#anyway it's still exam season here ive not had a night out since MARCH im losing the will
mirohed · 5 years
i’m tentatively planning on doing sth in psychology!! i find it interesting and i might go into business/consumer psychology? i’m just gonna go with the flow hehe OO TEA! you mentioned him briefly but didn’t fully explain and i‘m ready! to! listen! 🤗🤗 i 100% agree w trying to just igNORE my unidentifiable feelings but he’s literally in every single one of my classes and i’m struggling :( he was one of the people who asked me to prom as friends and i?? didn’t want to think so i just said nO but
IM STILL THINKING ABOUT IT SIS 😔😔 telling yourself not to think about something,, kinda makes you think of it more. maybe it’s because it’s March,, the Spicy Season. imma throw myself into work and hide my confusion :
oooo that sounds interesting!! tbh i like psychology too but i might just minor in it or smth im not sure yet,, bUT OK HERES THE TEA:
ive known him for abt 4-5 years and weve never been close close but weve always been Friends,, and ive always kinda had a thought in the back of my mind like yeah itd be nice to be w him but never fully realized them bc lmao why would i waste my time when he doesnt like me?? so we live our lives and date other people until our junior year (now)
lemme set the scene here,, its the night of our homecoming game and were both kinda fresh out of relationships that fell apart but were Living Our Lives w all the face paint and school spirit that comes w homecoming ykno? and the sky is dark but everything is alight and alive and theres a football (like american football sdfsd) game going on and im gathering my things bc other ppl were coming to use the space and he helps me with them and im thanking him when he stops me and ,,,, HOMEBOY JUST CONFESSES SDFSDFDS and the rest of the night is so so fun :((( the energy we had was unbeatable :(((((( tbh its one of my favorite high school memories; us away from the rest of the game tentatively holding hands and talking to each other w cheering and laughter in the distance :((
now that i look back on it, i realize that the reason we kinda jumped into an almost-relationship was bc he wasnt fully over his ex (she broke up w him) and i was overeager to prove to my ex (bc i broke up w him) that i could find someone else,,, i think the fact tht that night is such a good memory muddles my feelings for him and might always muddle them but i know better now. were still good friends (and were dancing together for prom since were princess/prince) but i think thats all well ever be and thats what were best at anyway. (i found out one of my friends who i was kinda into back during homecoming was into me too and still is but,, thats another story,,, IVE DOMINATED THIS REPLY W THE TEA AS IS HSHSH)
ok but what i did was kinda,, just focus on his,, flaws ig? like i saw why it wouldnt work out between us and i forced myself into believing it. BUT SHSFDS I GET WHY YOURE STILL THINKING ABT IT I WOULD BE TOO so ill be rooting for you!! for both your art exam AND your boy problems!!!! and as for exciting weekend, only my saturday will be exciting bc ill be going to prom!!!! i hope you manage to make your weekend exciting one way or another bb
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