#at this point i dont care that you're seriously in front of my salad
gabbylyons · 7 months
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wolferals · 4 years
🌈he meets your parents🌈
arón piper preference
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-when you told arón that your mom had invited you guys over for dinner tonight to finally meet him he lowkey freaked out
-„why are you so scared?"
-„because ive never met my girlfriend's parents before! And ive never been so serious about someone. I dont wanna mess up."
-„you wont arón. My mom cant wait to finally meet you."
-you put your hands on his shoulders to calm him down
-„shh." you took his face in your hands and pulled him down to give him a kiss
-„im just worried your dad wont like me." he sounded terrified
-„baby, please calm down."
-he took a deep breath and then kissed you roughly
- he put all his emotions in the kiss and pushed you towards the bed
-since you guys didnt have much time left you hurried up and ended up panting, with arón on top of you
-„we gotta get ready now!" you jumped up
-you had already packed your stuff for staying at your parents' over night
-arón groaned and got up to put on his black jeans and a dark green button up
-he looked really hot in your opinion, lips still swollen from before and his hair messed up
-he smiled at you, planted a kiss on your forehead and then went to the bathroom to freshen up
-you put on a pair of mom jeans and a black turtleneck paired with some big hoops and some sneakers
-afterwards you also made your hair look a little better and brushed your teeth
-a couple minutes later in the car arón looked at you and said „there we go." in a very concerned voice
-once you were in your parents' living room, Arón was currently talking to your mom about where he grew up and all that
-it seemed to work perfectly since your mom was smiling and Arón had finally calmed down
-you and your dad were sitting on the couch, catching up on things when he said „so this guy, how long have you been together?"
-before you could answer your mom called everyone for dinner
-your brother then stumbled downstairs, hugged you and said hi to arón
-they had met before so you didn't expect any big greetings
-you guys then sat down and started enjoying your mom's pasta and salad
-at some point your dad started asking questions
-„how long have you been dating my daughter for?"
-„how did you meet?"
-„how old are you arón?"
-„what are your Intentions?"
-at the last question you started coughing and said „dad what the hell?"
-you dad started grinning and answered:"im just messing with you arón."
-arón, who was sitting next to you with his hand gripping your thigh, was super pale
-he laughed a little bit and my dad continued:"no, wont worry you seem like a good guy for y/n."
-you both started smiling and Arón instantly replied:"thanks sir that means so much."
-your dad laughed and then said:"call me y/d/n (your dads name)."
-you hit arons leg and smiled at him
-„but guys, your room is right next to mine. I dont wanna hear you fucking alright?"
-„y/b/n (your brothers name) how dare you?" your mom complained
-you looked at aron in shock and said to your brother „dont worry. We wont."
-then you felt arons hand wander inbetween your legs to tease you but you just slapped it away and looked at him seriously
-„but y/n, your brother is right. I dont want to know if you're sexually active but in case you are, are you aware of what you can do to prevent a pregnancy?" your dad started again
-you couldnt believe what you just heard
-„dad! Stop it, im not a little girl anymore!"
-„alright alright, just making sure you know what you're doing. He continued
-„dad enough! we're good!"
-while you were super ashamed, Arón and your brother were just grinning at the table
-„can we now please talk about something else?"
-your mom nodded and then spoke:"Its very nice that you're here arón! Do you want some more salad?"
-Aron smiled and nodded at her
-„thank you." he answered and grabbed your hand
-after the dinner you thanked your parents and you then went upstairs to get comfortable with arón
-„see, they like you!" you reassured him and sat down on the bed
-„yeah it went pretty good huh?" he grinned and stood in front of you which made his crotch be right in front of you
-he didnt really wanna do that now
-you layed back and stared at the ceiling to ignore his desires
-„babe." he groaned and sat down as well
-„not here arón, this is my parents' house and they're downstairs."
-he took a deep breath and then said:"i can keep quiet you know, not my fault you cant."
-you were a little outraged and answered:"i dont care if you can keep quiet. Wont happen."
-he groaned again and then got up to get in his usual bed clothing, which required rather no clothing
-once he was in his boxers you could see his massive boner now
-you'd be lying if you said it didnt turn you on
-but you also knew how inappropriate it would be to do this here
-you then pushed away all your dirty thoughts and took off your tight pants and put on an oversized shirt
-later on in bed aron tried everything to make you even hornier but you got your shit together and refused to let anything happen in this house
-„arón stop it! The dinner went amazing, do you want my parents to hate you now?"
-he grinned at you
-and then said:
-„i think they'd love me even more if they knew how good i always fuck you“
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