#anon holy shit I cackled I'm so sorry but that is the funniest reaction I've ever read abt
onehellofanaskblog · 4 years
Boys! I've finally found a small victorious moment against horrible horrible men and the patriarchy we currently live in!!! So I went to go pick up a few groceries this morning and everything was smooth sailing until I left and was walking towards my car and this annoying ass middle aged man told me and I fucking quote "Just because we have to wear masks doesn't mean you can't smile at me." And let me tell you first I was shocked then mildly frightened then PISSED so what did I do? I looked right in his face 6 feet away and just started barking at him. You should've seen his face 😂😂😂 but then I booked it to my car cuz idk that man he could be fucking crazy
“Holy shit,” Javi says, amused but clearly impressed. “That’s one way to handle it, I suppose.”
Tovar looks a bit concerned. “I will never understand why men think they’re entitled to that sort of thing,” he says. “But if you’re going to get someone to leave you alone, I suppose that’s an effective strategy.”
Maxwell spits out the coffee he’s drinking, and is clearly trying not to laugh. “I’m sorry that happened to you. For what it’s worth, if someone barked at me after I said... anything, it would effectively ruin my day.”
Max laughs, but shakes his head. “Jesus Christ, what is with these men you all are running into?”
Ezra grins like he’s proud of you. He is. “That is one hell of a way to get someone to leave you alone.”
Oberyn also looks impressed. “I hope he reconsiders making comments like that in the future.”
“I know if I went to make a comment like that, not that I would, I’d remember that gal who barked at me every time afterwards,” Jack says, nodding towards Oberyn.
“You’re lucky none of us were with you, though,” Din adds. “He’d probably get knocked out cold.”
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