compliance-related tasks, ensuring adherence to regulations and accurate documentation in manufacturing.
Employee Empowerment: Automation of repetitive tasks frees up employees for strategic activities, leading to higher job satisfaction and skill development.
Streamlined Supply Chain: RPA streamlines supply chain processes, reducing delays and enhancing communication with suppliers in manufacturing.
Faster Time-to-Market: Automation accelerates product development cycles, shortening lead times and speeding up product launches.
In summary, RPA offers a myriad of advantages to the manufacturing industry, from increased efficiency and cost savings to improved accuracy and streamlined supply chains. Sparsh stands as a reliable RPA development partner, guiding manufacturing businesses toward precision, efficiency, and exceptional ROI. Embrace the transformative power of automation with Sparsh and propel your manufacturing business into the future.
Conclusion: Embrace the Future of Manufacturing with Sparsh and RPA
As the manufacturing landscape evolves at an unprecedented pace, the integration of Robotic Process Automation (RPA) has become not just a choice but a necessity for businesses striving to thrive in this competitive environment. Sparsh, with its tailored RPA solutions, emerges as the beacon guiding manufacturing enterprises towards a future marked by efficiency, accuracy, and unparalleled returns.
In a sector where every minute counts, RPA acts as the catalyst for operational metamorphosis. The advantages, from increased efficiency to substantial cost savings, improved accuracy, and streamlined supply chains, underscore the transformative power of this technology. With Sparsh as your trusted RPA development partner, you're not merely adopting automation; you're ushering in an era of precision and excellence.
From the initial strategy creation to the meticulous implementation, deployment, and ongoing maintenance, Sparsh stands committed to driving your manufacturing business into the future. Our expertise extends beyond automation; it encompasses understanding your unique challenges and providing solutions that align seamlessly with your goals.
In the dynamic world of manufacturing, where innovation is the key to longevity, Sparsh's RPA solutions offer more than just efficiency gains. They empower your workforce, elevate your product quality, and position your business as an agile and forward-thinking industry leader.
The future of manufacturing is here, and it's automated, efficient, and remarkably intelligent. Choose Sparsh, not just as a service provider, but as a partner invested in the success and growth of your manufacturing business. Embrace the transformative potential of Robotic Process Automation, and let Sparsh lead you towards a future where precision and innovation converge seamlessly in the heart of your operations. Your journey towards manufacturing excellence starts here.
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myadroit · 1 year
Government appears increasingly divided over stage-three tax cuts
Government appears increasingly divided over stage-three tax cuts
Cracks are emerging within the government’s plan to follow through on stage-three tax cuts, as a senior minister claims Australians earning $150,000 a year are struggling. Government Services Minister Bill Shorten – who as Labor leader fiercely opposed the former government’s income tax cuts – said inflation and other cost-of-living pressures were harming Australians earning over the $100,000…
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