#and uuuuuh my hc is that they switch but i've never given it too much thought
sboochi · 1 year
So... I have been thinking.
In hijack shipping terms, we used to make jack the taller one, because that was how it was. Hic was 15 I think and Jack was perpetually 17 at most. Then the second movie of HTTYD came out. and suddenly, Jack becomes the botto- I mean, the short one.
Even if we had gotten a second movie (*cries*) of ROTG, Jack would not have changed, except for maybe his clothes, because he might or might not be living with North, who would give him a new set of clothes (personal headcanon).
This brings me to the question if he had the chance, would he still be the short one in the relationship? I don't think he would be stronger than Hic, considering he works in the forge and deals with dragons a lot, but would he have become taller?
Well, Hiccup IS the son of Stoick the Vast (and Valka is pretty tall herself), so it makes sense that he grew so much, it's just funny how sudden it was. It probably hurt a lot too, though I can't speak for experience since I reached 5'20" (1.60 m) around the age of 14 and stopped there.
Jack died at 17 and his height was already average, so I don't think he would have grown much more than that?
TLDR, Hiccup is definitely destined to be taller imo
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