#another great thing my father does !! he hates pancakes :( but he'll make them for me but not without the 'i hate pancakes' coming out
ellies-enrichment ยท 11 months
I used to call my dad bestie (as a joke at first but honestly it became part of my vocabulary after a while ๐Ÿ’€) so every time you make ellie say it to joel I think ah yes that is father-daughter behavior (not to mention it also makes me laugh)
๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€ this is so real i do the same thing bestie stuck to my vocabulary and i got him saying it back when we argue (lighthearted)
it makes me happy to hear too because honestly 99% of the commentary between Joel & Ellie and Sarah is based on conversations i've had or would have with my dad. if it's not straight from the plot of the show or game it's likely something we've said to each other
a really good example is this post when Sarah's talking about him not getting her cake or protecting her from mushrooms. My dad has told me plenty of times he'd risk his life for me but if aliens invaded im on my own and he's COMPLETELY serious i know if aliens showed up he'd feed me to them to save himself and that's ok
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so i'm glad the classic father-daughter experience that i know is *at the very least* slightly universal when it's this brand of bestie & unhinged ๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€
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