#arguing that we don't face systemic barriers due to transphobia harms us and erases part of our identities
bisexualamy · 2 months
my project falls in between the cracks of different overlapping artistic areas (it's not a film it's audio, it's audio fiction not audio journalism) but it really is something else that i qualify for a lot more grants now catered to "gender minorities" bc the other half of my production staff is a cis(het) woman tbh it feels a bit like a slap in the face.
i am a trans person writing about other trans people yet i do not qualify for so many of these grants for gender minorities bc they're specifically for "women and nonbinary people". i am a trans person who does not qualify but so many cis women do.
talking about transmasc erasure is exhausting bc ironically ppl get so hung up on the man part of the trans man identity and i just want to shake people and say i'm trans i'm trans stop forgetting that i'm trans. my experiences with systemic gender discrimination are closer to women (trans & cis) and nb people than they'll ever be to cis men's
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