#and yeah feeling traped and trying to escape is like the running theme of the story I'm not even subtle about it
ibijau · 1 year
Very important no-longer-a-zelda-fic questions: 1. Do they have trains 2. How did Kaa realize she was in love with Arty? 3. Meep doesn't have a lot of connections on the relationship chart for a secondary protagonist, what's her backstory?
No they don't, partly because it would have limited practical use (terrain changes a lot and very radically over the country, which isn't a very big country to begin, so I'm not sure how efficient/easy it'd be to have trains), partly because the local deity keeps a close eye on technological developments and discourages innovation
Kaa and Arty are usually locked up together, to make it short, but Kaa regularly manages to escape and wreck havoc until she's defeated and locked up again. She realises that Arty is ~special~ when, after being defeated again, she's not upset and instead excited to see Arty again and tell her about the outside world, maybe even bring her some new trinkets to tinker with.
Meep's backstory is a bit of a mystery meaning I still need to decide details but she meets Sophide when he's lost all his friends and lost his memory, and they just kind of instantly get along. The reason she has few other links beside Sophide is that a lot of the cast is trapped in different places where only Sophide can access, and then Sophide leaves her behind for a part of the story after she almost died (during that period he meets Cenhelm, who isn't aware of Meep's existence, and Yusang, who through various misunderstanding think Meep is Sophide's estranged wife)
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