#because its been claimed to be feminist or whatever 🤡
antiloreolympus · 2 years
10 Anti LO Asks
1. hxp isnt even the healthiest couple in LO lmao. idk how "healthy" a couple built off hades controlling her and lusting after her "small pink body", persephone being submissive and scared of his temper tantrums, and the huge power and age imbalance is supposed to be but that sure aint it.
2. im not against the idea in LO of saying people doubt P because she's a "village girl" but like ? then why does it say she should give up her life on earth and her nature ways to be "modern" like hades? like shouldnt it be more of a point theyre wrong to doubt her and see value in her work and powers, instead of her agreeing w/ them and giving it all up to match whatever hades and co do? that basically says shes not good enough until she follows the crowd and changes who she is for them :/
3. what even if the point to hades asking demeter why he didnt go to him to help cover up treason like?? why would she?? is he just mad he didnt get to flirt with her underage daughter sooner??
4. It doesn’t make sense for all the flower nymphs to be the same shade of ugly highlighter pink that Persephone is… Surely RS knows flowers can come in a huge variety of colours?? Or did RS choose to make them all pink to show how “boohoo Persephone’s stinky mom forces everyone to conform to a single perfect ideAL”? If the latter is true, she’s doing a piss poor job at it because the nymphs are more lively, happy and vibrant than at least two thirds of the cast smh
5. the stupidest part of LO is if rachel actually read the eros and psyche myth she'd realize its actually a priestess to apollo (who in turn is basically the mouthpiece to apollo himself) who makes psyche and eros get together. hes literally the reason theyre a thing!
6. How many times has Persephone's hair changed in this whole trial arc? I swear it looks like it changes from panel to panel
7.TBH i don't even blame the editor(s) at WT for what a shitshow LO is. Just off what other creators have said the editors only do what they ask of them, so it's up to the creators if they want the editors to help them with the plot, characters, etc. It's pretty well known Rachel cannot stand critique and input so it's very likely her third (?) editor doesn't get to help at all and instead just posts the episodes. It's p safe to bet every issue with LO is literally all on Rachel and her alone.
-----FP Spoilers/Mention-----
8. is there any part of this story where persephone actually choses anything? she doesnt get to choose to join the maidens, to stay with artemis, to kill the villagers, to meet hades, to have sex, where she works, where she lives, and now who she tells her trauma to? hera and psyche already took that from her & now hades too. im waiting to see where the consent and agency this story so desperately claims its about will finally show up, because we're heading into year 4 with none of that in sight.
9. I have the horrible feeling, esp with the most recent episodes implying it, that Rachel is going to use Leto as the actual person behind the assault and use it as some hamfisted way to not technically write an important god like Apollo out of the mythology but still give the fans a sort of "justice" in seeing someone suffer. Leto is against Hera too so the fans would extra love to see her sufferr. If we have to see another woman be thrown under the bus in this "feminist" story ill lose it 🤡
10. (FP//) I'm disgusted by the comments. Hades reacts how one should to finding out someone he cares about was sexually assaulted, yet the comments called HIM out for reacting as a normal person and now claiming this "isn't how sexual assault should be handled"? This is the ONLY time it's been handled correctly, yet they got mad at HIM for his reaction? So they were perfectly fine he ripped out a teenager's EYEBALL for taking pap photos, being upset his partner was assaulted is now "toxic"?? wtf??
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