#are a big part of that propaganda wing and it REALLY isn't because they love or support jewish people
statementlou · 8 months
tbh as an israeli, i was so embarrassed that they put the flags there and i wish they didn’t do that. I don’t support that at all.
❤ and that's why YOU are my people, not those flag wavers- it's definitely my identity as a Jew that makes me extra outspoken about this issue in particular because like you say I feel personally embarrassed on behalf of my kin, and a responsibility by association to speak out against the israeli state's genocide. And it's made so much worse by the way people think israel= all jewish culture, or that to be anti-Israel is anti-semitism which, as @captainrayzizuniverse pointed out in tags (YES! well said and thank you!! you are also my people❤), is a tactic of zionist propaganda used to shut down criticism of the Israeli state. I think anon meant well and wants to keep an eye out for anti-semitism during this terrible time of its rise everywhere and I appreciate that! But that's why it's important to talk loudly and constantly about the fact that taking a stand against anti-semitism does not have to include defending the Israeli state- and indeed to be broadly anti-racist, one must call out Israel's colonization and genocide in Palestine
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tubbytarchia · 4 months
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Doc and Jimmy brainrot part 1 lmao oh no
Basically "What if Doc was in the Life games and Jimmy triggered his parental instincts again". You guys will see my vision. I don't care what it takes. You will see this very specific vision I have god damn it if it's the last thing I do
This is all I have to use as propaganda right now but some ideas and justification below cut!!
Been imagining a lot of Doc/Jimmy interactions both in a traffic and HC context, both of which I'd love to draw for but obvs this for now is 3rd life and I want to draw a little something for each Life series. You'll see!!
The general idea is inspired by a moment from one of the Decked Out streams in which Jimmy calls for Etho and Doc's all "you're triggering my parental instinct... I wanna take you into my hand and take you to a safe place" yep that's it that's the whole inspiration!!
Jimmy deserves love and he does get it to various degrees ofc (Tango, Bad Boys etc) but man... It's so fun to me to imagine Doc in traffic, I think he claimed that he didn't want to be part of the life games because he was afraid of being too competitive (or so I heard), but god it's so fun to imagine big scary mad scientist goat man in that scenario and him probably going at it on his own a lot of the time, but this god forsaken mf Jimmy knows exactly how to unintentionally trigger his parental instincts. I want Doc to subtly take Jimmy under his wing especially as Jimmy keeps dying first. So maybe Jimmy is a bit incompetent and loud as far as he knows, but he sees that he's trying his best and the dad in him can't help but intervene just a tiny bit (and I do mean just a tiny bit) as the games go on. Yes I'm just gonna shove Doc into the Life Games just because I wish this dynamic could have happened and I beg you to put up with it!!
For the above drawing specifically since, sigh, I'm slow and that's all I have to offer rn... it's of course 3rd life, starting off. I imagine Jimmy's wings sprouting during that, because the whole "canary curse" began with the Life Games etc. And this post isn't about FH but just for context as I imagine it, Scott who doesn't like unpredictability convinces him to clip his wings (thanks Bree) because Jimmy's not a proper avian (unlike Grian who has a more "airborne" body, bird feet etc rather than just... wings) and he'd never be able to take flight anyway, those wings would only encumber him. (And then Jimmy keeps clipping them himself until DL Ranchers but cough this post isn't about that). I imagine the avians (for my specific roster, just Grian) have their wings magically clipped anyway just enough to prevent flight and make the games fair. Doc ofc isn't avian himself but he knows that Grian greatly frowns upon the act of willingly clipping wings so when he sees that Jimmy's quickly growing wings have been clipped as well, he can't help but ask, because why would that be necessary while his wings are so small anyway? And Jimmy's response triggers a wee bit of fatherly concern in him but thats it for 3rd life woo
For the rest I just wanna draw more tiny moments of interaction until I get to Secret Life, I guess!! The brainrot is really fucking strong guys
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Kvothe Propaganda:
OKAY SO! for one thing we know for a fact that his perception of denna is different from the reality of her, but that’s the tiniest fucking TIP of the ice berg, because: WE DO NOT EVEN KNOW IF ANYTHING HE HAS TOLD US THROUGHOUT THE ENTIRE COURSE OF THE STORY REALLY HAPPENED!!!!!!!!!! we know skarpi is real because chronicler knows him, we know denna is real because bast met her (if that even was the real denna) BUT WE HAVE NO FUCKING CLUE ABOUT THE ENTIRE REST OF IT !!!!!! HE COULD BE LYING OUT HIS ASS WITH EVERY WORD OUT OF HIS MOUTH!!!!!!!!! WE SIMPLY DO NOT KNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LORD AND LADY I ENT EVER MET A LIAR LIKE YOU IN ME WHOLE LIFE <- ACTUAL THING SAID TO HIM WITHIN THE BOOKS, IN THE FRAME STORY, WHICH WE KNOW *IS* REAL
Kvothe (now just an innkeeper called Kote) is a man who faked his death to escape his status as a legendary hero, criminal, and villain, depending on who you ask. In the books, he admits he's lied and spread some of the more flashy legends about himself for his own purposes, but he agrees to tell his *true* life story over the course of three days. There are times he contradicts himself, brushes over details, or goes into his more extravagant deeds, but it's pretty much always in question as to how much of it is true, how much is clouded by his nostalgia for the past, and how much could be an intentional lie. I LOVE these books and I love Kvothe :)
he narrates most of the book where he is sooo good at everything and learns things very very fast and gets all the women. yeah mhm. he skips over one thing that is a huge myth because it isn't really interesting to him.
there's a frame narrative consisting of Kvothe telling the main story in order to have it recorded. there's several instances where situations are only vaguely described because Kvothe at the time wasn't mentally sound enough to remember all of them. there's also a big argument to be made for him leaving out or changing parts of his story on purpose (he even points out that, since it's his story, he's entitled to some changes if he thinks they're necessary), mostly I think he depicts his teenage self as much less of a dumbass than he actually was
Darkstalker Propaganda:
He's so unreliable he was even lying to himself. Like he's a very charismatic villain but what makes him so interesting to me is that he's always fully convinced he's doing the right thing. He murdered his father, he tried to take over multiple kingdoms, and he thought it was for the best. His girlfriend, who loved him more than anything and couldn't beat to stay on that continent without him, had to put him to sleep to stop his rampage and he still couldn't see why anyone would've been scared of him. So he describes himself as the good guy, as someone who wants the best for everyone even though he doesn't.
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altocat · 2 years
I’m sorry I have to get in on these catboi Sephcanons!!! xD
How does Seph eat?? Is it elegantly with a fork and knife, napkin on lap? Does he enjoy finger food like chicken wings and french fries? Does he love choccy milk? Does he like playing with his food and watching his jell-o wiggle on his plate?? When he puts a hot pocket in the microwave does he pull up a chair and watch it spinny spin??
LOL Catboy Seph shenanigans is starting to feel like a trippy nature documentary rofl I love it
Sephiroth is almost comically refined and neat when it comes to eating. Good manners are all part of his constant bid for authority and control. Very delicate, neat little bites. No messes. No spills. A civilized, elegant propaganda tool that Shinra can shove into as many publicity events as possible. During company dinners, his staunch restraint is very much admired and everyone always makes a big fuss. He's dimly aware of how low-key infuriating it is to watch everyone ooh and ahh over him as if he were some trained animal.
As for food itself, Seph is often too distracted to eat, whether it's due to stress or just being too busy to bother taking care of himself. Usually, his friends have to coax him into eating or Hojo has to provide him with regular supplements to keep him active and healthy. But when he does eat, his favorite foods are typically spicy, high in protein, and lathered with some sort of sauce or condiment. He likes pasta, burgers, salmon, and various dishes on top of rice. He isn't a fan of sweets, either due to conditioning from Hojo to stay AWAY from foods high in fat and sugar, or just enjoying more savory foods instead. But he might have a nibble or two from time to time. Hojo tends to keep him on a very strict diet, but Angeal and Genesis help sneak him some snacks whenever they can.
He doesn't really play with his food, so much as push it around and carefully arrange it on the plate to his liking. He likes it looking symmetrical. Also, certain foods are NOT ALLOWED to touch. Finger food is acceptable, so long as he can thoroughly clean his hands afterwards. He doesn't like the idea of his fingers being greasy or messy. EXCESSIVE GROOMING. He might watch the microwave spin. Maybe from the corner of his eye. He's apt to jolt a little if it beeps too loudly.
He is fascinated by outdoor cooking. During missions that require a level of wilderness survival, he gladly participates in finding his team some food by hunting it down himself. This typically terrifies the men because he comes back all bloody dragging something twice his size and looking absolutely horrifying and smug while doing so. And then he takes a lot of joy in gutting it and cooking it over a fire. Once or twice, he gets weird cravings to eat the meat raw. Or just tear violently into it without his usual restraint and chompy chomp. And maybe gnaw on the bones as well. Or the organs. Or--wait, why are you staring??
Outside of creepy Jenova-influenced behaviors, yes. He does love the choccy milk. It has a pleasing texture =3=
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You: Literally no one anywhere ever is allowed to talk about socialism unless they live in a 100% socialist country like me which also happens to be run by a dictatorial despot...but forget about that last part. It’s all coz of the socialism. Also You: STFU people living in capitalist countries. Lemme explain why every criticism of capitalism you have is totes wrong. I should know. I don’t live in a capitalist country.
I've never said y'all can't talk shit about capitalism because capitalism is fucked up and there are tons of things to criticize about it. So fuck outta here with that shit. Stop wanting to be a victim so bad, why is it internet socialists wanna play victim so much?
Y'all are always comming at me with your socialist Bernie Bro bullshit, accusing me of lying (when you literally can't make this shit up), calling me ignorant, stupid and whatever you feel like that day and even me accusing of being a CIA agent or of not even being Venezuelan. Let's not forget when y'all literally said I was "conditioned by right wing propaganda" because my life experience didn't match y'alls socialist wet dreams.
Funniest part of everything is y'all can't a) Tell me any of this bullshit outta anon or b) Talk about this without making it about your imperialist, shitty country. I'm sorry Socialist Utopia is something that's not gonna happen. Every time y'all talk about Venezuela you like to reduce it to 'USA's sanctions' and you can't even name an actual Venezuelan history event, because for you Venezuela is just a prop that y'all can use to further your ideological hardon for dictators. Every fucking time socialism has been implemented it has ended in the people implementing it trying to perpetuate themselves in power. Fucking Bernie Sanders has praised a) The Castros b) the Sandinistas and c) The Venezuelan government (no matter how much he now wants to say that when he talks about socialism he doesn't mean Cuba or Venezuela) all known for going to extreme meassures when it comes to not let go of power.
You can take your bullshit and shove it straight up your fucking ass, because every time any of you come at me (on anon) is to try to school me on shit you haven't lived happening on a country where I live and while I am experiencing it.
Another thing is... When I criticize socialism I never do it in comparison to Capitalism. And I never do it in function of "Capitalism is better because X, Y or Z"
Y'all love talking over Venezuelans, shit, y'all had the audacity to break into Venezuela's embassy. Straight up make lies about Venezuela (like that time one of y'all said that LGBT folks in Venezuela had gained full rights, which is bullshit). And then come over onto my blog to treat me like I am stupid and like you're somehow victims of my criticism of socialism when it has absolutely fucking nothing to do with you and you don't even care about Venezuela, because to you we aren't real people. And when we talk about socialism we don't really know what we're talking about. But, of course, y'all do. Because Bernie Sanders, the Patron Saint of the Lily White Fields of Vermont, taught you that word.
And if you're talking about those asks I reblogged? That person is literally reducing Venezuela's crisis tobheing caused by the USA's sanctions. Anyone with half a brain knows that isn't true, but whatever.
Go fuck yourself.
Next time you wanna come into my inbox, you put on your big person pants and do it outta anon, otherwise don't waste your fucking time.
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catbountry · 7 years
Further Discussion of Nazi Punching Ethics
Izzy: There are many many times when it's OK to punch Nazis.
Izzy: When they've committed no crimes, have never met you before, and have their back turned to you isn't one of them.
Izzy: Shit like that is how you get Weimar Germany.
Cat Bountry: http://pastebin.com/LVrdM2fd
Izzy: "HORRAY, NAZI GOT PUNCHED IN THE FACE! BTW guys be safe there's some Nazis that are being really aggressive for some reason, be safe uwu."
Minty: I want your opinion but actually I don't care
Izzy: So far this person is claiming it's a good thing because it emboldens the worse parts of the left-wing? The very part that's been killing the left from within?
Cat Bountry: Yes.
Minty: The neo-left
Izzy: " at the point where people are openly violent, it does more good to be violent back and show defiance then stay silent like in ww2."
Izzy: There were two bad moves by the left in Weimar
Izzy: The regular left refused to acknowledge the Nazis existence, much less debate with them.
Izzy: The equivalent of the modern "no platforming".
Izzy: This let the Nazis both spread their ideas unchecked, and made them look like they were saying something important and revealing big secrets, otherwise why would the powers that be try to censor them?
Izzy: And then the radical left fought them with violence.
Cat Bountry: So basically they're creating THE EXACT SAME CONDITIONS that lead to Hitler's rise in the first place?
Izzy: You noticed?
Cat Bountry: I wish it'd been you debating this lady.
Izzy: We even have a Great Recession, and a recovery that's only helping the upper class.
Izzy: And even worse, we don't have Communism as a radical alternative, because it's failed so recently, while Nazism and fascism, for the most part, failed 80 years ago.
Izzy: (Not to imply Communism was good.)
Izzy: The Commies fought the Nazis and their brown shirts with violence.
Izzy: Both sides happily instigated the violence.
Izzy: And it served to reinforce both sides biases (dunno if that's the right word to use here) and led to more people moving from the middle to the extremes.
Izzy: By 1940 IT WAS TOO LATE
Minty: But what do you feel about this Nazis
Izzy: Germany was already full Nazi and their War Machine had started rolling into the rest of Europe.
Cat Bountry: Yeah I pointed that out.
Minty: What do you FEEL
Izzy: We're talking WeimarRepublic here.
Cat Bountry: Keep reading, I'm sure you'll love it.
Cat Bountry: I had to share.
MissMarie: It's pretty bad,
MissMarie: they keep trying to double back and want you to admit punching nazis is okay.
Minty: @Septapus wormhole send "HORRAY, NAZI GOT PUNCHED IN THE FACE! BTW guys be safe there's some Nazis that are being really aggressive for some reason, be safe uwu."
SeptapusBOT: Message sent! You can use any wormhole 2 minutes from now.
Minty: Time to get anon hate via wormhole
MissMarie: I want someone to make a callout post on tumblr about wormhole messages
Minty: I still can't believe people are still sending communist propaganda through the wormhole
Minty: What have I started
Izzy: There are some actual communists out there.
Or Maoists.
Minty: The communist uprising of discord
Izzy: Wow, having a Trump icon next to my words in your screencap is not good optics. You can't tell that it's a messed up, mocking image of Trump I'm using in the cap.
Izzy: Hell, I'm not sure how obvious it is to you guys, at least without clicking on it and seeing the bigger animated image.
Cat Bountry: It's not animated.
Cat Bountry: It's just distorted.
Cat Bountry: Why, did you really try to make your icon an animated .gif?
Izzy: Yes, it showed as animated when I uploaded it and when I view it in my account.
Izzy: It's not a big animation, it's just contributing to the distortion.
Izzy: Yes, it showed as animated when I uploaded it and when I view it in my account.
Izzy: It's not a big animation, it's just contributing to the distortion.
Cat Bountry: There is literally no animation when I view it.
MissMarie: nope
Izzy: Is it animated (shaking) when you view my profile, at least?
MissMarie: It looks like Trump has 4 eyes.
Izzy: "rhetorical violence"? What is this bullshit? I've been seeing a lot of this lately from the far-left,
Izzy: Mainly to justify using physical violence or violent censorship against people who verbally offend them.
Izzy: http://4chanpol.tumblr.com/post/130041431174(edited)
Cat Bountry: That was the point I realized I was talking to a wall.
Izzy: There's such a thing as "fighting words", but those go directly to personal insults, and still don't legally justify violence. (Though I'll have to check the law.)
Cat Bountry: They're not protected under free speech though, I don't think, if they're implying an immediate threat.
Izzy: I'll have an answer for that in a bit.
Izzy: Also, IIRC, the left gained a handful of seats in Congress this last election, but not nearly as much as they assumed they would.
Minty: @Septapus wormhole send Making the mother of all omelettes here, Jack- can't fret over every egg!
SeptapusBOT: Message sent! You can use any wormhole 3 minutes from now.
Izzy: Google it and check?
Cat Bountry: http://www.wsj.com/articles/republicans-are-confident-about-retaining-control-of-the-house-1478634160
Cat Bountry: You were right.
Izzy: "i think the right to freedom (general) and inherent human worth trumps the right to freedom (of speech)." That makes no sense? Freedom of Speech is one of the most basic freedoms.
Cat Bountry: I KNOW, RIGHT?
Izzy: "rights are social constructs" They're wrong again
Izzy: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Natural_and_legal_rights
Izzy: Only legal rights are social constructs.
Izzy: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Negative_and_positive_rights
Cat Bountry: I don't think these people actually know what "social construct" even means anymore.
Izzy: "is the right to be safe more important than the right to express unpopular oipiinions without fear of violent retaliations?"
Izzy: "fuck no? "
Izzy: Well, you got them to admit it.
Izzy: I hope they remember that their opinions are unpopular too, and they've just justified violence against them and theirs.
Cat Bountry: Did I really mispell "opinions" that badly?
Izzy: Yep. I don't blame you two for mispelling tho, tumblr chat ain't great for that.(edited)
Cat Bountry: It's pretty hilarious, though.
Izzy: yah
Izzy: anyway, I have to run out, be back in a bit
Cat Bountry: Later, gator.
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