#anyway point being orym is in a weird place w/in the ashari and I trust his druid judgment more than the fandom's
utilitycaster · 1 year
Having Orym be the point person for the discussion with the temple is also really fun because on the one hand I do think he's got the viewpoint most favorable to deities among the party, but on the other he was also raised in a druidic nature-based society. I think the fact that he's got doubts about the situation given his background is pretty telling.
This also tangentially reminds me that on NADDPod's Short Rest which I listened to yesterday, the players all covered how they learned in the last session that one of the enemies of their current arc is a druid, and how all their knee-jerk reactions, as people whose first campaign had a beloved druid character from a beloved druid society, was not "oh shit the bad guy's a druid," but "oh he's secretly a GOOD GUY." They got past it because of his actions, but it was a very real bias!
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