nof-ckinsaint · 1 year
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thunderstruck9 · 3 days
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John Bellany (British, 1942-2013), Self-Portrait with Black Cat. Oil on canvas, 48 x 48 in.
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oldsardens · 2 months
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John Bellany - Bass Rock
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catohphm · 6 months
Weekend With The Grays 2023 Day 3 Prompt - Cocktail Party
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This is my third entry in the 2023 Weekend With the Grays, a Christmas - Winter Solstice event for Hogwarts Legacy organized by @endlessly-cursed. She is the creator of Prim, who is mentioned in the story. Malcolm is also mentioned, who belongs to @gaygryffindorgal. Bella belongs to @mjs-oc-corner, who also wrote Roxie, mentioned in the post. In this post, the friends share what Winbourne means to them during the cocktail party in the gazebo.
A change of pace followed the mass extravagance of the Welcome Ball. Lady Primrose and Lord Malcolm had been refurbishing the gazebo outside for a get-together. It was a cocktail party for the hosts and requests to relax after all the dancing the previous day. Part of Danny and Bella, those young souls wished they could dance forever. Yet they looked forward to the other plans their friends look after the estate had in store for everybody.
People had opportunities to chat before the cocktail party, but this gathering was going to be different in some way. The lord and lady would get to join the conversation more and breathe from their duties for a little while. Of course they had to make sure they had a chance to speak with all the guests. That was to come natural yet, since they were people that Prim and Malcolm knew and had invited. The talk around the estate was that a couple who proposed at midnight would have one of them taken literally off their feet. 
Danny and Bella were joking about the gossip while they huddled together on one of the benches of the gazebo, which was shared by Prim, Malcolm and a few other friends. “Oh, Bella, don't even make me bet on who's proposing to their beloved at midnight.” said Danny in response to one of Bella's jokes. “Don't worry,” she then went “it's not like who actually is proposing is that important to know.” Her love finished “I'm just here for the talking circle.” and they shared a laugh. The legend was acknowledged but it ended up helping to enhance the atmosphere and the air of excitement.
Then, Prim just had finished chatting with another friend when she invited Danny and Bella to come and speak with her. She smiled and motioned for them. The couple got off the bench and approached the Lady.
“Good evening, my lady.” he greeted Prim. “Good evening, Danny. I heard you and Bella lost a necklace. Got it back, hopefully.”
“Yes,” spoke up Bella. “It was mine actually. We even reached it with both of our hands and pulled it out in unison.” Prim was a little in awe, but found it humorous most of all. “Really?” 
“Definitely.” answered Bella. “I even told her it adds the new meaning of finding something together.” Prim smiled at this before continuing. “How about you two join me for a bit?” Her friends eagerly sat down with her. They had a moment before she had to check on the others.
Prim asked them “How's your stay at Winbourne been? Been getting to chat with some of our other friends?”
“For sure.” replied Bella as she sipped her drink. “We met up with Roxie. She's even in Danny’s training class for the Ministry’s new aurors.”
“That's wonderful.” the Lady remarked “Roxie has a good, kind heart. I feel that's quite warming to hear. I'm glad she's there to help you get through the course each day, Danny.”
“It wouldn't be complete without her there.” he said affirmingly. 
“Winbourne would be very different without you all here.” added Prim. “For years we've been close as friends. Even more, everyone's bonds growing is such a happy thing to witness.”
Bella, excited in her tone, asked “I guess you could say this is our Winbourne family.”
“Yes.” Prim agreed. “That's how I want people coming over here to feel. This estate, it's a special place. Not just any estate. I made it a point that I would also put the work in to look after these grounds. I inherited it, yes, but privileges you get just cause don't hold a candle to efforts you're invested in for a while. They're nice and useful, but the happiness of others beyond these walls also of value to me, not just myself, my husband and the Somersets.”
“That's well said, my lady.” Bella said. Danny reacted confidently. “I've never thought much of nobility but Winbourne shoots above all else. It's got the tender love and care most think are lacking in the high class.”
The three then shared a toast. Bella then asked Prim a question. “Do your wishes for your life as a viscountess and Winbourne help you in tending to the responsibilities of your role?” In agreement, Danny commented “no one should assume it’s like a stroll in the garden.” 
“Truly so. Remember when I was growing up, I saw the point of privilege on it's own as dull by the time we were old enough for Hogwarts. I want to make a difference in people's lives. What I have here available just helps me in the path of achieving that.”
“It’s a very fair point, Prim.” noted Bella. No matter where you are, we're always supporting you.”
“You can always count on us like we can count on you throughout our own endeavors,” said Danny.
Prim nodded. “Thank you, Danny and Bella. It's a part of the reason why you two here always have a place here at Winbourne. I must now see how the other guests, our other friends are doing. I hope you two enjoy the rest of the party.”
“Thanks again, my lady.” said Bella as the Prim got up from her seat and began to depart. “It's always anytime.” she went before leaving to catch up with the others.
“Let's get some more drinks and come back over here.” Bella then offered her love. “How about we make these two for the place Winbourne has in our hearts?” suggested Danny. “That we get onto.” she went as she motioned up with him and off to refill their glasses.
Their bonds with Roxie and Prim enjoyed a great mutual commonality. It was many years running. Since at least their first year it has been a thing, and it is well-cherished by the friends. The gradually maturing romance between Danny and Bella further reinforced the association amongst the four. Prim's efforts to make Winbourne a welcoming space to her friends made it a spot where many lifetime pairings of love started. It brought credibility and fondness back into the legend of midnight proposals.
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portraituresque · 1 year
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John Bellany - 1988 - Self-Portrait ( Addenbrook's Hospital ) - watercolour on paper - 77.4 x 56.8 cm 
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sardens · 1 year
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John Bellany - Nude
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nof-ckinsaint · 9 months
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fabledenigma · 9 months
In the Source Link, you will find a gif pack of Gerardo Celasco in Swimming With Sharks tv series.
Gerardo plays the role of Miles Bresson, the husband of Diane Kruger's character - Joyce Holt. He becomes one of the targets of Lou. Gerardo has also gone by the name - Adrian Bellani and is currently in a relationship with actress Jennifer Morrison.
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Source - FabledEnigma
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portraits-of-iris · 1 year
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John Bellany
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oldsardens · 2 months
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John Bellany - Mountainous Landscape
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minoracts · 2 years
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John Bellany
Conversation Piece, 1991
Watercolour, 76 x 56 cm
Courtesy: https://www.flowersgallery.com/.../45-john.../works/167220/
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onenakedfarmer · 6 months
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Daily Painting
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random-brushstrokes · 2 months
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John Bellany - The Ettrick Shepherd (1967)
On a cultural exchange in 1967, Bellany visited the Buchenwald concentration camp. The influence this has on the artist can be seen in his exploration of the bleakness of the human condition through his art. In this painting the subject is the 19th century writer and shepherd James Hogg. His dark shadow and the acrid colours of the landscape suggest a landscape of anxiety, reflecting the contemporary troubles of mass emigration caused by the Highland Clearances. James Hogg (1770–1835) was one of Scotland’s most intriguing and original writers. He began his career as a shepherd near his birthplace in the Ettrick Forest, some 40 miles south of Edinburgh. After his literary talent was discovered by Sir Walter Scott, he published extensively in verse and prose, became acquainted with leading Romantic writers of the day, and acquired his nickname ‘The Ettrick Shepherd’ in 'Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine'. Bellany’s haunting image was painted soon after he had been deeply impressed by Hogg’s prose masterpiece 'The Private Memoirs and Confessions of a Justified Sinner' (1824). The novel tells of the struggles of a young Scot, around 1700, against madness, evil and possession: struggles which may be seen reflected here in the gaze of the shepherd himself. (source)
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polkadotmotmot · 5 days
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John Bellany - Woman with Owl, ca. 1972 - Oil on canvas
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swallowprettybird · 3 months
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la reina del amor♟️
all credits to Bella for my dear friend Bellany, I'm only changed style 🖤
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sardens · 1 year
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John Bellany - Snake Head
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