#because if it was really about Arasaka then surely he'd be gunning for yorinobu or hanako or michiko-
another-corpo-rat · 9 months
im replaying play it safe and i love that lil moment when Johnny realises Smasher is still alive and kicking - and you can almost hear the click in his brain when he redirects his frustration, then he straight-up says:
"Seein' as I woke up in a world without any Saburo, I'll have to be satisfied with Smasher."
and tbh i dont know where im going with this other than i think its about Johnny being selfish and angry, disguising his personal grudges under a veneer of generic anti-corp rhetoric and dragging V into a fight they shouldn't have to face just cos he's looking for someone to blame without looking in a mirror for too long and the guy who handed his ass to him in '23 is as good a candidate as any,
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