#because no one's ever gonna be better than norm lewis
spacetrashpile · 27 days
2012 broadway revival of jesus christ superstar starring josh young as judas save me.... save me 2012 broadway revival of jesus christ superstar starring josh young as judas.....
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minimoefoe · 2 years
The Halloween Apocalypse Rewatch Thoughts
This is wayyy too long and rambly but I want all my dumbass thoughts in one place so:
Something about that first scene where they’re hanging upside down felt really awkward. I think it was the dialogue? One of the few moments where I actually feel and don’t like the decrease in writing quality for this era.
If they were tryna give Thirteen her own Allons-y or Geronimo when she said ‘Alley-oop’, it didn’t work. Doesn’t have the same ring to it.
That was probably the worst Scottish accent I’ve ever heard and I’m obsessed with it. That whole handcuffs thing makes up for the questionable beginning.
I will never get over how Chib started Series 13 with having the Doctor and Yaz not only land on a bed together but land on a bed together while in handcuffs that need someone to say ‘what a relief’ in order to unlock them. 
The two old white guys are probably the only people we see in this episode whose story I couldn’t really give a fuck about. But I have a feeling that will change when we actually focus on them more rather than seeing them, what felt like, unnecessarily in this episode 
Dan’s first speech to those people in the museum is not good. Not sure if it’s the writing or the way John says it but it felt really off.
‘The late Dan Lewis’ better not be fucking foreshadowing I stg
Swarm’s regeneration is so cool. I can’t wait to find out more about him and like.. how/why he’s talking to our Doctor and not whichever Doctor (I assume Ruth) he is usually in some kind of conflict with. 
But also, he knows that the Doctor gets her memory wiped so maybe his Doctor went through all their regenerations and he, for whatever reason, knows about it? And is now in search of another version of the Doctor he can harass? I am so confused. But like, in a good way. I want to know how this all works so badly.
This also does get me thinking about like. I know that obviously the reason the Doctor has never met someone from their other lives that were erased up until now is because the Timeless Child hadn’t been invented yet so obviously the Eleventh Doctor was gonna meet a forgotten version of him in an episode but that is one of the things that is kinda a problem with the TC arc for me, at least a little bit. Because if there are God knows how many other versions of the Doctor running around the universe, then our Doctor would surely have come into contact with one of them accidently by now. And I’d say the only solution would be to have comics/audios/books where previous incarnations of the Doctor meet erased versions but obviously that wouldn’t work because then Thirteen would have had to not be surprised at seeing an unknown version of herself in FotD. Idk. It’s just. If we’re saying that every version of the Doctor has had a pretty similar life - they grow up and then run away to travel - the Doctor never having met another version of herself is very unlikely. But also, maybe every version of the Doctor isn’t so similar that they would bump into each other? Like, our Doctor loves Earth. Ruth was on Earth but there was no indication that she was particularly fond of it or humans. And we know she doesn’t have the same life as our Doctor because she spent however long working for the Division. So then I guess it makes sense that our Doctor has never bumped into a forgotten version of herself, because the forgotten versions would have had lives that made sense for whatever the norm was on Gallifrey at that time, if that make sense, rather than the same life our Doctor has. Like, Ruth!Doctor wasn’t going round marrying Liz the First or whatever, she had to work. Because the Divsion was a Big Deal during her time. But now, in our Doctor’s time, the Division is less of a big deal and our Doctor was pretty much free to fuck off Gallifrey and never go back if she didn’t want to. Anyway. This really started out with me having a bit of a problem with the TC only to reason myself out of it. Cool. I’ll go back to the episode now.
‘I’m fine, the TARDIS is fine. We’re all fine.’ Sure, Jan.
Dan is just a nice guy, huh. I love his ‘What’s the point of being alive if not to make other people happy’ line because in theory that’s a good way to live. But not if you don’t take care of yourself first. And Dan has definitely not been taking care of himself first. I hope we see him figure that out during this series.
Dan and Karvanista are an iconic comedy duo.
I’ve seen some drama about the Doctor and Yaz being shocked that Dan has a decent laptop when he’s clearly struggling with money and idk, I kinda get why people would maybe be annoyed but also, I just don’t think it’s that big of a deal? I think the main issue is that that laptop doesn’t even look that good lmao. So it seems like they’re judging him for owning, what seems like, not that expensive of a laptop. Like, they should have given him the latest fuckin Mac or something, that costs £1000s . That would have been more of a suspicious thing for him to own I think
I don’t really care about Azure, I mainly care about Swarm, but I do kinda wonder where she comes into it. Because we know Swarm has history with the Doctor so does that mean Azure does too?
‘But it turns out the man is a dog’ COMEDY
The way Yaz gets like.. almost growly kinda feel like Mandip is doing a bit too much?? Idk.
I wonder how long Yaz has been calling the Doctor out. Like, is what we saw in this episode the first few times she’s done it or has Yaz been doing this for months and the Doctor is still trying to deny that anything is wrong? I’d assume it’s been a while because Yaz seen pissed lmao
Obsessed with how the Doctor barely even tries to come up with excuses when Yaz calls her out. Like, she knows lying is a waste of time because Yaz knows something is up. But she also must know that Yaz will call her out but will drop it at a certain point, so the Doctor doesn’t need go out of her way to come up with something elaborate. Because she knows Yaz won’t keep going on, she’ll just bring it up again in a while and they’ll basically have a repeat of the same conversation over and over again.
Also I hate how both times Yaz calls the Doctor out, they get interrupted by something/someone rather than them actually ending the conversation on their terms. Like, if Claire didn’t show up then how would the convo had gone? It feels like a really annoying way for Chib to give us something but also give us nothing/no resolution, idk. Hopefully this doesn’t keep happening in every episode because that would irritate me.
Yaz being so hands on is very interesting to me. Like, we never saw the fam co-pilot, not even a little bit, as far as I can remember. But now Yaz could probably do everything without the Doctor. And I mean, it makes sense, they’re been travelling alone for a while, Yaz spent ten months staring at the controls on that other TARDIS and probably learnt a bit on her own. But still, it’s kinda a huge jump from the Doctor’s pov. Like, what made her let Yaz get soooo involved when the fam weren’t involved? Idk. Maybe it has nothing to do with the Doctor and everything to do with how Yaz is more obsessed with the Doctor after that ten month break than she was when it was the four of them, yanno? 
Yaz is probs the most Doctory that any companion has ever been. Maybe even more than Clara idk
‘You know what, Yaz, maybe I don’t share everything’ is one of my fave lines because it’s the Doctor kinda hitting back at Yaz for being ‘nosy’ without just full on having a go at her and telling her to drop it. Like, it’s the most the Doctor can do without them having a proper fallout with each other, which I’d assume the Doctor is really not interested in having since every time Yaz calls her out she tries to stay as out of it is possible. Which is hard when you’re literally being directly spoken to lmao
The way the Doctor is low-key tryna guilt Yaz into shutting the fuck up by bringing up how many cool things she’s been showing her. Wild.
 I want to know what’s going on with Claire so fuckin bad. She interests me the most, after Swarm.
Actually kinda annoys me that the Angel keeps its hands up the whole time it’s coming after Claire. Pretty sure they literally don’t work that way. Its hands should be gradually moving down and its face should be getting more angry the closer it gets, right? It shouldn’t be two inches from her face with its hands still up. Because the whole point is that the Angels are reaching out to touch people and send them through time. Keeping their hands up surely just makes it harder for them
Observation Outpost Rose was a choice that almost annoys me because Chibnall will have known how people were going to react to seeing ‘rose’, even if the context was just the word rose and not the name Rose. And he could have made that ship be in the shape of literally anything else.
Can’t say I care much about Vinder right now tbh. I think partly because I don’t like the idea of getting yet another companion, even if he isn’t like, a proper companion. Idk. I’m sure he’s cool. And I do wanna know what’s going on with him. I just don’t want him to join the team.
Swarm in that dark doorway is actually scary as shit
Someone on Twitter said they don’t understand why Azure was acting shocked/sad when Swarm killed that guy in the bed if it was just pretend and Swarm was the only one there to see. But I don’t think it was pretend? Like, it seemed like she really was kinda confused about what was going on for a second, and then her ‘true form’ came through either as if she was remembering and that made it happen or Azure was kinda trapped inside and took over completely? Idk. Either way, I don’t think it was a mistake like that Twitter person seemed to think it was. I think it means something.
I really thought from those promo pics that Azure and Swarm were married lmao
Hopper virus mention. Ryan I miss you :’(
You can tell that Yaz has this conflict of like. she loves Doctor (in whatever way you want to see it) and wants to help her but is also genuinely getting annoyed at her for hiding so much stuff and I love it a lot.
Not to complain about something that doesn’t matter all but I low-key don’t see the need for this episode to be Halloween related. And idk why but having Halloween in the title of an episode isn’t my fave. Chib is not the best at naming episodes. But Once, Upon Time SLAPS so.
The way the Doctor goes off at people when her companions aren’t there to see is chef’s kiss
Yaz is basically the Doctor and the last time a companion was basically the Doctor she got killed by a raven and then ended up being an immortal space gay so I’m sure this is gonna end well for Yaz.
And I wonder how aware the Doctor is of Yaz’s Doctorness? Even though Thirteen isn’t very reactive or whatever, I think she is very aware of what’s going on around her. She’s not an idiot. 
Yaz and Dan are already a 10/10 duo. You know Mandip said her and Jodie’s friendship is just a lot of them insulting each other? I feel like that is what Yaz and Dan are like.
The designated human thing is actually so cute and very Doctor Who, I love it.
 Dan coming in all shouty and Yaz being like, ‘we were supposed to be quiet’ is so good. And also Yaz was defo tryna sneakily hear what the Doctor was talking to Karvanista about and I don’t blame her tbh.
The doors appearing everywhere in the TARDIS is so cool
‘It’s bigger on the inside’ has always been a Big Deal so Thirteen saying it like she’s almost annoyed to be saying it interesting as fuck and people with bigger brains that me have spoke about it so I won’t bother. And I also don’t even know what to say other than I’m obsessed and this must be on purpose, right? Like, I am one to overthink every DW thing we ever see but like, this must be on purpose, surely
 I hope Dan gets his house back to normal size at some point??? I also hope he brings it out/mentions it every now and again lmao that would be so funny
 The Sontarans are so ugly (affectionate). For a while i was like oof, I don’t know how I feel about this design. But honestly, this new design is closer to what the original Sontarans looked like and that’s cool
Yaz answering all of Dan’s questions instead of the Doctor. And the Doctor not even looking like she was going to attempt to reply to anything Dan said. Like, either she knew Yaz was going to say something for her or she was just going to leave Dan hanging. I feel like it’s both. She was gonna leave Dan hanging and is probs grateful Yaz is there to do the talking for her. Which is also interesting because the Doctor is notorious for not shutting the fuck up
The shot going into the Doctor’s eye is cool as fuck
Jodie is so good at sad eyes
I think Swarm was just tryna be intimidating and freak the Doctor out but how close he got was a lil 👀 if you ask me. And I don't think it actually was meant to imply that the Doctor and Swarm have a thing but I do think how close to her he is willing to get and just the general way he was acting with her does make their relationship really interesting. Master vibes but hopefully not too much because we already have a Master and I don’t loove the idea of basically introducing someone who serves the same purpose in the Doctor’s life. 
 Yaz and Dan holding onto the Doctor and the Doctor not tryna get them off her. Either she is cool with touching now (doubtful), she has other things to think about and telling them to get off isn’t a priority or she still isn’t into touch but she’s so fucked up rn that she’s like a lil touch won’t hurt, as a treat. I imagine Thirteen is like. not into touch but is also touch-starved as fuck
 I wonder if when we see Sonya in episode three she is gonna be like ‘yeah, this big dog thing tried kidnapping me ???? what was that about?’ That would be so funny
Azure luring Diane into a spooky house?? Why???? It’s all connected bro
The way the Doctor shouts that she hates not understanding was like.. genuine anger idk. Like, she sounded actually pissed off
Dan: We’re safe in here. We’re sealed in. Every Door: *opens as wide as possible* Dan: *should have looked into the camera like he’s on The Office*
Seeing the Doctor crack out the vortex energy feels like it should be a MASSIVE deal because the last time we saw it, it was a MASSIVE deal but this time it was.. nothing. Just shows how mad the Flux is I guess
I liked that ep a lot more on rewatch. I think when an episode airs and I don’t know what to expect, I basically spend the whole time just waiting for when the Doctor is going to be on screen again but now that I’m watching it for a second time and know what happens and when, I can be more chill while watching it? Idk, it’s weird. 
Anyways, great ep. Big fan. I feel like it’s gonna be hard to rank these episodes along with the regular DW episodes because it’s just so different and doesn’t tie everything up in a nice bow like episodes usually do.
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davidmann95 · 3 years
Comics this week (5/12/2021)?
comics-and-videogames said: This week's comics (asking now cause it's around the time you said you'd have them if not disregard)
Anonymous said: Comics this week? (05/10/2021)
Just under the wire before the new batch:
Spider-Man: Spider’s Shadow #2: Not exactly another Life Story in the making, but this does seem to be the closest we’ll ever get to a Spider-Man Kills The Marvel Universe, and I don’t know that there’s any other team I’d trust more with that.
X-Corp #1: Wow, so it turns out it’s really hard to do what Hickman does if you’re not Hickman, huh. Frankly this kinda sucked all on its own merits, but no overlooking the disparity.
Guardians of the Galaxy #14: Oh my god we already knew Ewing writes peak Doom shit but guys this is SUCH peak Doom shit.
Heroes Reborn: Hyperion & The Imperial Guard #1: Not quite as good as it was clever, but still a solidly fun little jaunt and I’ll keep an eye open for Ryan Cady’s name in the future.
Heroes Reborn #2: Aaron’s “it’s dumb and bad but I like it” Avengers approach applied to writing the high-concept adventures of dickhead Superman? You know I was all about this.
Project Patron #2: Not as propulsive as the first issue, but still a really solid read and setting up exciting things to come.
Proctor Valley Road #3: Still pretty good but I am completely thrown by how quickly and entirely Morrison abandoned the relative realism they were handling the dialogue with in the first issue.
Ice Cream Man #24: It’s a familiar schtick at this point, but still a good one.
Barbalien: Red Planet: I’d been hearing effusive praise about this mini for as long as it was coming out and was looking forward to it finally arriving in trade, and I can’t say I was disappointed. Obviously it looks good as hell with Gabriel Walta drawing it, and Tate Brombal does some really good “superhero as metaphor” work by having the layer of fantasy not over the subject itself - in this case the AIDS crisis and cop violence against the queer community - but how the central figure engages with it. An easy recommendation if you might otherwise be on the fence.
DC Festival of Heroes: The Asian Superhero Celebration #1: Aside from the eponymous ‘Festival of Heroes’ entry everything in here ranges from solid to really good, definitely among the winners of DC’s anthologies over the past few years and I’m looking forward to the apparent Monkey Prince book in the works.
Superman #31: The substitution of Godlewski with Norm Rapmund threw me in a way that artistic switches rarely do, but this is still a really solid issue and I’m kicking myself for only just now realizing the metaphor with a story about Clark and Jon struggling with legacy having them literally fight a gigantic shadow that makes vessels of whoever it’s cast upon. These Tales of Metropolis backups though...folks, I stood up for Sean Lewis with his Future State work, but it’s starting to look like we may have dodged a bullet that he didn’t get a more prominent place in the line.
Wonder Woman #772: Continuing to really dig this! Just don’t understand how this team’s Future State story sucked so bad, because this has been a hoot and now it’s grappling with larger ideas regarding Diana really well. Hope it continues on this trajectory, for now just happy that we’re finally getting fun Wonder Woman comics.
RWBY/Justice League (digital) #9: So it IS multiverse-related, which makes me much more curious how this is going to end up. Glad the next installment will apparently be the ‘everybody sits down and talks’ material that’s all I’ve really wanted from this story since it was announced.
Justice League: Last Ride #1: Not all you want it to be, but in ways I’m not sure can really be called its fault? It was written and formatted as a digital-first book but for some reason didn’t end up one so it stutters awkwardly back to life after a clean breaking point halfway through, and with all due respect to Miguel Mendonca who does a fine job here, if you’re doing a prestige-ey continuity-free kinda grungy Final Justice League Story mini and have Darick Roberson on the covers, it’s gonna be frustrating to not also have him on the interiors. It’s still a solid read and Zdarsky clearly gets Clark in particular in a big way, it’s just hard thus far not to imagine a better version of it.
Batman: Urban Legends #3: Zdarsky writes such a good Batman, god. The Shiva story was decent, I’m hoping the presumed upcoming Brandon Thomas Outsiders book is more of a piece with his Future State feature for them than this, and the Grifter stuff is still decent trashy fun.
The Joker #3: Still a great Gordon book, but arguably more importantly given the title this is the first time Tynion’s done a truly great Joker moment.
Rorschach #8: A book I continue to like.
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I recently made a list of all the musicals I’m pretty familiar with and it came out to 63. and since my sisters won’t listen to my recommendations this is a masterpost of all those musicals with a few of my Thoughts and Opinions. this gets hella long so prepare yourself
-Les Miserables
ah, you never forget your first. I heard the symphonic recording when I was six? seven? so it has become the definitive version in my mind, but cast members (michael ball) are weak, and unfortch I haven’t come across a recording were all the cast members are top notch, though the 25th anniversary concert comes very close (norm lewis!! lea salonga!!)
-The Little Mermaid
ok so on the whole this show is not particularly great or interesting and honestly didn’t do very well on stage BUT hearing sherie rene scott sing poor unfortunate souls literally changed my life and is what really sparked my interest in musical theatre. also norm lewis is there
-The Band’s Visit
unlike any broadway musical you’ve heard fs. based on the movie of the same name, it’s about the egyptian police band being stranded in a middle-of-nowhere town in israel for in 1996. it’s a simple story but incredibly charming and ernest and surprsingly emotional. also the music is played onstage by the actors which is always cool!
-In the Heights
lin manuel miranda’s first musical and is honestly just as good as hamilton, if not better (I said what I said). it’s a slice of life kinda story about people living in washington heights. great music, great story, great characters, feels very real without being like....depressing.
most of the songs from the movie stay mostly the same, I think they only changed arabian nights, and friend like me (which for the latter was a huuge improvement. I can’t NOT dance whenever I hear it. james monroe inglehart is a fantastic genie). and the flying carpet!! looks amazing!!
-Once on This Island
this story made me v mad initially (the female lead just. dies at the end), but I kept coming back to it because I loved the music, and it took me a while to figure out why and it’s because the caribbean island vibes are off the charts, and that reminds me of my childhood in sofl. and the vocals of the ensemble are amazing and the 2018 revival used a in the round stage with actual sand and live animals how cool is that
-She Loves Me
a super cute, super enjoyable, super fun musical based on the old film shop around the corner. zachery levi and laura benanti make some quality faces
-Next to Normal
oooof. a very intense show both in terms of theme and music. deals with bipolar depression, schizophrenia, drugs, suicide, hallucinations, death of a child....yeah. a very good show that handles all those heavy themes realistically
so yeah when it first came out five years ago it was very hyped up and was called lin manuel’s “masterpiece” and when I listened to it I was like....dam they’re right. the lyrics and wording are so precise and having a story told by the protag’s enemy is so narratively juicey. plus the music is incredible (also listen to the hamilton mixtape if you haven’t it’s great)
-The Lion King
if you’ve followed me for any time you know I love the movie and the musical only makes it better. the songs, the music, the puppets, heather headley, the songs in zulu, the costumes...ugh perfection. the most successful disney show on broadway
ever wonder what it’s like to be so darn good at singing that sir elton john writes a musical for you? well that’s what happened to heather headley and she completely deserved it. it’s a bit problematic in that the egyptian conquerors are all white and all the nubia slaves are black and like....they’re both in africa dude
ok so I know it didn’t happen but the premise is so compelling and so gd tragic and christy altomare’s voice has such a fragility to it which is such a contrast to who anastasia actually was and the show features a song about russian refugees having to flee their homeland and it’s like the saddest song I’ve ever heard
-Anything Goes
honestly this musical on the whole isn’t that great for some...reasons, but it does have some great Friendship songs and Great tap dancing and sutton foster is in it and she is the epitome of a triple threat
honestly just watch the brandy version because it’s the best version. better than the broadway version for sure, even though laura osnes is fantastic in everything she does and the show does have an amazing onstage costume change, but the brandy version has the coolest cast and costume and sets
ho boy. so much to unpack here. while I think this is a “good” musical, it is too long, has too many characters and storylines, and deals with some heavy themes but doesn’t handle them very well so by the end it’s just exhausting and disappointing. BUT it does have the incomparable brian stokes mitchell and audra mcdonald, who is literally the best performer to ever grace broadway
-Thoroughly Modern Millie
there is so much spirit in this show it’s infectious. also sutton foster
-Dear Evan Hanson
sigh. so this musical gained a lot popularity among the Young People and...it..didn’t...deserve it? like again it deals with heavy issues like social anxiety, depression, and suicide, but like ragtime it doesn’t handle them very well; not in an honest way. and like everything they talk about is handled better in next to normal so
-Tuck Everlasting
based on the book, not the movie. the music is something really different and I don’t think broadway was ready to accept it so it didn’t run very long. and the adaption isn’t very strong, but the lead (sarah charles lewis) is very good and it does have a very sad song about miles losing his family
-Come From Away
so this is about the 38 planes that were diverted to a small town in newfoundland on 9/11. now with as much as america loves to talk about 9/11 I had never heard this story so it was cool to hear a different side of it. also it has a song that makes me tear up every time I hear it
not much to say about this one. a classic
speaking of classics, if you think this musical is boring and outdated, please listen to the 2019 revival. it rocks in every sense of the word
-West Side Story
this one is also a classic, and often called a masterpiece for good reason. the music is so strong and is integrated so well and it represents the characters on both sides. this video explains it really well. tho productions consistently have trouble finding puerto rican actors to play the puerto ricans....
-Natasha, Pierre, and the Great Comet of 1812
this one deserved sooo much more than it got, coming out in the same year as dear shmevan shmhanson. the lighting and set design is incredible and the music reflects each character’s emotion so it feels really honest, and almost like a supporting character. it’s so good guys. it has josh groban in a fat suit
-The Phantom of the Opera
unpopular opinion (maybe): I think gerard butler was a really good phantom. probably andrew llyod webber’s best work
based on the film of the same name, also the first broadway show with an entirely female creative team. also what baking can do came after my entire life
-Hello Dolly!
I fell in love with the movie version with barbra streisand, but then I learned that the original broadway production had a all black cast which is awesome but wasn’t reflected at all in the movie and that’s disappointing. great show tho
I can distinctly remember the first time I heard the ending crescendo of defying gravity. and the fact that it has so quickly become classic staple of broadway is a testiment to how strong it is
-You’re a Good Man Charlie Brown
yes there is a broadway show of charlie brown. the songs are funny and childlike and honest, and very ernest. also kristin chenoweth is hilarious as sally brown (she won a tony for it!)
I love the music in the show, and some songs have very complex lyrics but the main character is kinda annoying. like yeah dude deserting your country with another woman and leaving your wife and kids behind is gonna have negative consequences. don’t know what to tell you
-Finding Neverland
not as good as the movie it’s based on. while some of the music is very pretty, the songs are pretty simple and kinda boring
ok this show also isn’t very good, the character’s motivations are not clear, especially the villain, and the female lead’s songs are weak. but the premise and some of the songs are arresting, and I kept coming back to them
-The King and I
like wws, it took a very long time for a production to cast this show accurately, and it still hasn’t....quite done it. but the songs are very beautiful. r&h strike again.
features a bunch of v talented children and manages to be lighthearted but also really gets you. just listen to when I grow up
-Little Women
on the whole, not a great adaption. some good songs. sutton foster is great
-Bonnie and Clyde
oh boy you want some bad guy songs? how bout a whole musical of them? oh no the public hated us and we closed after 36 performances. ah well. at least laura osnes got her first tony nod
very catchy show with a killer aesthetic. give alex brightman a tony just for being Like That
this show has such nice lyrical rhythm, even in the spoken words, and it is so smartly composed and balanced. and even tho the broadway cast recording is out, it’s worth it to listen to the earlier album as well
-Catch Me If You Can
based on the film. just two hours of aaron tveit being a little brat and norbert leo butz flexing on everyone else’s vocal chords
-Miss Saigon
an extremely problematic and infuriating show that is unfortunately very beautiful. introduced lea salonga to the world, so that’s good at least
-The Hunchback of Notre Dame
speaking of problematic but beautiful shows. exceeds the movie in my opinion. the choral vocals just cut right through you
-The Fiddler on the Roof
I listened to the 2016 revival after not listening to this show for years and you know what? it’s really good! like heck!
-Mean Girls
yes they made a musical of mean girls. yes it’s pretty great. regina has a killer song near the end that I love to belt out
one of the only musicals to make me cry actual tears just from listening to one (1) song. it’s about WWII veterans coming together to form a band just months after the war ends. also laura osnes fricking kills it in the last number
-Into the Woods
I’m not a huge fan of “fairy tales but make it realistic and therefore disappointing” but stephen sondheim is a very good writer and musician so it’s worth checking out. and the witch is played by bernadette peters in the musical and meryl streep in the movie so it’s a win both ways
-How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying
what it says on the can. a very fun, ‘don’t take this too seriously’ show. the lead was played by daniel radcliffe and nick jonas at one point so like. come on
-The Last Five Years
honestly this is a very depressing show, but it’s told in a interesting way. it’s about a couple who meet, fall in love, get married, drift apart, and ultimately get divorced, but not in that order
ok so the broadway version is very different from the movie, but it’s still worth checking out! the new verse at the beginning of seize the day makes it worth it!
-Legally Blonde
yes they made a musical of legally blonde. yes it’s great
-Daddy Long Legs
a little known musical about a young woman who is aging out of an orphanage and finds out she is being sent to school by a mysterious benefactor. meghan mcginnis has super sweet voice
-My Fair Lady
another problematic show about a british asshole who takes it upon himself to turn a flower girl into a “proper lady” (no one asked you to do that dude). but it is funny
-South Pacific
ok so I’m not actually super familiar with this show but it does have a very important song called you’ve got to be carefully taught about how racism is not “something you’re just born” so stop making excuses nellie
again I’m not super knowledgeable about this show, I’ve listened to it a few times, and read the wiki summary but I still don’t quite know what it’s about. but the music is really good, really different from a traditional broadway show. very enticing and sentimental
-Beauty and the Beast
I think this was the first disney movie that made it to broadway? I could be wrong. like hunchback, I think it exceeds the movie, esp if I can’t love her??? shoutout to my sister’s friend for blowing my socks off with that song in 2005
not a full blown production, just a rock show about the six wives of henry viii. I thought it would be like riding off the hamilton craze of “history but make it cool” but it actually kicks ass all by itself
-The Sound of Music
another classic, and edelweiss makes me emotional
-Billy Elliot
ahh this show has so much tangible emotion in it and it’s heavy but children are it and they carry it so well and the juxtaposition of the protests an d the dancing UGH
-The Lightning Thief
yes the percy jackson musical! is good and enjoyable! doesn’t take itself seriously at all (as it shouldn’t) and the last two songs go so hard!
-The Music Man
this is imprinted into my brain because of my sister’s drama group and from that day on I have never known peace
-The Scarlet Pimpernel
based on the film of the same name, it’s really good, the opening number goes really hard, and it SHOULD be revived with laura osnes
this show is....good..but it’s just too long. too many extra songs that don’t do anything
beautifully whimsical and heartfelt. features an array of suess characters and stories
-Moulin Rouge!
the cast album that came late year and it kicks ass. it keeps some of the songs that were featured in the movie, and brings in songs that have come out since the movie like shut up and dance, royals, and bad romance
-The Greatest Showman
so technically this isn’t a broadway show, but it’s going to be, and I think it will be much better as a stage show than a movie.
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1dfangirls35 · 4 years
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Voir Dire- N.H
A fake dating AU about contracts, soulmates and risking it all for love.
Masterlist // Tell Me What You Think!
Kelsey felt her heart racing. She was on edge, stuck in a loop of scanning the room every five minutes for someone that didn't belong. She knew she shouldn't be. She could be here by coincidence. In 40 Love, the bar owned by Niall's best friend, having nothing to do with the fact that it was also the location of the unofficial after party of Niall's album release event. 
Kelsey jumped as Becca set a hand on her shoulder, handing her a much needed glass of vodka cran to calm her nerves.
"You're fine," Becca said, seemingly reading Kelsey's thoughts. Kelsey nodded, trying to convince herself that it was indeed fine.
Niall and Kelsey had made the decision that, on the contrary to what Niall's label believed, they would continue dating. However, their dating nowadays consisted much of what it did when they first started seeing each other: time at Niall's house with no exposure to the outside world. It wasn't ideal, but Kelsey knew that it was the only way they could be together without facing the repercussions of Niall's management. And being with Niall was more than enough for now. Plus, with Niall's promotion of the new album and Kelsey's LSAT test date just two weeks away, there hadn't been much free time to spend together anyway.
But Kelsey had wanted to be at the album release. She had wanted to support him on this momentous occasion, and to congratulate him on the hard work he'd put in. They'd come to the decision that no one would be the wiser if she showed up at 40 Love with Becca for the afterparty. Krystal would be there with Niall, and Kelsey and Niall would have no contact. But she would be there, at least physically present, to show her support for the man that loved her.
The man who loved her. Even thinking about those words still sent butterflies through Kelsey's stomach.
It had happened one lazy night. Kelsey had her nose buried deep in her LSAT study books, her test date fast approaching. Her legs were strung on top of Niall's on the sofa, and he was absentmindedly  rubbing her feet after her long shift at the bar. She could feel that he was staring at her, and so she brought her face out of her book momentarily, shoving her yellow highlighter back into her book.
"What?" she giggled, raising an eyebrow. Niall's cheeks grew slightly redder at the being caught in the act.
"You're so cute when you've got your nose stuck in that book," he leaned over, tapping his finger on the tip of her nose.
Kelsey rolled her eyes. She looked anything but cute at the moment, with her hair in a knot at the top of her head and her face bare minus a few smudges of leftover mascara near the corner of her eyelashes.
Niall scooted over next to her on the couch, wrapping his arms around her chest and nuzzling his head into her hair. "I love you," Niall mumbled, his words barely audible.
Kelsey felt her world freeze. Kelsey wanted to say the words back. She felt them in her bones. A part of her did love Niall. But no matter how strong the feelings were in her heart, the thoughts in her brain were stronger. Every time she'd said those three words before she'd been burned. So she thought maybe this time, if she kept those words to herself, she'd get to be loved a little while longer before her heart was broken.
So instead of saying those three little words back, Kelsey turned around and brought her lips to Niall's. Because, for now, her actions would have to take the place of the words she couldn't bring herself to say. 
Kelsey caught a glimpse of Niall from across the bar, bringing her back to reality. He hadn't stopped glowing since he'd arrived nearly an hour ago. His custom-made Paul Smith navy blue suit fitting him in all the right places, a few more buttons at the top beginning to come undone to reveal some tufts of chest hair. His laugh echoed through the bar, making Kelsey's heart flutter. She wasn't sure she'd ever seen Niall as happy as he was right now. Although she wished she could be standing next to him, arms intertwined at his side, there was something about the sense of forbidden love that made it all so much more exciting. The stolen glances they shared from across the crowded bar. The way Niall's hand lingered on the small of Kelsey's back as he squeezed by her on his way to his next conversation. The tension was building, and Kelsey couldn't wait to celebrate with him when they got home later this evening.
While she was focused on Niall, Kelsey seemed to lose track of Krystal, who had been putting on quite the show this evening. Kelsey wasn't sure if it was because Krystal knew Kelsey was here or if it was simply the norm of this fake relationship, but Krystal had barely kept her hands off of Niall. Kelsey was trying her best to ignore it, reminding herself that this is what had to go on if she wanted to be with Niall. Reminding herself that in a few short months the tour would be announced and Niall and Krystal would have a dramatic, heart-wrenching break-up that would kickstart Krystal's career and leave Niall all to Kelsey. It was only a few more months, and then she wouldn't have to see that head of perfectly curled blonde hair ever again.
That head of perfectly curled blonde hair had now slid into place next to Kelsey at the bar. Raising her hand to get the bartenders attention and ordering two glasses of champagne. Kelsey could guess who the second glass was for.
Kelsey tried to keep her gaze elsewhere. She didn't want to have a conversation with Krystal, not after the way she'd been hanging all over Niall for most of the night. But it appeared Krystal had other plans.
"I'm surprised you came," Krystal said smugly, her red lips forming a sort of insincere grin.
Kelsey turned to look to face Krystal, her eyes narrowing. "The album's a big deal, I wanted to be here for him," Kelsey took a sip of her drink. She tried to turn to continue her conversation with Becca, desperate from a way out of this more than uncomfortable conversation, but Becca was nowhere to be found.
"I figured he wouldn't let you go," Krystal shrugged. "But I guess I thought maybe you had a little have sense to you. You know he could lose everything from this don't you?" Kelsey followed Krystal's eyes as they fall upon Niall, who is currently taking a selfie with Lewis Capaldi. "Can't imagine how heartbroken he would be without his music."
Kelsey's not sure what kind of point Krystal was trying to make. And something about the way that Krystal was acting like if this was all Kelsey's fault set her on her defense. "You don't know our relationship Krystal. And quite honestly it's not any of your business," Kelsey snapped.
Niall's caught the two of them speaking now, and even from a distance Kelsey can see the concern in his eyes. So she smiles, giving him a soft nod before turning her gaze back to Krystal.
"I'm not..." Krystal began, but she must have read the stern look on Kelsey's face because she stopped what she is saying. "He's just the most genuine guy in this industry. I know he'd risk everything for you Kelsey. Just be careful is all I'm saying. Now I better go deliver this champagne to the man of the hour," Krystal raised her eyebrows and headed off towards Niall.
Kelsey watched as she handed him the glass, leaning over to kiss Niall on the cheek, as if she was just taunting Kelsey. Kelsey rolled her eyes.
"What did she want?" Becca said, conveniently reappearing just now.
"To tell me off for being here," Kelsey said, her voice agitated.
Becca's jaw dropped.
"Well, not in those exact words but I think that is what she was implying. Doesn't she already know that I know how risky this is?"
"She's just trying to be difficult," Becca assured. "She feels threatened when you're here because he can't keep his eyes off of you." Becca gestured to where Niall and Krystal stood a few yards away. Sure enough, Niall's eyes met Kelsey's.
Kelsey breathed a slight sigh of relief. She had vowed that she would stop letting the details of Niall's PR relationship shake her confidence. She had to be confident in her relationship in Niall if she wanted this to work, especially with everything that they were putting on the line now. "Shall we go dance?" Kelsey suggested, gesturing to the area where the DJ was playing some of Niall's new album, along with classic party anthems. Becca nodded her head and agreement, grabbing Kelsey's hand and dragging her towards the dance floor.
Even though she was having a good time for the most part, Kelsey was thankful when the night wrapped up and she got a text from Niall telling her to meet him at his place. When she arrived, he greeted her with a kiss on the cheek and whispered "You looked beautiful tonight", before leading her up to his bedroom.
"Uggh I'm exhausted," Niall groaned, unbuttoning his shirt before placing it neatly into the laundry hamper. Kelsey slipped out of her dress for the night, pulling on one of Niall's t-shirts, which had become her new favorite thing to sleep in.
She climbed into his bed, pulling the covers over her legs and burrowing down. Niall soon followed, wrapping his arms around her from behind and burying his face into her hair. He inhaled deeply.
"Just got a text from Mike, guess the albums number one in 42 countries and it hasn't even been released in America yet. Thought it was gonna flop to be honest," he said it so casually, like it was an ordinary thing for your album to top the charts within hours of its release. But even though Niall was trying to play it cool, but that didn't stop the excitement from sneaking through his voice.
Kelsey flipped over in bed, her nose now touching the tip of Niall's. "It was never going to flop," Kelsey smiled. "You deserve it Niall. The album's amazing. I'm so proud of you."
She was proud of him. More proud than words could express. He'd been through hell and back this promotion season. He'd been put in a position that he didn't agree with, and yet he'd come out stronger from it. She knew he'd had his doubts about the album, about it living up to his expectations. About it living up to his first one. But here he was.
"Thank you Kels, I'm glad you were there tonight. It wouldn't have been the same without you," Niall pushed a piece of Kelsey's hair to the side, staring into her eyes as if he was under a spell. "I love you," he said, planting a kiss on her forehead.
Niall doesn't expect a response. He knew that those words weren't something that Kelsey took lightly, especially after what she had been through recently. He'd come to terms with the fact that it may be months before he hears those words back, but that that didn't mean that Kelsey wasn't showing him how much she loved him each and every day. 
"Love you too," Kelsey replied softly, the words slipping out before she could stop them. But instead of feeling scared of letting her feelings be known, she felt utterly at peace. Maybe being in love wasn't so scary when it was with someone who loved you back unconditionally. Maybe this time, love wouldn't break her heart.
Tag List: @awomanindeniall​ @ihearthemcallingforyou @niall-is-my-dream​ @stylishmuser​ @thicksniall
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Okay so the CATS tour wow that happened okay here we go.
I saw it at 8 o’clock on Saturday and 2 o’clock on Sunday. First of all, a few general notes, other than everything happens for a reason and the reason I had to wait 21 goddamn years to see this show is so this could be the one. First, the orchestra sounded a-ma-zing. Second, the lighting was breathtaking. Plain and simple. Kudos to the designers. Third, anyone else notice that the tempo has been getting slower throughout the years? Like, if you compare the OLC to the OBC to the movie to the 2016 Broadway revival. I was dreading that a little bit, so I was really happy when this cast stayed on top or even a little ahead of the beat. It was quick and never dragged. Fourth, the vocals were hella tight. It struck me during the choral part of Jellicle Songs how much they sounded like a recording. Fucking superb you funky little Jellicles.
Victoria (Caitlin Bond) was absolutely beautiful and spectacular. She was actually the first cat I saw, since she came up into the balcony during the overture. I may have cried. It’s all good.
Coricopat (PJ DiGaetano) and Tantomile (Laura Katherine Kaufman) were also particularly great. They stood out.
Jennyanydots (Emily Jeanne Phillips) was spectacular. Her shoes were extra sparkly, which was awesome during the tap dance because they drew a lot of attention. Hers is not one of my favorite songs historically, but I seriously wish it had been longer.
I was...worried, to say the least, about The Rum Tum Tugger. McGee Maddox is a ballet dancer who does, you know, fancy ballet, and I wasn’t sure how that would translate to Tugger.
Jennyanydots ends.
He struts out.
Jaw on the floor. I am so pleased. No one’s ever gonna be John Partridge, but I’ll be damned if he’s not the closet thing I’ve ever seen. You can tell he did his homework and used it to make his own Tugger, and his Tugger is hella fun to watch. A+.
Y’all, I love the modern Bustopher choreo with all the other cats running around serving him food (Bustopher = Timothy Gulan). It’s so much more active and makes it way more fun to watch.
During the first Macavity scare, after Demeter shouted, “Macavity!” everyone started whispering, “Macavity,” “Macavity,” “Macavity,” in a ripple from stage right to stage left. Then, after they fled and only Munkustrap was left onstage, he got this pissed off look on his face and spat, “Macavity,” before leaving. The whole thing was badass.
Now, Munkustrap (Dan Hoy) has an unbelievable voice. Like damn. Like I would willingly let him murder me if he’d sing to me while he did it (something I have previously only said about Norm Lewis, so). He seemed like less of a leader and more of a protector, but he was fierce. Like when Tumblebrutus scratched Griz, he got in between them and hissed (and they hissed loud in this production), and I thought he was gonna throw down. It was seriously badass. Nothing but love and respect for my Jellicle protector. I’m also happy to report that Munkustrap did, in fact, spend most of the production standing with his feet at least three feet apart.
Speaking of Tumblebrutus (Devin Neilson), my dude my man can freaking tumble. I saw this with my mom, who used to coach gymnastics, and she went off on this in the car on the way home; Olympic gymnasts tumble on a spring floor, and sure, Tumblebrutus’ choreo isn’t as hard as what Olympic gymnasts do, but it’s on a stage, so all that height is just Devin Neilson being a badass (are y’all counting how many times I call something badass in this review? Because I’m not).
On Saturday, Tony D’Alelio got injured at the matinee, so they subbed Anthony Michael Zas (normally Pouncival) in for Mungojerrie. He and Rumpelteazer (Rose Iannaccone) were a little out of sync, understandably, but still totally adorbs. Anthony Michael Zas’ Mungojerrie pose was crossing his arms in a cheeky sort of dudebro pose, which was great, and Rose Iannaccone’s voice was so pretty I could combust. Tony D’Alelio was back in for the Sunday matinee, and let me just tell you, his Mungojerrie is a blessing to this Earth from the Everlasting Cat. That is all.
Old Deuteronomy (Brandon Michael Nase) is startlingly tenor compared to most Deuts, but hey, the dude’s got a great voice. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
During the second Macavity scare, right before the Song of the Jellicles, they recited a bit of Macavity in a creepy chant, Naming of Cats style.
The Song of the Jellicles and the Jellicle Ball were a blast, as always. The lights during the ball were crazy, and holy crap the leap Misto (Tion Gaston) did when it got loud and fast right after the cuddle pole asdfghjkl.
After the Jellicle Ball, Keri René Fuller’s Grizabella was way less despondent and way more frustrated with her inability to do the dance. It was heartbreaking and immediately got everyone on her side. I’ll save the discussion of her voice for the Memory Reprise...
After intermission, you’d better be in your seat and ready. Old Deut’s already out there. They’re starting as soon as the lights go down.
Sillabub (Ahren Victory) not only has the loveliest voice, but just looks like she’s having the time of her life for the whole show.
Jellylorum (Kaitlyn Davidson) has one of those voices that is just super pleasant to listen to, plain and simple. There were lots of cute moments during Gus, like Victoria getting excited at the mention of her name, and Gus (Timothy Gulan) directing “They think they are smart just to jump through a hoop” at a very offended Mungojerrie. His “blood curdling noises” involved growling at Sillabub, then bopping her head with a little, “Meow.” There were a lot more, but seriously just go see it if it comes near you.
The Pekes and the Pollicles was...just...a blast. Period. Full stop. I don’t really have anything else to say about it other than, “What an absolute banger.”
The transition into Skimbleshanks was really sudden and kind of jarring. The nice thing about Skimbleshanks is that it hasn’t changed much. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it, right? Ethan Saviet totally killed it. What more can you want? Tugger spent the song jamming on top of the washing machine, and when they built the train, Misto sat right in front with the light, and they waved at each other. Saturday night, Misto blew Tugger a kiss. I’m still dead and ghostwriting this from my grave.
Okay, now, Macavity’s laugh, okay? They had it recorded and played it from multiple places in the theatre. Macavity’s laugh in stereo is an experience everyone should get to have. Y’all know what I’m gonna say about Tyler John Logan’s Mac, right? Yep, that’s right, he’s a badass, even in the Broadway revival outfit.
Charlotte O’Dowd stood in for Bombalurina at both shows I saw, and really, you would never know she wasn’t a principle. Erin Chupinsky stood in for Demeter on Saturday night and uh...if this woman has a spine or, you know, bones of any sort, we saw no evidence of it. Liz Schmitz was back in on Sunday. Her Demeter seemed much younger and almost like a Macavity fangirl, which, you know, big mood.
I’m not a big fan of the newer fight choreo. It’s not so clear why Mac runs off in the end (Spoiler alert: It’s because he’s controlling the Jellicles with his magic, and suddenly he can’t). Up until that moment, it...really wasn’t much of a fight, tbh. Munk kinda gets his ass kicked. Alonzo fared better than anyone else. But when Macavity electrocutes himself, it is loud and you can feel it. It was awesome, in the actual sense of the word.
Tugger’s speech at the beginning of Mistoffelees reminded me a bit of the announcer vocals in the Ballroom Blitz. I appreciated the circusy, hype-man vibe. And Mistoffelees. Oh, Mr. Mistoffelees. He’s the cutest thing ever. I mean smile that could melt the sun. “Phenomenal dancer” doesn’t even begin to cut it, but that’s all I’ve got. Hands down my favorite Mistoffelees. Yes, I said it.
Now, I shall talk about Grizabella’s voice. I got nervous before she went for the chorus after the key change, because, you know, that’s hard. She...pardon my French...fucking nailed it. The whole audience gasped. My mother cried. Holy crap.
I’ll stop there, because I feel like the ending should be experienced, not read.
tl;dr—The CATS Tour is a Heavenly blessing from the Everlasting Cat that went far above and beyond my expectations. 12/10 would recommend.
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