#and we can learn about sua through ivan by looking at what he's not
wodimewoahtime · 17 days
the course of ivans life is locked in by sua and i think he understands that a little
its ivan who will follow till, its till who will follow mizi, and its mizi who will follow sua (and sua follows mizi too ofc)
just round and around, they go in a circle till theyre picked off for slaughter
mizi doesnt know that, but sua does!!! sua does!!!!
mizi is unaware of the threat thats coming her way, so its up to sua to leave. she doesnt. theyre stuck. when sua follows mizi, ivan sees a priest digging her grave.
my view of ivan sua is very much "ivan is willing to break the system for till, but till wont follow him"
"ivan watches as sua sacrifices herself for mizi within the system"
"ivan is envious because the person she loves is willing to follow her anywhere but the best she can do is die"
i think it says a lot about suas passive suicidal ideation
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